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Electronic Filing of Applications

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Rule status: Adopted

Agency: BSA

Effective date: September 15, 2021

Proposed Rule Full Text

Adopted Rule Full Text

Adopted rule summary:

The Board of Standards and Appeals has adopted Board rules that enable its digital operations.

Comments are now closed.

Online comments: 6

  • Barbara J. Cohen

    The BSA should continue to provide digital submissions and provide Zoom meetings, as it provides a needed convenience and most importantly broadens participation. However, what is missing is the digital access to the submissions associated with each BSA application. The public and others must be able to review the “case folder” of uploaded documents prior to a public hearing. For example see the Town of Southold (Long Island website- (bottom page link to Laserfiche).

    Comment added August 17, 2021 2:19pm
  • Olivia Silver

    I am writing concerning the proposed change to in person hearings and material submission. I would ask that meetings continued to be held virtually and that submissions could still be made via email without having to submit in person. I am not currently in NYC, nor will I be at the time the hearing concerning my building occurs, making it impossible for me to physically attend the meeting and to submit any relevant material I may obtain between now and September in person. I know the same is true for other interested parties in the building who have material to submit and were planning to attend the virtual meeting. Covid continues to be a real concern especially now with the spread of the Delta variant and I know that were the option available to me I would prefer to continue with virtual meetings, even if I was in NYC, both for my safety and that of others.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Comment added August 17, 2021 2:38pm
  • Dana Colleen Kane

    To Whom it may concern:

    I am writing because I strongly support that BSA be able to continue it’s on line zoom sessions for public hearings. This is of particular importance to me and the people in my building as we have a meeting scheduled on Oct 4 or 5.

    I am concerned mainly because of the Delta Variant. I am a senior citizen, and traveling in via public transportation to be in a room filled with people is potentially dangerous for all of us. From what I understand, if you are with someone who has the delta variant, it takes only 5 minutes for it to spread.

    This would mean that I would not be able to attend this very important meeting at BSA. On line is much safer, and it works really well too.


    Dana Kane

    Comment added August 17, 2021 2:39pm
  • Steve Silver

    I support the continuation of virtual hearings and also the possibility to continue to submit materials virtually. I am at high risk for Covid complications and very concerned about the Delta variant. I would not feel comfortable attending an in person hearing in the middle of this pandemic.

    Comment added August 17, 2021 2:41pm
  • Luisa Climente

    I am unable to attend any future hearings in person or to submit materials at the New York location as I am not currently in the city. I request for any future meetings to continue on zoom and that material related to hearings can be emailed to the submit email without having to submit it in person.

    Comment added August 17, 2021 2:44pm
  • Louise Belcourt

    I have recently been involved with a case that will be again before you. ( possible date: Oct 4 or 5) It is for the proposed electrical substation for the roof a decrepit residential building ( 315 Berry St.) The ability to have the tenants heard via zoom has been a god send.

    Many of us are either immune compromised, elderly or away from the building (due to covid or for other reasons) Being able to zoom conference your hearings on this terrifying issue has allowed ALL OF US to be heard and informed on the progress of this case . I am hoping that the board will continue the zoom meetings. This easier access to information helps everyone.

    Thank you

    Comment added August 17, 2021 3:06pm