Commercial Waste Customers and Private Carters
Rule status: Proposed
Agency: DSNY
Comment by date: January 6, 2025
Rule Full Text
Section 16-116(a) of the New York City Administrative Code requires commercial establishments in New York City to arrange for the removal of solid waste by a licensed private carter or by obtaining a trade waste permit from the New York City Business Integrity Commission (BIC) allowing the establishment to dispose of its own solid waste. Section 16-116(b) requires commercial establishments to post a sign noting the day and time that such establishment’s trade waste is picked up or, if such establishment removes its own waste, the sign must note the registration number issued by the BIC. Section 16-116(c) exempts from these requirements any commercial establishment that generates infrequent or insignificant amount of waste, and authorizes the Sanitation Commissioner to promulgate rules determining what constitutes infrequent waste or insignificant amounts of waste. Section 1-06 of Title 16 of the Rules of the City of New York currently provides that a commercial establishments must generate less than 20 gallons of trade waste within a seven-day period to meet the definition of infrequent waste or insignificant amounts of waste to be exempt from the requirements of section 16-116(a) and (b).
This rule proposes to lower the threshold of trade waste that is considered to be infrequent waste or insignificant amounts of waste from 20 gallons to 1 gallon within a seven-day period. This reduction is necessary because some commercial establishments have been setting out their trade waste at the curb for DSNY to collect, or setting such material in DSNY street corner litter baskets. This rule will make it clear that a commercial establishment must retain a private carter to collect and remove trade waste generated at such establishment for proper disposal if such establishment generates more than 1 gallon of trade waste within a seven-day period.
Commercial establishments are already required by rule to place their waste out in a bin or container. This rule will also allow any commercial establishment that generates twenty gallons of waste or less over a period of seven consecutive days to share these containers with another commercial establishment, provided that both entities are customers that have agreements with the same private carter in accordance with all rules and regulations and follow all applicable rules relating to the set-out of materials for a private carter.
Private carters sometimes utilize a “flat” billing method where they charge a customer the same flat monthly fee based on an estimate of the average amount of waste the customer produces. Rules of the Business Integrity Commission currently address waste surveys used to determine “flat” billing amounts. These rules will not apply to designated carters subject to the Department’s commercial waste zone rules within an implemented commercial waste zone. See 17 RCNY 5-02(h). Therefore, the Department is proposing provisions to ensure that private carters conduct waste surveys to generate an accurate estimate of the average amount of waste a customer produces when a “flat” billing method is used.
Attendees who need reasonable accommodation for a disability such as a sign language translation should contact the agency by calling 1 (646) 885-4996 or emailing [email protected] by December 30, 2024
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- Email: [email protected]
- Mail: NYC DSNY Bureau of Legal Affairs, 125 Worth Street Room/Floor: 710 ; New York, New York 10013
Public Hearings
January 6, 2025
10:00am - 11:30am EST
Connect Virtually 646-893-7101,,874580313# United States, New York City Phone conference ID: 874 580 313# Meeting ID: 275 081 510 247 Passcode: NQ2Ua6s7
Disability Accommodation
- Sign Language Interpretation
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Online comments: 3
A neighborhood bar/restaurant has a private carter; however, they don’t use containers on the sidewalk for pickup. And the plastic bags are put out almost nightly. Not always as many as shown in the attachment, yet enough to be out of rigid container compliance [While this may include some of the building’s residential waste, it still has much of the business’s trash]. This has been going on for tooooooo looooong. And there have been rat sightings in the past near the building.
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IMG_6840-2025-01-1155pm-trash-outside-little-prince-lightened-resized-for-email-copy.pdf -
Josh Haraf
Please see attached comments from Action Environmental Services.
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Testimony-Regarding-Proposed-CWZ-Rules_-1.6.2025_Josh-Haraf.pdf -
Andy Moss
Please see the attached rule comments from Waste Connections of New York, Inc.
Comment attachment