Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Workers
Rule status: Proposed
Agency: DCWP
Comment by date: December 16, 2022
Rule Full Text
The Department of Consumer and Worker Protection is proposing a rule to implement Local Law 115 of 2021, which requires DCWP to study the pay and working conditions of food delivery workers and, based on the results of its study, to establish a method for determining the minimum payments that third-party food delivery services and third-party courier services must pay to food delivery workers.
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Public Hearings
December 16, 2022
11:00am - 12:30pm EST
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Online comments: 557
Cezary Zelazny
I’ve been doing Uber eats for over a year now. I started in August of 2021. I like this job and especially the freedom to work whenever I like. Minimum pay won’t make things better for us because as soon as minimum pay becomes law, Uber eats, Grubhub and Doordash will turn into another Relay and we would have to deliver every order that the app sends us which means even orders that are more than 5 or even 7 miles away from the starting point. This would become impossible for bicycle riders and even ebike riders. I am against this proposal and I want things to be the way they are. I already make about 20$ an hour and I’m pleased.
Evan Quan
I have been doing food delivery for gig companies since Sept 2021. I agree on the minimum pay rule. The current NYC minimum pay is $15 dollars regardless of tip . Without tip, I can earn about $5 to $7 dollars an hour which is way less than the minimum pay law. Why do we have to add tip to match minimum pay when the law says We do not have to?And, let us do not forget all the expense related cars like gas, insurance, car depreciation and traffic violation fine. We really do not ask for a lotI appreciate the fact that the government took care of the hard working delivery men and is willing to listen to us.
Melissa Garcia
I’m curious to know why Grocery Shop & Deliver apps like Instacart and Shipt were excluded from the legislation. Those shoppers are independent contractors as well and held NYC down during the pandemic shopping and delivering groceries and household items right to NYC residents front door. Those independent contractors deserve to have some protection as well. I hope the DWCP focuses on those apps next!
The companies DoorDash, GrubHub, and UberEats need to be held accountable for how they inappropriately compensate the individuals that work for them. These companies routinely exploit people that work for them chronically paying them a grossly inconsistent, lackluster wage that, is impossible to rely on. After engaging in work for all three of the mentioned companies for awhile now, I can say with complete confidence that NOBODY is consistently making a wage utilizing these apps. Anyone who claims to routinely generate $15+ per hour everyday is completely undermining the truth when it comes to the way these companies pay their delivery workers. Trying to engage in full-time employment with these companies is extremely difficult, as many people work a full 8-hour shift or longer to obtain a measly $50. That’s $7 per hour, and in NYC not even a single person can support themselves on such a meager income. This job comes with zero protections, absolutely no paid time off under any circumstances, regardless if you’re sick or not and are not able to work to fully recover. On UberEats, customers have the ability to revoke a delivery worker’s tip in the app when they’re enroute to drop off the customer’s food, which is wage theft and should be considered illegal. Imagine being told you’d be paid $15 for a delivery which includes a $10 tip only for the customer to revoke the tip when you’re on your way to drop it off. In the end, you’re getting $5, regardless of how long you had to wait at the restaurant or how far you had to travel! Bottom line, people would get their food faster if delivery workers would be paid a consistent, reliable wage because it would reduce the competition to choose certain deliveries over others, which is why the current system creates a plethora of unsustainability issues, leading deliveries that include a tip to be delivered first, which leaves the deliveries that do not include a tip to be delivered last, which is a lose-lose situation for both the customer and the delivery worker. Why? Because the customer waits longer for their food to be picked up and delivered, as well as the delivery worker being paid critically low, sometimes just $3 for trips going 2+ miles in any state of weather. We deserve a consistent, reliable wage that we can count on to pay our bills, as we are valuable to the contribution to the NYC economy. We face judgment and are looked down by many people, face the most unfair, diminished wages of any other group of workers in NYC, and are denied basic rights such as wage protection, bike insurance, and paid time off. A consistent, minimum wage that we can count on will satisfy both us and the customer, it is the COMPANIES that have to be held accountable and pay the bill, NOT us! It’s time for these multi-million dollar companies to pay up and start paying us a steady wage, as we have persevered and worked endlessly and thanklessly for penny change through the entire pandemic!
This new rule will only end up hurting delivery workers. The Freedom that we have now will end. All of the companies will end up like another relay. You’ll be allowing these companies to treat us like employees but we are contractors. I like there freedom to work when I can. Yes the pay is low but there is flexibility. I understand some delivery drivers depend on this as there only source of income. Please give people the choice to work they way things are. And the new model you’re proposing. If the city council insists on rules. They should make these companies be more transparent with where the orders are going to. I’m tired of Uber and other companies showing us batch orders without relevant information. Give us the ability to block certain restaurants or filter orders based on price.
Noooo, that’s impossible why they just work with the apps to improve a better window of time delivering the food, we don’t want that, if we wanted a regular job we get then but this would be a killer for a lot of people!
Minimum Pay should not be raised until all Food Delivery Workers agree to:
1. Obey traffic signals, and not go through an intersection when there is a red light;
2. Stop riding on sidewalks;
3. Turn on vehicle (bicycle) lights when it is dark (i.e., after Sunset). -
I support better pay for delivery workers, but this should be done by making the app companies take less in fees from the restaurants and give more to the delivery workers. Many people won’t be able to order delivery if they need it, and this includes the poor and disabled that sometimes have to rely on delivered items.
One thing this rule, if you wish to pass it as a minimum rate, should come with is a mandate that these vehicles, including e-bikes, have to have license plates and insurance. This would both be deserving of the higher wage AND be safer for the public. These workers often ride on the sidewalk and cut corners with unsafe driving and there is currently no way to identify them if they drive on the sidewalk or endanger people. Walking down the street has become a game of dodge the e-bikes and scooters. It’s dangerous, and I’ve been nearly clipped and I have a friend who did get hit by an e-bike driver who drove off.
If you pass the wage law, please also make it dependent upon these e-bikes getting license plates and insurance. The public will be safer and the workers will make more money.
I believe that these minimum wage increases are a fantastic idea, but after the minimum wage increases to $23 an hour, it must be indexed to inflation to make sure it continues to increase. We should also have an additional maximum wage for people who deliver using mopeds or cars. They should be paid an extra $5 an hour to cover other expenses.
As a delivery worker in the city I make well over $17 an hour consistently, from base pay alone I make a bit more than $15.00 minimum wage in NYC and if including tips Id make well over that. This minimum wage will only hurt the gig economy worker and basically forcing the delivery driver to accept any order at any distance given to them by the company, as well as incentives the gig companies like Ubereats Doordash, and Grubhub to not pay the their drivers a single cent more then what the minimum wage is regardless of trip distance, or weather conditions. Not to mention how customers will now not be incentivized to tip delivery drivers anymore because of the minimum payrate, which if happens would have a drastic effect on those who rely on said tips. As a gig worker I myself like may others enjoy the freedom and benefits of choosing when I like to work and what orders to accept when working. This is the joy of being a contractor, having the minimum payrate will basically make us employees. If id want minimum wage id get a regular job to guarantee me that, but myself like many others enjoy the benefits and freedom from the gig economy and that’s what I signed up for, not for minimum pay and order obligation. Also what about people who use multiple apps for work, how would you pay them? Will they get double minimum wage pay? How will that work? Its just too much, and will become a double edge sword for those who support this. To add on the group who is mainly pushing for this proposed wage is one group of people and do not represent the rest of the food delivery economy in New York City as a whole. Having already had success with laws implemented surrounding delivery workers rights with transparency of accepted orders and restroom access I’m not sure if we need this of if this will benefit us. I believe things are fine the way they are and nothing needs to be changed concerning pay for gig economy delivery drivers.
Anonymous city worker
I work for the city and since we haven’t received a salary increase I have opted to do deliveries after work.
I like other people who use this as a second income enjoy the flexibility. I choose this because I didn’t want to work traditional hours after working A full time job.
Per hour I might make less than the minimum wage. However, per shift from the time I log on and off it averages 20 dollars an hour or more.
I fear that the Apps will mAndate shifts and force us to take whatever jobs they have. The flexibility will disappear.
Also, I was wondering what happens after 2025? Will this be reevaluated?
Lastly, I would have liked to see some additional pay for bad weather conditions.
Ernesta Galvez
Me parece mejor
Ernesta Galvez
Me parece perfecto exigir un pago digno ya que un pago mínimo no nos sirve ya que nosotros los deliveristas corremos muchos riesgos en la calle
Working this job use to be great, but this past year has not been the best in terms of earnings… It’s like the amount of orders I received this year compared to last year has gone down a lot. Now, I know that many people do this job for flexibility but sometimes you have to sacrifice just a little bit to get protections, which is why I support this proposed rule.
Let me explain. DoorDash and GrubHub already require people to schedule shifts, so that is honestly nothing new… If it’s not busy you can’t work on those apps, period. Not only that, but when it’s not busy, all you get are $3 and $4 orders on UberEats without any tip going really far, and people get desperate so they do those orders. That’s why we have this problem with the lack of pay, because people do those orders so there’s no incentive for these companies to stop using those tactics that screw the worker.
I’m happy for people that are making a good amount of money, but this job isn’t truly what it use to be, and what about the people that aren’t no longer making how much they used to make? It’s not fair to them at all, which is why I feel it’s the right thing to do by stabilizing pay. Everyone who does this job and wants people to have a good experience deserves to make more money too.
I started off doing deliveries on the weekends when it was busy, but these past few months not even weekends have been worth it anymore, with weekdays being even worse. Anyone with a good amount of experience on this job has learned that the only way you’ll easily earn at least $100 nowadays is if it’s raining like crazy or very cold outside. The warm weather climate nearly cuts this job to 0. This year, the months of April, May, August, and September were super difficult. Everyone was talking about how good the job use to be and how much things have changed for the worse.
This whole independent contractor system is broken and just another way for the companies to pay people very low at the same time taking advantage of them by ensuring they have no rights. A way has to be figured out to address the issues with this job. If it’s not busy and we’re not getting many orders, people would be more likely to do those orders if they would receive a minimum wage. Not being paid for all the time waiting in between orders has to stop too. People have to understand that “flexibility” shouldn’t justify working in conditions where you’re clearly undervalued in an industry that makes so much money everyday and refuses to pay you any higher for your hard work regardless of how long you’ve been working there. If this job is working for you that’s great, but there’s a lot of people that need the help that this rule will put into effect. This job use to be great in the past until the companies started getting super greedy and slashing everyone’s pay. Before saying the you are against this rule, ask yourself: 1. Has the fact that I had to schedule shifts on this job significantly affected my ability to earn so much that requiring me to schedule led me to leave this job? (As far as I’m concerned, you could be required to schedule shifts to work and if you don’t show up, nothing happens, right? That right there is the true essence of flexibility, that you won’t be fired for not showing up.) If you answered no to question 1, then you most likely left because your pay was steadily going down the hill. 2. Am I making anywhere as much as I use to working the same amount of hours? If I’m not, how many more hours am I looking at to bring it to that level? If your answer to question 2 is no, and you can’t afford not to take a single day off to make the same amount then the companies made changes that made your ability to earn significantly more difficult. Fact: In April 2022, UberEats slashed that Walker program that allowed people to make deliveries close by to people who lived close by, at most 7-8 blocks, and it was very effective, as I have seen it myself. Before unlocking my bike, riding to my delivery destination, looking for a place to lock my bike, the walker not only beat me to the destination but was already done. Uber instead discontinued the program so they could pay bikers less by pairing those orders that would’ve otherwise been given to walkers and dishonesty lowering the pay of those stacked orders.
There’s a lot more questions to be asked during the live meeting, but it doesn’t make sense how the companies that foster such a booming industry have gotten away from robbing everyone and pocketing the profit. It’s pretty simple, they just got tired of paying us, and unless something is done about this, nothing will ever change, and this whole “independent contractor” job with “flexibility” nonsense will continue to undermine a job that has the potential to become solid if people would stop being so selfish and just give it a chance. You could surely be making above minimum wage and that’s great for you, but don’t forget that you are not the only one doing this job. Give a deep thought before saying you are against this rule, please I’m so serious about this, you don’t know how much worse the system will get if it continues to go unchecked.
Rufino Ramirez
Yo soy un delivery Que travaja dia con dia en las calles y merecemos un salario digno
Por qué las calles son peligrosas y aresgamos nuestras vidas para llevarles los alimentos a millones de personas esperemos que seaga lo correcto gracias -
Eduardo ramirez
Hola soy trabaja de delibery queremos un paga digno por las aplicaciones no nos cobran si tengamos un accidente y las calles son muy peligrosos
Gudelia Lopez
Me parece perfecto que le den un pago gusto a los deliveritas ya que ellos corren peligro y son los únicos que nos llevan el alimento en cualquier tiempo trabajan en lluvia,calor y nieve ahí están son esenciales
Juana Camacho
Soy conocida delos deliviritas y me parece perfecto que le del un pago justo ya que ellos corren peligro en la calle con el frio y la nieve en la lluvia
Merced Aguilar
Soy conocida de los deliveristas ellos merecen un salario gusto ya que ellos coren mucho peligro en las calles repartiendo comida y en la nieve ,frio ,calar estan expuestos en esos tienpos en newyork
Elidia Perez Lucero
Tengo un familiar y tambien cuento con muchos amigos deliveristas por eso los apoyo por un salario digno ya que ellos, corren mucho riesgo al hacer su trabajo en las calles de la ciudad a pesar de nevadas, lluvia y sol ellos cumplen con servir a los costumes.
Daisy Martinez
Amiga de los deliverista y mi apoyo Asia ellos por un salario digno ya que ellos corren muchos peligros en la calle al darle un buen servicio a la ciudadanía
María Ceballos
I believe that delivery workers deserve an acceptable and livable minimum wage in order to guarantee their safety.
Evelio Yahuitl
Merecemos un trato justo
Manny Ramirez
As a New York City delivery man It faces multiple problems on the streets from violent assaults, counterfeit bill fraud, vehicular accidents to the weather in general, the pandemic gave us “recognition” as essential but that did not change the working conditions of the workers in the least like me, In return, the applications have intensified their policies, with the delivery drivers being seriously affected, a minimum payment gives us delivery drivers in the city the opportunity to improve the quality of life and to cover all the operating expenses that we have on a daily basis. It is a good start on the road to labor justice and dignity for food delivery workers in New York City.
Evan Finnerty
Delivery workers deserve fair wages and stronger protections, which is why I am in favor of this proposal. Companies like DoorDash benefit from the lack of regulation regarding pay and safety. Workers go home with cents in their pockets while DD cashes in on billions of dollars in revenue. These companies do not need additional money in their pockets. They need to pass this money onto the workers who spend their days in the street performing services for their delivery monopoly, workers who have been gravely injured, assaulted, and killed to boost the bottom line of these companies.
I do not believe that the subsidies to cover expenses and healthcare are sufficient. As workers are not provided healthcare by companies they should receive a higher amount for to supplement healthcare/workers comp in light of the dangerous conditions workers face navigating the city.
Mario c.
Merecemos un salario digno ya que pasamos fríos lluvias y aveces hasta ambre todo por querer ganar lo justo ya que al igual aplicacion es como uber eats , gruBhub, doordash, y otras aplicaciones se an beneficiado bajo nuestro trabajo ya que aveces nos toca trabajar más de 12 horas y nos exponemos. Al peligro asi
estoy a favor de esta propuesta. Empresas como DoorDash se benefician de la falta de regulación en materia de pago y seguridad. Los trabajadores se van a casa con centavos en los bolsillos, mientras que DD cobra miles de millones de dólares en ingresos. Estas empresas no necesitan dinero adicional en sus bolsillos. Necesitan pasar este dinero a los trabajadores que pasan sus días en la calle realizando servicios para su monopolio de entrega, trabajadores que han sido gravemente heridos, agredidos y asesinados para impulsar el resultado final de estas empresas. -
Octavio lopez
Hola me llamo octavio soy un delibey man de nyc por años he trabajado repartiendo comida y estoy en total acuerdo de que nos paguen lonque es justo y nesesario , un salario digno es lo que nesesitamos para sobrevivir en esta ciudad , gracias a las personas que estan al frente de este movimiento
Soy delivirista mujer y si me encantaría que nos den un pago justo por que a veces sufrimos accidentes y la compañía no nos ayuda a cubrir nuestros gastos médico y mi apoyo total al pago justo
Yo como delibristas me favorece me conviene el salario mínimo porque yo trabajando 10 a 12 horas en la calle solo depende de los tips si es que salgo pero sabemos que no todo el tiempo sale por eso me favorece el salario mínimo
Juan carlos saloj
Hola me llamo Juan carlos soy un delivery man en new york por años de trabajo de repartidor de comida y estoy total mente de acuerdo sobre el Pago que es justo y necesario para nosotro como repartidores
Pariente de deliviristas gente muy trabajadora que se merece un salario justo ellos trabajan bajo nieve y lluvia tormentas y en la pandemia ellos siempre estuvieron ahí apoyando a la ciudadanía ellos merecen un salario justo por favor señores hay que apoyar a esta gente trabajadora que lo único que hacen es trabajar y llevar alimento a su casa . Y no solo eso también sufren robos y asaltos apoyo total a ellos por favor
Roberto angel
Si me párese bien el salario
Que los compañeros
Me an comentado -
El salario se me hace muy bien y justo para todos los compañeros ya que trabajan muy duro y tienen que trabajar con todas las inclemencias del tiempo
Lo que están haciendo están muy bien
Es una oportunidad muy buena para todos nosotros tener al fin un salario que nos benefie y por fin se aga algo por nosotros y por todo el esfruerzo que hacemos en las calles 😀
Esperemos que con esto nos benefie a todos y no nos perjudique ya que nuestro esfuerzo por fin es valorado
Si es lo gusto que nos paguen 17.87 porque al igual corremos peligro de andar par la carretera
Luis Alberto
Esta muy bien lo del salario pero esperemos que las aplicaciones no tomen represarías más de las que ya tomaron asía nosotros y lo del salario sería genial ya que nuestro trabajo es esenscial para la ciudad de New York ✊🏾
Cristian rojas
Pienso que el nuevo salario va a ser beneficioso para los trabajadores ya que los gastos operativos ahora serán asumidos por nuestro empleador.
RideWith Anthony
Hello, Reader
Working Uber Eats for me is a great side Gig. I fully understand that I am an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. With that being said Here is why I do It. FLEXIBILITY.
Yes there’s slow days, where you can make about 10 dollars an hour and there’s days, when you can me $30 Hourly.
I hope that Any decision that will be made, does not Impacts the FLEXIBILITY this Gig Brings to New York City.
PS. We need to EVALUATE the service entrance this might be segregation
we all deserve a decent and competitive salary, companies make millions with us and we only receive pennies, applause to the people who came out to fight to make this a reality
Victor Morales
For me as a delivista I think it is very good because there are many risks that one faces in the streets and the expenses that are made day by day at work are constant,
A few days ago while it was raining, I was working and I fell into a hole in the asphalt and my motorcycle damaged the front tire, all the operating expenses are covered by us and a minimum wage is something that is really needed. -
Jessica Choque
As a woman deliverer and mother, a minimum wage is a good step to continue working without leaving my children for a long time and to continue working and be able to strengthen the economy of my home and my family. Bringing justice for many women and men deliverers is not easy, but this is really going to help my house and i think it is a great thing that the city has given
Baldemar R
It seems very good to me because now everything is very expensive and this would help us, besides the work is slow, it is very good and thanks to all those who are making all this possible
Pablo Peralta
The truth is, I didn’t know that a minimum payment was being implemented, but now that I know, it’s a good opportunity for all of us. Now work is a bit slow and by the time the minimum payment is put into effect, I hope the situation will improve for everyone.
luis Carlos G
As a deliverer I was the victim of theft of my motorcycle and that affected me a lot. I could not work for a while because I could not replace my tool, now with a minimum payment we can cushion the expenses and operating costs that are incurred as a Delivery worker, not to mention that will help the economy
Roberto jiron
Más Alla de lo que pase con estas compañías que cada año recolectan millones de dólares, pienso que necesitamos más organizaciones que luchen por los derechos de los trabajadores, apoyo total al nuevo salario es una manera de protestar por un futuro mejor ya que estamos hablando de más de 70 mil familias quebse acogeran a este beneficio
Willian medina
El CEO de Uber tiene un salario $19 millones de dólares al año, yo como delivery no tengo salario, el dinero que gano depende de las propinas de los clientes, si estoy en las calles y no recibo ordenes en una hora o más estoy trabajando gratis, las aplicaciones me envían órdenes de $3 $4 $5 dólares a 2 – 3 4 o hasta 5 millas de distancia lo que significa que estaré haciendo maximo 2 o 3 órdenes por hora pasó el doble de tiempo en la calle que un trabajador regular ( entre 12 y 14 horas los 7 días de la semana ) la pregunta es¿ estamos peleando con estas compañías por dinero o estamos peleando por dignidad humana ? Desde que tengo este trabajo me he dado cuenta lo que pasan muchos de mis compañeros, y por eso decidí luchar por nuestros derechos los cuales creo que deben ser los mismos para todos, así que lucharé hasta el final porque se que estas empresas definitivamente tomarán represalias en contra de los trabajadores, ahora en la ciudad de Nueva York estamos mas unidos que nunca, la lucha seguirá no nos rendiremos actúen cómo crean que deben hacerlo pero ahí estaremos siguiendo cada paso que dan para defender a los nuestros, señores de Grubhub-Doordash-Uber-relay esto no para hasta que entiendan que todos merecemos mejores condiciones laborales cualquier paso que den estaremos 3 más por delante, salario digno para todos la lucha continua.
Pablo Vera
Los deliveristas, merecen un mejor salario, porque su trabajo es peligroso, y su trabajo es afuera, aga calor frio o este nevando hacen su trabajo. También necesitan estar cubiertos con un seguro médico, y vacaciones pagadas.
Sergio Monroy
Hola soy Sergio yo trabajo aquí en el área de Brooklyn NY sobre el pago la hora me parece genial por qué durante esos dos años que trabajado casi no he ganado mucho pero ahora esperamos que sea de gran ayuda el pago por qué nosotros también gastamos para nuestros reparaciones de nuestros móvil y es justo ahora que nos pagan la hora
Zeferino galindo
Tango un familiar deliverista lo Apollo parA que Tengan un Pago dicno ya que el trabajo que realisan es peligroso
Los deliveristas merecen un pago digno por su trabajo en las peligrosas calles de NYC
Si estoy de acuerdo yo soy un deliverysta yo pienso que se le debe de dar chance ala nueva ley que obliga las empresas apagar el salario mínimo más las propinas pienso que todos tenemos el derecho de ser reconocidos por nosotros trabajando y así también respetar las señales de tránsito para evitar accidentes por el bien de todos
Eloy martinez
Estaría bien tener un salario mínimo ya que si continuamos dependiendo de las propinas no podremos cubrir nuestros gastos los cuales suman bastante en el año.
Valentín Hernández
Con el salario mínimo podría convenir ya que no siempre puedo hacer el mismo número de órdenes en 1 hora a veces hasta puedo ganar $4 dólares en una hora, si esto cambia talvez subiría un poco más mis ganancias aún así pienso que la ciudad debe ir subiendo periódicamente para cubrir los gastos de los trabajadores.
He estado haciendo reparticiones de comida con aplicaciones durante ya mucho tiempo y si sería muy bueno que las aplicaciones pagaran por hra, ya que haveces estamos conectados sin recibir ordenes perdiendo tiempo, o aveces nos quieren enviar más de 5 millas y pues no es justo, estaia bien que se aprovara un salario mínimo por hra en las aplicaciones…
rocío mendez
Ellos merecen un sueldo para que tengan un estilo de vida diferente son personas que corren muchos riesgos en las calles
Porque es peligroso el trabajo queRealisa
Me parese muy bien que los muchachos tengan un sueldo son jente que se arriesgan mucho en un trabajo digno que nos facilita a muchos bendiciones chicos
Que está muy bien el salario ya que ay beses que no ay deliveris y no ganamos nada y sería muy bien ganar por ora
José Andrés
Está mucho mejor con salario ya que trabajamos 12 horas diarias solo para ganar 100 dólares y con el salario sería genial
Esta muy bueno lo del salario ya que cuando nos conectamos nos toca esperar por horas y sin ganar ni un peso ya con el salario vamos a ganar por hora
Pienso que nos veneficiara a todos la nueva ley por la vida es muy cora acá y en donde sea tener un salario más propina será de gran ayuda para lidiar con los gastos que ahí que cubrir saludos a todos
Yasmine Batiz
I support the minimum pay for the hour workers. It’s important to understand that this minimum pay will NOT hurt gig economy workers. This is be the minimum base pay a delivery app can pay you, in the case that your tips and such end up averages less that the minimum pay per hour. Instead, this will better protect delivery workers
With that being said, even $18 base minimum page is NOT enough. If you calculate how much these workers spend on their bike maintenance? Registration fees, storage, and other materials, they end up earning a subpar wage. As long as these apps do not offer assistance for these operating costs, they should be obligated to pay a LIVING wage for these workers. That’s not even considering the workers who have a high tax bracket (40%) due to immigration status.
How is it fair that a lot of these companies are making record profits, with CEOs making millions per year, while the people keeping the business running are struggling to make ends meet. Not to mention that these workers have ZERO protection.
David Duarte
These food delivery workers deserve a better payment due to the fact that they face many risks such as accidents, robberies, and violent assaults. It is known as a dangerous job but they are seeking a better future for themselves and their families.
Alejandro paez
El salario será una manera de demostrar a estas compañías que se llevan millones al año de devolver todo el dinero que por derecho hemos ganado los que hemos trabajado en las calles sin derecho a un pago.
Jose vazquez
Hola estoy aqui para apoyar a todos Los companeros y tambiem para cualquie beneficial para todo Los que hacemos deliveris.
Un punto de vista a favor del departamento de labor y de delibristas unidos es que yo como delivery estoy de acuerdo a obtener un salario mínimo , ya que en ocasiones tenemos momentos que no recibimos órdenes y no ganamos nada , pues un salario mínimo sería algo accesible para la mayoría de todos mis compañeros delivery’s , porque en ocasiones sufrimos accidentes , robos y otras cosas que son parte del trabajo, con eso ya podemos liderar un poco con los gastos
Esta muy bien ya que vamos atener un sueldo seguro ya que no lo emos ganado
Estaría muy ya que nos beneficiaria a todos a todos muy buena idea
Alejandro Grajales
A la expectativa de cuánto va a ser el salario para nosotros los trabajadores esto será un soporte adicional del cual nos beneficiaremos, las compañías de delivery no lo quieren y deciden actuar de manera negativa provocando y desinformando, si al salario justo
José castro
Esta muy bien ya que por fin tendremos un salario justo y se acomple con nuestras necesidades y nuestros gastos q coren por nuestra cuenta
Eduardo S.
the restrictions on food applications are totally bad, it loses the sense of schedule freedom for a minimum that does not justify it, many of us could be left without a job due to a meaningless fight, since by agreeing to work with them we accept the terms and conditions .
La Verdad Estoy DESACUERDO Con Meter Esas Nuevas Reglas De Ganar Más Tener Un Salario Fijo Etc & OJALÁ LOS QUE NO ESTAMOS DE ACUERDO CON ESO, PODAMOS TRABAJAR COMO SIEMPRE AH SIDO – Aver Si La Gente Es Un Poco Comprensible, Al Leer Todo Esto, Por Que Hacer Cambios Venimos De Países Jodidos, Llegando A Un Pais Con Oportunidades A Querer Cambiar Reglas? Trabajamos Libremente, Trabajamos Las Horas Que Queramos, Trabajamos Para Trabajar & Hacer $ Lo Que Necesitamos Ocupamos, Podemos Iniciar Apagar Cuando Sea Cualquier Momento, Pero Las Aplicaciones No Serán Mensos, Pondrán Restricciones Al Ustedes Querer Hacer Que Ellos Cumplan Con Lo Que Quieren Ya No Seremos “Libres Propios Jefes” Ahora Seremos Empleados De Ellos Señores, Terminaremos Como Otro Relay,
Por Que? Por QueNos Darán 32H Max Para Trabajar
Los Hirarios Competencia Con Mad Trabajadores Que Pasa Si No Agarramos Reservas?
Tenemos Que Afuerza Aceptar Todas Las Ordenes, Para Eso Nos Pagaran (17H)No? Es Más Que Obvio Y Si Rechazamos 2 Fuera Del HorarioAdemas Las Aplicaciones Están Empezando A Enviar Correos Que Abran Cambios
De La Ciudad De Nueva York & Yo Les Digo QueMe dirijo a usted para instarle a que no promueva nuevas reglas que obliguen a las apps a limitar cuándo y dónde trabajo.
La razón por la que decido hacer entregas con la app de Uber es porque tengo toda la flexibilidad para elegir en qué días de la semana, a qué horas del día y en qué partes de la ciudad puedo hacerlo. No quiero competir con los demás repartidores por las mejores horas para hacer entregas y no quiero que se me excluya de las apps.
Le insto a que no fuerce a las apps a quitarme mi libertad y flexibilidad.
juan salinas
I am a partner of a small courier company in Manhattan. We have less than 20 drivers. For us, the profit margin is minimal since deliveries in Manhattan use bicycles. Deliveries are not more than 2.7 miles. A restaurant does not pay more than $5 per shipment if the driver earns $20 an hour means that he should make more than 4 orders to cover the cost of his service, on bikes they go slow it is impossible for them to make 4 orders per hour, that’s why I think they shouldn’t put in the same category delivery applications such as doordash that are millionaires together with courier companies that do not have the same margins, delivery apps charge a high commission for the service and can subsidize their deliveries couriers do not, since we charge a flat fee, they shouldn’t want more than $20 including tip, more than that would mean going out of business.
juan pablo salinas salek
Let’s talk with facts, everyone believes that delivery apps earn a lot of money but no, they lose a lot of money every year and keep selling shares, the cost for a restaurant or a courier is very high, New York must undoubtedly be the place where the best A delivery boy earns in the world, they do not spend everything on fuel on an electric bike of 1000 dollars and they receive good tips, they earn more than $1000 a week when a dishwasher earns $400, the state must worry about taking care of jobs and that companies can arise not that they worry about meeting unjustified demands from people who want to earn more without having finished school,
Andrew Krumm
Firstly, I do not trust this commie group Deliveristas Unidos. I like being an INDEPENDENT contractor. I like being able to have my own hours, as I please, or as I need.
What I KNOW this will do is cause the delivery app companies to utterly DESTROY the market for workers. First, all the workers get FORCED into either fighting people with bots to get halfway decent shifts on the apps. Then you add getting an influx of NEW delivery people, chasing money and taking away from the rest of use who don’t do this as a hobby. Your prices go up as a consumer. That leads to less demand.
Less demand for more workers, who get less out of the deal because they no longer have flexible shifts or even the option to reject a delivery offer. This leads to less workers. Either the apps will mass-fire people who would have otherwise been able to work just fine, they would destroy their offers like they did to Walkers on 4/20/22 by changing the algorithm, or the workers will all get fed up with dealing with all this new BS because a few socilaistas didn’t take a few economics class and get FORCED OUT BY UTTER NECESSITY OR QUIT.
This is government for the sake of government sticking their nose in where it shouldn’t be to look woke. They don’t address any of the courier comanies int he city that have been in the city for years that have WORSE pay structures and exploit illegal immigrant labor. It does not address SHOPPING apps that run off the same concepts.
You are giving me a hot steaming turd wrapped in a $20 and telling me it doesn’t stink. I have been doing deliveries in one form or another in this city since 2000. You are not interested in hearing about the real problems. You never have been, and in fact, the city agencies take part in the exploitation by the choices of courier companies they use. You have never cared about the health, safety, or wallets of delivery workers in this city and neither do the groups exploiting your absolute ignorance for a few headlines. Don’t act like this is some great change of heart.
This will be a grave mistake for many, and unfortunately, the workers will end up paying in the end. As is the case with all these stupid “socialista” ideas in history. Yet another page in the downfall of the city if this goes through as it is.
With all due respect, go piss up a rope.
Alejandro Herrera
Las luchas nacen gracias a compañías cómo estás que abusan de los trabajadores, estoy de acuerdo con el salario hago delivery para una aplicación y el otro año cuando empiece a ganar por hora se incrementarán mis gastos y así me condicionen a cumplir ciertas horas en la semana por lo menos se que tendré el suficiente dinero para vivir dignamente.
Rafael giron
Sería muy buena opción las aplicaciones muchas veces nos tienen parado en la calle y no nos pagan nada
The current 2.5$ pay per trip is a spit in the face, it would be nice if instead of an hourly wage you divide that 23.82$ by 3 (which is the average amount of deliveries a person can do an hour) and pay us that amount for each delivery but keep the current flexibility making it 7.94$ per trip instead of 2.5$.
I disagree with this, I would like to maintain the freedom and flexibility of delivery carriers.
Luis martinez
El pago por hora me párese súper bien ya que nos beneficia a todos los trabajadores que habeses esperamos órdenes por una hora o más
Hello I am not quite sure why this minimum wage proposal and the Employee or Independent Contractor porposal is being brought into play at the same time but it all smells fishy to me. It feel I’m being on one hand attacked and on the other hand pressured. It would not be a good thing to alter the pay system that is in placed because then there will be other stipulations put in place to regulate that mandated pay. We as INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS know what we will be paid and choose to accept that pay or not. The key word is CHOOSE. This choice is what gives us the freedom to set our own schedule choose our areas of work as well as choose what deliveries we’d like to haul. Thank You but NO THANK YOU.
Mohammad U
thank you all for this opportunity that we have to have a minimum payment the truth is very difficult for me sometimes to be able to end the day with the amount of money necessary to be able to cover my debts and my bills Thank you to all who make this possible And thank you because work for an opportunity to improve this job What is considered essential work
Hugo Hernandez
I am in favor of this rule. They are a group of people who work hard and deserve a fair pay. Regardless of the inclement weather, they lend themselves to providing a service on time. We benefit greatly from their sacrifices as food delivery workers, and it is only right they receive fair wages.
Ryyad Hossian
I work for an application and in recent years it has been that the pay for travel has been falling more and more. It seems that they are devising How companies can make more profits between the fact that there are more and more orders and that is good for the business but only for the business from the companies finally There is a payment for us a payment that can help us sustain our expenses and maintain a more adequate rhythm of life not only for us but also For our families here and in the countries where we all come from Thank you for all the support to our community in general
Miguel Tecamayuc
I’m Delivery worker in New York City and I work for a company a year ago I was robbed, they beat me and they stole everything I had. I’m a little older now and I couldn’t defend myself. I told the Uber company I worked with what happened and they could never help me at all I was convalescing for almost three months resting in my house unfortunately I could not cover the expenses of my rent and I had to ask the city for help and stay in a shelter it is sad for me but I know that there are many more in the same situation for not being able to cover our expenses in an emergency or an accident while we work for these applications they simply ignore the worker and leave him to his own problem, It is sad but it is the reality I think that a minimum payment would be a great help for all the delivery people in the city
Erique Garcia
As a delivery man I think it is an excellent idea that we are finally rewarded for our great work as delivery men in this city a year ago they considered us essential during the pandemic but they never gave us the deal today I finally hear that they are planning to put a minimum payment and This is excellent news for the delivery community because there has been a lot of expectation about this issue and in general I believe that a large number of people who work in this industry will benefit. Thanks to everyone who made this possible God bless you
Erick Donovan
These hard-working people struggle day by day to provide a livelihood for their families and continue to keep this city fed even when these million-dollar companies make millions and millions of dollars every year and that is when they leave these people who are called essential unprotected the most. that they are not treated the same, it is incredible how these totally dehumanized companies amass great fortunes for themselves while people who with many needs continue on the streets with all kinds of inclemencies with robberies with crashes with assaults and still go out to work every day You must work more than 10 hours to cover your expenses and your basic needs and those of your family. I believe that a minimum payment is the first step for an equitable and slightly more humane industry
Gregorio Baten
I don’t think that a minimum strike is the solution to so many problems that a food delivery person faces because we don’t have any kind of protection and it was the police or labor justice, I’m even not sure that there is labor justice when it comes to from the gig economy industry it is hard to think that a minimum payment is the solution but it could be a good start I applaud this act and I know that many people will benefit from the minimum payment that New York City is implementing this coming year
Carlos Rojas
I am a delivery man in this city and for a little over a year now the orders are getting further and further away and you pay less for each trip these companies are making us compete with each other to see who is faster and thus be able to have more orders to some extent it is beneficial for us as we are motivated in some trukulent way to be faster in this already chaotic city it is a little hard to think how companies are going to function once minimum wage starts but overall I think it will there should be more benefits for the workers and thus be able to start off on the right foot this coming year in the same way give rise to other benefits that could be implemented in the future and thus the workers would be even better off even though we do not have any kind of benefits As a doctor Insurance health insurance and theft insurance having a little more profit every day could help us cover our expenses
José pablo
Es una buena iniciativa el pago por hora ya que aveces esperamos mucho tiempo un delivery sin derecho a pago.
Felipe morales
El salario está muy bien pero es indispensable que las compañías no nos limiten a tantas horas para trabajar
Antonio Miranda
Me parece justo para nosotros los trabajadores que solo recibimos las contribuciones de los clientes y las compañías de delivery no nos pagan nada ya es hora de responder por años de trabajo gratis.
Lucas lopez
El salario mínimo beneficiará a miles de trabajadores que promueven la economía local de la ciudad por lo tanto nos merecemos este pago justo como todos los demás
It seems perfect to me that there are organizations like this one that defend workers like us, we deserve to earn a fair payment since what we do is very risky on the street, we deserve a payment because sometimes we spend a lot of time on the street and we end up taking 30 times dollars for 3 hours home thanks for thinking of us
Marcos G
I deliver in the city and I find it a little hard to believe that the city is doing these rules of one payment per hour when it is most needed, nothing has ever been done for the delivery people, now that someone finally had the initiative to defend and see For us, it’s something incredible, I feel moved because there is finally a hope of job improvement, not everything is good and I know that on this occasion it will not be the ecrpcion, and the applications will once again be looking for how to orcar our minimum payment again. but good to see and have to be alert with these companies
Guadalupe R
Well, but I don’t fully agree since the applications are going to give us less work, but we’ll see what happens this year, hopefully the applications will not retaliate against us workers.
Rubel Mohammed
I am a delivery person and my friend Manny was able to help me clarify a little about what the minimum payment is, now I understand that it is very important for all delivery drivers to have a minimum payment in order to have a little more to pay our bills, thank you!!! for the minimum payment that although it is not yet, I hope so 🙏
am a deliverer and Apollo to my colleagues to have a minimum payment because the tools I use are expensive and having something fixed in my pockets will help me be a little prepared for any expense that comes my way
Yecenia c
Soy mujer deliverista y de verdad me agrada mucho que paguen un pago ya que a veces nos llevamos todo el día a la calle y apenas si sacamos 30 o 40 dolares por todo el día por eso es muy importante estar unidos para que las grandes compañías no nos tímidisen
Cirilo Lorenso
Soy deliveristay y veo que es algo nunca antes visto es este trabajo por que actualmente las app ofrecen viajes con paga de 3 o 4 dls y tener un pago mínimo va ayudarnos aún no sabemos con qué sorpresa nos saldrán las apps pero en lo general siento que puede ser beneficioso para todos los repartidores !!!
Hello, very good morning. I am a deliverer. I like the idea that we can have a minimum payment since we can have fixed capital for our expenses and have a bit of economic stability.
Creo que no es tan buena idea ganar por salario pero ya estamos aquí hay que ver cuando nos perjudica y no nos vayan a bloquear
Mohammad Noman
I am in favor of this new rule I have many friends who work as deliverers and I am very happy that they can now get paid for their work
Sayed Hossain
wow that’s how I was when I found out that they were thinking of implementing something like that. and I totally agree 👏 it’s something worth celebrating, very good job to whoever is behind this new law 👍
Hello, a good idea seems to me and a stable minimum payment will help me a lot in my expenses. I support my fellow deliverists, since the work we do is very dangerous and we risk our lives.
Hi, I think it’s great that they pay us by the hour. I’m excited about what the city of New York is achieving.
Md Rasel
It is a good start, a minimum payment, now all that remains is to look for benefits such as health insurance, life insurance and so on, for example. we have to move on!!!
Faisán I
A payment seems good to me since we spend a lot on our equipment
Hello, I don’t quite understand how much LSA candidates will be, but if I agree to make a payment, see, not fair but nice, Apollo.
I been working DoorDash since 2021 I must say I love it because of the freedom but the only thing is that when u accept a job for $5 & have to go so far & try to do your best because the tip is like what’s cover your job sometimes the jobs can take 30mins to 1hr to complete on a busy traffic day normally 10- 15 mins on a calm day a minimum payment should be added to delivery jobs !
Luis Perez
I think this is ludicrous, gig workers operate on flexibility and independence, stop trying to overgovern things that don’t require it.
Saludos Serrano
Estoy en total acuerdo con lo que están haciendo un pago por hora es lo mejor para los deliveristas ya que corremos con muchos gastos y peligro en la calle.
Las aplicaciones hace mucho que nos roban los salarios sería justo para nosotros tener un pago por hora ya qué hay huras que no ganamos ni un solo dólar
Sobayer Husain
I work for Uber and there are days when I do well but there are days when it is not, and they explained to me that now we are not going to have to depend so much on tips since it is one of the reasons why I refuse to take certain orders without a tip , Now with this minimum payment it will still be a risky job but much more stable and dignified for us!
Hi, I’m a deliverista. It seems very good to me that we have a minimum wage payment, it’s good for us, colleagues, let’s support blessings
Abul Hossain
an excellent 👌 proposal As far as I know, something similar has not been seen in NYC. I am a grubhub deliverer and although it is not always a good day this could change the situation for the better very good initiative
Mostaza Kamal
very well I am very happy and excited to earn a minimum wage and it would help me a lot with these high cost of living since everything has gone up and those who suffer this expensive cost of living are us food delivery workers
Amzad Hossain
I agree with what the deliverists are doing a fair payment is the best
good afternoon support my fellow deliverists for a minimum wage is a good payment let’s support
Ebrahim K
a minimum payment of almost 24 dollars without tips is a very good thing for deliverers like me, This will help my economy and that of my family thanks to everyone who fought and supported this initiative
Islam M
We hope that this does not damage the applications since with this we support our family
Yusuf Ali
Hello, I am Deliverita Apollo for a minimum salary that is favorable for us.
Mohammad Monir
good minimum pay is good for us workers My motorcycle was stolen this week and now I have to ask my relatives for help to continue working That’s why I think a minimum payment is a good thing.
Arturo Clemente
Me parece muy bien que nos paguen por hora si se pudiera que nos de un poco más de lo que puso la ciudad por que de verdad nosotros corremos con muchos gastos desde robo de bicicleta, accidente,asaltos y todo corre con nuestro gastos propios y las compañías se han hechos ricos a nuestras costillas según ellos se llena la boca diciendo que somos trabajadores independientes y la realidad es otra
Yusuf Ali
Hello, I am a deliverer, I support fair payment since the work we do is very dangerous and the tips are variable and there are days when they are low.
Arturo Ramirez
Si se puede !
Si se puede !
Como deliverista es algo que nos va a beneficiar estoy leyendo los comentarios los que han puesto aquí y si creo que no todo es colo de rosa pero creo que si puede ser bueno para nosotros los deliveristas
Pero aver con que trampa nos salen las aplicaciones 🥺 -
Enyerson Vargas
Soy deliverista y me parece perfecto que tengamos un pago por hora ya que nosotros tenemos que comprar todo nuestro equipo hace un rato atrás me intentaron robar,he surgido robo de propina y asaltado me he accidentado y todo estos gasto los cubro yo mismo ya que la compañía ni me pregunto si estaba bien es por es razón que estoy muy bien con un pago justo
Mohammad A
The city rule is very timely, everything is already very expensive and although the clients are very generous, this is not always the case. These applications make millions and do not pay cents to the delivery men, hopefully this proposal can be improved!!
Victor Milan
Apoyo a los compañeros Deliverystas para una mejora para ellos ya que corren mucho riesgos en la calle un pago mínimo seria muy bueno
Silvia ixcoy
Hello colleagues, I am a deliberative woman and Apollo also deliberative colleagues. I think it is very good that we have a fair payment since our work is very risky due to theft, accidents and other expenses that we cannot cover with The tips that you sometimes get are very low
Adam S.
I’m 50/50 on this mainly because I know it will regulate our work when it comes to the flexibility but at the same time depending on the minimum payment situation could be a good thing. I guess we’ll see how things go soon.
I’ve been working door dash to make extra money in the newyork city are since I lost my job in Covid and needed the extra cash for renting .
The app itself is a great way to make quick cash and get it with no hassle . However there are Barriers within the app . That don’t allow us to maximize the experience .
Couriers work very hard for both the customer and the company they are choosing to deliver for . A minimum wage pay should not be up for discussion because without couriers , there is a decline in sales !
Couriers also have to face harsh critics within the app for being late , which can result in a deletion of your account without any notice . Couriers face multiple disadvantages, weather conditions , time limits And the overall drive and hunger you need to even wait outside a store for hours to get someone else food . We love to help others , but it’s unfair that these companies are not helping us .
Majnu A
It is true that this is something that is a bit difficult to believe, when they told me that the city was proposing a minimum payment for the delivery people, it was hard for me to believe, because when we were most in need they ignored us and now we are in the middle of the pandemic, I I was arrested by the police for while distributing food because of the curfew, I hope and the minimum payment comes with benefits too!
El pago está Perfecto es solo que las aplicaciones no tomen represarías y no nos den pocas horas para trabajar
Oscar Pazaran
Las aplicaciones usan las plataformas e internet, desinformando a la gente de una manera muy cordial y diplomática, los cambios que ellos comienzan a implementar solo es una ofensiva a nosotros como trabajadores porque no están de acuerdo con un pago justo de salario
Jorge Bernal
Apoyo la iniciativa del nuevo salario estas compañías Grubhub uber doordash recogen al año millones de dólares y al final no les importa cuánto Ganamos lo poco que recogemos ni siquiera alcanza para nuestros propios gastos operativos o canasta familiar sigamos luchando por mejores beneficios vamos por la unión
Es como todo va atener ventajas y desventajas esperemos que sea benéficio para nosotros los deliveristas y sería gusto que nos paguen
Josué Cipriano
Es lo que estoy pensando es que no nos afecte y no tengamos represarías así nosotros
Josué Cipriano
Estaba pensando que no nos afecte las aplicaciones y no tomen represarías así nosotros
Lo que yo creo hacerca del pago por hora puede que nos perjudique la aplicación y nos quite el trabajo
El pago está muy bien pero esperemos que no nos perjudique y las aplicaciones nos den las horas necesarias para trabajar
Si es para mejorar y si nos va aveneficiar sería muy bueno el pago
Estaría muy bien el pago ya que esperamos casi por horas sin recibir ni un solo pago
Estaría muy bien el pago y trabajar menos horas
Soy nuevo en esta industria y es muy buena la idea ya que trabajo muchas horas diarias
Me gusta la idea esperamos que no tenga represarías la aplicación
Stefan Lessie
My name is Stefan and I live in Brooklyn,NY. I’ve been dashing for 2 years, since the start of the lockdowns due to COVID. I can’t say enough how vital it was at that time especially that there wasn’t a pay restriction in place. This enabled me to make a decent wage and pay the bills, especially since my wife and I were both out of a job. I am writing in opposition to NYC’s earnings standard’s aggregate pay requirement for the reason that it will limit the flexibility of individuals to adequately provide for their family. It is very much outside of the American ideal for entrepreneurs to work as hard as they can to provide the life that they want. These new pay restrictions would absolutely take that right and privilege away. With that, I would like to reinforce that I am writing in opposition to this new aggregate pay requirement.
Pagar un salario es lo mínimo que deben hacer estas empresas, no hacerlo significa que pueden hacer lo que quieren sin que ninguna entidad del gobierno los pueda regular en los Estados Unidos apoyo a movimientos que luchan por estos derechos y ánimos a otros en los diferentes estados a hacerlo para 2023 es Nueva York pero podemos hacerlo en otros estados por supuesto y hacer las cosas al derecho como cualquier empresa lo hace con sus empleados
Jesús paez
Esta semana me accidente llame a la compañía de delivery para saber que podía hacer y me respondieron que ellos no podían hacer nada que estaban muy preocupados por el delivery del cliente, más que por mi propia vida, si una hamburguesa es más importante que la vida de una persona no creo que les importe pagarnos un salario así que fuerza al movimiento que lucha por nuestros derechos
Jesús Martínez
Estas compañías no pagan un salario porque saben que la mayoría de las personas que realizamos esta importante labor somos inmigrantes muchos de nosotros no sabemos cómo funcionan las leyes en este país y de alguna manera estamos vulnerables pero solo porque desconocemos el sistema ahora estas personas que luchan por nuestros derechos nos defienden ahora que estamos fuertes pretenden atacar nuevamente en lugar de tomar una posición que nos beneficio a ambas partes.
Jesús mart
Ahora que sabemos que estas compañías no se van a quedar sin tomar represalias en contra de los trabajadores sigamos luchando para que muchos de nosotros no nos vayamos a quedar sin trabajo sigamos presionando para que nos garanticen al menos 40 horas semanales como un trabajador regular si al pago por hora si al salario arriba las luchas
Jesús Martínez p
Para el 2023 los trabajadores tendremos salario, que esto sea una iniciativa pero también que garanticen las horas laborales para todos
Carlos t
Si los deliveristas de Nueva York lograron aprobar el salario a través de marchas eventos y presión pacífica, que esto sea el comienzo para que otros estados apliquen la norma y presionen a estas compañías a pagar lo que durante años se han robado
Jacob F
La lucha que han comenzado los deliveristas unidos de la ciudad de Nueva York son el vivo ejemplo de muchas de los sindicatos creados en los Estados Unidos, ahora vienen muchos desafíos pero seguro sabrán cómo enfrentarlos arriba el salario y abajo las go alias de delivery que quieren tomar ventaja siempre de los trabajadores
Jacob m Flórez
Durante la pandemia nos llamaron héroes alimentamos a toda la ciudad de Nueva York para mantenerlos a salvo del coronavirus nos nombraron trabajadores esenciales y seguimos trabajando apesar de las dificultades en las calles incluyendo el clima que por largas temporadas es agreste, en este tiempo y otros años atrás jamás pagaron un salario o se preocuparon por nosotros ahora es el momento de recibir una pequeña parte de esos miles de millones que estas compañías se han llevado si al salario
Calixto Ordaz
El nuevo salario será una ganancia adicional al bolsillo de miles de familias que dependen del trabajo de los deliveristas de Nueva York apoyó esta iniciativa y las que vengan para mejorar la calidad de nosotros como trabajadores.
Usman umar
My name is Usman Umar
Fist of all I’m thanks to Uber eats company who give us job for earn money , I’m working with Uber eats last 2 years in this period I’m facing problems like some customers order 10 $ trip but when we drop of food the customer pay only base amount like 2$ they are not paying tip amount plz solve this issue ,and know 2023 is coming right but over payment still like 2020 Even after Covid every where prices is going up house rent is very expensive food is also not reachable I would like to request plz increase our payment
Once again thanks you
Usman umar : -
Estoy de acuerdo con el salario para los deliveristas estas compañías nos están robando el sueldo y no hay ninguna entidad del gobierno que las controle necesitamos demandar a estas empresas cómo Grubhub doordash Uber que atentan contra los derechos laborales y roban millones en propinas al año
Paola Gaona Jimenez
Yo conozco a algunas deliveristas y los apoyo y estoy de acuerdo con un salario mínimo justo. Tienen muchos gastos y están expuestos a muchos peligros.
Maribel Manobanda
Su trabajo es muy important y esencial. Y merecen un salario justo los Deliveristas.
Londres montero
Pienso que los deliverytas merecen un pago justo por q son trabajadores excenciales
Trabajan demasiado arriesgan la vida y la vida está muy cara para sobrevivir se requiere un salario justo
Guadalupe C
Es bue a idea por que nos merecemos ganar un sueldo justo, los riegos son altos con toda clase de climas se trabaja.
Fabiola c.
Los Deliveristas son esenciales para uno porque la comida llega a la puerta de nuestra casa y necesita un sueldo que le convenga.
Alexandra Quinatoa
Los Deliveristas merecen un mejor salido porque ponen todo su esfuerzo en su trabajo de entregar comida y medicina. Son esenciales.
Elizabeth Armas
Apoyo a los deliveristas, por que ellos apoyan mucho a la comunidad y merecen un salario digno.
Apoyo a los delivirista que ganen un pago gusto ya que son muy esenciales para nosotros
Verónica L
Es una buena idea por que vivir de propinas no es una forma correcta de vivir y oahar los gastos en esta ciudad
Por eso creo que es correcto -
Myrian Guaman
Yo apoyo a los deliveristas por que ellos me han ayudado mucho. No deberían sufrir ellos para hacer un delivery sencillo. Por eso deberían ganar un salario justo.
Blanca pilapanta
Ola soy amigas de deliveristas y creo se merecen un pago dicno por el trabajo que realizan es muy peligroso
Jorge Téllez
Estaría muy bien el pago por hora pero que las aplicaciones no tomen represarías y no nos bloquen las hora
Gabriel Diaz jr
Hello I’ve been working for doordash for over 2 years and I’ve been paying my bills earlier and being able to take care of the smaller things thanks to doordash and its policies!
Keep everything the way it is
Por fin tendremos un pago justo ya que somos nosotros los que fuimos esenciales durante la pandemia esperamos que no aya represarías así nosotros
El pago suena muy bien por hora ya que ay horarios en los que no ganamos nada
Carlos G
Creo que no es buena opción el salario mínimo pero tenemos que ver como reaciona las aplicaciones por que les aseguro que va ver muchas desactivaciones
Romeo Lopez
Al fin tendremos un pago justo me parece buena idea
Hildalyn Colon Hernandez
Muchos Deliveristas tienen un alto costo de opereación, en especial los Deliveristas que utulizan moto para hacer su trabajo. Es por esto que los Deliveristas atravez de NYC – le estan solicitando a DCWP que establezaca un salario justo para todos los Deliveristas.
Many App Delivery workers have a high operating cost, especially Deliveristas who use motorcycles to do their work. This is why Deliveristas across NYC are asking DCWP to set a fair wage for all app delivery workers.
GPS Tracker GPS Fee: $22
Rent for Motorcycle Parking: $120
Phone Service for 2 Working Smart Phones: $120
Motorcycle insurance: $60
Motorcycle Gas for a full-week of work: $120
Basic Motorcycle Maintenance (Change The Oil, Replace The Air Filter, Maintain Tire Pressure And Treat, Change The Coolant, and Clean Chain: $155
Deliverista Working Tools = $5,850
Personal Protective Equipment = $1,030
Safety Devices to Prevent Motorcycle Theft = $340
Motorcycle Maintenance Tools = $305
Fees & Expenses For Processing Motorcycle License /Plates = $1,330
Alexandra Mendez
They deserve the raise. Going out in all types of weather to provide a service, these workers can’t live off their low salary and tips they may or may not get.
Apoyo el movimiento que lucha por una causa justa nunca hemos tenido un salario y ahora las compañías de delivery deben responder a los trabajadores por años de labor sin pago.
Mateo García
Soy un trabajador de queens llevo alrededor de 3 años en esta industria y he podido ver los abusos por parte de estas compañías de delivery, estoy de acuerdo con el nuevo salario y las consecuencias que vengan las asumo por el bienestar de nosotros como trabajadores.
Darwin Peralta
Soy deliverista y me parece bien que paguen un salario y no me parece tanta injusticia con estas compañías haciéndose millonarios a costilla fe los deliveristas
Victor B
Uf un poco más de dinero quien dice No !!
Pero se me hace muy raro que a penas esté esta regla 📏 discutiendo
Cuando en pandemia muchos de nosotros fallecidos por covid o por accidentes y ahí nadie hablo de pagar más a los deliveristas
Pero bueno
Esta chica la idea 💡 -
No estoy de acuerdo con este desmadre que está haciendo la ciudad yo quiero seguir trabajando como siempre
No estoy de acuerdo no quiero ganar un pago mínimo
No estoy de acuerdo con esto soy deliverusta
Abel Rivera
Me parece bien que paguen un pago gusto ya que nosotros ponemos todo en la calle
Diego Armando flores
No estoy wn acuerdo sobre el pago por Hora que esta poniendo la ciudad pues Las aplicaciones nos pondran horario y reduciran nuestros ingresos esperemos aber que pasa para enero
Armando Hernandez
Hola somos deliveristas se que el pago minimo esbueno pero abran canbios en Las aplicasiones esperemos y sea para algo mejor
Majnu A
As far as I understand, it is more payment for everything that one spends as a deliverer, like mine and maintenance, but also the telephone and others, but as they say, the devil is in the details, let’s hope that more money does not mean fewer or less workers work for us.
Victor Narciso
Yo pienso que es bueno que porfin llego algo bueno para los repartidores de la ciudad
Ya las aplicaciones están mandando sus propagandas por email para que vengamos a comentar en contra de el pago minimo
Pero tenemos que pensar que ellos siempre van a proteger sus intereses y no los nuestros,
Por eso un 100 al pago para los deliveristas
Si señor !! -
Carlos nava
Creo que es un gran logro para nosotros Los deliveristas el pago minimo ya que es una cantidad no favorable pero si nos ayudara por la espera en Las ordenes ya que aveses se tarden demaciado para entregarnolas
Eladio Coxolca
Desde ya lo espero 🙏 por que la situación no esta nada fácil y unos dolares extra no caen mal,
Trabajo es trabajo y como sea va a seguir esto, pero ahora mejor con un poco de dólares más y mejor -
Mario Galindo
Hola estoy con mis compañeros deliveristas ya que un pago minimo nos faborese ya que la espera por un una horden por mas de 15 minutos estaremos Ganondo se que canbiaran muchas cosas con Las aplicaciones pero eso sabiamos que estaba por Benir y se que estaria mejor estar Como estamos trabajando pero es una cantidad Buena espero podamos mas
Francisco E
Estoy un poco molesto pero me parece que esta un poco exagerado el pago
Julian villa
Apoyando somos deliveristas apollemonos compañeros podremos mas
Crisanto Mata
Por más que me tratan de explicar como esta esto del pago
Yo sigo sin entender de dónde va a salir para tanto deliverista que hay
Pero bueno si es verdad que va así,
Pues que así sea
Al final el beneficio es para un como repartidor
Como sea ya nos desactivan y nisiquiera nos dicen el por qué 🤔
Más para todos es más para nuestras casas ! -
Juan villa
Setoy a fabor de un salario minimo estable ya que el trabajo que realisamos es peligroso por Los robos accidentes que Las companias cubren
Jose cortes
Amigos logramos algo bueno para nosotros Los deliveristas sabemos que es poco pero estamos luchando para tener algo justo bendiciones
Victor Basurto
Estoy accidenta do desde el mes pasado y no es justo que uber nunca me ha ayudado estuve trabajando para ellos mientras me accidentados y no te ayudan en nada alcontrario me desactivan por no poder terminar la orde😡 ya es hora de que la ciudad haga algo alrespecto y este pago para nosotros espero que sea solo el inicio
Isaac rojas
Creo que no es lo justo peroestaremos mejor ya que es algo estable para yebar a casa supongo que canbiaran Los modos de Operar de Las aplicasiones con respects al orario de trabajo y espero puedan esplicarnos Como Sera
Hector E
Soy deliverysta y si estoy de acuerdo con esto del pago mínimo ya que los gasto de un deliverista es demasiado y aparte es muy riesgoso muchos compañeros han fallecido y estas compañía andan por felices y tranquilas
Cesar Lopez
Pago minimo mmm
Pues no se como es que hemos trabajado me.cuentasn que las propinas no son salario pero no me queda claro como es que presentan las compañías con mensajes engañosos,
Las compañías mezclan la paga del viaje y la propina del cliente
Creo que deberían de separar las propinas del pago por hora por que eso causa confusión a los trabajadores creen que la paga es alta y por eso no es necesario fijar un pago minimo
Pero si separoanuañmente mis propinas y mi salario la diferencia es demasiada
Ahora mismo ganamos más en propina que en salario
Y pasar la responsabilidad de la paga del repartidor al cliente es una jugada muy sucia de parte de las app
Pero bueno sigue siendo confuso para nosotros -
Serjio armenta
Yo trabajo Doordarsh y nos da ordenes que tardan mas de 20 minutor que tenemos que esperar para no ser penalisados no me agrada el sueldo base me parese que deberiamos seguir trabajando Como estamos y tartar de que Las aplicasiones bean Las millas y el tiempo de espera es lo que tendriamos que ajustar con Las aplicasiones es mi punto de vista
Adrian T
Sufri un robo hace aproximadamente 1 semana y le dije a la compañía que trabajo que me acababan de robar y lo que me dijo es que cumpliera con la orden que me asignaron no les importo mi vida y si creo que nos merecemos un pago mínimo gracias por apoyarnos ciudad de New york
Ovispo vargas
Yo me accidente y la aplicasion yebando una orden able Ala aplicacion y no me lacanselo decide que no podia con tunuar con el delibre terminando poniendome un incunplimiento quien asegura que nos pagaran 17 y cacho por Hora esperemos que pasa
Sergio A
Que bueno que l ciudad va a controlar estos ladrones
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Yo trabaje 3 años y 2 en pandemia
Me desactivaron mi cuenta y se quedaron con mi paga de 1 semana llame para ver la razón y nada ,
Pregunto por mi dinero y nana ,
Y ahora me llega un email que los apoye por que la ciudad les va a poner un pago a los deliveristas y ahora se hacen las víctimas estos ladrones y si los llamo ladrones Doordash es por que asta ahora no me han pagado mi dinero y eso asta donde yo sé,
es Robar !!!
IMG-20221209-WA0022.pdf -
Pablo p
Si estoy de acuerdo con el cambio de pago minimo
Doordash me ha mandado delivery de 2 millas por $4.50 ahora que doordash dividió Manhattan cuando me manda de la 42st a la 14St no me tira órdenes asta que regrese por la 42st y eso es pérdida de tiempo para mi no estoy generando dinero -
As someone that delivered during the pandemic it’s upsetting seeing this law even trying to be passed. With Also being in the military doordash is amazing for me being able to work on my own times with the freedom we deserve is great . Minimum wage won’t cover for gas, insurance , and for basic necessities. So many taxes and fees are taken out of what we worked hard to make every trip isn’t easy we deal with a lot of problems while delivering . These companies should treat there employees better we’re serving our communities.
Bueno yo opino que está muy bien el pago solo que mi miedo es que las aplicaciones tomen represarías
La propuesta me párese muy justa para nosotros ya que arriesgamos nuestra vida en las calles al hacer este trabajo
Jaime gayoso
E tenido varios accidentes y las aplicaciones nunca an visto por mi integridad así que en pago por hora es lo mínimo que nos merecemos por nuestro trabajo
El pago por hora es lo mínimo que debemos ganar ya que tenemos que llevar deliveris que habeses ni propina llevan
Oscar pazaran
Solo espero que las apps no tomen represarías asia nosotros y podamos trabajar Agusto y sin que nos bloquen nuestras cuentas
Luis Gerardo templos
Las aplicaciones siempre roban nuestros tips es justo y necesario que nos paguen un salario justo ya que somos esenciales para esta ciudad
Everardo Velázquez
Esta nueva forma de pago esperamos que nos benefie a todos ya que trabajamos duro en las calles de ny
en total desacuerdo llevo tiempo trabajando con las aplicaciones y mi salario por hora es más de 20 dls y con una flexibilidad genial ya que como padre de familia aveces ahi asuntos que atender por los hijos, digo en desacuerdo por que me pongo a pensar que siendo así al aplicarse dicha ley, tal vez ya no voy a ganar lo mismo que gano a la semana por que todo cambiaría tomando en cuenta que las aplicaciones tendrían q subir la cuota a los restaurantes y los restaurantes les cobrarían más a los clientes y así bajaría mucho la demanda de pedidos y también limitarian su flota de repartidores es por eso que no estoy de acuerdo, sin mentirles que aveces al día uno se gana sus 50 dls la hora claro no todos los días pero nunca baja de 20 dls… estamos bien no le muevan mas…
Solo espero que nos cómbenga a todos y no nos bloquen las cuentas el pago es una muy buen idea que nos beneficiará a todos
Alan martin
Yo trabajo para doordhas y la verdad tengo que trabajar más de 10 horas diarias el pago por hora sería genial para nosotros
Roberto Tiburcio
La verdad no estoy de acuerdo con del pago pero si es el bien para todos tenemos q estar unidos
Es muy buena iniciativa espero que sea cierto lo del pago y si es así toca arrempujar para q no nos bloquen las aplicaciones
Celso reyes
Estoy con miedo que con el pago las apps quieran tomar represarías asia nosotros pero es justo que por fin tengamos un pago fijo ay horas en las que no ganamos nada
Bueno espero que solucione todos los robos de propina que tenemos por parte delas aplicaciones y nos beneficie a todos en general
Largas jornadas de trabajo que tenemos que hacer solo para sacar el mínimo le párese genial el pago por hora solo esperemos que no nos bloquen la aplicación
Frank Perez
El pago por hora suena genial sólo quiero que mis compañeros no se queden sin trabajo ya que dependemos de estas aplicaciones
Cirano hernandez
Llevo trabajando 5 años en deliveris y este pago por hora suena muy bien ya que trabajo 10 horas diarias para sacar lo del día y no se me hace justo que nos roben los tips
Alfredo Solano
Los tips no son salario o pago así que me párese muy buena idea el pago por hora Pat mejorar este trabajo que están difícil
Las apps nos an mandado mensajes amedrentando para que se aga el pago por hora pero yo estoy de acuerdo que se así ya que vienen robando los tips todo este tiempo
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el pago por hora ya que emos sido Victimas de robo de tips por parte de las aplicaciones
Saúl hernandez
Trabajo los 7 días de la semana para poder sacar lo de mis gastos y si el pago se hace por hora sería de mucha ayuda para nosotros
Isaías solis
El pagar por hora solo espero que nos beneficie a todos en general y estoy totalmente de acuerdo
Pinango Quintana
La propuesta me párese muy interesante para los trabajadores que hacemos deliveris
Edwin Medina
hello readers as a door dasher i was really hopeing that this law doesn’t get pass please leave our dasher alone we do great and our hours working when you want where you want is awesome.let’s fight for our right. no minimum pay.
Johan De la Cruz
I do not agree with the change since it would be very unfair, so little we would not fear any type of benefit. working for these applications has been a great help to me. These applications give me the opportunity to have a decent and fair salary without having to follow a schedule and at the same time be able to continue with my studies. this change will be a great harm to the thousands of students just like me who depend on this work. with the change we will be jobless. In my case, I cannot work a full shift of 8 hours because I study and a half shift in a job, the pay would be very low. This new change is not helping any dealer if it does not negatively affect all of us dealers. This is not a help for us delivery drivers, but rather the end of us, since many of us will lose our source of income, like me, who only work a few hours due to my studies.
I am a delivery worker and have been for several years. I’ve seen many changes as well as several exploitative practices used by third party delivery apps that have affected consumers, restaurant owners and contractors negatively. I do truly appreciate some of the rights and protections that have been extended since the initial proposal. The ability to set the distance I’d be willing to travel as well as making it mandatory to show all the information related to a delivery before accepting it has been amazing. I do appreciate the idea of a minimum wage, however I also thoroughly enjoyed the flexibility allotted to me. I think that this proposal, if passed, would take that freedom and flexibility away. I, like many other workers deliver for several companies and this could possibly force us to be tied to one company. Furthermore, we’d be put in a position of working far more for less money. I think it’d be best to pass laws that’d protect restaurant owners as well as consumers from exploitative fees and set a base minimum per order that a delivery company must pay its contractors. Or have that be an option as well as some hourly minimum for those who’d prefer that. -
Esta nueva ley va perjudicar a todos los que en verdad estamos trabajando en esta plataforma de entrega ..ya no va ver flexibilidad en las aplicaciones trabajas cuando quieres la hora que quieres así exigen un salario mínimo ya no va libertad.. no gracias …
La mera verdad yo no estoy deacuerdo con todo esto porque nos pasan a perjudicar a todos nomas unos cuandos se van a beneficiar de esto y es un rotundo noo
La ley nueva va afectar mucha gente trabajadora no estoy de acuerdo muchas gracias… tomen conciencia compañeros quieren ganar y no trabajar
John Malave
I have been working for Doordash for almost 3 years. The flexibility Doordash has is amazing you get to choose when you work and you get to choose the orders you take I found this to be very convenient. I disagree with the minimum wage, because then drivers have to drive longer distances to deliver food for lower tips. There are a lot of Dashers who don’t have access to a vehicle like riding bicycles or even walking. The way Doordash works currently works for me. I’m able to take my kids to school work whenever I’m ready not having to worry about being late and end it whenever I need to. The one problem I believe most Dashers have is the pay, most Dashers are not going to drive 5 miles for three dollars and a lot of orders come up like that. I think there should be a price on how many miles from the restaurant to the customer. For example every mile should be at least a dollar tip, so if the distance is 5 miles, the tip should be five dollars if the trip is 15 miles tip should be $15 and etc. I think this way a lot more Dashers would except more orders and would be more happy, because at the end of the day, it is all about pay.
Hildalyn Colon Hernandez
Como trabajadores esenciales, nuestros Deliveristas continuan llevando comida y medicinas a personas que esta padeciendo de COVID. Deliveristas se exponen a esta realidad todos los dias y por eso le estan exigiendo a DCWP que establezca un salario digno + $5 adicionales para cubrir sus gastos relacionados a su trabajo.
As essential workers, our Deliverists continue to bring food and medicine to people suffering from COVID. Deliverists are exposed to this reality every day and that is why they are demanding that DCWP establish a living wage + an additional $5 to cover their expenses related to their work.
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Solo espero que nos beneficie a todos lo del pago por ahora ya que las aplicaciones nos están mandando correos donde nos dice que el pago nos va a perjudicar
Magui Soto
Yo trabajo con Uber y hace poco tuve un accidente y en ningún momento se preocuparon por mi así que el pago por hora me párese genial
Trabajo con las aplicaciones desde hace unos años y siempre somos victimas de robo de tips así que tener un pago es lo más justo para nosotros
Rider Valensuela
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo que paguen por hora ya que siempre nos roban nuestras propinas
Luis Mercado
Es la mejor solución para todos un pago por ahora hay días que tenemos que esperar por hora sin ganar ni un dólar
I’m fed up that we have to connect and wait for hours for a delivery and not receive a dollar for waiting, so the idea of payment is very good
Omar Angeles
It guarantees us to have something safe since we have to wait almost an hour for orders that are not ready yet
Manuel Alcaraz
Las apps siempre nos an cerrado y robado los tips es tiempo que paguen por hora y sobre todo ese tiempo que esperamos los deliveris que no están listos para llevar
Luis Mercado
Solo quiero que muchos compañeros no se queden sin trabajo y las apps no tomen represalias asia nosotros
Carlos nava
E tenido dos accidentes los últimos años y realmente las aplicaciones nunca se preocupan por nosotros y esos gastos tenemos que solventar nosotros mismos y tener un pago por hora es lo más cuerdo que pueden hacer por nosotros
Felix aracena
The comfort of having food delivered is the freedom to work where you want and when you want, so we will no longer have freedom, there are orders that are difficult because they are 7 and 8 miles away, personally I do those delivery’s but it is a sacrifice and more in this city. The base payments must be regulated and the distance and the tips because there are customers who abuse, the apps are going to force us to carry larger orders and from a greater distance, be careful with that ..!!
La satisfacción de tener un pago por hora es lo más soñado que un trabajador puede tener esperemos que aya mas mejoras
Cesar Tucubal
Hola m es faborale un pago minió ya que es bueno ya que el riesgo que corremos en las cares es bastante po los robos y accidentes
Eduardo galvez
Para mi esta bien que las aplicaciones paguen, por hora ya que muchas compañeros tienen problemas con su aplicasion…
Ginger Cruz
Hello I want in put in my suggestion for my DoorDash position this job has allowed me to care for my 4 children 1 which has a disability and still be able to make money to pay my bills. I’m able to work when ever I have time rather than a normal 9 to 5 .
This opportunity has really been a blessing for me and my family. -
As a full time student, Uber eats, Grubhub and Doordash etc… has been a great factor in helping push forward everyday without being pressured about that fact that I have to get to work. With it’s flexibility, I’m able to get more work done throughout the day. With this law being pass, it could affect many people negatively therefore I opposed this law being that it would push many people into unemployment.
I enjoy the flexibility of being a delivery person, and wouldn’t want to jeopardize that. The independence and flexibility of dashing lets me work comfortable hours, and the freedom to make my schedule is very important.
Elmer carrasco Flores
Está bien que tengamos un salario mínimo pero si ay una posibilidad que haga un aumento estaría muy bien Yaque nuestro trabajo es peligroso..
Joshua Otero
I am writing this because I use this to make extra cash on door dash and when covid happened the flexibility and the and being able to go and make quick cash for my family was incomparable to being scheduled at a job I don’t like or just being at a job that didn’t provide enough to stay safe and still do my job
Joshua Wood
I have been working delivery apps since 2016. As with most deliveristas it has been my main or only source of income for much of that time. While these apps claim to offer flexibility and thus not need to be treated like a “real job,” my experience has not shown that. You open a virtual map on your phone, wait for an order to come in, and do exactly what it tells you. On the major apps you need to accept a high percentage of orders and complete enough per month to maintain a high priority status in the algorithm – without this you get assigned fewer if any orders. These companies use Silicon Valley’s best data scientists to determine exactly how cheap each order needs to be assigned at to get somebody to do it. Since the pandemic these companies have expanded rapidly but hired even more couriers, which means they can get away with assigning most orders for very cheap, as low as $2. For most of the last year I have found it not possible to make the city minimum wage of $15 no matter how hard I worked. They offer me $5 to travel multiple miles, and if I refused I would not receive any more offers. My only hope is to get an occasional order with a high tip, however it was up to luck whether or not I am assigned one, and relies on the generosity of an unknown customer.
There may be some couriers who claim to be satisfied with their current pay, and I do not doubt them, however by nature of the game they are the exception who have found a way to play the algorithm for the best orders. The rest of us are left to fight for the scraps that are left. This game cannot continue. It forces us to battle exhaustion as we ride nonstop for 10+ hours a day in dangerous conditions. Or it makes us wait on the curb, outside and vulnerable, for an occasional order assignment that pays just enough for a cup of coffee. There is absolutely no reason for these companies to give us a fair wage now, and with how the pay has been progressing, next year will be even worse. This business has always passed every cost onto us, from our own equipment expenses to paying us absolutely nothing for going to a restaurant which lost your order.
We deserve to take home at least $15/hr for a day of work just like every other occupation in this city is legally guaranteed. Our companies have been threatening to make the job worse if this bill passes – but how could they? The “flexibility” they claim is a myth, these platforms are so overstaffed most of the time we do not get the choice of earning a meaningful payment wherever and whenever we want. Setting a fair minimum wage lifts the floor for all workers. The companies will still find a way to get one of us to quickly fill every order that comes in – they have invested too much into this market to cut back. On the busiest nights they will still pay us more. Random orders nobody else can do will still be available to claim. With a fair minimum wage (and I believe it should be even higher than proposed once our expenses are accounted for) there will be no more waiting on the curb for nothing or getting forced into accepting orders that are not worthwhile. We will rise together and be one step closer to fair treatment where everything they make us do for them is reasonable.
Katherine Zelaya
I support the minimum wage for delivery drivers. I feel like they shouldn’t be on edge about how much they will make a hour. Doing this will secure their payments for the day and give a sense of relief.
Irais Salas
we delibery need a minimum payment since our work is risky and dangerous we need to cover our expenses such as transportation and buy our work equipment thanks
Travis Sauter
One of the biggest appeals of working for a food delivery service company like DoorDash as a contractor is the flexibility. Not just the flexibility of working when you want, but also the flexibility of being able to pick and choose what deliveries you would like to do. Any government interference would hinder these flexibilities and turn off many drivers from wanting to do gig work.
Yo trabajo para restaurante y en mis días libres trabajo la aplicación y es frustrante recibir órdenes por 3 dólares y 3 millas de distancia y el pago por hora es lo mejor que nos merecemos
Merecemos lo que por años las aplicaciones nos han quitado por derecho un salario digno que ahora venga el cambio y mejoras para nosotros los trabajadores de esta industria.
Las aplicaciones siguen sembrando terror entre nosotros los trabajadores hacen comentarios Dentro de sus plataformas desinformando para sembrar ansiedad y miedo de perder los empleos y las horas laborales, sigamos en la lucha el pago por hora salario para todos una forma de cambiar para mejorar
Entendamos que lo que no quieren las aplicaciones que hagamos siempre será lo que a los trabajadores nos va a beneficiar es sentido común no dejen que los mensajes de estas empresas desinformen a la gente y dividan a nuestro grupo somos muchos en Nueva York no permitamos la desigualdad social si al salario
Estas compañías están jugando sucio en lugar de negociar un pago justo intentan no solo desinformar a los trabajadores y al público en general publicando las posibles repercusiones que esto en el futuro pueda tener, unámonos al diálogo para que todos ganemos no desinformen, ahora es el momento de hablar frente a frente con todos los trabajadores y tener un entendimiento mutuo
Dos veces he estado a punto de perder la vida a causa de las aplicaciones, obligándome a hacer las entregas en el tiempo que me dice la app he tenido que prácticamente correr entre los carros arriesgando mi vida, se preocuparon por mi o tuve alguna compensación o pude ir a un hospital y que mi empleador cubriera los gastos, NO tuve nada de eso todo salió de mi bolsillo, apoyo el
Salario y las mejoras que vengan en el futuro por que el cambio siempre es bueno en momentos de tormenta. -
He hecho dinero con relay pero con un salario estoy seguro que puedo hacer mucho más, es una excelente oportunidad para cubrir mis gastos operativos de mi moto y mi equipo contra el clima, estas compañías pueden pagar esto y mucho más para los trabajadores, ahorita están atacando porque no quieren invertir dinero en nosotros, es momento de mostrarles que de verdad lo merecemos y aquellos compañeros que dicen que será peor les quiero decir que peor no podremos estar como estamos ahora.
Si las luchas no existieran, seríamos aún más esclavos de los que somos en este sistema que siempre busca oprimir los derechos de los que tenemos menos,
Por algo existen los sindicatos son luchas que empiezan a causa de grupos pequeños que están cansados de tanta represion, les mando un mensaje a aquellos que no están de acuerdo y sin trabajadores de delivery cómo yo, el cambio siempre es para mejorar las luchas son continuas esto no acaba aquí el otro año será para mejorar pero también ora continuar luchando para que no estemos 14 horas en las calles al sol la nieve y al agua merecemos también disfrutar de la vida, menos horas más salario mejores condiciones laborales y un seguro médico eso no les suena mejor ? Ahí les dejo -
Yo sinseramente estoy contento con el pago espero y no me cierren la aplicación y sigamos trabajando tranquilo
Rogelio p
Estoy con aquellos que apoyan los movimientos por una causa justa si al salario, y aquellos que andan por ahí enojados y quieren seguir en la misma situación creyendo que es lo mejor están muy equivocados si quieren seguir siendo abusados y explotados adelante pero la lucha no para hasta ver que las aplicaciones respondan por años de no compensación monetaria a los trabajadores.
Daniel b
I myself really enjoyed of having the flexibility to can dash at any time because life emergency happened and you will always to make extra money at any moment giving . Having that opportunity really resolved and help a lot of family financial crisis and they don’t got to wait for a paycheck that can be overwhelming for most people thank you
Hola soy de libero nesistamos un sa minino y lo q ganamos por a ora no es susto para pagas nuestro gastos gracias
Me parece gusto
Javel Fuller
I’ve been working as a Dasher with DoorDash for the past 2 years. The flexibility is the main reason why I resigned from my regular Full Time job to become a Full Time Dasher. I support my elderly mother who needs assistance with many daily activities including doctor’s appointments. Unfortunately I would not be able to help her if i Worked the regular Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm as my previous employer required. The opportunity that DoorDash has given me to work at times that I can has helped tremendously. The flexibility gave me the chance to make this a career and still perform my everyday responsibilities. I am writing in opposition to the requirement under NYC’s proposed pay rule that delivery worker pay be based on the amount of time workers have the app open rather than time on delivery. I feel as if this will challenge the very reason why I become a Full Time Dasher to begin with. Since COVID-19 began in 2020, the importance of the food industry really showed the world how valuable it is. When looking for work, the food app industries were the only companies looking to support the city. We as Dashers feel as though we are being punished with the new rules that may be implemented. It should be reconsidered and not only benefit some of us workers. We should all benefit and be able to provide the best service we can.
Pablo Lora
hello my name is Pablo Lora just wanted to weight in on the current sitiation on doordash i currently work on doordash part time as a side gig the good thing about doordash is i can work whenever i want and accept the orders i want to work with forcing doordash to pay drivers hourly rate wont work and it will be horrible for the platform and i personally wont work on platform if you guys want to implement an idea for a minimum pay it should be a minimum per order like a minimum of 6 or 7 dollars per order and then that will work otherwise this wont work
Christina Robinson
Minimum wage is not enough for today’s economy for a household to survive pay rent and also provide food for their families we appreciate everything that doordash has allowed us to do as far as flexibility is very important in today’s economy I love doordash
Christina Robinson
Minimum wage is not enough for today’s economy for a household to survive pay rent and also provide food for their families we appreciate everything that doordash has allowed us to do as far as flexibility is very important in today’s economy I love doordash It has allowed me to spend the necessary time I need at home with my family as well as earning at my own convenience
Part of the draw of working as a food delivery person is the flexibility that it provides. I work with DoorDash and UberEats and a huge benefit to these services is the ability to accept and decline delivery opportunities to your liking. If minimum income measures were introduced, these platforms would be forced to reduce the flexibility that they can offer their workers.
Angela Pham
NYC runs on the hourly sacrifices and hard labor of our delivery workers, many of whom are immigrants working tirelessly to help nourish wealthy New Yorkers for meager pay and paltry tips in unpredictable and dangerous conditions. Establishing a minimum wage that actually makes it feasible for them to pay for essential working and living costs in addition to healthcare needs, bike repair requirements, phone upkeep, and their families’ care, is essential to keeping our city equitable.
Tyrone T
My name Tyrone I’ve been dashing on side for about four years.I live in Brooklyn I’ve dashed through out the five boroughs including New Jersey the whole key to doing Doordash is the flexibility this is the city that never sleeps having the choice to be an independent contractor is what makes this the best side hustle please don’t change anything
I have bin Dashing for DoorDash for some months now cause it’s gig work it give me the power to work when it’s convenient for me and how long.Yes they need a higher base pay but I don’t have to take every job they send me and that’s what count.
This law will take way your right to make work hours, take away your rights as a personal contractor to pick the jobs you want. This law will take us back years not move people forward. -
Randel Torres
Hello my name is randel torres. I live in Staten Island, NYC and have been working as a Dasher with DoorDash for the past 3 years.
I am writing in opposition to the requirements under NYC’s proposed pay rule that delivery worker pay be based on the amount of time workers have the app open rather than time on delivery. It is essential that we base it on time on delivery because it works for all of us. And it gives us the flexibility we need.
I am a father of one with a full time job as a school Bus Driver I need to have a part time job so that I can make extra to be able to take care my family and with that I also need to be able to work around my full time job. This is why I decided to become a dasher so that I can have that flexibility and work when I want and as much as I want. -
Erika Rivera
Hi my name is Erika Rivera and I have been going DoorDash for like two years now I really enjoy working with DoorDash it’s a great help when you need cash on hand and has flexible hours and I can work with my kids and my family at the same time I’m really happy I ran into this because it has helped me and my family very much.
Henry Madzaela
My name is Henry. I live in the Bronx NY, i have been working as a Dasher for 2 years and some months. I’m working in opposition to the requirement under NYC’s proposed pay rule that delivery worker pay be based on time the app is open and minimum hourly rate of $17.87
As a family parent of four children with a full-time job, one salary is not enough i need a part time job to supplement my income that allows me to work around my four children schedule and my full-time job. That’s why i have chosen this kind of work. I need to be able to decide when to work and how much I work every week.
It’s not logical to put a minimum rate of $17.89 per hour for all Dashers since different Dashers use different modes of transportation to do deliveries.
For example: how can you pay the same rate for someone delivering on foot and that one delivering using a car. -
Part of what makes doordash and other delivery service attractive for workers is the flexibility it comes with. The ability to set your own hours. The ease to go home when you want. If that changes then the whole system will be adversely effected. This is not a good idea
Simon kurzban
I am a teacher and part time food delivery worker. With rent so high I have to deliver to pay my bills as teaching does not pay enough to cover rent and groceries. I feel I should be paid fairly for putting my life on the line to bring New Yorkers their meals. Thanks for reading,
Simon -
J Baez
Food delivery workers are essential to all our communities. If not for the sacrifices we make to delivery food whether rain or shine. We deserve so much more it’s bad enough we don’t get paid enough but we deliver important items and food for infants and likewise for the elderly. The flexible of our schedules and working when we could is ESSENTIAL. So Help us help you !!!
Leigh Watts
I support this. These workers deserve it. We rely on them so much. I am not only thinking of able-bodied people who enjoy their services as much as the elderly and home-bound who need deliveries to obtain food, medicines, and other necessities, especially in inclement weather.
Sivan Baron
To the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection,
I am writing to comment on the proposed rule recently published by the Department that would set a minimum pay rate for app-based restaurant delivery workers. I own Silvana, Shrine, Yatenga French Bistro and Bar and Ouaga sports bar, family owned businesses in Harlem that have been serving customers for more than 16 years.While we have always loved welcoming customers into our restaurant, like almost every restaurant we started to face challenges in 2020 when in-person dining was restricted. Delivery workers became an essential part of New York’s economy, especially during the pandemic when we really relied on them, and I agree that they deserve to be paid a reasonable wage and to have access to important protections.
But I am concerned the City is not doing enough to consider how the current proposal for high minimum wage would actually negatively impact customers, delivery workers, and small business owners like myself. We joined DoorDash, Uber, Grubhub and Postmates to help make sure our restaurants were able to survive, and now years later, delivery is ingrained in our business, it’s helped us grow revenue and we’ve come to really rely on the benefits it provides.
While much of the responses to the initial study released by DCWP seems to be focused on the pay rate itself, what is deserving of further consideration is how the city is going to require platforms to meet that rate. The DCWP said it estimates about 60,000 workers use delivery apps during any week, and now they are proposing that these platforms will have to pay workers for the amount of time they have apps open, beyond just when they are making deliveries.
This is going to significantly increase costs for platforms, and these added costs are likely to be directly passed on to consumers. As a business owner, the likely outcome is clear to me: Higher cost means fewer orders. Just as we have seen when we have tested out different prices on our menu, we know that even slight changes to prices can deter customers from ordering delivery, either because people can’t afford to do it as frequently, or at all. If the full costs are passed on to consumers, which the City estimates could be upwards of $5 per order, many small businesses would not be able to survive such a stark drop in orders.
And this is coming at a time when we are already facing many challenges as an industry. I have to work hard just to retain the staff I have, maintain quality and battle inflation that’s driving up the cost of ingredients and forcing us to increase our prices to keep up. The extra costs for delivery that would take away more revenue would create a big problem for us.
While I support a reasonable minimum wage for delivery workers, I urge DWCP to carefully consider the potential impacts of the rule and make some necessary changes. Establishing a meaningful pay rate for delivery workers is well-intentioned, small business owners need a balance to ensure we are not ultimately paying the price. With that in mind, we respectfully encourage the Department to revise the structure of this proposal to prevent higher costs for the local restaurants and small businesses that are at the center of our local economy and so many communities throughout New York City.
Sivan Baron
Owner of Silvana, Yatenga French Bistro and Bar, Shrine world music and Ouaga sports bar. -
Sergio Tzarax
0I am Sergio and I have been a distributor of applications for a long time, and I understand that this is a business where everyone has to earn money at the same time as there is a satisfied customer, but at what price, this year has been very difficult for me. robbed and the city police failed to recover my ebike, I had to borrow from friends and family to continue working again. and everything came out of my pocket, in this job there is no kind of protection for the worker, that is why it is a profitable business, where there is always exploitation. There may be someone very happy with everything remaining the same, companies and businesses will always look for the best option to fatten their bank accounts, but I can ask them, at what price, and they will not know at what price because nobody else If you are a delivery person you will understand, we pay a high price to work and not only in money but also with our lives when you run over us they kill us for stealing a bicycle or our phone while we are making a food delivery
Alejandro Ixcoy
I am an Uber delivery person and this has been coming to me a few days ago, regarding the new city rule, I have seen replies that the delivery drivers make to the apps regarding this and the response from the apps is to deactivate for not supporting the and Opining against them, that is retaliation for the worker, we have always expected the support of the applications, or at least a message at times when we are assaulted or run over but in response we receive nothing, and now that the city seeks to dignify this I work there because the applications want our support from the workers, the flexibility they claim is pure mirage from them, I work long hours spread out to be able to make my money and for the most part it is the client’s tips that sustain us, they are never interested in what that the delivery men live day by day, that’s why I fully support the regulation proposed by the city !!!
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Khaled H Hachemi Boumila
The online app company’s take advantage of delivery workers with low payment for trips and mo payment at all sometime especially with Ubereat don’t pay the amount that accepted when I call them and complain they just said customer retrieve his tip so they don’t care and sometimes they just block the account
Cash Shinobi
It is paramount that delivery workers receive $30 an hour. It’s not fair that these apps pay below minimum wage and have workers competing for lowest orders
Jazmine Ghee
Hello as a Doordash worker the flexibility of the job is what makes it great.
David Sierra
This will definitely hurt workers that have families and need to flexibility to work on there own time
Now that the pandemic is behind us they want to stab up in the back during the pandemic we where the first responders to serve people that where quarantined way to go city officials of Nyc you turned your back against us again -
Doing something like this only shows that everyone knows base pay for workers has always fell short of what should actually be paid out, O n top of that no worker in any criteria should have to depend on tips to make it by in the world. Now to group together three deliveries on one trip and only pay out some change when you can choose not to pick this lousy purposeful programming of the app is even worse and makes it out right disrespectful to someone who is actually trying to grind out to make a living.
Shakera Brown
I have been doing food delivery for gig companies since November 2021 and I choose this line of work for the flexibility. As a parent my schedule is always changing and having the ability to work around my life why enjoy food delivery. I’m not looking for another 9-5. This minimum wage will only hurt the workers and by forcing the delivery driver to accept any order at any distance given to us
Jose L
Me parece perfecto que ganemos por hora ya que nosotros los deliverustaa sufrimos mucho en la calle y a veces las compañías no se preocupan por nosotros
Noe R
Wuauuu me parece perfecto que. Hay personas que luchen por nuestros derechos eso me alegra mucho esto ganar por hora me da mucha alegría
Me parece una idea pero me gustaría saber la relación de la compañias
Erick f
Quien lo dijera hace tiempo atrás doordash apens si nos daba los pago por carrera y mire ahora seria un pago me parece muy bien que se haga el pago por hora la verdad ahay vece que salimos a trabajar y a veces las aplicaciones apenas si nos dan unos delivery que nisiquiera llevan propinas y lo más feo es que eso nos frustra y no tenemos a quien reclamar nuestros patrones son fantaama
DCWP’s members are doing good by defending our interests. A minimum wage is good but :
1) What about the flexibility ( start/stop whenever you want ) ?
2) Will we have to accept all orders ( no matter the distance from pickup to drop off) ?
3) How many hours we will be allowed to work? 40hrs/week ? Overtime paid ?
Joel Feliciano
To the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection,
We are writing to comment on the proposed rule recently published by the Department that would set a minimum pay rate for app-based restaurant delivery workers.
The Yemeni American Merchants Association (YAMA) advocates for Yemeni-American bodega owners through outreach, education, and by providing a community and support system with the collective goal of providing a brighter future for Yemeni-Americans. Our organization works to support these largely immigrant-owned small businesses, and ensure they continue to have access to economic opportunity and a level playing field in New York’s economy.
We understand the need to establish a minimum pay rate for food delivery workers, and we support the city’s efforts to do so. As an organization that also represents a community of essential workers, we know firsthand the difficult work that delivery workers grappled with during the pandemic and the critical role they played in helping the restaurant industry survive. However, the way the initial DCWP proposal is structured presents significant concerns about how it will potentially impact small business owners like those we represent.
New York City bodegas were hit particularly hard by the pandemic, with many facing staffing issues, COVID-19 illness in their communities and a decrease in foot traffic in their stores. One of the few opportunities during the pandemic was the increased demand for food and grocery delivery. We saw this as an opportunity for our members and worked to get our bodegas on delivery platforms like DoorDash, equipping them with the technology to modernize and grow their businesses through delivery with a goal of sustaining them for the long term. Many of our bodegas have seen great success on these platforms and have relied on delivery as a key revenue stream in this post-pandemic economy.
As currently proposed, the minimum pay rate contains provisions that will likely add significant costs to deliveries, namely basing total pay for all workers around the time they have an app open, even if they have no plans to accept orders during that time. We are concerned that this rule as drafted will mean a decrease in delivery orders for small businesses like bodegas offering prepared meals and groceries due to rising costs to the consumer. Our bodega owners are already struggling with rising costs due to inflation. This drop in revenue could be harmful to our bodegas who have grown to rely on delivery services for the survival of their businesses, and cannot afford additional hurdles to opportunities that are helping them modernize their businesses.
We want to reiterate that our organization does support a reasonable minimum wage for delivery workers, but we urge the DWCP to carefully consider the potential impacts of the proposed rule. Specifically, there needs to be reasonable changes to the pay model that will still ensure meaningful wage protections for delivery workers but does not impose unnecessary costs on the small businesses community, including bodegas. We hope the DCWP will re-evaluate the proposed rule and come up with a solution that works for all hard working New Yorkers.
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Urban p
Me 0arece bien ganar un pago bueno lo que me hace pensar como las compañia van a reacionar
Estoy va perjudicar a muchos trabajadores independientes
Aprecio v
Me parece bien por q al fin tendremos in pago
Desacuerdo con el pago nosotros somos trabajadores independiente estamos bien así que más podemos exigir
Un pago es lo que mete esos los trabajadores de entrega de comida ya que arriesgamos mucho por andar afuera desde e contando accidente y todo lo que le suma
Trabajador de entrega de comida accid3ntado si. Ayuda de nadie las compañías no apoyan y la verdad si nos merecemos un pago por hira
Pago gusto es lo ideal
Deliverista he sufrido accidente me an atropellado he sido víctima de robo y las compañías no me an apoyado me parece gusto un pago por hora
Nos merecemos eso y mas
My name is shatoya. I live in Jamaica queens , NYC, and have been working as a Dasher with DoorDash for the past 1 year and half. I am writing in opposition to NYC’s earnings standard’s aggregate pay requirement. As a single parent with a full-time job as a ups driver, I need to have a part-time job to supplement my income that allows me to work around my four children’s schedules and my full-time job. This is why I’ve chosen this kind of work. I need to be able to decide when I work and how much I work each week.
Eulalio F
Entonces ya no seremos trabajadores independientes pues eso no me parece bien
Rafael m
Es buena idea gracias departamento de labor por pensar en nosotros los trabajadores de la calle
Me parece perfecto ganar por hora
Es buena idea ganar por hora ya que las compañías son multimillonarias a costillas de los trabajadores
Soy trabajador de dasher desde hace mucho tiempo y la verdad no estoy de acuerdo con esta nueva regla o leyes me gusta ser un trabajador independiente al ganar un pago seria que seamos un trabajador ma a
Lynn Lu
pay deliveristas the fair pay they deserve as essential workers doing a dangerous job!
Maralin Springer
I am writing in opposition to the NYC earnings standard’s aggregate pay requirement.
Currently, I work a full-time position with NYS, but I still don’t make enough to cover all my bills and expenses. Because of my irregular and unpredictable schedule, most part time jobs don’t provide a feasible option for me.
I started my gig work with Grubhub around 2018, and have been delivering for DoorDash and Uber for about the last 2 years. Since there’s no requirement for when or how long you work, I figured there was no harm in giving it a try. It’s turned out to be one of the best career decisions I’ve made.
I have found that having the flexibility to work in whatever time I have available is an absolute necessity for me, and has made a definite positive impact on my financial health.
If I’m in a pinch I can spend less than an hour on the road to earn some quick cash and cover last minute things like gas, parking, tolls, overdrafts, Escrow shortages, etc.
This helps me not only to make ends meet, but work to maintain/ improve my credit score. Unlike my full time job, I can say that the harder I work, the more it pays off…. and if it didn’t work for ME, I wouldn’t keep doing it.
I definitely appreciate I am the one in control of which jobs I accept, complete or decline. I do NOT want to start seeing things like “once accepted you must complete the order, ” or “you must accept all offered jobs.” Those are the type of requirements that make it more difficult for someone like me to earn additional income.
Because I can turn down job offers, I’m able to choose only safe places and times to work, as well as finding the best paying job offers available.
Employers like DoorDash and Uber are already offering very helpful incentives to their delivery partners, many of which are comparable to or even better than the incentives offered by my full time employer (cash back on gas, tuition, and discounts on food orders are just a few). I worry that these changes will limit companies’ ability to provide us with these incentives.
In 2021, I underwent foot surgery and needed flexibility in my work conditions as I couldn’t sit or stand for very long periods. My employer refused my request to work from home even for part of my schedule, which forced me to take leave instead.
Being able to “Dash” for DoorDash during those few months not only became a way to keep on top of my mounting medical expenses, but it also helped with my physical recovery, as I could give my foot daily exercise and stop as soon as I felt it was too much – something considered unreasonable by my full time employer.
The idea of setting a minimum wage for these positions sounds like a great idea until you consider all of the control that the worker would lose in the process.
The recent laws that have been put in place in NY have already solved many of the issues that used to be a problem for delivery workers. Now that I am able to set distance limits, see full trip information, time estimates, customer tips and more, I’ve enjoyed doing this work even more than before.
It’s also been great to see these companies working with, and not against, their delivery partners, not only seeking input but actually implementing the ideas that work. Not to mention that it has helped to create new bonds in our communities, as restaurants (old and new), drivers and customers engage and “discover” each other.
Aside from losing these perks of flexibility, I worry that turning gig work into minimum wage work will only feed into that cycle of eliminating jobs/hours in order to reduce payroll costs, or raising requirements for applicants to get into basic entry-level positions (ie. requiring a Bachelors degree to do simply clerical work). That would affect not only gig workers, but other industries as well.
Please don’t ruin a good thing by taking away what has become a helpful, productive and entrepreneurial experience for so many hard working people.
These jobs work BECAUSE of the fact the gig worker is in control, not despite it. Mandating a minimum wage will have negative effects on this industry of those who depend on it to maintain their livelihood.
I appreciate the chance to weigh in on this issue, and hope our leaders will do what is best for us as citizens.
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Michal Birnbaum
I support $28.82 minimum pay for all delivery workers in NYC
Alan Gerber
As a bike commuter, I regularly see delivery workers out at all hours of the day in all weather conditions, including driving rain & heavy snow. While I choose to ride in those conditions for my own enjoyment, they have no option and spend all day outdoors in all weather facing all sorts of risks. They deserve fair compensation for their work & to be able to afford safe, high-quality equipment and to be able to ride at a safe and orderly pace rather than rushing about dangerously to be able to make a living while chasing meager tips. This may raise the price of deliveries but if delivery customers cannot afford to pay a fair wage to delivery workers, they cannot afford delivery — I mostly walk to pick up my own meals.
I’m a new mom and the flexibility Doordash is providing to me right now, is what I need to help to the family income while I care for my daughter.
When my baby is asleep for the night, I’m able to grab my car and go make some extra money.
It didn’t only helped me economically, it did also helped fight my postpartum depression by allowing me to take fresh air, to forget about responsibilities for a couple of hours and feeling competent by seeing my bank account growing as before.I can’t always leave home, and that’s why I need Doordash to stay as it is: FLEXIBLE
Elizabeth Denys
Deliveristas are essential workers who work under extremely difficult conditions to ensure New Yorkers are always able to get essentials like food, groceries, and medicine delivered. Delivery bicyclists work under especially difficult conditions because the City has yet to provide them with a complete safe bicycling network and even where bike lanes are present, they are often in poor condition.
Deliveristas typically live paycheck to paycheck, making approximately $7.09 per hour with tips, and with their hourly expenses are $3.06, take home pay is reduced to $4.03 per hour without tips. Deliveristas deserve a living wage, and I support their recommendations that DCWP roll-out WJP/LDU’s proposed minimum pay as follow:
Year 2023 – $20.87 Minimum Pay
Year 2024 – $24.25 Minimum Pay
Year 2025 – $28.82 Minimum Pay
In addition to working to create a living wage for deliveristas, some of this pay would serve to compensate workers for the expenses that lower their wages and some of it would also reflect the absence of workers’ compensation insurance.
Elena Conte
1 consider increasing the expense rate by $5, including the expenses of Deliveristas that use registered mopeds as work tools, essential safety expenses such as GPS Trackers, and hazard pay –
2 DCWP should roll-out minimum pay as follows:
Year 2023 – $20.87 Minimum Pay
Year 2024 – $24.25 Minimum Pay
Year 2025 – $28.82 Minimum Pay3. DCWP should closely monitor and evaluate the implementation of the aggregate pay component of the proposed minimum pay. The proposed structure leaves the calculation of the on-call time to the discretion of the applications, which is expected to lead to a more efficient use of the waiting time. Careful monitoring of this part of the new policy is key to prevent negative impacts on workers’ pay and work hours.
Peter Shapiro
I was standing in front of my building, eating a bag of peanuts. A delivery guy chains up with a big bag of food for someone in my building. When he comes back, I offered him some peanuts. He was so grateful that I offered. He said he hadn’t eaten yet today. It was 7pm. I gave him the rest of the bag. The gratitude in this persons face made me want to cry. The advertisements for all the apps that people order their food from, don’t tell you the person delivering your meal is getting pennies on the dollar. Saying thank you, I really appreciate this, as I hear one of my neighbors always say, doesn’t help this man or woman feed their own families. They need the dignity of being paid properly for a job most people couldn’t and wouldn’t do.
Lauren Collier
I oppose this law, I value my freedom and flexibility. And am pleased with the way things are.
Amed traore
Very good company I have ever see before, very nice delivery company I love it!
Jackson Chabot
As NYC resident & consumer – I support more than 60,000 Deliveristas – hard working people, who battle long hours, while braving nasty storms, flooding, speeding drivers and thieves to feed New Yorkers and sustain restaurants. I support Los Deliveristas in their historic journey to justice and to obtain a Just Living Wage that Pay for them ALL the time they spend on working for the apps. All apps must pay an additional $5, so Deliveristas can cover their work expenses. But more important, DCWP must protect workers and remain vigilant of the apps’ actions to deactivate workers. These workers served us during pandemic and continue to serve us during this winter season.
Council Member Gale A. Brewer
Comment added December 15, 2022 2:14pm -
Theresa I
my name is Teresa Irvin I live in Brooklyn New York and have been working as a Dasha with DoorDash for three years. I am writing an opposition to the requirements on the NYC’s propose payroll that delivery workers pay be based on the amount of time workers have the app open rather than time on delivery as a single parent with a full-time job as a home care provider I need to have a part-time job to supplement my income that allows me to work around my children’s schedule and my full-time job. This is why I have children chosen this kind of work. I need to be able to decide when I work and how much I work each week.
Harold F
I want to keep the flexible work and hours that dashing has now. That is what I like about it.
Jacob Nardone
Delivery is what keeps New York alive. As someone who relies heavily on delivery and has done delivery work in the past I stand strongly with the Deliveristas in their fight. Pay them!
Devine Harvin
I totally DISAGREE with the new proposal for numerous reasons. The first reason being, THOSE THAT USE THERE OWN AUTOMOBILES DO NOT GET PAYED ENOUGH AS IT IS NOW. It takes me about $90.00 to fill up my van and there are days I work well over 8 hours and only make about 60-$80. After that, I usually have to put back 25-$30 into my tank, leaving me with a take home pay of $60 for a 8hour shift. This ends up being about $7.50 an hour which is modern day slavery. On top of that, with all the wear and tear we do to our vehicles, what are we actually working for? We need to do oil changes, plus miles being added etc… it literally makes no since to do this for a living if one had the option not too. At the end of the year I owe in taxes! This proposal only benefits those that choose to sacrifice their very own blood sweat & tears until they have the option to do better for themselves. Therefore, I REPEAT, I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THIS PROPOSAL!
Amed Traore
Minimum pay should be $21.50
Jeremy E Pikser
I strongly support minimum standards for app delivery workers. huge profits are being made on these services and the conditions under which they labor are inhuman. moreso, the fact that their underpayment forces them to rush at unsafe speeds not only endangers them but every pedestrian in the city.
Robin Jeanne Loomis-Distefano
I fully support this proposed law 115 for fair pay and working conditions for delivery people-
Jennifer Carey
Do The Right Thing.
Food delivery workers are heroes and deserve to be protected and paid as such. The corporations they are employed by are more than able to fairly compensate these essential workers as the corporations have raked in millions of dollars throughout the pandemic.
If you must study this issue, so be it. But really, all you need to do is
Do The Right Thing.
Jennifer Carey -
Kathy Slawinski
These deliveristas kept us fed during a pandemic. They risk their lives every day to bring food to those who won’t or can’t get it for themselves–and they are frequently cheated by their employers and have their tips stolen. They live ten in a room and save up to buy an ebike, only to have it stolen. They are unsung heroes and certainly need a living wage!
Wilfred Johnson
To whom it may concern,
I Wilfred Johnson will state the importance of free marketing of delivering all goods. I am from Brooklyn when my nephew brought to my attention the opportunity to dash. I am in my sixtys and I am not accustomed to working indoors, the dashing afforded me the freedom to make good money at my convenience. I started out as a walker then I acquired a scooter. Dashing afforded me opportunity to work hard and learn the business. In less then a years time I was able to afford a very comfortable life style. Delivery is a job where a person can work hard a be there own boss. -
Joshe Ordonez
As a business owner of a logistics company, I support wage increases for delivery workers. Logistics and delivery service providers are not compensated fairly, corporations need to request the right payment amounts from consumers. Consumers don’t know how difficult and expensive is to deliver things in NYC to please their convenience.
We need the city to support delivery workers and delivery services. We get ticketed excessively, harassed, and discriminated against. -
Johnny Marrero
My name us Johnny Marrero. I live in Brooklyn, NYC, and have been working as a Dasher with DoorDash for the past 4 years. I am writing in opposition to the requirement under NYC’s proposed
pay rule that delivery worker pay be based on the amount of time workers have the app open rather than time on delivery.
I need to have a part-time job to supplement my income that allows me to work around my full time job having one job isn’t to enough help support my family. I need to be able to decide when I work and how much I work each week. As some days I’m too exhausted but I rest assured knowing I can dash when I need to so that I make sure no bills go unpaid.
Johnny Marrero -
Jane Jones
Delivery workers in NYC work incredibly hard and deserve to be treated with dignity. Their wages should reflect the value they provide to these large tech firms, which wouldn’t be able to function without the labor of delivery workers. I’m a resident of NYC who supports a fair wage that exceeds the minimum wage in New York.
Elizabeth Sutter
My name is Elizabeth Sutter. I’ve dashed in multiple places, but my main location was in NYC. I’ve been dashing for a few years now. I am writing in opposition to NYC’s earnings standard’s aggregate pay requirement. I enjoy being a dasher due to the flexibility of it. I can dash in between pay checks to make sure I have constant income flow. I can decide where to work and how much to work. That’s the best part of it all.
Mekhi A Creed
I believe that these changes are unfair to the food delivery community. These changes will restrict the freedom of these workers and most likely put a huge dent in their income people do these jobs to help sustain the expensive lifestyle that is thrown at us everyday and to make it harder for them will down right next wrong.
Rachel Paster
Food delivery workers are an integral part of New York’s economy and what makes this city great. They deserve a living wage that helps them support themselves and their families.
Debra Catanzaro
App delivery services are big business that create a lot of revenue. The delivery workers deserve a fair wage especially in major cities like NYC where the cost of living makes it difficult for individuals to make ends meet.
Robert Santiago
My name’s Robert, I made an Uber eats account on the strength that it was a simple way to make extra cash as my own boss. The accessibility Uber eats provides to make be able to work on your own schedule as a part time job for me is everything I could ask for. Since I work a full time job that doesn’t have a set schedule, I can log in and work when I can. If that changes it’ll be a whole lot worse for me and the majority of Uber delivery drivers.
Mark Papish
As anyone that has ever been outside in the winter in New York City can attest, the weather can be absolutely brutal. Like most white collar workers in the city, I’ve grown accustomed to using the various food delivery apps (Ubereats, seamless, doordash,etc) to order dinner whenever I’m able to spend a ridiculous amount of money on something I can’t cook at home.
But, even though it seems like I always pay a kings ransom for food delivery, none of the profits seem to be going to the people working the hardest to get what we ordered to us. The food delivery drivers of NYC deserve more, not just because the work they do is difficult (biking in the snow, rain, and braving the road rage of nyc drivers), not only because they stepped up and showed out when our city shut down due to a pandemic, and not only because at every turn they’ve been policed and discriminated against by the same city they work so hard to keep running.
They deserve more because they say they do, and we should always listen to workers.
Chrystal Nwogu
Hello my name is Chrystal Nwogu I live in The Bronx New York. I have been Dashing out of Whiteplains New York area now for almost 2 years now. I am writing in opposition to NYC’s earnings standard’s aggregate pay requirement. I work for The Department of Education as a Paraprofessional. I use the extra income I make from DoorDash to help me maintain my bills. The convenience of being able to make my own schedule, work when and how much I want is the main reason I choose DoorDash.
Tavien Blakely
The new conditions that will be placed on delivery drivers will hurt us financially dramatically. Being able to work your own hours allows me to make the extra income desperately needed to pay for higher living cost in nyc. If this is enforced my family will be forced to use public assistance( for sure ). The new guidelines are draconian in there design and out of touch with reality. We were considered essential workers during the pandemic. We are still essential workers now.
We live in a very expensive city & a living wage is the bare minimum we owe these folks. The pandemic has shown us just how important delivery people are, now let’s show it!
Sofia Baluyut
I support fair minimum wage for food delivery workers! They held New York down through the pandemic and still do to this day. It’s important we pay them for their hard work.
Lorraine Meriles
Everyone who works should be paid fairly. Food delivery workers worked throughout the pandemic keeping us fed during the lockdown. They are frequently at risk in the course of their job. It’s only right.
Nancy Holmstrom
It’s only fair! For God’s sake.
Give them a break…. -
Dan Fast
There is absolutely no reason, other than company greed, that delivery people should not be paid a living wage. At the very least this calls for the state minimum wage, and no, tips should not be part of the discussion!
Ashley Hall
I strongly support a fair minimum wage for our app delivery worker community. These workers keep NYC running, and work incredibly hard in often terrible conditions, and deserve a living and guaranteed wage. We depend on them; they should be able to depend on their job to pay them fairly. This study should certainly move forward and hopefully address some of the concerns laid out in other comments.
Lina Hurwitz
My name is Lina Hurwitz. I completely support a minimum wage for the Ubereats, Doordash, Grubhub delivery drivers. The work for these companies , they deserve a minimum wage. They deserve more than that. They definitely need to be allowed to use the bathroom while they are working. They deserve to be offered pick ups at restaurants close to their locations and not have to waste gasoline to serve the interests of the companies they work for. They deserve flu immunization and COVID immunizations. They deserve stock in the company they work for.
To the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection,
I am writing to comment on the proposed rule recently published by the Department that would set a minimum pay rate for app-based restaurant delivery workers. I am the owner of a small business in Bedford Stuyvesant that has been serving customers delicious savory and sweet crepes.
While we have always loved welcoming customers into our restaurant, our business changed in 2020 when we joined delivery platforms like DoorDash, UberEats, Grubhub that help us reach new customers, increase our sales and grow our business.
Delivery workers became an essential part of New York’s economy, especially during the pandemic, and I agree that they deserve to be paid a reasonable minimum wage and to have access to important protections. But I am concerned the City is not doing enough to consider how the current proposal for a minimum wage would actually negatively impact customers, delivery workers, and small business owners like myself.
While much of the responses to the initial study released by DCWP seems to be focused on the pay rate itself, what is deserving of further consideration is how the city is going to require platforms to meet that rate. The DCWP said it estimates about 60,000 workers use delivery apps during any week, and now they are proposing that these platforms will have to pay workers for the amount of time they have apps open, beyond just when they are making deliveries.
This is going to significantly increase costs for platforms, and these added costs are likely to be directly passed on to consumers. As a business owner, the likely outcome is clear to me: Higher cost means fewer orders. Just as we have seen when we have tested out different prices on our menu, we know that even slight changes to prices can deter customers from ordering delivery, either because people can’t afford to do it as frequently, or at all. If the full costs are passed on to consumers, which the City estimates could be upwards of $5 per order, many small businesses would not be able to survive such a stark drop in orders.
The past two years have been a challenging time for the restaurant industry and we have been facing many of the issues that restaurants across the city have been struggling with, such as staffing troubles and the increase in cost of goods. We cannot handle running our own delivery service, so if there is a significant drop in third-party deliveries, we will lose revenue.
And the decrease in deliveries would be especially hard for restaurants and local businesses in further out areas of New York City like where my restaurant is located in Bedford Stuyvesant. If businesses in those areas are not receiving enough orders, the City’s study makes clear that delivery platforms may need to severely reduce or eliminate service altogether.
While I support a reasonable minimum wage for delivery workers, I urge DWCP to carefully consider the potential impacts of the rule and make some necessary changes. While establishing a meaningful pay rate for delivery workers is well-intentioned, small business owners need a balance to ensure we are not ultimately paying the price. With that in mind, we respectfully encourage the Department to revise the structure of this proposal to prevent higher costs for the local restaurants and small businesses that are at the center of our local economy and so many communities throughout New York City.
M.T -
Karen castellanos
Hello good evening, it is a pleasure that we can have this opportunity to talk about what we feel and that you can see the opinion of different people who may be affected in this aspect of generalizing payment on delivery,
I am Karen, a woman who is studying, has children, a husband and a life with different hours and reasons why I cannot work in a company that offers fixed hours. I have been working on this app for a long time where I have found a flexible schedule, financial stability and peace of mind in my life. I think that establishing general payments makes the job not work, if we wanted hourly jobs we would look for hourly jobs; Thanks for having this forum where you can see who really benefits from this wonderful work as it is. -
Dshea G
My name is D’Shea and I’m a single parent of a special needs child. As a parent of a special needs child DoorDash has given me a back a independence and flexibility to be able to care for my daughter. No, 9 to 5 job would ever consider hiring me due to the demanding care of my daughter. I’m able to log on and off as needed and still be able to care for my self and my family. I know doing DoorDash won’t make me rich however as a New Yorker, I want to be able to live with flexibility and independence. Plus still be there to care for my family. -
This is a much needed law! It will make our city safer and more prosperous. It could also set a precedent that could be implemented across other industries and jobs that need it as well. And ideally encourage city leaders to determine a REAL cost of living calculation, city-wide. Please vote yes on this!
Luis Alarcon
Bien pues para mi relay esta pagando lo justo y lo que la ciudad esta prponiendo no debe ser incluido porque ellos pagan lo mismo que paga un restaurante desde empiza uno a trabajar y cuando termine le pagan todas las horas trabajadas.
Alex Cotonon
buenas pues así cómo está trabajando el Relay me gustado y pues no estoy de acuerdo de que cambia. Pues mi experiencia pues muy bien la verdad yo tiempo trabajando con Relay y pues no y no deve cambiar
Hernan David Lainez
Buenas tardes pues a me gusta q se pague por hora xq es mas conveniente para nosotros los delivrieros pues Relay no se debe de incluir en la nueva ley porque Relay es una aplicasion q alluda mucha gente y así cómo está ahora es más conveniente si sigue pagando por ahora nos conviene mas como delibriero a yo digo no a la nueva ley atentamente Hernan David Laines
Cristian Alvarez
Si, buenas tardes yo pienso que Relay es la mejor aplicación precisamente porque nos paga por hora así nosotros podemos entregar sin importar mucho la distancia y la propina al saber que también al ir un poco lejos sabemos que ya contamos con el pago por hora pues hay deliberes grandes que compensan si por ahí te toca un pequeño!!
Estamos mucho tiempo trabajando así y realmente nos a ido muy bien espero que no cambie en nada esta modalidad de pago actual muchas gracias!! ️ ️
Otoniel Xiloj Cutz
Saludos cordiales! Yo (OTONIEL XILOJ CUTZ), trabajador esencial y delibrero para la compañía RELAY desde enero 2019, me niego rotundamente con la nueva regla que la ciudad quiere imponer, donde nos paguen a $30 la hora… 1)relay ha sido y es la única compañía que paga por hora, por eso mismo es la mejor compañía..yo y todos mis amigos que trabajamos con relay hacemos buen dinero trabajando asi..mínimo estamos ganando a 35 la hora..esta compañía es la única que verdaderamente valora el trabajo del delibrero.
2) siempre he admirado el que dirige esta compañía relay..sin duda alguna es alguien que quizás fue delibrero…entiende muy bien la vida y trabajo de un delibrero…por eso mismo paga 12.50 la hora y más la propina…en muchas ocasiones ganamos hasta $50 la hora.
3)esa nueva regla que la ciudad quiere imponer debe ser descartada..nos perjudicaría totalmente a nosotros los que enverdad estamos en las calles, los que enverdad vivimos el día a dia como repartidores de comida..AQUELLAS PERSONAS QUE HACEN LO POSIBLE PARA QUE SE IMPONGA ESTA REGLA..SON PERSONAS QUE NI IDEA TIENEN COMO SER REPARTIDOR Y MUCHO MENOS HAN TRABAJDO EN ESTO…personas que solo velan por sus propios intereses a costa de nosotros los que enverdad trabajamos día a día -
Armando Vincente
Hola, yo (ARMANDO VICENTE) trabajador de la compania Relay desde hace 2 años, me niego rotundamente con la nueva regla que la cuidad quiere imponer, donde nos paga a $30 la hora…
1) relay ha sido y la única compania que paga por hora, por eso mismo es la mejor compania para mi, yo y todos mis amigos que trabajamos con relay hacemos dinero trabajando así… mínimo estamos ganando a $30 la hora… esta compania es la única que en verdad valora el trabajo del deliverero.
2) Admiro el que dirige esta compania RELAY… sin duda alguna es alguin que quizás fue deliverero…. entiende la vida y trabajo de un deliverero, por eso mismo paga a $12.50 la hora y más propina.
3) esa nueva regla que la cuidad quiere poner debe ser descartada, nos perjudicaría a nosotros que en verdad estamos en las calles, los que enverdad vivimos el día a día como delivereros, aquellas persona que hacen lo posible para que se imponga esta regla, son personas que ni idea tienen como ser un deliverero, y puede que ni trabajan haciendo entregas… personas que solo velan por sus propios intereses a costa de nosotros los que enverdad trabajamos día a día.FELIZ DÍA.
Guadalupe Mendez
Bueno porque yo e trabajado en otras aplicaciones que pagan por delivery y no se comparan con Relay porque por delivery no ase uno mucha ganancias como lo ase uno con Relay y en este poco tiempo que tengo trabajando con relay me quedo sorprendida en las ganancias Relay es la app número 1 y la mejor por eso mi punto de vista es que siga pagando por hora la ciudad debe de ver que relay esta pagando bien
Alejandro Hernandez
Hola buenas tardes mi nonbre es Alejado Henandez ami me gusta trabajar con ReLay x que es una conpania muy buena y no estoy de acuerdo a que la enclullan ala reglas que quiere la siudad con Relay ce puede ganar asta 40 dólares la hora poreso no estoy de acuerdo con las hotras reglas nos ceguimos quedando a cómo estamos muchas grasias
Seferino Hernandez
Mi experiencia es muy buena con relay porque pagan por hora y más las propinas siempre esta muy busy y siento que está bien cómo está pagando ahora y yo le afectaría si cambian a la nueva regala de la cuidad
Rafael Parra
Hola buenas tardes mi nombre es Rafael y trabajo para Relay a mi en lo personal me gustaría que nos sigan pagando por hora como lo viene siendo Relay
En lo personal creo que no es una buena idea (esta regla nueva) ya que un tiempo atrás ee trabajado en otras compañías como dhasher y en mi opinión creo que es mejor que nos sigan pagando por horas (como Relay)
Lewis Grupper
I support a higher minimum wage for deliveristas!
Santos Baten
Hola bunas tardes !
En primer lugar mis años que estoy usando la aplicación nunca me e quejado sobre el pago.
Relay es una de las compañías más usadas por los repartidores de comida, en mi opinión que siguen pagando por hora en mi caso yo me ciento bien con los pagos semanales y de uso uso la aplicación diariamente… relay no debería estar sometido en la nueva ley, el pago por hora es justo mas propinas.
Deben segir pagando como lo están asiendo ahoraYo no esto de acurdo a que relay sea sometido en la nueva ley.
enero 14 del 2021
No es muchos años pero durante este perido estoy bien con todos los pagos
Relay no debe estar incluido en la nueva ley … -
Oswaldo Lopez
Hola me llamo Oswaldo Lopez, llevo casi 4 años trabajo con Relay. Me gusta que la compañía esté pagando por hora porque en esa forma nos ayudamos todos. Porque me la paso trabajado casi 11 horas al días y siempre ellos están busy. Me gusta su forma de pago por hora porque me ayuda con mis bill, renta, comida y los más importantes arreglo de mi bicicleta ! Porque a cada semana se tiene que arreglar los frenos de la bicicleta por nuestras seguridad y las luces para el tráfico también.. relay me ayuda mucho por pago de hora porque allí es adonde alimento mi familia.
Alec Werner
I have been employed by relay for over two years. As somebody that has delivered food ever since they were 18 years old I’d never see myself being able to live in my own apartment and pay all bills until I started get the reservations neccasary to work full-time in Manhattan. Over a large enough sample size working with almost every courier in Manhattan I have found that relay has paid the best for me in not only dollar per mile as well as time spent working. Even though Im aware of being a top tier earner on the app and most people that work on don’t have the average hourly pay I do because I have one of the lowest scheduling times and deliver faster than most that in most cases if you work the entirety of the hours available on the app every week you can make by on that alone. For me this a margin where Im comfortable and I can enjoy my life in the city without overworking myself. What makes relay superior to the other popular apps is not only the lack of downtime between deliveries where it truly feels like your always earning without having to juggle and check other apps and coordinate sensible routhes between them, but also relay does the head work for you and can just purely focus on the delivery one at a time as efficiently well and in good standard as you can knowing most of the time they already have your next best job coordinated and ready for you to accept. What also makes this app elusive is that even if they don’t have that job for you right away you are still pertaining this sense of employment with a 12.5 hourly wage. This is huge for the lower tier earners Which isn’t really beaten by any other app in terms of hourly pay, pay per order, frequency in orders per hour, and efficiency per order this is why there be special regard in legal terms for relay as an app, because legislation is truly not needed as most of relays fleet is making far above minimum wage
Jose Gaspariano
Buenas tardes
Mi nombre es José Manuel Gaspariano
Llevo trabajando con la aplicación de Relay ya por varios años
Podría decir que casi desde que inició la aplicación
Y siempre a pagado por hora más propinasEl pagó por hora me da tranquilidad de saber que si no hay mucha entrega
Tengo algo seguro para vivir
y las propinas son un aliciente a echarle muchas ganas por que si haces más entregas puedes ganar más.
Espero mi opinión sirva de algo
Que tengas un excelente tarde.
Por eso pienso que el pago por hora debe continuar. -
Cesar Hernandez
Ola la verdad es mejor q nos paguen por hora y no por orden así como trabajador es mejor trabajar por hora por q gana un poco más y uno tiene la flexibilidad de escoger sus horarios no como las otras apps q no pagan por hora el sueldo es muy bajo y pagan demasiado barato por delivery.
Ami como trabajador de Relay me gustaría q Relay siga como a estado q pague por hora y no por orden porque es un beneficio para uno como trabajador y para mi es la mejor app y no estaría de acuerdo q lo incluyan n la nueva ley de la ciudad por q sería algo malo para nosotros los trabajadores q luchamos día tras día espero tomen en cuenta mi comentario. Att Cesar Hernandez
Yes Im in support of the review of the minimum wage determination.
Pedro Sanchez López
Hola buenas tardes mi experiencia con Relay me gusta la forma en que nos paguen por hora nos ha ayudado bastante y no me ha afectado en nada y espero que pueden seguir pagando por hora
Pues mi experiencia de estar trabajando con Relay ha sido extraordinaria porque nos pagan por hora y eso a mi me ayuda bastante y no me afecta en nada
Porque la verdd no sabes como será si nos ayudara más o no
Pero para mi estamos bien como estamo ahorita -
Samuel Hernandez
Hola buenas tardes pues yo doy mi testimonio que pues sigan pagando por hora nos va más bien nos pagan la hora más lo propina y pues en el nuevo regla de la ciudad no sabemos va a aser
Nos puede afectar y en mi punto para mi que sigan pagan por hora y que no se ponga el nuevo regla de la ciudad es todo
Mi experiencia en Relay es muy buena porque cuando bengo a trabajar pues me dan buenos delibres aveces lejos otros sercas pero así es el trabajo de delivery
Carmen Gonzales
Hola pues yo he trabajando con Uber DoorDash y la verdad ninguna aplicación se compara con Relay porque ellos nunca a pagando por hora Relay siempre lo han echo y eso me parece muy justo de parte de Relay.
No estoy a favor de la nueva ley ya que ellos piensan en los intereses propios yo. Creo que también se tiene que pensar en que todos tenemos que ganar pero si Ralay Uber y otra aplicaciones no ganan que ganaremos nosotros nada tampoco
como Relay esta trabajando es la mejor manera todos ganamos lo justo feliz tarde y gracias por darme la oportunidad de dar mi opinión.
Brandon Casanova
Hola buenas tardes, me gusta trabajar con Relay, porque me da flexibilidad de horario, me gusta que paguen por Hora por una censilla razon, aun no haga yo delivery, se que me estan pagando la Hora muchas gracias.
Alfredo Talo
En mi caso me afectaría mucho que ya no me pagarán x ora .Relay es la única aplicación que nos a sacado adelante en esta ciudad de NY x que es la única aplicación que está pagando x ora ,llevo poco años trabajando en esta aplicación y si se gana bonito sería una tristeza que ya no pagará x ora
Pedro Bravo
Pues la verdas a mi me gustaria que sigan pagando igual yo empese en el mes de septiembre y asta la fecha estoy contento con la aplicasion y yo creo que Relay es la mejor aplicasion que hay y espero que siga asi solo un poco porque me gustaria que nos dejara trabajar en el area que reservamos porque aveses nos manda a lugares muy lejos del area que reservamos pero comosea espero y pueda segui como asta ahora gracias.
Porque Relay es aparte nosotros hacemos deliverys de todo uber , gruhub , y otras aplicasiones y si no fuera la mejor las otras aplicadiones no dejaran que relay Relay hacer los deliverys y Relay es aparte y las otras aplicasiones sos aparte
De mi parte me gustaria que siguiera igual bueno si las propinas siguen igual como ahora para mi me gustaria que fuera igual
Josue Mendez
Buen día relay pues para mi relay esta bien así a como esta que siga pagando por hora..porque en otro punto de vista relay no se compara lo que gana uno con otras plataformas y eso debe checar la ciudad que relay paga y gana uno muy bien siga pagando por hora
relay es la app número 1 y la mejor -
John H. Cole
Those of us who use these services are probably doing quite well financially and should be willing to pay a living wage and insist on humane working conditions for these hard working folks at the bottom of the financial pyramid. Please pass these changes in current law.
Zenaido Espinobarros
Buenas tardes, bueno antes que nada quiero explicar porque me gusta que me paguen por hora la razón es porque el pago por hora me ayuda en caso de que no haya delivery ,por eso me gusta el pago,
ahora la experiencia que eh tenido desde que empecé (en Relay) ha Sido muy buena tal como mis amigos me contaron de su buena experiencia trabajando con Relay y hasta el día de hoy me siento muy agusto de seguir trabajando con Relay y pienso que no está bien incluir está nueva propuesta ya que nos afectaría económicamente a mi y a toda mi familia por qué está compañía es el único sustento para mí y mi familia, y esto afectaría a todos con la misma situación por eso les pido de favor su comprensión y no incluyan está propuesta gracias por su comprensión y que tenga buenas tardes.
Santos Baten
El sistema de relay actualmente me gusta
Pedro Castro
Buen día New York. Mi nombre es, Pedro Castro. Yo trabajo en la App de RELAY. Mi experiencia en mi trabajo me a favorecido por las horas que me paga la app de Relay. Mi trabajo es muy bueno. Y queremos que no se cambien las reglas que tiene la app de relay. No es justo que la ciudad cambie de regla. Todos merecemos trabajar. Me hago presente para defender mi trabajo. Gracias.
Orlando Huerta
Ok ami me gusta La app de Relay por que paga por hora si ay ordenes o no el sige pagando la hora y tus propinas aparte así que Relay es una de las mejores app que ay ahora mismo
Cuando llueve te da tus bonos aparte yo recomiendo Relay -
Moises Hernandez
Por mi no ai problemas con relay con q me dejen trabajar es lo q quiero. Relay es mejor q otras compańia
Brayan Ramos
Mi experiencia con los pagos de Relay es que al final de cada turno de trabajo genero un poco más de ganancia por las horas que me pagan y me experiencia acomparacion con las otras aplicaciones es mejor que me paguen mis horas de trabajo
Me gusta todo el sistema de trabajo y las formas de pago (en Relay)
Rosa Cerero
Buenas tardes! Relay ha sido una excelente experiencia para mi y mi familia. Amo la libertad de poder trabajar los días y horarios que mejor se acomode a mi familia. Me gusta que Relay me paga por hora porque así puedo ayudar mejor económicamente a mi familia. Las propinas son buenas pero el trabajar por hora aumenta mi ganancia y así puedo trabajar un poco menos y estar más tiempo con mis hijos. Pienso que Relay no debe ser incluido en la nueva regla propuesta por la cuidad porque afectaría a muchos trabajadores independientes. Para muchos de nosotros Relay es una compañía que nos permite trabajar pero también pasar más tiempo con nuestros seres queridos por los beneficios de que pagan por hora. Gracias a Relay por la oportunidad!!
Martin Tautuiben
Yo prefiero que se pague por hora. Siempre me a gustado trabajar para relay pagando por hora
Fernando Lopez
Hola mi nombre es Fernando Lopez. Estoy al favor de paga por Hora, Porque la clima esta feo y corremos riesgo en la calle. La paga por Hora nos ayuda mucho Porque salimos a trabajar para ganar un salario y propina. Porfavor que nos apoye con la paga por Hora. Porque alli es adonde Saco para pagar MI billes y mantener MI Familia. Gracia
Relay es una compania que ayuda muchos a Los trabajadores porque pagan por Hora y en Esa forma nos ayudas mucho. Es Como un trabajo Seguro
John Batas
To the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection,
I am writing to comment on the proposed rule recently published by the Department that would set a minimum pay rate for app-based restaurant delivery workers. I am the owner of New York City Bagel & Coffee House, a small business in Queens that has been serving customers for over 8 years.
While we have always loved welcoming customers into our restaurant, our business changed with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We were able to stay open at the beginning of the pandemic due to our loyal customers, but we were barely hanging on. We decided to join delivery platforms like DoorDash, GrubHub, Seamless and UberEats in order to help us reach new customers and grow our business.
Delivery workers became an essential part of New York’s economy, especially during the pandemic, and I agree that they deserve to be paid a reasonable minimum wage and to have access to important protections. But I am concerned the City is not doing enough to consider how the current proposal for a minimum wage would actually negatively impact customers, delivery workers, and small business owners like myself.
While much of the responses to the initial study released by DCWP seems to be focused on the pay rate itself, what is deserving of further consideration is how the city is going to require platforms to meet that rate. The DCWP said it estimates about 60,000 workers use delivery apps during any week, and now they are proposing that these platforms will have to pay workers for the amount of time they have apps open, beyond just when they are making deliveries.
This is going to significantly increase costs for platforms, and these added costs are likely to be directly passed on to consumers. As a business owner, the likely outcome is clear to me: Higher cost means fewer orders. Just as we have seen when we have tested out different prices on our menu, we know that even slight changes to prices can deter customers from ordering delivery, either because people can’t afford to do it as frequently, or at all. If the full costs are passed on to consumers, which the City estimates could be upwards of $5 per order, many small businesses would not be able to survive such a stark drop in orders.
The past two years have been a challenging time for the restaurant industry and we have been facing many of the issues that restaurants across the city have been struggling with, such as inflation and a shortage of items. This drop in delivery sales would cause our restaurant to lose business, as we were barely able to hang on prior to offering delivery.
And the decrease in deliveries would be especially hard for restaurants and local businesses in further out areas of New York City like where my restaurant is located in Queens. If businesses in those areas are not receiving enough orders, the City’s study makes clear that delivery platforms may need to severely reduce or eliminate service altogether.
While I support a reasonable minimum wage for delivery workers, I urge DWCP to carefully consider the potential impacts of the rule and make some necessary changes. While establishing a meaningful pay rate for delivery workers is well-intentioned, small business owners need a balance to ensure we are not ultimately paying the price. With that in mind, we respectfully encourage the Department to revise the structure of this proposal to prevent higher costs for the local restaurants and small businesses that are at the center of our local economy and so many communities throughout New York City.
John Batas
Owner of New York City Bagel & Coffee House -
Natalia Sandoval
Deliveristas deserve a fair wage, access to public restrooms and all the basic protections their work deserves.
Their hard work makes our lifestyle possible and they need to have more visibility and access to better work conditions.
Natalia Sandoval -
miguel carrasco
La verdad me gusta por que no hay preferencias por qué puedes aser de 4 a 5 delibery por hora o mas y salimos ganando todos me gusta por que los pagos son puntuales no hay falla te llega el dia esacto aunque los días festivos se atrasan pero el día siguiente llega y como les dacia me gusta por que aiga o no aiga delibery te estan pagando las hora esa es la razon por la cual me gusta la aplicación de Relay
Jonathan Moran
Hola muy buenas noches perdón por la demora mi opinión sobre las leyes que quieren meter pues no es justo por que no toda la gente trabaja como se debe un mantiene su reserva de Relay buena por trabajar en días de lluvias pero tal ves hay gente que no trabajan en lluvias y que quieren ganar igual que nosotros que trabajamos en lluvia y no es justo que nosotros que trabajemos en lluvia y ganar con gente que no quiere trabajar en lluvia y solo quieren trabajar en tiempos buenos en cambio nosotros batallamos en lluvia para tener nuestra reserva buena en Relay y en mi opinión lo Justo para nosotros que trabajamos en lluvia y pasando frío deberían de pagarnos las horas de trabajo
Pues la verdad me gusta que me paguen la ora por que yo trabajo en lluvia y frío para tener una reserva buen en Relay y pues no es justo pasar frío y lluvia sin que nos paguen las oras de trabajo
Felicito Gomez
Mi respuesta es que para mi esta bien cómo siempre emos trabajado así está bien
Siempre estoy de acuerdo con la forma que siempre emos trabajado en Relay -
Edin Eduardo yos
Pues me gusta trabajar con Relay porque siempre tienen un sistema bueno aún que talves no e podido agarar Reserva pero siempre me dejan trabajar en las horas de busy:,
Es que un punto principal que la ciudad no nos permite trabajar por tiempo es que nosotros asiendo ese trabajo pues sufrimos bajo lluvia un ejemplo también en el tiempo pandemia allí estuvimos trabajando
Ramon Juarez
La verdad a mí me gusta trabajar con Relay, porque ya lo siento como un salario fijo. y quiero continuar trabajando para Relay pará más tiempo me gusta trabajar para Relay. ya como pagan por horas.esta bien.. porque puedo descansar a veces cuando yo quiero así me gusta trabajar para Relay porque ya lo siento como un salario fijo gracias
Quiero trabajar para Relay por muchos más tiempo más hacia adelante muchas gracias
Efren Sanchez
En lo personal yo planeo mi semana con mis horas.
y así se que cuando salgo a trabajar,
es casi seguro que tengas ordenes que entregar, ya que con reserva relay manda ordenes ,
porque está pagando por hora y
Pienso que le conviene mandarnos órdenes y así es más seguro que tenga buen ingreso .
Si relay pagará por orden seria como las otras aplicaciones y que veo que salen mucho tiempo a trabajar pero no tienen buen ingreso .
Así que para mi es mejor por hora porque aseguro que tenga un ingreso seguro .$ -
Angela Stach
I am in strong support of a fair minimum wage for app delivery workers. Tech billionaire apps like grubhub, doordash and uber eats should not be allowed to exploit immigrant workers. I grew up in a union household, and the only reason I got an education is because my father and his colleagues fought relentlessly, over decades, for fair wages. I am going out of my way not to use these apps when I am ordering food, because they only enrich the already super rich. But I would like to be able to support delivery workers, so please make sure they earn a decent wage with these apps.
Bernardino De Jesus Maldonado
Mi nombre es Bernardino y trabajo para RELAY…
Mi experiencia con RELAY ha sido buena no tengo quejas sobre la aplicación y estoy de acuerdo con mi salario Gracias. -
Miguel Angel Moreno Rodriguez
Mi opinión es que estaría bien por hora como en Relay , es que ay unos clientes que no dan propinas y aparte es legos,
Me gustaría trabajar así como trabajo en Relay -
Nicolas corredor
Buenas noches durante los años que he trabajado para la compañía Relay creo que es una buena forma de pago pues siempre ha considerado pagar por hora asi sea en temporadas bajas esto no lo ase ninguna otra compañía de la misma magnitudes y la misma actividad considero que año tras año an aumentado así sea de ha poco el pago por hora y siempre an sostenido los pagos de tips al 100% no se justificaría realizar algún cambio pues nos afectaría a nuestros ingresos pero también espero que eso no afecte la compañía ya que es mi trabajo y quiero que también. Este bien gracias
Wilmer Rojas
Este trabajo me ayuda mucho con mis gastos pero altimamente la compañía a la que trabajo ha esta ofreciendo ordenes con casi nada de paga y solo lo estamos haciendo por la propina,
Y pareciera que las compañías buscan que trabajemos por propinas, es decir todos hacen negocio con este trabajo pero los repartidores se tiene que conformar con propinas, creo que eso tiene que cambiar, espero y esto realmente funcione para todos. -
augusto agustin
Me gusta que la compañía de Relay me pague por hora porque aparte de la hora uno también se lleva una propina lo que el cliente da al llevar su orden eso me insentiva me anima mas seguir trabajando para relay porque uno se gana un poco más de dinero para uno poder sostener a su familia
emerson lajujyaqui
Ami me gusta mucho trabajar en relay porque esta trabajando bien
Por que esta pagando la hora y más propina eso me no me gustaría que cambiará eso -
Jason Baluyut
I support this proposal to ensure a minimum wage for New York’s food delivery workers. They work long and hard hours and have helped keep the city running throughout this pandemic. They risk accidents and exposure to sickness and inclement weather in order to provide the rest of us the luxury of having food delivered to our doors. They are entitled to fair compensation and a livable wage.
Rodolfo Ministro
Me gusta trabajar con RELAY por paga por hora.
No me gustaría que pase la propuesta de la cuidad por que me afectaría para seguir trabajando. -
Enedino Vazquez
Pues .. lo que he trabjado con relay .. casi poes la hora pagan 12.50 la h0ra pero.. aparte de eso avese hay buenas propinas … Como avese toka orden de 400 ..oh mas y en ese caso hay buenas propinas …
Victor Delgado
Si no me equivoco mi primer pago de Relay fue 10/28/2021
en esta compañía que para mí como nuevo, me encanta demasiado por la razón de q pagan por ora y las propinas, creo q si me afecta como trabajador si me pagaran $30
No se si son $30 y propinas y cuando llueve los 2 dólares extra ayudan de macizado
Porque me impedirían la posibilidad de ganar el dinero que yo quiera hacer abiertamente si solo trabajo por hora , me busco un trabajo fijo en algún establecimiento , de la otra forma “la actual ” yo hago la diferencia q me convenga en tiempo y dinero
Claramente tmb tengo que afirmar que las propinas son muy variables algunas buenas o otras no tan buenas ….. pero se compensa de un día al otro -
Miguel Rivera
Por mi parte estoy a gusto con el salario que recibo entre pago por hora y propinas recibo un pago de 25 a 30 dólares por hora
Yo tan solo quiero que me sigan dando trabajo hay ocasiones que no puedo trabajar porque no tengo reserva
Trabajo es lo que yo quiero no aumento
La única queja que tengo es que no han podido eliminar a la gente que usa autoclick ni los que venden horas -
Francisco Perez
( buenos que tal como están . Me gusta trabajar con relay porque paga por hora y más propina y incluso cuando llueve pone bonos la verás de la paga no me quejo por el momento me siento cómodo trabajando con relay gracias )
Brigitte Kinniburgh
I am writing to express my support for a rule to implement Local 115 of 2021 so that third party delivery services be paid a minimum and fair wage for their hard work. While food delivery companies have made millions during the pandemic, the people who do the work are not fairly compensated for working in difficult weather conditions, on crowded roadways, dangerous streets, and risk contamination at every delivery at a time when Covid variants have become exponentially more contagious. Those workers should be paid a living wage and compensated generously for doing the work no one else wants.
Timoteo Tohom
Hola en mi personalidad mi opinion es que Relay siga como esta trabajando pagando por hora y es justo..
Shuai Zhang
With the help from the Doordash team, I have submitted my comments below. Please consider our point of views.
Comment attachment
Draft-NYC-Testimony-Shuai-Zhang-POPRICE-.pdf -
jonny acosta
I think that all companies needs to be flexible on that, we the drivers gets so many problems to handle like tickets parking when customers don’t want come down, and so many things, I think the 23$ per hour in is perfect for us they needs to get engaged with drivers and restaurants more to fix all the problems that makes a good service for customers 😀…
Yes! Finally the city is considering us getting increased pay for all the hard work that us delivery workers do in all kinds of conditions! I’m so happy about this, we work too hard to be compensated the low amount that we receive. These hourly wage increases will help me pay my bills and help me get ahead. This is great news!
Sonia Singh
As a New York City resident, I support Los Deliveristas and their demand for a Just Living Wage so that delivery workers can be paid for ALL the time they spend on working for the apps. I strongly urge the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) to increase the expense rate by $5, including the expenses of Deliveristas that use registered mopeds as work tools, essential safety expenses such as GPS Trackers, and hazard pay – as Deliveristas work during extreme weather conditions. Our family has relied on food delivery workers to get us through the pandemic as have thousands of other residents. It’s time that delivery workers are paid and treated fairly.
jorge nicholas
hola me llamo jorge llevo más de 5 años trabajando para relay, hasta la fecha relay para mi es la aplicación que mejor paga ya que recibimos un pago por hora de $12.50 más propinas sin inportar que la hora no este ocupada el pago por hora es fijo, la hora sin mentir para mi casi siempre viene saliendo de $30 dls o más que los 30 y aparte es una aplicación muy flexible ya que uno escoge un día antes su horario para trabajar eso nos ayuda mucho ya que aveces uno tiene pendientes que resolver, hasta ahora es la app que mejor paga y no me gustaría que incluyeran a relay a la nueva ley ya que traería cambios que nos afectaría más o los que en verdad trabajamos bien, yo estoy en contra de esa nueva ley gracias…
Wilfredo Ramirez
Sii ola buenas tardes mi procuesta es que el sistema de Relay sige como esta pagando por hora que paga lo mínimo y aparte las propinas es por si los clintes dan propina ay clintes que no dan propinas es mejor que pagan por hora si tengo 3 horas de reserva yo se que me ban a pagar eso es mi propuesta buena tarde. me gusta Relay por que me pagan por hora mejor que otras aplicaciones por que las otras aplicaciones no pagan por hora me a gustado simpre tabajar por ora
Selvin Lopez
Hola yo selvin López en mi opinión de la nueva ley no quiero que se incluye relay porque yo como repartidor es mejor que sigue así pagando por hora por que aveces no sale muchos pedidos en una hora y si no pagan por hora eso no nos va ayudar como repartidor yo quiero que sigue relay como esta yo apoyo a relay. Gracias
Isauro Anastacio Galindo
Me gusta trabajar con esta compañía (Relay) porque es un gran equipo, yo puedo elegir mi propio horario y también paga por hora. Más aparte la propina que dan los clientes. El pago por hora nos ayuda en los casos donde la orden no contiene propina, entiendo que ésto no debe ser obligatorio. Y es por esa razón que siento que es mejor el pago por hora, así como lo han hacho hasta ahora.
Carlos Casales
Hola perdón la verdad yo ya tengo muchos años trabajando para la compañía y para mi es la mejor yo solo trabajo para relay y me encanta todo su sistema el pago por hora es mejor porque cuando uno tiene reserva es como un trabajo seguro por la paga
Ernesto Vicario
Yo personalmente estoy muy bien con el salario que me paga Relay. Mi experiencia con Relay ha Sido muy buena
Efrain Dionisio Rodriguez
Hola buenas tardes, mi forma de ver este motivo creo que el pago debe ser por hora, porque llega días que personas no aportan una propina adecuada, en el cual a veces tenemos problemas con la bicicleta como frenos, cambio de llantas, candados, batería, etc. En el cual el pago de hora ayuda en algo para alguno y en refaccion de equipo de trabajo y suele suceder que llega días que no hay mucho trabajo por eso es mi punto de vista gracias
Flavio Tayun Torres
Si ustedes van a pagar por delibre la malloria de delibreros aceptarían los delibre q tengan más propina i q ballan mas serca i todo esos delibre q recogemos de Uber i de Dordach ya no los recogerían porque esas compañías no los yeban porque ban lejos o porq no tienen propina en cambio si pagan por ora no importa si tiene propina o ba lejos porque uno sabe que al menos están pagado la ora i asi gañámoos los dos nosotros yebamos parejo porq ustedes nos pagan la ora de lo contrario te adíanos nada mas lo q nos conviene esa es mi opinión
Manuel rivera
Porqué yo quiero que Relay siga pagando por hora? Porque con $12.50 la hora + la propina que nosotros recibimos de los clientes nos ayuda económicamente ya nosotros tenemos familia que mantener,
Ya hay demasiadas ((órdenes oh pedidos)) que los clientes nos da de $0.50c hasta $3.00 de propina, yo sé que la propina NO es obligatoria, por esa razón yo quiero que Relay siga pagando por hora, también en verano NO hay muchas demandas de ordenar para todos nosotros que trabajamos en Relay.. -
Pedro cot
Good afternoon, the reason that Relay continues to pay us by the hour is because the company has always thought of winning both, it thinks of its staff and company, which as a successful company, I have nothing more to say than that I am very grateful to work as we are so far. the one who works well and works passionately there are no impossible barriers to doing a good job
Buenas tardes, la razón por la que Relay nos sigue pagando por hora es porque la empresa siempre ha pensado en ganar los dos, piensa en su personal y empresa, que como empresa exitosa, no tengo más que decir que soy muy agradecidos de trabajar como estamos hasta ahora. el que trabaja bien y trabaja apasionadamente no hay barreras imposibles para hacer un buen trabajo
Lorenzo Yos
Me gusta como a estado trabajando con relay ya llevo casi dos años trabajando y hasta ahora me a hido bien y yo creo que no necesita ningún cambio en cuanto a los pagos prefiero que me paguen por hora como simpre no me adaptaría a algún cambio si es por orden preferiría que siga como siempre
Augustin Lezema
“Bueno en mi opinión me gustaría que relay siga trabajando de la mismaforma por que en algunas ocasiones ganamos más de 30 dólares por hora.
Un ejemplo seria como cuando llegamos a un restaurante y la orden no está listo, nosotros aun haci estamos ganando y podemos dejar esa orden sin ser afectados y seguir ganando sin problemas y por eso me gusta la forma de trabajarYa que también se sabe que la propina no es obligatoria y hay jente que ni tiene la costumbrede que, se que si yo boy a trabajar 38 horas por semana yo tengo un sueldo asegurado con el simple hecho de que ustedes pagan por hora mientras tengamos una reservaBueno esto gracias a que hay un pago por hora más propinas
Además” -
Jose Cobo
Hola buenas noches muchas gracias por su pregunta yo pienzo asi esta perfecto no necesita cambiar nada buenas noches. Un plaser trabajar con la mejor compañia RELAY
Wilson Rojas
Trabajo con Relay Ase 2 años. La verdad esta bien que nos paguen. Por hora y más las propinas ..yo estoy satisfecho con ustedes gracias
Alessandro Cotorellana
buenas noches, estoy muy contento como estamos trabajando hasta el momento, no tengo quejas más que mil agradecimiento por la oportunidad de trabajar y ganar los dos, un trabajo es una bendición para un apasionado y disciplinado. Así estoy muy bendecido como está trabajando la compañía en pagar nuestras horas y propinas de los clientes gracias. Relay No debe ser incluido en esa propuesta porque habrá un porcentaje del equipo que sabes que estamos trabajando muy así con nuestras horas pagadas
Efrain Dionisio Rodriguez
Hola buenas tardes, mi forma de ver este motivo creo que el pago debe ser por hora, porque llega días que personas no aportan una propina adecuada, en el cual a veces tenemos problemas con la bicicleta como frenos, cambio de llantas, candados, batería, etc. En el cual el pago de hora ayuda en algo para alguno y en refaccion de equipo de trabajo y suele suceder que llega días que no hay mucho trabajo por eso es mi punto de vista gracias. Hay varios motivos, cómo errores ,equivocaciones uno de ellos es dirección incorrecta del cliente y regresar la comida al restaurante nuevamente, ahí es perdida para la compañía, el restaurante y uno mismo en cuanto a el pago de hora yo creo que es bueno, cómo dije lo anteriormente lo que pienso de Relay es que es cada quien uno es lo que puede y quiere , porque nadie exige que trabajes, cada quien escoge su horario que uno dispone
Julio Delen
Hola, buen dia: es un gusto saludarle esperando en Dios que se encuentre muy bien en todos los sentidos de su vida! Como colabor de los repartidores en entrega de deliverys, es para mi un placer pertenecer a esta empresa, en lo personal me gusta obtener un pago por hora, esto me brinda la oportunidad de generar ingresos fijos mediante las horas de trabajo y me da la seguridad de tener un empleo mediante el tiempo en el que pueda pertenecer a dicha empresa ¡RELAY!
Espero que aun pueda seguir brindandome la oportunidad de trabajarle obteniendo una paga por hora y gracias por este apoyo, a sido fundamental en estos últimos tres años, me a ayudado con trabajo y eso me hace decirle que me siento orgulloso de ser parte de su equipo de trabajo.. gracias!.
Miguel Carrasco
La verdad Relay me gusta por que no hay preferencias por qué puedes aser de 4 a 5 delibery por hora o mas y salimos ganando todos me gusta por que los pagos son puntuales no hay falla te llega el dia esacto aunque los días festivos se atrasan pero el día siguiente llega y como les dacia me gusta por que aiga o no aiga delibery te estan pagando las hora esa es la razon por la cual me gusta la aplicación
Maximino Calixto
Me experiencia con Relay es exelente ademas gano el doble que estando en un lugar fijo y no estoy de acuerdo con que sea incluida en la nueva propuesta
Onesmo Vicente
Pues me. Gusta Relay por que. Nos paga. Las. Horas y aunque. Los clientes no dan propina pero estamos. Ganando las horas
John W. Tomac
The Deliveristas keep New York running. They deserve to be compensated at a fair rate of $28.82 per hour. This minimum rate better reflects the cost of doing this essential work, often in hazardous conditions, than what has been proposed by the DCWP.
John Reilly
All workers deserve a living wage.
Solomon M
My name is Solomon. I live in Bronx, NY, and have been working as a
Dasher with DoorDash for the past 4 years. I am writing in opposition to the requirement under NYC’s proposed pay rule that delivery worker pay be based on the amount of time workers have the app open rather than time on delivery. With a full time job schedule and a family, having the flexibility to choose when I decide to dash, or not, is worth its weight in gold to me and if that choice is taken away from me, it will have a severe impact on me. This is why I’ve chosen this kind of work. I need to be able to decide when I work and how much I work each week, not have the decision made for me. -
Jose Estrella
It’s a good thing that you want to raise our income. I work full time. I drive. I support my family of 4.
I beg of you not to turn me into an employee. What I value the most is the freedom & flexibility. I’m 49 years old. I am not interested in having a boss. Not interested in being forced to work under stress of taking orders I don’t want in traffic areas where the police will give me parking tickets which will mean I worked the entire day for nothing. My acceptance rate is well below 30%. I should not be penalized for not accepting everything they offer. Let me work in peace. Let me work when, where & how I want. Honestly; That is worth more than an EXTRA $6 or $7 per hour to me. -
David Mazzucchi
I support this rule and urge the DCWP to pass it. Everyone working a job (especially one as taxing as food delivery) deserves to be compensated in line with minimum wage requirements, as well as part-time and full-time labor requirements. The piecemeal fee-per-delivery system these platforms have invented is a gross attempt to carve out a niche for themselves in spite of labor protections, one that that robs their workers of their worth and dignity for profit. Please pass this rule. Thank you.
Sebastian herrera
La idea está genial
Como deliverista esta muy bien
Y creo que ya hacía falta
Si tomamos en cuenta que NO tenemos ninguna clase de ayuda departe del empleador o ningún beneficio laboral, esto traería justicia a miles de repartidores de la ciudad como yo -
Hildalyn Colon Hernandez
DCWP must consider increasing the expense rate by $5, so this increased rate will reflect the essential safety equipment expenses, such as GPS Trackers that Deliveristas use to keep themselves safe on NYC Streets.
Being a Deliverista is one of the most dangerous jobs in NYC. Deliveristas’ working conditions became more precarious during the pandemic and continue today. Deliveristas suffer from workplace violence daily. Many of them confront unsafe streets and are victims of violent assaults, even at gunpoint, in an attempt to steal their e-bikes or mopeds, which are the primary tools of their work. Crime statistics from the New York City Police Department (NYPD) show that index crime in New York City increased in October 2022 by 5.9% compared with October 2021, driven mainly by an increase in grand larceny.
Comment attachment
Deliveristas-Safety-Expenses.pdf -
Hector Tzarax
Yo me siento a gusto trabajar con Relay por que es un trabajo estable
luis perebal
me gusta mucho el relay y no me gusta la nueva idea
Felipe Chivalan
Pienso que tanto como ala compañía y a nosotros que nos dan la oportunidad de tener este hermoso trabajo nos beneficia mucho la paga por hora ya que las propinas no son un salario y hay clientes que no dan ni las gracias y ni da propina no es una queja pero cuando te pagan por hora nos ayuda muchísimo pienso que la compañía esta excelente como esta.
… gracias por darme la oportunidad del trabajo y de poder trabajar alegremente 100% equipo relay -
Elvis Ramos
Lo que me gusta de Relay es porque paga por hora ay momento en los que no resivo ordenes porque el dia esta lento no ay mucha demanda pero resivo paga a diferencia de otras aplicaciones , la experiencia asido buena yo creo que relay no debe ser incluida en esta nueva propuesta .
La aplicacion de relay .. Para mi es una buena aplicacion.. Y mi experiencia asido buena . relay no debe ser incluida en esa nueva propuesta . quiero que relay sigue , como esta ahorra,
David Ramirez
Hola la razón del porque me gusta trabajar en relay.
Es porque me pagan bien y me pagan por hora
En todos los trabajos que he tenido y otras compañías nadie es mejor que relay
Poreso relay es la mejor compañía. -
Alonzo Whitted
It’s very important to keep the flexibility when working because things happen every day period and we need to make up time and money when we are running back and forth because most of the time it’s slow and we need a lot hours to MAKE the money out there not to mention a lot of disabled people look forward to certain dashes so schedule timing is important please don’t take that from us because then it would be pointless trying to work
Abdias Joel Mendez
Relay No debe. Ser. Incluido. Por. Q nos pagan por. Hora. Es una. Ayuda. Y aparte la propina. .por. esoo. Tenemos. Una. Ventaja .. y mi experiencia durante. El tiempo. Q. Llevo trabajando me ha ido. Bien. Y quiero q. Siga. Así.
En la. Forma. En q se opera se labora. Y todo es bueno. Y. Nos. Ayuda gracias. Y quiero. Q. Siga así. Juntos saldremos. Así adelante .
No lo cambien. Q. Siga. Así. Estamos. Mejor. De. Esa manera así estamos q sigamos. Asiii
Estamos. Bien. De. Esa manera. No permito. Q cambien. Esa. Manera así estas bien
Gabriela Gil
I think it is a good idea and I support it because these applications are rampant without anyone controlling them, exploiting us at will and pleasure, they can afford to have hundreds of workers on the streets and not give even 1 cent to any of them, they have created a system where the customer asks for something and in less than 1 minute there is a delivery person ready to make the order, all they care about is a happy customer and an exploited worker
M Heller
New York office workers and residents depend on food delivery workers, especially older and sicker folks. These essential workers, who dont get sick days and work in the worst weather, deserve at least a fair minimum wage. Most of them get few tips and little thanks. If they keep showing up for us, we need to do the same for them.
If the rule will exclude grocery chains, or other major services which engage ‘independent contractors’ will be useless. -
Eduardo Lopez
Buenas noches, claro a nosotros como trabajadores nos conviene que allá un pago mínimo por hora (como en Relay) porque literalmente desde que nos conectamos ala app ya estamos trabajando y estamos disponibles para cualquier orden. Si nos pagan por orden en el tiempo que esperamos otra ya sería tiempo perdido que no nos pagarían entonces eso no nos conviene porque literalmente si bajamos trabajar es porque queremos que nos paguen literalmente el tiempo que estamos bajo las órdenes de la app entonces si cambia sería uña desventajas para nosotros ya que también deberían ayudarnos a nosotros como trabajadores ya que estamos ahí para cualquier clima día ya sea haga sol frío o como esté el día estamos ahí creo que de eso si deberían de tomar mucha conciencia ustedes como seres humanos.
Sarah Clyne Sundberg
I fully and strongly support delivery workers making a living wage of $28.82/ hour.
I think it is shameful that so many people in NYC depend on delivery workers to bring food to them, yet they get paid so little -
Dawn Skeete
To the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection,
I am writing to comment on the proposed rule recently published by the Department that would set a minimum pay rate for app-based restaurant delivery workers. At Jam’It Bistro, we are a small woman-owned business in Red Hook that has been serving customers delicious Caribbean cuisine for years.
While we have always loved welcoming customers into our restaurant, our business changed with the start of the pandemic. The past two years have been a challenging time for the restaurant industry, and we have been facing many of the issues that restaurants across the city have been struggling with, such as staffing shortages, financial constraints due to inflation, and the ability to get enough orders to get by. We joined DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Grubhub in 2019 to help us access new customers and modernize our business model through delivery and takeout.
Delivery workers became an essential part of New York’s economy, especially during the pandemic. I agree they deserve to be paid a reasonable minimum wage and access to important protections. But I am concerned the City is not doing enough to consider how the current proposal for a minimum wage would actually negatively impact customers, delivery workers, and small business owners like myself.
Our small business has grown to rely on delivery services for a large portion of our revenue. We do get some walk-ins, but third-party delivery is a large portion of our sales, as we can’t run our own delivery service. We have also relied on delivery platforms like DoorDash as our main source for marketing, which is a large part of our efforts to bring in new customers.
While much of the responses to the initial study released by DCWP seem to be focused on the pay rate itself, how the city will require platforms to meet that rate is deserving of further consideration. The DCWP said it estimates about 60,000 workers use delivery apps during any week, and now they are proposing that these platforms will have to pay workers for the amount of time they have apps open beyond just when they are making deliveries.
This is going to increase costs for platforms significantly, and these added costs are likely to be directly passed on to consumers. As a business owner, the likely outcome is clear: Higher cost means fewer orders. As we have seen when we have tested out different prices on our menu, we know that even slight price changes can deter customers from ordering delivery, either because people can’t afford to do it as frequently or at all. If the full costs are passed on to consumers, which the City estimates could be upwards of $5 per order, many small businesses would not be able to survive such a stark drop in orders.
And the decrease in deliveries would be especially hard for restaurants and local businesses in further out areas of New York City. As a business located in Brooklyn, we rely on delivery services to reach customers who live in Manhattan and other densely populated areas. If businesses like ours in the outer boroughs are not receiving enough orders, the City’s study clarifies that delivery platforms may need to severely reduce or eliminate service altogether.
While I support a reasonable minimum wage for delivery workers, I urge DWCP to carefully consider the potential impacts of the rule and make some necessary changes. While establishing a meaningful pay rate for delivery workers is well-intentioned, small business owners need a balance to ensure we are not ultimately paying the price. With that in mind, we respectfully encourage the Department to revise the structure of this proposal to prevent higher costs for the local restaurants and small businesses that are at the center of our local economy and so many communities throughout New York City.
Dawn Skeete
Owner of Jam’It Bistro -
Shuai Zhang
I am writing to comment on the proposed rule recently published by the Department that would set a minimum pay rate for app-based restaurant delivery workers. I am the owner of POPRICE, a small business in Flushing that has been serving customers fried rice and wings since August of 2020.
While we have always loved welcoming customers into our restaurants, our business relies largely on takeout and delivery services, as we don’t even have dining tables in our space. We joined delivery platforms like DoorDash, GrubHub and UberEats. in order to help us reach new customers and grow our business. We were never able to offer our own delivery service, due to the labor shortage and a lack of staffing at our restaurant, so we have relied on delivery platforms for access to delivery services. 80% of our business is from these delivery platforms.
Delivery workers became an essential part of New York’s economy, especially during the pandemic, and I agree that they deserve to be paid a reasonable minimum wage and to have access to important protections. But I am concerned the City is not doing enough to consider how the current proposal for a minimum wage would actually negatively impact customers, delivery workers, and small business owners like myself.
While much of the responses to the initial study released by DCWP seems to be focused on the pay rate itself, what is deserving of further consideration is how the city is going to require platforms to meet that rate. The DCWP said it estimates about 60,000 workers use delivery apps during any week, and now they are proposing that these platforms will have to pay workers for the amount of time they have apps open, beyond just when they are making deliveries.
This is going to significantly increase costs for platforms, and these added costs are likely to be directly passed on to consumers. As a business owner, the likely outcome is clear to me: Higher cost means fewer orders. Just as we have seen when we have tested out different prices on our menu, we know that even slight changes to prices can deter customers from ordering delivery, either because people can’t afford to do it as frequently, or at all. If the full costs are passed on to consumers, which the City estimates could be upwards of $5 per order, many small businesses would not be able to survive such a stark drop in orders.
And the decrease in deliveries would be especially hard for restaurants and local businesses in further out areas of New York City like where my restaurant is located in Queens. If businesses in those areas are not receiving enough orders, the City’s study makes clear that delivery platforms may need to severely reduce or eliminate service altogether. Our business will likely have to close if we are not able to get enough delivery orders. It is difficult enough to find good workers already.The past two years have been a challenging time for the restaurant industry and we have been facing many of the issues that restaurants across the city have been struggling with, such as staffing shortages and supply chain challenges since the pandemic. I am also concerned that this will take labor away from the restaurants, because workers will see that they can make higher wages on delivery.
While I support a reasonable minimum wage for delivery workers, I urge DWCP to carefully consider the potential impacts of the rule and make some necessary changes. While establishing a meaningful pay rate for delivery workers is well-intentioned, small business owners need a balance to ensure we are not ultimately paying the price. With that in mind, we respectfully encourage the Department to revise the structure of this proposal to prevent higher costs for the local restaurants and small businesses that are at the center of our local economy and so many communities throughout New York City.
Shuai Zhang Owner of POPRICE -
Angie Liao
Delivery workers are powering our city. I myself could talk for hours about the ways I’ve relied on delivery workers in the last few years — a universal tale — but I feel it’s unnecessary. Even the wealthiest and most powerful government officials in our city — alternatively, the absolute most powerful people who could possibly be reading this comment — are also relying on delivery workers to bring you and your families delicious and hot food whenever it’s raining, snowing, or you just don’t feel like leaving the house. Compensating these workers who brave all conditions and tirelessly keep this city going is a no brainer. We all know it — there is no denying how critical their work is.
Please vote this proposal forward. It is not only a moderate and reasonable step toward creating a sustainably just economy for these workers, it is also the only decent thing to do when you know in your heart how essential third party food delivery has been for you in the last few years.
Charlene Obernauer
My name is Charlene Obernauer and I am the Executive Director of the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH).
NYCOSH is a non-profit membership organization of workers, unions, community-based organizations, workers’ rights activists, and health and safety professionals. NYCOSH uses training, education, and advocacy to improve health and safety conditions in our workplaces, our communities, and our environment. Founded in 1979 on the principle that workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths are preventable, NYCOSH works to extend and defend every person’s right to a safe and healthy workplace.
NYCOSH has supported the efforts of deliveristas to improve their working conditions for many years, advocating for the legalization of e-bikes alongside many worker organizations, and supporting Worker Justice Project and Los Deliveristas Unidos.
This population faces hazards on the job every day as they struggle to complete their work, including:
• Deliveristas are forced to deliver as quickly as possible, racing to speed up their work to meet delivery times. This can have tragic impacts on delivery workers and is the result of companies putting pressure on workers instead of supporting them. Further, their bike equipment can be in varied state of disrepair (and should likely be provided by the employer), which can make cycling more dangerous.
• Deliveristas have high incidents of being struck by cars or other vehicles, which only increases due to their employers placing unreasonable expectations on delivery times. The stress factor of riding in NYC’s streets is dire.
• Heat and cold hazards as they deliver food in high heat and low cold throughout the year.
• Deliveristas have been exposed to workplace violence, with some high-profile cases of workers being killed on the job.
• The stress of earning subpar wages on workers is severe, leading to many stress-induced illnesses.Deliveristas deserve living wages so that they can sustain themselves and their families. Living wages should not be reliant upon the tips of generous customers, but should fall on the companies who profit off of the hard work of these essential workers.
Corporate app institutions have been underpaying deliveristas for far too long. We are urging you to support deliveristas with a pay a fair pay of 28.82 an hour, to help deliveristas cover their most essential operations for this job.
Nevin Cohen
Attached are comments of the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute on the proposed rules governing minimum pay for food delivery workers.
Comment attachment
CUFPI-Testimony-on-Proposed-Food-Delivery-Worker-Compensation-Rules.pdf -
Daniel Ramirez
Estamos. Bien. Así como estamos trabajando en Relay me a gustado es. Manera. Y así seguiremos . No permito q. Cambien. Esa. Manera así estamos bien. En la Manera. Q estamos trabajando
Juan Carlos Sicajuachumil
Hola mi nombre es juancarlos. En mi opinión estamos bien que relay paga por hora me gusta trabajar así gracias
Danielle Strle
Food delivery workers in New York City are undoubtedly doing hard, hazardous, NECESSARY work that makes New York City the special place that it is. Why leave the city for the suburbs when 400 world-class restaurants deliver to my house?
In the heat, in the rain, in the snow– these delivery riders zip around to ferry our food, dodging cars and potholes to make a living for their families. They are essential, they are brave, and they make the city greener and more vibrant. they deserve to get paid a living wage that allows their families to thrive. -
Alfonso Reyes Mejia
Yo pienso que el pago por hora es mejor independientemente de cada compañero yo creo que si trabajamos bien mantenemos buena reserva y el pago por hora ami me parece bien y mi experiencia con Relay por ahora es buena como repito todo es cuestión de trabajar bien y mantener buen horario me parece pago justo
Charles Stewart
Me gusta la compañía de relay porque hasta el momento es la única que paga $.12.50 la hora más las propinas de las entregas y porque puedo elegir mis turnos de trabajo acorde an mis necesidades.
Ernesto Galvez
La verdad la aplicación Relay para mi es buena te pagan la hora .
También puedo escoger el horario que yo quiero para trabajar -
Selvin Ramirez
Hola la razón del porque me gusta trabajar en relay
es porque me va mucho mejor que en otros trabajos que he tenido
Por eso para mí la mejor compañía es relay me pagan bien y me pagan por hora
por eso me gusta trabajar en relay. -
Miguel Cocon
Hola buenos días estoy muy contento como estamos trabajando en Relay asta el momento no tengo quejas más qe mil agradecimiento por la oportunidad de trabajar. Un trabajo es una bendición. Así estoy muy bendecido como estamos trabajando pagando la hora y la propina del cliente muchas gracias
Juan Pablo
Pues yo pienso está mejor por hora por qué llevaríamos de larga distancia o en caso que los clientes no dan propina pero haci ganamos la hora haci cómo estamos ahora en Relay
mi opinión es. K siga haci cómo estamos. Trabajando ahora
Josue Yus
Pues me experiencia con Relay se aveces de ganas bien hay días no así pero lo seguro es que te paga la ora eso ya es algo
Flavio Tayun
todo esos delibre q recogemos de Uber i de Dordach ya no los recogerían porque esas compañías no los yeban porque ban lejos o porq no tienen propina en cambio si pagan por ora como en Relay no importa si tiene propina o ba lejos porque uno sabe que al menos están pagado la ora i asi gañámoos los dos nosotros yebamos parejo porq Relay nos pagan la ora de lo contrario te adíanos nada mas lo q nos conviene esa es mi opinión
Alessandro Coto rellana
buenas noches, estoy muy contento como estamos trabajando hasta el momento en Relay, no tengo quejas más que mil agradecimiento por la oportunidad de trabajar y ganar los dos, un trabajo es una bendición para un apasionado y disciplinado. Así estoy muy bendecido como está trabajando la compañía en pagar nuestras horas y propinas de los clientes gracias
No debe ser incluido en esa propuesta porque habrá un porcentaje del equipo que sabes que estamos trabajando muy así con nuestras horas pagadas
Andres Hernandez
Bueno mi nombre es andres hernandez y trabajo en la compañía de relay y me experiencia con la compañía de relay es buena me an tratado de la mejor manera y me siento vien com el salario que esta pagando y por si cambian el salario me gustaría que se por hora para trabajar mejor por que tengo un sueldo más seguro y yo dependo de este trabajo y me gustaría que se quedara como estamos asta horita estamos trabajando vien y ps relay siempre los a apoyado en lo que a podido es una gran compañía y gracias por la oportunidad que me brindaron gracias 🙂
Bayron Escalante
Buenas tardes mi expeperiencia con Relay me ha gustatado la forma de wue nos paguen por hora y nos ha ayudado bastante
Bueno en mi opinion la nueva regla de propuesta no nos conviene como delibreros y repartidores. Para mi seguir trabajando lo mismo y no ser incluido en la nueva ley.
Aroldo Tzorin
Claro, me gustaría que RELAY nos siga ayudando con el pago por hora, a veces nos dan órdenes que no tienen tip, el pago nos estaría ayudando con eso y si va lejos nos afecta mucho, económicamente, con el pago por hora seguiríamos tal y como estamos, todo bien..
Empeze con Relay hace 15 meses y me he dado cuenta que el pago por hora ayuda con las ordenes que no tiene tips y que va lejos del Restaurante.
Ryan Grant
My name is Ryan Grant, I’m a 26 year old DSP and Doordasher. I’ve been dashing for about 3 years now. Hearing about this proposed pay rule confused me at first, the second part where the proposed aggregate pay comes into play seems to directly disadvantage dashers that work part-time rather than full-time. I work for NY state helping adults with disabilities and unfortunately it doesn’t always pay the bills. Doordash is in a unique position where it can provide full-time employment AND part-time employment depending on the needs of the individual worker. I for example, am not able to find part-time work due to my schedule at my first job, save for doordash.
The flexibility to either work for 1 order or as long as I wanted has given me a lot of peace of mind and the ability to pay my rent on time, put gas in my car, or eat a meal that day when otherwise I couldn’t even afford to work my first job; the second part of this proposal seems to account for my situation, but in a way that punishes *me* for not making doordash my only job. The gig economy currently is a supplement to the failures of the actual economy to provide flexible work available as needed, and without revision, this proposal would make my life 2x as hard, and I am in a very privileged position compared to many other dashers in similar situations who’d much more than likely suffer WAY more. Revise the punitive proposal.
Savannah Carlin
Food delivery workers play a vital role in New York, especially throughout the pandemic. They help feed millions of New Yorkers each day. Their work is difficult and skilled and they deserve a basic minimum wage and food delivery companies have been exploiting them for years.
David Bahena
Hola buenas tardes yo pienso en miopinion k es mejor como esta la aplicasion de Relay orita por k luego salen delivery lejos y emveses el cloente no dapropina y al menos con la ora k pagas nos ayuda unpoco y luejo ay muchos k no agarran delivery por k no yevan propina o van lejos esta es mi umilde opinio y el k kiera ganar mas dinero k madruge lebantadote temprano atrabajar gracias
esmejor mantenernos asi como estamos y el k kiereaser dinero k selebante temprano y k dejen de andar asiendo politica todo trabajo esbueno gracia
La verdad me gusta así como se está trabajando por ahora en Relay ,por horas más las propinas y que siempre andamos activos y también la actividad es bueno para nuestra salud
Mauricio Torres
Trabajo hace poco más de dos meses en Relay, anteriormente trabaje en otras aplicaciones. Comencé a usar relay por el pago que hacen por hora siendo la única aplicación que hace esto correspondiendo al peligro que se corre haciendo entregas en la ciudad de NY
Miguel julajuj
Buenos dias .a mi lo personal . Me favorece más que me pagan por hora como en Relay , y no me gustaría que me pagan por ordenes activos . A eso no nos favorece. Eso es mi opinión. Gracias. Saludos……..
Santiago Rivera
En lo personal a mi me gusta como esta funcionando RELAY actualmente así pagando la hora más la propina y más el bono extra que paga cuando Llueve🌧 o cuando cae nieve 🌨eso es lo que me gusta de relay.Y por otra parte en mi opinión RELAY no debe estar incluido en la nuevas reglas que está proponiendo la ciudad, POR QUE relay si te paga la hora + propina y más bono extra y no como hacen las otras compañías las que debería estar Afectadas son esas que no paga bien a sus trabajadores .
Alejandro Gonzalez
Hola, mi nombre es Alejandro González y yo estoy a favor que está aplicando RELAY siga con su mismo sistema de pago por horas más propina. Yo llevo 9 años trabajando en restaurantes donde se me paga por horas, pero siempre en los restaurantes se hace más trabajo, ya sea preparación, lavaplatos y haciendo entregas de comida. En la aplicación de Relay me parece que es una buena manera de trabajar, porque se pagan las horas más propinas y siempre se está en movimiento ya que seguido manda órdenes. Solos las otras compañías como doordash, grub hub, Uber, son las que abusan ya que son las únicas que te pagan por órdenes.
Hello, my name is Alejandro González and I am in favor of the fact that RELAY is applying, continue with your same system of payment for hours plus tips. I have been working in restaurants for 9 years where I am paid by the hour, but more work is always done in restaurants, be it preparation, dishwashing and making food deliveries. In the relay application, it seems to me that it is a good way to work, because the hours plus tips are paid and you are always on the move since you often send orders. Only the other companies like doordash, grub hub, Uber, are the ones that abuse since they are the only ones that pay you for orders.
Marcos Mendez
Bueno en lo personal durate todo esto tiempo que trabajo en la compañía Relay es mejor que siga pagando como está actualmente por hora y más propia gracias
Lincoln Restler
Deliveristas are essential to New York City. These 60,000 New Yorkers work arduous hours ensuring that people are fed and helping our small businesses survive. We would not have made it through the pandemic without them and continue to rely on them daily. They deserve to make a living wage and be protected from corporate wage theft.
I am thankful that the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection is moving forward to establish a minimum pay rate for these workers. However, while the proposed rules are a huge step in the right direction, they do not go far enough in ensuring that food delivery workers are able to take home a living wage. I strongly urge DCWP to amend the rules to increase the expense rate by $5, bringing the minimum pay rate to $28.82 by 2025. Local Law 115 mandates that minimum payments must reflect the expenses of operation, and the proposed rules do not fully weigh these costs. Workers incur high costs to be able to successfully complete their jobs – from vehicle expenses, phones, GPS systems, and protections from inclement weather. It is essential to fully consider these rising expenses in the final pay structure.
I hope DCWP will promptly amend these rules and ensure Deliveristas finally start getting paid the wages they deserve.
Lincoln Restler, NYC City Council Member, District 33
Daniel Perez
La tarifa por hora es la razón por la que comencé con relay, me ayuda a obtener un ingreso predecible incluso cuando las personas no dan buenas propinas.
Wolfram Chavez
Que tal buenas días, “Relay” es una compañía que hasta el momento es la única que paga por hora más propinas, donde puedes elegir el horario de trabajo que mejor se acomode a tus necesidades, aunque andamos por todos lados ya que no hay una zona específica de trabajo pero es una buena compañía ya que esta al día con el salario, a diferencia de doordash, grubhud y Uber por lo cual me gustaría que mejorarán el sistema de reservas ya que es muy peleado y que se respete la zona de trabajo.
Anthony Capote
Public Comment on New Rule for App-Based Delivery Workers in NYC
Immigration Research Initiative (IRI) acknowledges the tremendous work of New York’s Department of Consumer and Worker Protection in setting a competitive pay scale for app-based delivery workers in New York City.
The new wage standard of $23.82/hour represents a significant change in the standard of living for thousands of essential workers in New York who, for too long, have operated in a largely unregulated labor market in which they have gone underpaid and under-appreciated. IRI strongly supports establishing an hourly wage for app-based delivery workers who have previously been paid per order, despite spending countless hours and days under sometimes dangerous conditions on call and ready to work for platforms such as DoorDash, UberEATS, and Seamless.
IRI does, however, urge New York City government officials to consider a higher wage standard that includes appropriate recognition of the costs associated with app-based delivery work. Delivery workers who drive mopeds or motorcycles incur on average $16,664 annually in costs associated with owning and operating their vehicles.
The pay scale DCWP laid out in its report incorporates a $2.23 hourly expense payment, but that is not enough. To pay their expenses at that rate, deliveristas on mopeds and motorcycles would have to work an utterly absurd 144 hours per week, 52 weeks per year.
Los Deliveristas Unidos and Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM) have proposed raising the expense component to $5/hour. IRI strongly supports this increase, since a $5 hourly expense component in the wage standard is more than justified. In fact, it is still low: even at $5/hour it would take 70 hours of work per week to cover the cost of driving a moped or motorcycle.
And, while many deliveristas use battery-assisted bicycles, they also incur thousands of dollars in costs each year to acquire and maintain their equipment, as well as the costs of replacing their equipment if it is stolen or damaged in a car crash.
Ricardo Zamarripa
I am writing in my capacity as resident of the city, urging the city to act swiftly and provide these vital workers with the wage they deserve to earn. The role as food courier in New York remains one of the most hazardous and unprotected and yet these workers continue to work hard to reach the American dream. In my view, there is nothing that embodies the spirit of New York City more than that. Raising the minimum wage, first, provides a wage commensurate to the risk, skill, and supply of labor. Secondly, it highlights the value that they provide to the city’s financial health, not solely for consumers that order on these apps, but for thousands of businesses and families. Finally and most importantly, raising the minimum wage will provide the workers with additional capital to reinvest and benefit themselves and their families personally and professionally. This will undoubtedly contribute back to the economy of New York City. During the 90s, the conventional view was that if you afford wealthy people and large corporations size-able tax benefits that would trickle down into the economy. That view has since been largely dismissed, yet the argument is often still made and seriously considered. This absurdity makes me reflect and ask, why is when marginalized communities ask for equal or fairer treatment, we are asked for an explanation? I strongly urge the city to continue to build on New York’s role as the leader in achieving justice in the labor force and support this measure.
Ricardo M. Zamarripa -
Chi Ossé
I am writing to show my support for DCWP’s rule to implement Local Law 115 of 2021, which would require delivery app services to pay delivery workers an average minimum hourly rate. However, I am urging the Department to raise the rate from $23.82 to $28.82 to ensure that the rate is aligned with the living and working expenses of delivery workers.
According to the Los Deliveristas Union and the Workers’ Justice Project, there are more than 65,000 delivery workers in New York City and delivery workers are living paycheck to paycheck. An hourly rate for delivery workers would provide for their cost of living and we need to ensure that this rate truly accounts for expenses and economic factors like inflation.
Under the current DCWP proposal, the $23.82 hourly rate is broken down by the following:
Deliveristas Bay Pay Rate: $19.86
Workers Compensation Pay Rate: $1.70
Expenses Rate: $2.26
There needs to be a $5 increase to DCWP’s proposed expenses rate to ensure that delivery workers can pay for their work tools such as registered mopeds, can pay for their essential safety expenses such as GPS Trackers, and have hazard pay for their work in extreme conditions.Delivery workers keep our City running, delivering meals and other essentials to New Yorkers and during quarantine, they were a lifeline to those who could not leave their homes. Delivery workers deserve better and our City has to do right for them.
I urge DCWP to not only set an average hourly minimum rate but to also raise the proposed amount to $28.82 to ensure our City’s delivery workers are able to have a living wage.
Comment attachment
DWCP-Delivery-Worker-Rate-Comment.pdf -
Maria F
I work at Starbucks in the city, where UberEats and Doordash deliveries make up a signification source of revenue for the coffee chain. The store I work at is a big area of traffic and congestion for delivery drivers, and I’ve come to realize how much time is actually spent at these jobs just… waiting. Waiting, because too many orders have come through at the same time, because the driver arrived at the store only to find out that more orders had been added on to the queue, or simply waiting because the digital app is not infallible and frequently sends a delivery driver for a newly received order.
So much time is spent actually waiting, time that is not accounted for under the delivery app wage considerations. Without a base pay, wait times contribute to below-minimum wages, even after tips. I strongly recommend that the City Council looks to data and testimony from workers about the truth of the disparity between expenses vs. compensation, reality vs. policy.
Emma Wisniewski
I strongly support this rule!! Delivery workers make our city go and deserve to be paid fairly. I would also support expanding the minimum pay requirement to ALL delivery apps, including companies such as Instacart, not just the ones for restaurants.
Mi Nobre es Manuel, Es muy importante que las compañías como doordash, Uber nos paguen el salario mínimo. Ya que nosotros salimos a trabajar todos los días y esperamos mucho tiempo a que las compañías nos asignen una orden, con el salario mínimo nosotros podemos mejorar. Gracias a todos por esta oportunidad de dar nuestros testimonios..
Bright D Limm
I support the call by Los Deliveristas Unidos for a minimum pay rate of $28.82/hr for the city’s food delivery workers.
Bright Limm 임대중
Jamaica, Queens -
Aaron Kogel Smucker
I strongly support this measure. I regularly have food delivered and these workers are far too happy when I tip them. It’s clear they need those tips to survive and it shouldn’t be the case. They deserve a fair wage for a service we all enjoy and some people depend on.
Estamos todos de acuerdo que se Page justamente y por hora a todos los q hacen deliverys..un apoyo total
Necesitamos un pago mínimo porque la propina no es ingreso y este trabajo requiere de muchas necesidades para el vienestar nuestro y las herramientas de trabajos que requerimos con frecuencia hacer mantenimientos o cuando sufrimos accidentes o robos
Marcus Traore
I think it will be of great help to delivery workers if they can get a guaranteed payment per hour regardless of how much tips they make. They risk their lives on the streets to serve others.
Hector sugarazo
Que es juto por que lo necesitamos por la pandemia y lo necitamos
Nos merecemos un pago mínimo por el riesgo a salir día a día a la calle en busca del vienestar de nuestras familias
Felix hernandez
Alejandro rincon
Apoyo el salario para el 2023 está compañías roban millones al año ya es hora de parar tanto acoso laboral
7 años aguantando maltrato sometido a los peligros de la calle ya es hora de un pago justo por mi trabajo -
Eugenio ortega
No me parece bien el salario minimo.
Estamos juntos en esto
Felix hernandez
Soy deliveristas me gusta que me paguen un pago mínimo la propina no es un pago
Paul soto
Los deliveristas somos trabajadores de primera necesidad para la sociedad arriesgamos nuestra integridad para brindar un servicio digno y proveer alimento a las personas que por múltiples razones esperan en caso , y ya es hora de que nos den un salario digno , que pensamos que es justo 30 la hora , y las propinas no deben contar como salario ya que es dependiendo de la gentileza y del cliente ! Tenemos familias y altos costos operacionales que cada día se elevan por la inflación
Estamos juntos en esto, vamos por la justicia para nuestros compañeros…
A mu me gustaría trabajar por hora la propina no es un pago
Tomas cabrera
Estoy de acuerdo por el riego que corremos en Las calles y Los gastos corren por nuestra cuenta
Omar angeles
Ahora mismo el dinero que gano por hora es muy relativo a veces son 10 o a veces menos la hora ya que por distancia y propina no te permite saber cuánto vas a ganar acertivamente, con el pago por hora para el 2023 por lo menos tendré un salario fijo que será justo para cubrir los gastos que tengo como trabajador ya que son altos por tener una moto que es con la que trabajo apoyo esta incitativa.
Pablo p
Si estoy de acuerdo con el pago mínimo 1 milla por 3 dólares que da la aplicación de doordash es demasiado poco
Estoy de acuerdo que tengamos un salario justo y que las app nos quiten nuestro dinero
Gustavo Cabrera
Hola yo estoy de acuerdo con el pago que esta pidiendo por Los riesgos que se corren estando en la calle
MD Abdul Mabud
As a delivery workers I know how its difficult to work day by in a bycicle or scooter to delivery food against heat, Rain and snow. Beside we always got fines by police. AFTER THATS ALL WE LOVE TO DELIVRY FOOD ON YOUR DOOR. PLEASE HELP US TO SURVIVE WITH OUR FAMILY AND CONTINUE WORK FOR YOU GUYS. WE ARE DEMANDING $20 THAT AT LEST WE CAN SURVIVE IN THIS CITY. THANKS
Hola nosotros como trabajadores nesecitamos un salario justa ya que nont0enemos un sueldo base y trabajamos con puras propinas y nesecitamos el sueldo para poder mantener el sustento de la casa
Mamut hossen
I’m proud of my self im member of ldu
Adan perez
Agradezco todos los compañeros por el esfuerzo y el trabajo emos puesto el trabajo para poder lograr todo el trabajo gracias muchachos
Im assure Withe the pay because its very dangerous to Take some 3 dollar delivery i have friends that have diead
Kazi razib
The minimum pay should be reconsider. Its a risky Job and they have to spend a lot for equipment. Its not like regular Jobs
Im assure with the pay cause i get really sick in the rain and i think its right what you guys are doing
Asraful Alam
We need Minimum Hour 25$ .
Juan regalado
Yo pienso que esta bien estoy aquí apoyando los para que esto se haga realidad tenemos que seguir luchando y quiero felicitarlo por el buen trabajo que están haciendo y que sigamos adelante yo vengo de tener se maneje 2 hora para estar con ustedes pero se merece más
I strongly agree to provide workers with a wage i dependently from their tips.
Randel Torres
“Hello my name is randel torres. I live in Staten Island, NYC and have been working as a Dasher with DoorDash for the past 3 years.
I am writing in opposition to the requirements under NYC’s proposed pay rule that delivery worker pay be based on the amount of time workers have the app open rather than time on delivery. It is essential that we base it on time on delivery because it works for all of us. And it gives us the flexibility we need.
I am a father of one with a full time job as a school Bus Driver I need to have a part time job so that I can make extra to be able to take care my family and with that I also need to be able to work around my full time job. This is why I decided to become a dasher so that I can have that flexibility and work when I want and as much as I want. -
Zack Franciose
The city needs deliveristas. Let’s make sure we value and provide dignity to a vital function of our city by paying these workers a fair wage!
Shawna Spence
This new policy they are trying to bring about isn’t fair to those who work on doordash, Uber and other delivery apps it’ll interfere with how they make money day to day. I am against this proposal because it will make things harder for dashers.
Xavier Jones
My name is xavier. I live in Brooklyn, NYC, and have been working as a Dasher with DoorDash for the past 4 years. I am writing in opposition to NYC’s earnings standard’s aggregate pay requirement. As a single parent with a full-time job as a teacher, I need to have a part-time job to supplement my income that allows me to work around my two children’s schedules and my full-time job. This is why I’ve chosen this kind of work. I need to be able to decide when I work and how much I work each week.
Edward Koral
Food delivery employees are an integral part of our city’s fabric. The restaurants cannot operate without them, and the customers don’t eat without them. Treating them as full-fledged employees gives them the respect and living wage they deserve, and also represents an important steps towards making employers accountable for the actions of their employees.
And let’s stop pretending that they’re anything except employees (i.e., not “independent contractors”). Maybe now when the delivery people on e-bikes disregard traffic laws, ride recklessly and injure pedestrians, the restaurants that employ them can be held FULLY RESPONSIBLE AND LIABLE for the actions of their employees. -
Council Member Nantasha Williams
Los Deliveristas have demonstrated how essential they are to the functioning of our city time and time again. During the pandemic they ensured that we had access to food and provided that crucial transport that many of us relied upon. They deserve to have a livable wage and I am proud to support the fight for a fair pay of $28.82 an hour for all app-based food delivery workers.
Assemblymember Marcela Mitaynes
Good afternoon everyone. My name is Assemblymember Marcela Mitaynes, and I represent the 51st Assembly District of Sunset Park, Red Hook, and Bay Ridge. Today, I am commenting on this public hearing to express my strong continuing support for Los Deliveristas Unidos as they advocate for better laws around fair pay. I urge the DCWP to consider increasing expense rates by $5, phasing in higher minimum pay up to $28.82 in 2025, and monitor the implementation of these policies with the greatest care.
In New York City, we are fortunate to have a higher minimum wage standard than the state, but even $15 is not enough to cover the rising living expenses in our city. Workers all over the city are feeling the weight of inflation as corporations continue to profit. Deliveristas do not even get the luxury of New York City minimum wage. For years, Deliveristas have been making approximately $7.09/hr.
Not only that, these workers are forced to pay operating costs out-of-pocket for one of the most unsafe jobs in our city. The yearly costs associated with maintaining a delivery vehicle and protecting themselves against dangerous conditions is $16,664. Corporations employing these workers incur no responsibility for these costs or the safety of their workers. The myth of freedom fed to these workers by their employers is a complete fabrication. Deliveristas are locked into financial constraints, underpaid and required to make investments in their transportation to pay expenses.
NYC should offer fair wages to protect the Deliveristas. LDU’s plan to increase wages is incremental, allowing for a progressive shift over time. Businesses will be able to adjust to the changes and ensure safety for valuable service. As a result, this plan will be at no cost to the city, but change the lives of over 60,000 workers. I urge you to please consider the requests of LDU and ensure fair protections for every worker in this city.
Eric McClure
I am submitting this comment on behalf of StreetsPAC, a political action committee and advocacy organization that promotes safe-streets policies and improved public transportation in New York City and New York State, and for which I serve as Executive Director.
New York City’s 65,000 delivery workers are essential workers who keep the local economy humming while performing one of the most difficult and dangerous jobs in the city.
They work long hours in all weather conditions, have to supply their own equipment (an e-bike can cost several thousand dollars, and unscrupulous vendors don’t hesitate to sell unsuspecting delivery workers bikes that are illegal to operate in New York City), face constant dangers from drivers of cars and trucks on streets that frequently do not offer any type of physical protection, and are regularly the victims of targeted robberies that too often turn violent or even deadly, all while earning, on average, pay that is far, far below the local minimum wage. Delivery workers kept their fellow New Yorkers fed and the city’s restaurants in business during the long pandemic lockdown, and continue to perform a vital and irreplaceable role in the city’s restaurant economy.
At the same time, they work by and large at the whim of app companies that reap the vast majority of delivery-based profits while subjecting delivery workers to challenging and often impossible conditions in a clearly exploitative labor dynamic.
We implore the DCWP to adopt a $28.82 minimum wage to ensure that the city’s delivery workers are fairly compensated for the vital role they play in New York City’s economy.
Julian Jimarez Howard
Please support these critical workers who are, in many ways, a part of our city’s human infrastructure. They often face harrowing and dangerous conditions, it’s our duty to make sure they are taken care of and not exploited.
Kathleen Reilly
Please see the attached comments from the New York State Restaurant Association. We appreciate your attention to this feedback.
Kathleen Reilly
Comment attachment
NYC Government Affairs Manager
New York State Restaurant Association
Rules-comment-delivery-worker-payments.docx -
There should be a level of fairness when comes to the pay of DoorDash workers. Some of the rules that are going to be put in to effect will not really benefits us Uber and DoorDash drivers.
Council Member Alexa Avilés
As Council Member representing largely immigrant communities, many of my constituents have found work making deliveries since the pandemic. I applaud DCWP on announcing this historic minimum pay increase and am proud of how our City has supported these workers.
Delivery workers face difficult conditions on the job and have to invest in expensive tools to keep them and others safe, including locks, GPS equipment and expensive batteries.
I support delivery workers in their call for dignity and safety on the job. Deliveristas are asking for an increase of just $5 would go a long way to help cover these expenses and ensure safety and dignity for these workers.
Patricia Campos-Medina
Support for increase in wage for app workers.
Comment attachment
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Juan Leon
Sadly, I see how some of my colleagues are cowardly in favor of not having anything and continuing to work for tips and what the applications want you offer in order, being a deliverist is not agreeing with the well-being of the companies, being a deliverist is fighting Day by day for a better life, it means staying on your feet even when everything is down, it means not giving up when everyone is at home taking cover from the weather, not bending the knee to the boss’s threats, it means staying worthy of his ideals, it means embracing the hope of a better tomorrow and advance day by day towards a better morning, and for this and more I am with all my colleagues who seek a good for all, !!! Not only a minimum payment, but also decent treatment from companies that, even without a soul, turn to look the other way, when one of my brothers has been killed by assault, killed by a car, killed by violence or racial discrimination. , full support for the new rule and for more labor justice
Eugenio Zacarias
I feel very happy for the fight that many do for us, we should always be this united and that the cause is as great as those who fight us, this new law will mark a before and after for thousands of workers like me
Eugenio Zacarias
Soy deliverista de años y creo que va hacer muy bien para nosotros
Ya que nunca hemosnrecivodo algo similar,
sin hacer caso de las intrigas y amenazas de las aplicaciones,
Todos tenemos que apoyar la medida
No podemos estar más mal que como ya estamos, -
Council Member Shekar Krishnan
My name is Shekar Krishnan and I represent Council District 25 which include the neighborhoods of Jackson Heights and Elmhurst. My constituents include many of the 60,000 delivery drivers in our city who are fighting for a fair minimum wage. I was proud to be in support of Local Law 115 of 2021 which was passed by the City Council last year. This law mandated a study of a minimum pay rate for delivery workers which recognizes the dignity of their work. A fair minimum wage that covers the local costs of living is something all workers deserve and Deliveristas have waited far too long for their call to be met. Thus, I wanted to submit public comment urging three recommendations for the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to consider based off it’s recently published Minimum Pay rate study and proposal:
DCWP should raise the expense rate by $5 from $2.26 to $7.26. This would include the expenses of Deliveristas that use registered mopeds as work tools, essential safety expenses such as GPS Trackers, and hazard pay. Given the fact that Deliveristas sometimes work during extreme weather conditions such as rain or snow storms, this increase in the expense rate will ensure .
The minimum pay rate should be raised to $28.82 per hour with a phase-in approach of a minimum pay rate of $20.87 in 2023 and $24.25 in 2024 before reaching the full rate of $28.82 in 2025. Currently Deliveristas live paycheck to paycheck, making approximately $7.09 per hour with tips. This minimum pay rate ensures Deliveristas a wage their work deserves.
DCWP should closely monitor and evaluate the implementation of the aggregate pay component of the proposed minimum pay rate. The proposed structure leaves the calculation of the on-call time to the discretion of the applications, which is expected to lead to a more efficient use of the waiting time. Careful monitoring of this part of the new policy is key to prevent negative impacts on workers’ pay and work hours.I want to thank the department for their hard work that went into the preparation of the study and proposal. We hope our comments will ensure that the Council’s intent of a fair minimum pay rate for Deliveristas is met.
Respectfully submitted,
Shekar Krishnan
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Council Member, District 25 – Elmhurst and Jackson Heights
Minimum-Pay-Rate-Public-Comment_12.16.pdf -
Jose Moranchel
I feel that it will be a great opportunity for me and my family since we all do this serious work here, although I do not understand how the applications are going to happen to us, it is the cost of this to us, I hope it is not like that and everything improves and that depends on we
Hildalyn Colon Hernandez
Deliveristas across NYC have been braving extreme weather conditions – such as heatwaves, rain, snow storms, and even a hurricane for the past two years.
App-based delivery work is one of the fastest-growing sectors of our economy and one of the deadliest jobs in New York City, as Deliveristas spend more than 10 hours a day navigating NYC streets. Deliveristas experience these statistics daily – as many are victims of fatalities, disabled, injured, or made unwell as they fulfill orders for the apps under unrealistic and dangerous expectations to arrive at the assigned location under any condition: rain, shine, extreme weather, like snowstorms, freezing rain, and even hurricanes. During those times, Deliveristas are essential for restaurants and small businesses as they deliver much-needed food and supplies to New Yorkers during those crucial times. At the same time, Deliveristas sustain restaurants and small businesses that would otherwise decrease sales as these weather conditions prevent people from leaving their homes. During these times, Deliveristas experience increased operating expenses as they need to acquire or replace equipment, such as lithium batteries and e-bike or moped motors, that get damaged during a snowstorm and freezing rain.
Los Deliveristas de NYC se han enfrentado a condiciones climáticas extremas, como olas de calor, lluvia, tormentas de nieve e incluso un huracán durante los últimos dos años.
El trabajo de entrega basado en aplicaciones es uno de los sectores de más rápido crecimiento de nuestra economía y uno de los trabajos más letales en la ciudad de Nueva York, ya que los Deliveristas pasan más de 10 horas al día recorriendo las calles de la ciudad de Nueva York. Los trabajadores experimentan estas estadísticas a diario, ya que muchos son víctimas de muertes, discapacitados, heridos o enfermos mientras cumplen los pedidos de las aplicaciones bajo expectativas poco realistas y peligrosas para llegar al lugar asignado bajo cualquier condición: lluvia, sol, clima extremo, como tormentas de nieve, lluvia helada e incluso huracanes. Durante esos tiempos, los Deliveristas son esenciales para los restaurantes y las pequeñas empresas, ya que entregan alimentos y suministros muy necesarios a los neoyorquinos durante esos momentos cruciales. Al mismo tiempo, los Deliveristas mantienen a los restaurantes y pequeños negocios que de otro modo disminuirían las ventas debido a que estas condiciones climáticas impiden que las personas salgan de sus hogares. Durante estos tiempos, los Deliveristas experimentan mayores gastos operativos ya que necesitan adquirir o reemplazar equipos, como baterías de litio y motores de bicicletas eléctricas o ciclomotores, que se dañan durante una tormenta de nieve y lluvia helada.
Hildalyn Colón Hernández
Comment attachment
Director of Policy & Strategic Partnerships
Los Deliveristas Unidos/ WJP
Deliveristas-Battle-Extreme-Weather-Conditions-Comment-3.pdf -
Haruka Aoki
Our food delivery workers are the lifeblood of our city and need more protections. Please implement Local Law 115 of 2021 to improve their pay and working conditions.
Evan Finnerty
From: Evan Finnerty, LDU Caseworker
To: DCWP – Department of Consumer Affairs & Workers Protection
RE: Deliveristas Minimum Pay Rule – CommentsMy name is Evan Finnerty, a caseworker for Los Deliveristas Unidos Division at WJP. As LDU’s caseworker, I have had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of workers for Doordash, Grubhub, Relay, and UberEats. I am here today to bring attention to the most frequent issues encountered among workers, and to highlight the need for minimum pay.
Workers Safety – Accidents & Fatalities
One of the most pressing issues facing app delivery workers is the markedly high rate of on-the-job injury compared to other industries, as mentioned in the DCWP’s report. Delivery workers in New York face dangerous travel conditions navigating roadways built for cars. The lack of functional infrastructure for safe transportation on e-bikes, fixed bikes, and mopeds within and between boroughs exposes Deliveristas to pronounced safety risks when traveling. These conditions exacerbate the frequency and severity of accidents while working delivery.This year alone, LDU has provided assistance accessing legal recourse to more than 25 delivery workers injured on the job. The injuries workers sustain vary in their severity, but one element remains consistent: these injuries, sustained while providing delivery services for multi-million dollar corporations, are treated out of pocket by workers making, on average, $7 an hour including tips.
That is if they have received their wages.
Wage Theft & Minimum Pay
This brings me to the second most recurrent issue facing workers: nonpayment and wage theft. As an LDU caseworker, over the past 6 months, I have assisted to cover more than $30,000 in unpaid wages for Deliveristas. Some workers spend months in an endless cycle of communication with various representatives of their contracting company. Despite withholding payments to workers, Doordash for example allows for many workers to continue accessing their accounts to deliver for the company. Apparently, workers do not have the right to their wages, but they retain the right to have their labor exploited. Some Deliveristas accumulate thousands of dollars in unpaid wages during these periods. One Doordash worker has accumulated nearly $10,000 dollars since 2020 that has yet to be paid out. The common element appears to be a disregard for the workforce that has effectively built and fortified these delivery monopolies.
Minimum pay signals a change in the way we value service workers in this industry. It shows that we as consumers understand the inherent risks they face, the lack of support available to them, and the ever-expanding costs of expenses associated with performing their jobs in the most professional and sustainable manner. Workers deserve to keep themselves afloat as carriers of corporations that have seen unprecedented growth and expansion during a time of a historic pandemic and a looming recession.
Establishing a minimum pay for Delivery workers is a necessary step in addressing the shortcomings of the gig economy as it stands in the largest market for delivery in the US. Paying workers for all time spent engaged with their application gives the opportunity for the City of New York to provide an innovative solution to the challenges faced by delivery workers to help them make ends meet despite spending long hours engaged in dangerous work.
I’d also like to address the fallacy that Dashing is flexible. Let’s be clear, it is necessary to schedule your work block in the area you wish to work unless you are considered a top dasher. Most workers are not. This insistence on flexibility for app workers in New York City does not account for the existing scheduling function in place.
Hildalyn Colon Hernandez
Los Deliveristas Unidos Historic Journey to Justice is Not Over…
Los Deliveristas Unidos Rally & Advocate for Just Pay that Represents Their Working Conditions on NYC StreetsLos Deliveristas Unidos Rally Advocate for Just Deliveristas Minimum Pay & Submits 3 Adjustments to the Proposed Rule
A Deliveristas Just Minimum Pay $28.82 is A Win-Win for the NYC Economic
NEW YORK – Los Deliveristas Unidos (LDU) made another step in their historic journey to seek justice for more than 65,000 app delivery workers in NYC. Los Deliveristas Unidos (LDU) /Worker’s Justice Project, NY City Council Members, and the community allies rallied on NYC streets and made their voices heard at DCWP’s Deliverista Minimum Pay public hearing.
During the public hearing, Los Deliveristas Unidos (LDU) recognized and valued the most recent proposal of DCWP’s Deliveristas Minimum Pay Proposed Rule. At the same time, LDU urged DCWP to make three adjustments to the proposed rule. The adjustments are as follows:
DCWP must consider increasing the expense rate by $5 – new minimum pay of $28.82, so this increased rate will reflect the expenses of Deliveristas that used register mopeds as work tools. In addition, LDU proposed increase will reflect the essential safety equipment expenses, such as GPS Trackers that Deliveristas use to keep themselves safe on NYC Streets.
For years, Deliveristas have barely lived paycheck to paycheck, making approximately $7.09 per hour with tips. Deliveristas recommend that DCWP put much-needed money in the pockets of Deliveristas starting in 2023. LDU is recommending that DCWP establish the following pay breakdown:
January 1, 2023 – $20.87 per hour
April 1, 2023 – $20.87 per hour, adjusted for inflation
April 1, 2024 – $24.25 per hour, adjusted for inflation
April 1, 2025 – $28.82 per hour, adjusted for inflationMonitor & Enforcement – LDU recommends that DCWP closely monitor and evaluate the implementation of the aggregate pay component of the proposed minimum pay rule.
Last month, the Department of Consumer and Workers Protections (DCWP) proposed to establish a Deliveristas Minimum Pay Proposed Rule, which is under the agency’s consideration.
Los Deleveristas Unidos (LDU) recognized the initial proposed rule and research study value Deliveristas as hard-working, essential workers who helped New Yorkers throughout the five boroughs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only does DCWP listen to Deliveristas, but it also understands the workers’ reality – this rule establishes the basic work principle that Deliveristas should be paid an hourly rate for all the time they are working for the app. The proposed rule, Deliveristas will be paid from the time they are waiting at the restaurant for delivery through the time they spend making the delivery and taking it to the customer’s door. Currently, Deliveristas across the five boroughs keeps our city running, earning just $2 to $5 per delivery trip, which is less than a liveable minimum wage. All while being exposed to the most dangerous traffic crimes of our city – which has taken the lives of more than 25 Deliveristas in the past two years.
At the same time, Los Deliveristas Unidos proposes that DCWP consider some adjustments to the proposed rule. So it represents all the Deliveristas surveyed during the research project, the current inflation cost, and the operating and safety expenses that Deliveristas have experienced in past months. See details below
1st Adjustment: DCWP must consider increasing the expense rate by $5 – new minimum pay of $28.82, so this increased rate will reflect the expenses of Deliveristas that used register mopeds as work tools. In addition, LDU proposed increase will reflect the essential safety equipment expenses, such as GPS Trackers that Deliveristas use to keep themselves safe on NYC Streets.
DCWP recognized that “Workers perform app deliveries using four main modes of transportation: mopeds, e-bikes, cars, and walking.” However, DCWP only based their “expense rate” calculations on Deliveristas that used e-bikes as work tools. In NYC, thousands of Deliveristas use mopeds (electric or gas) as their primary work tool, particularly in the Bronx and Queens, as they cover longer distances to make a delivery. Current DCWP’s expense rate doesn’t include distinct and mandatory expenses that Deliveristas with mopeds need to make monthly, like insurance payments, DMV inspection, and registration fees, oil changes, etc.
Safety Equipment Expenses
Being a Deliverista is one of the most dangerous jobs in NYC. Deliveristas’ working conditions became more precarious during the pandemic and continue today. Deliveristas suffer from workplace violence daily. Many of them confront unsafe streets and are victims of violent assaults, even at gunpoint, in an attempt to steal their e-bikes or mopeds, which are the primary tools of their work. Crime statistics from the New York City Police Department (NYPD) show that index crime in New York City increased in October 2022 by 5.9% compared with October 2021, driven mainly by an increase in grand larceny.For this reason, DCWP must consider including Deliveristas’ operations expenses that permit them to keep themselves safe at work, such as cameras and GPS tracker expenses. Deliverista invests a substantial portion of its income in safety equipment such as GPS Tracker units, cameras, and alarms to protect its work tools. This safety equipment requires Deliveristas to invest in a monthly or yearly recurring subscription, approximately $19.95 a month + taxes or more than $300 + taxes a year, for the satellite GPS signal and data to track their equipment.
Hazard Pay
App-based delivery work is one of the fastest-growing sectors of our economy and one of the deadliest jobs in New York City, as Deliveristas spend more than 10 hours a day navigating NYC streets. Deliveristas experience these statistics daily – as many are victims of fatalities, disabled, injured, or made unwell as they fulfill orders for the apps under unrealistic and dangerous expectations to arrive at the assigned location under any condition: rain, shine, extreme weather, like snowstorms, freezing rain and even hurricanes. During those times, Deliveristas are essential for restaurants and small businesses as they deliver much-needed food and supplies to New Yorkers during those crucial times. At the same time, Deliveristas sustain restaurants and small businesses that would otherwise have a decrease in sales as these weather conditions prevent people from leaving their homes. During these times, Deliveristas experience increased operating expenses as they need to acquire or replace equipment, such as lithium batteries and e-bike or moped motors, that get damaged during a snowstorm and freezing rain.2nd Adjustment: For years, Deliveristas have barely lived paycheck to paycheck, making approximately $7.09 per hour with tips. Deliveristas recommend that DCWP put much-needed money in the pockets of Deliveristas starting in 2023. LDU is recommending that DCWP establish the following pay breakdown:
January 1, 2023 – $20.87 per hour
April 1, 2023 – $20.87 per hour, adjusted for inflation
April 1, 2024 – $24.25 per hour, adjusted for inflation
April 1, 2025 – $28.82 per hour, adjusted for inflationNYC has recognized Deliveristas as heroes of the city during this COVID-19 global pandemic that devastated the global economy. Now on the verge of the city’s economic resurgence, the City has an opportunity to deliver a more equitable and inclusive economy for these workers. As independent contractors, Deliveristas’ operating costs have significantly increased as they navigate the challenges of inflation, and manage more costly operating expenses, such as rising gas prices and work equipment. LDU is advocating for DCWP to consider adjusting the Deliveritas Minimum Pay proposed rule and mandating the apps to pay a higher hourly rate to Deliveristas starting in 2023 and beyond.
LDU acknowledges that pay adjustment will not reinvigorate the city’s economy in the short and long term. However, this pay will guarantee Deliveristas will be able to pay for each hour of their work and put the much-needed income directly in the pockets of working-class New Yorkers as the administration focuses on accelerating the city’s economic recovery. More money in Deliverista’s pocket is not only a game-changer for the workers and their families, but it will have a major economic impact in every neighborhood of NYC, as workers will be spending that money locally.
Monitor & Enforcement – LDU recommends that DCWP closely monitor and evaluate the implementation of the aggregate pay component of the proposed minimum pay rule.
The proposed structure leaves the calculation of the pay for on-call time to the discretion of the applications, which don’t provide much transparency on how this process is done. LDU recommends that DCWP increase enforcement efforts and careful monitoring of this part of the new policy are key to preventing negative impacts on workers’ pay and work hours.
Journey to Justice – New Deliveristas for Labor Rights
Los Deliveristas Unidos (LDU) is the most significant worker-led movement founded by delivery drivers that work for multiple app delivery platforms in NYC. Since 2020, LDU is fighting to build, establish, and defend new labor standards and rights that better the conditions for app delivery workers in NYC and beyond. LDU is a new organizing effort powered by the Worker’s Justice Project (WJP).
LDU’s organizing efforts not only provide new energy in the labor movement, but it proposes a new LDU Blueprint where workers can transform the gig economy to care for their coworkers, their families, and their communities by organizing and setting new labor standards in the industry.
As part of the LDU Blueprint, Los Deliveristas Unidos partnered with New York City Mayor Eric Adams and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer to announce the first-of-its-kind Street Deliverista HUB program for app delivery workers that uses existing infrastructure, like vacant city newsstands, to provide a place to rest and recharge. Through a $1 million federal grant secured by Senate Majority Leader Schumer in the upcoming appropriations bill for Worker’s Justice Project/Los Deliveristas Unidos, this pilot program will renovate and transform underutilized structures on city properties.
LDU’s long journey to justice started as Deliveristas banded together throughout NYC streets as they served and fed New Yorkers and helped to sustain small businesses during the pandemic and developed during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. On April 21, 2021 – Los Deliveristas Unidos (LDU) organized a historic march of more than 2,000 app delivery workers biking from Times Square to Foley Square to demand better wages and protections from the tech giants that run delivery app platforms.
In September 2021, Los Deliveristas partnered with City Council Members Justin Brannan and Carlina Rivera and former City Council Members Brad Lander and former City Council member Carlos Menchaca to introduce the LDU bill package – NYC Delivered Justice to Los Deliveristas. LDU obtained a major labor victory in its journey to seek justice. The NYC Council overwhelmingly voted to approve a landmark bill package – NYC Delivered Justice to Los Deliveristas. These first-of-its-kind labor rights for NYC’s app delivery workers included minimum pay, Deliveristas’ right to establish the distance they want to travel, bathroom access, and other provisions.
“Delivery workers were there for us in the middle of a pandemic when we needed them the most. They deserve more than just praise, they deserve common-sense workplace protections and a fair wage. The deliveristas movement is taking the lead in transforming this industry and a fair minimum pay standard is crucial for expanding the quality of life and greater dignity for all workers in our state and also across the country, especially in the era of the gig economy. That’s why I urge the City’s Department of Consumer and Worker Protections to consider the substantial labor costs borne by app delivery workers and the overall benefit to “rebuild, renew, reinvent” the city’s economy in increasing these essential workers’ pay,“ said Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, US Representative,NY-14 (BX & Queens).
“The Deliveristas minimum pay is a historic policy that will positively impact the lives of more than 60,000 workers who provide a vital service to our city. This worker-led movement has brought to the forefront the need for better wages and worker protections for this mostly immigrant sector. I stand in solidarity with the Deliveristas who deserve living wages, quality equipment, and safe working conditions,” said Council Member Carmen de la Rosa, Chair of the Committee on Civil Service and Labor.
“DCWP continues to work alongside LDU to hear and address their concerns while working to support and sustain our economy,” said Chair of the Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection, Council Member Marjorie Velázquez. “We will continue to work with Commissioner Mayuga and the administration to identify a solution that works for everyone in the long-term.”
“Deliveristas are essential to New York’s economy and work tirelessly to serve the City,“ said NYC Council Majority Whip Selvena Brooks-Powers, Chair of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. “Delivery workers often take on major risk, as they labor through severe weather conditions to get New Yorkers what they need. These workers deserve fair pay, which is why the Council passed legislation last year to support minimum wage standards for Deliveristas. I continue to stand with Los Deliveristas Unidos in their fight to fully guarantee fair minimum pay at a wage of $28.82 an hour.”
“In addition to low pay, I can tell you DCWP’s proposed study will find that workers need employer funding for bike repairs and safety equipment, a compensation fund for workers injured or killed on the job, and much more. The big tech food delivery industry makes billions while the delivery workers make poverty wages. We are a city that supports workers, and we need to prove it to Deliveristas by giving them the rights they deserve,” said Council Member Gale A. Brewer.
“Delivery is as essential to New York City as the subway, and in order for the industry and its workers to survive, we must recognize the risks they are forced to take so we can fight to ensure their safety, as well as the substantial out-of-pocket costs of being a Deliverista. From vehicle registration and standards for safe batteries, to health insurance and helmets – NYC is setting a precedent that delivery workers deserve workplace protections and a fair wage. This wage must also take into account the true risks and costs of doing this indispensable labor.“ – said 34th District Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez.
“Delivery workers have long been the backbone of the New York City economy, but our city has historically all but turned a blind eye to their needs,” said Council Member Crystal Hudson. “The Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s proposed rule comes close but ultimately falls short of executing the Council’s intent to give delivery workers basic wage protections. To ensure delivery workers no longer work paycheck to paycheck, we are calling on DCWP to amend the rule to raise the base wage and increase the expense rate to account for the true costs of the job. Delivery workers have helped millions of New Yorkers over the years by providing them with a hot meal at their doorstep. Now it’s time we step up for them.”