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Rent Guidelines for October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023

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Rule status: Adopted

Agency: RGB

Effective date: October 1, 2022

Proposed Rule Full Text

Adopted Rule Full Text

Adopted rule summary:

The Rent Guidelines Board adopts fair rent increases over lawful rents charged and paid on September 30, 2022. These rent adjustments will apply to rent stabilized apartments with leases commencing on or after October 1, 2022 and through September 30, 2023. Rent guidelines for loft units subject to Section 286 subdivision 7 of the Multiple Dwelling Law are also included in this order.

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Online comments: 36

  • Damaury Gonzalez

    Increasing rent right now while we’re still facing a global pandemic is inhumane. Millions of New Yorkers are still struggling to pay back rent and rental assistance programs such as ERAP have nearly exhausted all their funds. The government cannot continue to beat up the working class or we will have no way of living in this country.

    Comment added May 13, 2022 12:15pm
  • Kayley Li

    New York is known as a renters city and it has continued to be a battle ground between renters and building owners. As we begin to face an impending recession, job losses and potentially a new wave of unemployment, it will become extremely challenging for us to afford to pay for a roof over our heads. Landlords are profiting no matter what the final decision of rent increase is. Tenants are struggling for a basic need. I look to a final judgment that seeks empathy for those who struggle with basic needs of calling a place home in NYC.

    Comment added May 13, 2022 7:40pm
  • Sasha Hallock

    I am very concerned at the draft decision for increases to rent stabilized apartments of 2-4%. I understand that some Lanlord’s who own a few buildings are in need of assistance, but this increase will also benefit building owners like mine—who benefit from the 421a tax credit. They are receiving this tax benefit in reward for including “affordable” units in their brand new developments. They will raise the rent as much as legally can. Thereby reducing affordability while they still enjoy the tax credit. There should not be a “one size fits all” policy as it relates to rent stabilization in the city—these additional factors should be considered (how many units a landlord owns, price of other units they hold, and income levels of residents. Come on City of New York, you can do better than this!

    Comment added May 16, 2022 3:30pm
  • Julie Gayer Kris

    How are middle class citizens supposed to remain in NYC? Our landlord is a corporation that will benefit much more from the tax breaks than a small landlord would. Figure out a way to support smaller landlords! Figure out a way to freeze rents for middle class tenants. My family is facing the decision to leave New York. We contribute as community members, workers, artists, non-profit administrators serving community and supporting public schools with our child’s attendance and all that that entails. These rulings will force more middle class members of our community to leave NYC! Please have some compassion and do not increase rents on rent stabilized apartments. Create another way for landlords to be supported instead of on the backs of hard working New Yorkers who contribute to the culture of this place. Unless all you want are google workers living here!

    Comment added May 16, 2022 5:18pm
  • Liz

    This is insane.
    Please make it stop. Please don’t raise the prices of rent. Many of us can barely stay afloat. The pandemic has impacted us all. The least that New York City residents need is this! I foresee a lot of displacement if this comes to fruition

    Comment added May 16, 2022 5:48pm
  • Zachary J Lennon-Simon

    How do you expect people to pay more for rent when they are not earning more money? Where do you think this new influx of cash is going to come from? Raising the price of rent while we are still locked into a pandemic that has financially impacted all of us is a heartless move on the part of our governmental officials who SHOULD HAVE OUR BACKS INSTEAD OF THE LANDLORDS. The landlords are fine. They have their buck, why do you insist on taking more from us instead of from them?

    Comment added May 17, 2022 1:09pm
  • Jonathan Altschuler

    Raising rents on struggling New Yorkers is heartless and cruel. No one’s wages are increasing that they can keep up. Our government is supposed to work for all of us, not just landlords.

    Comment added May 17, 2022 11:06pm
  • Sarah Shea

    If we want to remain “New York Strong” then we have to keep New Yorkers here. Punishing residents who can already barely afford to live here in order to reward landlords benefiting from the 421a tax credit sends the continuing message that this city does not care about the people who have stayed here even through the toughest of times. You will lose people who love and care for this city and its neighbors. You will lose people who have somehow found a way to make this place home. If “New York Strong” means washing the city of its culture, then what is the draw to New York anymore? And what about the families who cannot even afford to move? Prioritize families who have been here and truly make New York Strong!

    Comment added May 19, 2022 8:00am
  • Dan Shea

    Raising rents in this way is an attack on the vast majority of New Yorkers. The benefit it would have on small landlords is far far outweighed by the harm it would do to so many of the great people in this city. It’s a despicable move.

    Comment added May 19, 2022 8:00am
  • Morgan K

    Freeze rents. NYC is still in a pandemic, renters are already struggling and inflation is already hitting lower-income households the most.

    Comment added May 19, 2022 3:31pm
  • Avery Halfon

    You have the power to make an enormous difference in the lives of New York tenants by not exacerbating the heavy burdens of inflation they already face. The relative risks faced by landlords and tenants are not comparable. Please do not exercise your power to make people homeless. If you raise rents, you will personally be responsible for making families in our city homeless. You don’t need to. Be strong. Protect us. Thank you.

    Comment added May 21, 2022 12:38pm
  • Anabella

    Raising the rents during a pandemic with a recession on the horizon and inflation in full force will just hurt the New Yorkers that make NYC an iconic place. Large landlord corporations will get by just fine, small landlords need more assistance but not at the cost of millions of NYers that will be devastated by increasing rents. Crime will surely skyrocket as people struggle to feed their children and provide a roof over their heads. The desperation will lead to more crimes. Re-evaluate this and pause rent increases for the next two years while the country gets back on its feet.

    Comment added May 31, 2022 6:20pm
  • Cal DeJesus

    Lets be realistic. The majority of landlords in NYC own multiple properties under LLC’s. This is the absolute worst time to raise rents so drastically and I am urging the Rent Guidelines board NOT to implement these heavy increases that they are proposing.

    We are still in a pandemic and possibly heading toward a recession. NYC is experiencing a housing SHORTAGE and rents are already unaffordable for the average middle class person. Hige rent increases will only drive more people to leave the city and push many families further into poverty or homelessness.

    Comment added May 31, 2022 9:08pm
  • Mary Ann Maikish

    Hold Mayor Adams accountable for adding a millionaire/billionaire to the rent board who wants to eliminate rent stabilization and increase rents very high. Get this person off the rent board. [email protected]

    Comment added June 2, 2022 11:04am
  • marcus, R

    Im a landlord ,I have 1 small building. To be honest It is becoming impossible for me to maintain my 6 family building. tax’s went up, my water bill went up, oil prices went up, yet im unable to raise my rents enough to stay afloat! Now those new lead paint laws are bing informed. when my tenants couldn’t pay rent during COVID I was forced to move my family to my parents basement ( how degrading ) bec I was solely responsible to continue to pay their heat, water repairs and rent so that I wouldn’t get penalized. 2 years later and im still sinking.
    We need to raise rents so the little guy like myself won’t have to declare chapter 11 and walk away.

    Comment added June 2, 2022 11:34pm
  • Everest Adlerman

    How are New Yorkers supposed to keep up with this kind of allowed increase? Inflation is running wild, a recession is on the way, and income isn’t keeping up. The city has already been almost impossible to live in. If landlords are allowed to increase rent this much, the city’s wealthy will be fine, and all the people who actually keep the place operating – working class and even middle class folks – will be forced out.

    Comment added June 7, 2022 11:59am

    The pandemic has been hard on everyone, and I am sure landlords as well but NYC already has some the highest rents and costs of living in the entire country. While I can understand the landlords struggles the fact is that cost of living has gone up exponentially while salaries for many have remained flat. At the current rate of increases for everything it isn’t long until we “raise” the poverty line and change what it means it be in poverty in the city. Please consider this and consider brining back evictions for those not paying as landlords deserve to be paid, while freezing rents or keeping any raises at an absolute minimum.

    Comment added June 8, 2022 1:48pm
  • Anna Grindrod-Feeny

    This proposal is absolutely appalling. New Yorkers are barely managing to stay afloat while we navigate the economic impacts of the pandemic (which is STILL ongoing no matter how much the city pretends otherwise), record inflation, salary freezes, and unemployment. We cannot afford for the city to continue lining the pockets of corporate landlords who benefit from the 421a tax credit while raising our rent to the maximum allowed amount. This move would hurt the most vulnerable New Yorkers, and it is frankly evil and heartless that it’s been proposed at all. Shame on you for even considering such a thing. Advocate for the people of New York – the ones who truly make this city the strong and vibrant place that it is – like you were elected to do, not the real estate lobbyists greasing your palms. There are other ways to help small landlords. Do the right thing and vote against this rent increase.

    Comment added June 8, 2022 2:48pm
  • Nina Troy

    How is this city supposed to recover while you simultaneously continue making it harder and harder to survive in it? On what planet does that make sense?
    The money you get from big corporate landlords must be pretty great because I don’t know how else to explain this level of cruelty.
    You don’t work for landlords. You work for the people.
    Landlords didn’t get us through the worst of the pandemic, regular working class New Yorkers did. Healthcare workers, delivery drivers, food service workers, teachers. They are the reason we’re still here. Not landlords. All landlords did was continue to evict people even through there was an eviction moratorium and further neglect their buildings. A majority of landlords (including mine) own multiple buildings and benefit from the 421a tax credit, they are not suffering. We are. The people of this city.
    New York has already seen a mass exodus of people and lost billions in revenue because of it. And despite our recovery effort, people are continuing to leave the city because they realized that they can have better lives elsewhere. A rent hike will only exacerbate this problem and drive out the people who are the very heart and soul of this city.
    We are the people. We are New Yorkers and we are fighters. If you forgo us you’ll have no one left to rent to except for the rats and the roaches.

    Comment added June 8, 2022 10:18pm
  • LaToya

    By raising rent we further destabilize the shrinking middle and working class that has been further strained by the pandemic. It will force those who actually make NYC run to move out to more affordable cities and towns. For a city that’s suppose to be progressive, this will be a major step backwards economically.

    Comment added June 8, 2022 10:55pm
  • Liza

    During a time of already staggering rents, growing poverty rate, rampant unchecked development of new luxury buildings, a minimum wage that is in no way keeping up with the cost of life, an ongoing global pandemic which has set some folks far enough back that they’re still repaying that rent, and a looming recession, how can an increase on stabilized rents be something that is even being considered? And at that rate??

    Vote no on rent increases! Please consider your fellow New Yorker.

    Comment added June 8, 2022 11:10pm
  • Akera Biggs

    It is disgusting that so soon after a global pandemic the city is increasing rent prices. My rent is going from 1300 to 2800 a month meanwhile my pay is not taking the same dramatic increase. How is this fair to the lower working class? It feels like we are being punished for choosing to work. Should I just quit my city job, apply for welfare, and get section 8 just to make sure I have a place to live?

    Comment added June 9, 2022 9:52am
  • Jeanne A.

    It’s become increasingly difficult to afford living in NYC. Jobs and salaries have been frozen for years during the pandemic, and many are still struggling to make basic ends meet. Please vote NO on rent increases, and support your fellow New Yorkers.

    Comment added June 9, 2022 11:16pm
  • Jose

    It’s sad that the RGB will cave into the landlord’s demands and doesn’t care about the tenants. No wonder people are leaving NYC in waves and will continue to do so as long as the RGB bow dow to the landlord’s demands.

    Comment added June 10, 2022 6:29am
  • Carla Murphy

    Justice works when there is balance, and our housing is off-kilter. For example, this state and city allows property owners to hide behind a million LLCs. Walk the neighborhoods and see construction with required legal notices but no way to visibly tell who *owns* in your neighborhood, how much, what do their buildings have in common, etc. Basic information about property ownership in the commons should be visible and accessible–not only online in a database. Further, what are the avenues of recourse if tenants can’t even identify the human being behind the developments, the lack of upkeep, etc.? This system appears to be forcing tenants to only use an underfunded and severely burdened courts and legal aid system to redress their legitimate grievances. Legal aid excludes so many working and lower mc renters or even those who may appear middle class on paper but are burdened by student loans, elder care, supporting extended family affected by mass incarceration, etc. The burdens this city and state place on these families is extraordinary.

    Comment added June 10, 2022 8:39am
  • Elizabeth Denys

    I write to urge the Rent Guidelines Board NOT to implement the high increases that they are proposing.

    Raising rents 2-4% on one-year leases and 4-6% on two-year leases is a drastic increase, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing and we are likely headed into a recession. NYC is already suffering from a severe housing shortage with unaffordable rents for many, especially New Yorkers facing poverty and other marginalization. We need to ensure that we are protecting renters from unfair increases.

    Comment added June 10, 2022 11:53am
  • Katherine Bennett

    Raising rents on the middle and lower class tenants is ridiculous in 40 year high inflation period, while our salaries are staying the same. Landlords have tons of perks available to them, in addition to being financially stable. It’s ridiculous to raise rents while we are still in a pandemic and a period of great economic stability. What happens when we all move out? The rents continue to increase as children of the oligarch’s, trust fund babies, and all those with super rich parents will continue to pad the pockets of these landlords while the fabric of diversity wears away. Don’t raise the rent!

    Comment added June 10, 2022 8:56pm
  • Sarah

    In the midst of an ongoing economic downturn and health crisis, the idea of drastically increasing rents is unrcontionable. Require the landlords to maintain the buildings first, then consider asking us to pay for increases.

    Comment added June 10, 2022 9:39pm
  • Liz Gray

    Increasing rents on stabilized tenants as we are just beginning to come out of a yearslong global health crisis seems shortsighted at best, and a cynical ploy to help wealthy landlords and real-estate developers push out the ever-decreasing working and middle classes.

    Comment added June 11, 2022 8:20pm
  • Eva Decker

    I live with two roommates and this year our rent went up from $3000 to $3400—they tried to get us to pay $3500 and we objected, but not before building management sent henchmen to our front door to harass us unannounced, threatened us over the phone, and otherwise made life hell. Ultimately we had no choice but to accept the $400 monthly increase, even though the building has done nothing to make our apartment better over the past year, because there is nowhere else affordable to live, and broker’s fees are out of control.

    Raising rent while NYC is in a housing crisis and still (yes, still!) in a pandemic is cruel and hurts the poorest residents of the city.

    Comment added June 14, 2022 11:38am
  • Stephanie Segers

    Choosing the high end of the rental increase is definitely needed in order to help address a few ongoing things:
    1) Trespassers at odd hours (smoking pot in the halls overnight, or spraying pesticides in the building) has been a sporadic but ongoing monthly problem. Adequate resources to address these kinds of problems are needed.
    2) Given inflation and the rising cost of heating oil, will it be possible to have a variable surcharge added (adjustable as the price of oil and other construction and maintenance materials vary) so that what is needed to be done can be paid for?

    It is actually hard to see how the current proposal could work for the next year without some kind of variable adjustment for cost of oil and materials.

    Thank you.

    Comment added June 14, 2022 5:20pm
  • Jason Fluegge

    Landlords across the city have been gouging non-stabilized rents this year to a ridiculous extent while many multi unit buildings are being remodeled to hold less but “luxury” units. Allowing a higher rent increase to ‘make up for’ the Covid holds, when landlords had access to relief funds, prioritizes property owners over renters in a way that will further drive out lower and middle income New Yorkers. To be clear, there are no ‘poor’ landlords in New York City. They may struggle a bit more, but nothing compared to the tenants that are forced to vie for less and less and pricier units while having to pay moving costs, lose time and potentially income. Especially when there is a shortage of service workers in NYC, it’s irresponsible to prioritize landlords wants over affordable housing while the city recovers from a pandemic we’re not even out of yet.

    Comment added June 14, 2022 7:44pm
  • Nadine Shelton

    As a native New Yorker, I love that our rental market allows this city to be a hub for creativity and innovation. The ever increasing rents do not align to the market conditions, inflation, salaries, and the needs of the residents of the city. It’s not sustainable to native New Yorkers or those migrating here form other states and countries. Even double income, no children couples are struggling to meet the current rental rates. Without regulation, we will force those that can afford to leave the city to do so. Those that can’t afford to leave will struggle and have to choose between housing, food and utilities. Choosing not to regulate rental hikes is simply inhumane. Vote NO on rental increases and regulate rents now!

    Comment added June 15, 2022 12:42pm
  • Ruth Tane

    As a tenant of rent stabilized units for the past 3+ years, I can state how critical the previous guidelines and protections have been to helping provide a stable home environment. The proposed increase essentially removes these protections, bringing many stabilized rents to rival those of market rate units, and will undoubtedly lead to increased houselessness and violence throughout the city.

    Comment added June 16, 2022 12:51pm
  • Anderson FIls-Aime

    Landlords have a procedure where they can file for hardship with HCR to have the rent roll adjusted so they can meet their operating expenses. If they refuse to do this so that they can run their buildings safely, then they have the option to sell. Every building is increasing in value minute by minute in NYC. No landlord is complaining that they are under water with their properties. They are holding on because it’s a profitable venture.

    Whlle landlords view this as a business, tenants view this as their home. The place where they raise their families and are active in their communities. This is how we contribute. If you raise the rents in a global pandemic where the working class and the poor are still suffering, and are far from recovery we will excacerbate all of the societal ills that we are confronted with now: homelessness, violence, mental health, and unemployment. Tenants need more time to recover, to stay in their homes and community, and rebuild, repair, rejuvenate from the death and grief that we have been subjected to since March of 2020. The board has a duty to weigh this extraordinary situation and pass a rent freeze. If not, over the next 3 years we will see the disastrous impact of passing a rent hike when working-class residents had not been put on a path to recovery from the once-in-a-century pandemic. Please give the people that we cheered for every night a chance to survive. If not, we face irreparable harm. The first need is shelter. It allows humans to feed and cloth and love. The first need is safe, decent, affordable shelter. The NYC tenants of rent-regulated housing need to retain their shelter.

    Comment added June 16, 2022 10:49pm
  • Virginia Bechtold

    Rent-stabilized units are the only reason huge swaths of NYC can live and work here with dignity. Some of my neighbors have lived in our rent-stabilized building for 20-50 years – please let them age securely in place, in their homes. These increases are inhumane – no one disputes that taxes and utilities and insurance have gone up in price. But what’s the plan? To do nothing about that, and foist the entire burden on to the backs of working people? Anything but a rent freeze or the lowest allowable increase is cruel and shameless in the current climate. Vote NO on these insanely ill-timed, ill-willed increases. It’s the only moral thing to do.

    Comment added June 16, 2022 11:49pm