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Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Workers (Updated)

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Rule status: Adopted

Agency: DCWP

Effective date: July 12, 2023

Proposed Rule Full Text

Adopted Rule Full Text

Adopted rule summary:

The Department of Consumer and Worker Protection adopts these rules to implement Local Law 115 of 2021, which required DCWP to study the pay and working conditions of food delivery workers and, based on the results of its study, to establish a method for determining the minimum payments that third-party food delivery services and third-party courier services must pay to food delivery workers.

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Online comments: 687

  • Emil Batista Hernandez

    First I want to thank you for taking the time to see further than just a flat min wage, they would’ve find a loop to pay us less if that were the case, I love both options but I feel 2nd option is more beneficial to my needs, I like the flexibility and so by choosing option 2 I’ll be able to keep it,please do make sure they don’t hide tips, those have to be upfront, I’m certain they’re going to try something fishy like hiding the tips until after delivery in order to take revenge on us for fighting for a fair living. Thanks

    Comment added March 8, 2023 8:24am

    Thanks you . some delivery app fixed trip time. If restaurant food process delay how can delivery time count. I like 2nd option.

    Comment added March 10, 2023 1:31pm
  • Antonio

    El pago ya debió de hacerse echo desde enero pero no se que está pasando el pago lo necesitamos cuanto antes ya que los deliveris o tips están cada día Peor ya no solo piensan en nosotros ni en los clientes que tienen que esperar sus órdenes durante 2 horas o mas

    Comment added March 13, 2023 10:39am
  • Lorenzo

    Necesitamos el pago los deliveris muy malos hay ordenes que recibimos que bienen 4 o 3 órdenes por 10 o 7 dólares que esas órdenes tenemos que repartir en 1 hora o mas ósea que ni siquiera ganamos el salario mínimo que ya está estipulado en la ley sólo queremos algo digno para nosotros por todo el esfuerzo que se a echo

    Comment added March 13, 2023 10:43am
  • Anonimo

    Hola soy deliverista desde hace 7 años trabajo en el área de manhattan y estoy de acuerdo con un pago gusto ya que hay muchos trabajadores que sufren accidente y no tenemos apoyo de ninguna parte al parecer hay organizaciones que dicen apoyarnos y solo lucran con nuestro trabajo y nombres y la policía en caso de un accidente y robo no nos apoyan y aclaro no quiero que una organización me represente proyecto y Justicia Laboral (Ligia Directora ejecutiva) no me representas no eres deliverista

    Comment added March 13, 2023 3:06pm
  • Wolfram

    Tengo 4 años y medio trabajando como repartidor, que la ciudad tome la mejor opción para los repartidores basados en los comentarios.

    Desde mi punto de vista un pago por hora les ayudaría a los compañeros que trabajan en compañias como “ Doordash,Grubhub y Uber” hasta el momento solo la compañía “relay” paga a $.12.50 la hora.

    Pero de hacerse el cambio las compañías tomarían represalias contra los repartidores por buscar un mejor pago entonces la ciudad debería advertirles que no haya represalias contra los trabajadores.

    Otra cosa hay una organiza llamada Workers Justice Proyect asociada a los Deliverystas Unidos, que supuestamente nos representa pero lo hace solo para pedir dinero y al final no se ve la ayuda entonces no querremos que nos sigan representando los queremos fuera, que la ciudad tome la opinión de cada rapartidor y haga un análisis porfavor.

    Comment added March 13, 2023 5:58pm
  • Anónimo

    Llevo trabajando para Uber mas de 4 años y el salario es justo lo que necesitamos ya que ay ordenes que nos llegan de 2 dólares a 3o4 millas u eso es unq burla así nosotros ya que tememos que recorrer muchas distancia por un pago que no es lo mínimo y si cancelamos la orden la app nos penaliza 😩

    Comment added March 14, 2023 4:26pm
  • Karol

    Es bueno seguir ejerciendo presion a la ciudad exigiendo el salario minimo soy una trabajadora en la industria de delivery hace ya varios anos y siempre depende mi familia y yo de las propinas de los clientes mientras que las companias no nos pagan nada y si exigen que seamos eficientes en nuestros trabajos.

    Comment added March 14, 2023 4:32pm
  • Lion

    Desde que la industria esta en la ciudad de nueva york ha demostrado claramente su desinteres por un pago a aquellos trabajadores que con tanto esfuerzo llevan la despensa a miles de familias neoyorquinas, ya es hora de que esto cambie y el salario es lo que necesitamos para que esto cambie y tengamos lo que nos merecemos por derecho como trabajadores esenciales.

    Comment added March 14, 2023 4:38pm
  • Anonimo

    La ciudad ya debe darse cuenta que un salario es justo lo que necesitamos todos y nos lo Emos ganado con mucho esfuerzo y ya basta de llevar órdenes de muchas millas que ni siquiera tip llevan

    Somos trabajadores esenciales

    Comment added March 14, 2023 4:40pm
  • jeronimo

    llevo 5 años trabajndo para las apps y ya creo que sea justo hacer un pago que sea justo para todos nosotros tengo fe que el alcade y todo su equipo va apensar en todos y cada uno de los trabajdores que hacemos una labor increible en las calles y llevamos la comida medicina y todo lo esencial que las personas necesitan ala puerta de su ogar

    Comment added March 14, 2023 4:55pm
  • Matt

    Vamos a apoyar el salario mínimo ya tenemos 3 meses que debió ser aprobado y ahora ya falta poco por un pago justo para nosotros los que estamos en esta industria.

    Comment added March 14, 2023 5:02pm
  • Will

    Es importante aclarar que el salario debió ser efectivo a partir de enero del 2023 y el hecho de que aún no tengamos salario los repartidores de comida es una prueba de que las aplicaciones están metidas en la política utilizando estrategias para prorrogar o tratar de disminuir lo que ya la ciudad ha estipulado, sigamos en la lucha hasta que logremos el salario que nos merecemos.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 9:01am
  • Vik

    Ahora que estamos a punto de lograr el salario mínimo el nuevo desafío será que estas compañías cumplan con la propuesta emitida por la ciudad, así que es importante resaltar la importancia y también la responsabilidad que tenemos los trabajadores de denunciar, reportar cualquier abuso que estas compañías puedan tener en un proceso de cambio que ahora debe ser a favor de nosotros los trabajadores, es un momento histórico que después de años de trabajo gratuito ahora miles de personas se verán beneficiadas.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 9:16am
  • Jorge

    Apoyo el salario llevo esperando 3 meses y aun los trabajadores no entendemos porque la prorroga que pasa con la ciudad ahi que tomar accion y mantenernos unidos y fuertes.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 10:41am
  • Monik

    Las aplicaciones durante muchos anos han abusado de los trabajadores sin darnos un salario digno ahora quieren bajar el salario sin tenerlo es un descaro pero seguimos luchando hasta que tengamos derecho como cualquier trabajador.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 10:53am
  • Rascal

    Muchos deliveristas estamos a la expectativa del pago esperamos que sea un incremento justo para todos.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:00am
  • Jaber

    Esperamos el pago minimo sea superior ya que nosotros tenemos muchos gastos operativos aparte de nuestra despensa basica.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:11am
  • Alberto Herrera

    The payment to the workers has already been reduced by around 4 dollars less, it is absolutely sad and regrettable how the city disappoints the so-called hero deliverists in times of pandemic and now once again they are the forgotten ones of the equation, not to mention that our work It’s already risky, as a survivor of accidents and multiple assaults, In addition, there is an organization that pronounces itself protectors of the deliverists of the city of New York, big affirmations for not having a single program to help the needs of the city workers, in short I agree with the current proposal of minimum payment and categorical rejection of the org that lies to the face of the workers

    Comment attachment
    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:13am
  • Jose

    llevo 20 anos en este pais y es increible tener un salario como repartidor nunca lo he tenido y lo que venga seguro sera una oportunidad para mejorar mi calidad de vida.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:14am
  • Karmager

    El salario minimo ya establecido es un beneficio que debimos haber tenido hace tiempo ojala vengan mas beneficios y que estas organizaciones sigan presionando ya que nadie presiona a estas companias que se quedan con todo el dinero.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:19am
  • Lina

    Tuve un accidente hace 1 mes llame a la compania de delivery para que me ayudaran me respondieron que no podian hacer nada, me penalizaron por la entrega del delivery y se me dano mi herramienta de trabajo, apoyo el salario asi nos vana devolver mucho con lo que se han quedado estas companias.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:23am
  • Karina

    Desde que descargue esta aplicacion hace 6 meses solo he recibido ordenes bartas no mayores a 8 dolares en su mayoria de 2 3 y 4 dolares 3 4 y 5 millas es muy lejos por muy mal pago.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:28am
  • Leonard

    Por los miles de trabajadores que se encuentran luchando por un salario justo apoyo la iniciativa del pago minimo.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:35am
  • Ale

    En temporadas de invierno que son las mas duras y agrestes donde los trbajadores siempre llevamos la peor parte y recibimos deliveries de bajo costo. este salario sera un colchon y una ayuda economica ya que a veces tenemos que regresar a nuestras casas con poco dinero por culpa de las aplicaciones que se quedan con las propinas.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:43am
  • Rincon Ale

    A estas companias lo unico que les importa es los clientes no les importa nosotros los que llevamos los deliveries tampoco reconocieron que fuimos trabajadores esenciales durante COVID19 ahora que la ciudad nos quiere ayudar con un salario digno seguro estaran peleando por no otorgarlo.

    apoyo el salario.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:51am
  • Alan

    Estoy de acuerdo con el salario minimo porque con solo propinas es muy dificil sobrevivir en una ciudad donde los gastos de renta y despensa son elevados.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 2:02pm
  • Roger

    Para mis companeros y yo merecemos este salario ya que todos los dias hacemos una labora responsable y honesta llevando la comida a miles de Americanos e inmigrantes tambien que requieren de nuestro buen servicio.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 2:38pm
  • Nate

    Apoyo el pago minimo no me gusta depender de la caridad de la gente solo porque no tenemos salario creo que lo merecemos y seguro la ciudad tambien esta de acuerdo en que somos trabjadores importantes para su ciudad.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 2:41pm
  • Victor

    Por todos los deliveristas que han tenido accidentes y otros que ha muerto sin tener beneficios por parte de estas companias es la hora de parar esta injusticia y ahora tener un mejor pago para todos.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 2:45pm
  • Roberto

    Es una excelente opcion el salario pagar por hora nos beneficia a veces las aplicaciones lo tienen a uno muvho tiempo parado sin recibir ordenes y no generas nada de dinero.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 3:03pm
  • Rafael

    Eso seuna muy bien que tengamos un salario todos los trabajadores de las aplicaciones a veces te manda ordenes muy baratas y no alcanzas a completar un salario decente para llevar a tu casa y cubrir con todos tus gastos.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 3:08pm
  • Jesus

    Acepto el salario bien mal que si estamos ganandonos deliveris de a peso no es justo queremos suficiente para vivir dignamente.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 3:55pm
  • Diogenes

    Movamos la fuerza que tenemos como grupo para presionar por el salario es la unica manera de tener una ayuda por parte del gobierno la union hace la fuerza.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:09pm
  • Pablo

    Abajo las empresas que se lucran sin pagar un salario arriba aquellos que buscan igualdad de derechos para los mas vulnerables. apoyo el salario minimo.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:14pm
  • Carlos

    De mi parte no quiero seguir viviendo con mi dinero apenas para sobrevivr si este salario va a ser mejor lo apoyo pero vigilen a aquellas companias que busquen hacer la trampa porque ellos siempre quieren ganar.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:22pm
  • Juan

    Ahora si en el frio o en el calor lluvia o nieve va a dar gusto trbajar con un pago minimo lo apoyo al 100 por ciento.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:26pm
  • Jacob

    Empujemos para recibir este salario no más injusticias Doordash Grubhub uber relay se lo llevan todo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:38pm
  • Dolly

    Hola, gracias por darme este espacio para comentar soy trabajadora hago deliveries y es muy injusto siempre me manda muy lejos por poco dinero si queremos salario lo apoyo totalmente

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:40pm
  • Carlos A

    Si no es hoy es nunca vamos a apoyar el salario porque ahorita no tengo y si no salen órdenes entonces tenemos cero en nuestros bolsillos

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:48pm
  • Nestor

    Trabajo en un restaurante medio tiempo la otra mitad en aplicaciones y cuando me doy cuenta que no recibo un pago por hora en las aplicaciones me parece muy injusto me hace pensar que no le importamos a estas compañías así que lo más pronto el pago mínimo por el bien de todos.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:51pm
  • Esteban

    Las aplicaciones tienen un método de reclutar personas muy particular ( trabaja cuando quieras ) es una estrategia para tener a todo el mundo en la calle trabajando a bajo costo y sin un pago mínimo, estas compañías saben que uno trabaja hasta 16 horas diarias porque para la mayoría este trabajo es full time + over time la diferencia es ganamos sólo propinas, así que apoyo el salario mínimo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:54pm
  • Eloy

    Antes trabajaba 14 horas hasta que un día en la noche me robaron mi moto y a mi me toco cubrir todos los gastos ahora me toca hasta más temprano con el temor que me vuelvan a robar ahora con este salario talvez no tenga seguridad pero voy a ganar algo adicional que cubra en caso de otro evento que afecte mi integridad.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 4:56pm
  • Martinez E

    Este invierno las aplicaciones enviaron toda la temporada órdenes baratas de 2 y 3 dólares mientras uno se mojaba y estaba en el frío en la calle por horas ahora páguenos un salario creo que es justo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 5:02pm
  • Gerardo

    El que diga que no le sirva el salario sin saber aún cómo va a ser necesita más información para mi yo si lo quiero y lo apoyo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 5:05pm
  • Mario

    A mi me va regular con las aplicaciones pero quiero que me empiece a ir mejor el salario será la prueba que las cosas mejoren para todos

    Comment added March 15, 2023 5:09pm
  • Oldair

    Tengo trabajando con las apps desde hace tres años y creo yo que la ciudad de NY y el alcalde ya devén de aprobar deonaves el salario nos lo emos ganado

    Minum Pay minimun Pay

    Comment added March 15, 2023 5:09pm
  • Oliver

    Ay dias que tengo que llevar delivers de 2o 3 Dolores no Se me hace justo urge el salario mayor Adam’s ponganse en nuestros zapatos porfavor

    Minimum pay ✊️

    Comment added March 15, 2023 5:18pm
  • Juan

    Necesitamos el salario cuanto antes señor alcande es una prioridad para nosotros y nuestras familias espero nos entienda urge

    Pago mínimo pago mínimo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 5:30pm
  • David

    Me tengo que llevar deliveris de 3 o 4 dolares y si no lo ago me bajan la puntuación de mi aplicación y no es justo señor alcalde necesitamos el pago nos urge a nosotros y nuestras familias

    Pago mínimo pago mínimo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 5:43pm
  • Benito

    Necesitamos el pago señor alcalde son varias las necesidades que tenemos y no alcanza con lo que ganamos

    Pago mínimo pago mínimo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 6:42pm
  • Gustavo

    Estoy a favor de un pago gusto , no queremos trabajar solo por propina , queremos respeto , no deliverys de 4 dolares que tardas más de 1 hora con ellos

    Comment added March 15, 2023 6:48pm
  • Raul

    Necesitamos temmos que llevar ordenes de 3 o 4 dolares a 6 o 5 millas ybya mo es justo

    Pago mimino pago mimimo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 6:48pm
  • Luis Antonio Cabrera

    Nos urge un pago mínimo o un pago ya que tenemos que llevar deliveris de 3 o 4 dolares

    Pago mínimo pago mínimo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 7:46pm
  • Oscar

    Necesitamos el pago mínimo señor alcalde nos urge lo necesitamos lo merecemos

    Pago mínimo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 7:48pm
  • Alex Jacobson

    Deliveristas deserve fair wages! If anything, they deserve hazard pay-levels of wages, biking on NYC streets is DANGEROUS, and its a high enough stress life without making delivery workers worry about making enough money to live on from hour to hour. $24/hour at the very least!

    Comment added March 15, 2023 7:56pm
  • Alyssa Mae Berman

    A minimum wage is necessary for workers to survive the cost of living. Delivery workers have the right to work without discrimination. $24 is barely enough to keep essential workers paid a living wage; that’s why we can’t budge on the $24 minimum (not $19)!

    The “Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Workers” law is a basic human right.

    Comment added March 15, 2023 8:14pm
  • Paul Duke

    Minimum wage is necessary for workers to have fair rights and fight back against discrimination. Adams administration promised a $24 minimum wage but they change it to a $19 wage. That’s not a living wage! These workers are marginalized people and often exploited due to that. They deserve protection, dignity, and a living wage. Imagine this city without delivery workers!

    Comment added March 15, 2023 9:10pm
  • Sergio solano

    Hola llevo haciendo este trabajo de Repartidor de Comida desde el 2006 y siempre hemos aceptado los aumento de salario de acuerdo a lo que la ciudad nos ha ayudado…creo que lo más importante es que nosotros mismos puedamos dirigirnos directamente alas aplicaciones y poder compartir nuestras experiencias como repartidores de verdad…es una falta de respeto de esta organización lucrativa workers justice proyect y Los Deliveristas unidos…solo buscan sacar ventaja de todo esto y ellos llevarse créditos y donaciones de las aplicaciones…Queremos que la ciudad y los medios se enteren Que ellos no nos representan…si ustedes nos pueden ayudar sería mucho mejor y no por medio de intermediarios muchas Gracias…El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!!!

    Comment added March 15, 2023 9:27pm
  • Nato

    Trabajo 12 horas para ganar lo necesario y llevar los deliveris de 2 o 1 dolar nos urge un pago señor alcalde lo necesitamos cuanto antes

    Comment added March 15, 2023 9:37pm
  • Gustavo

    Necesitamos q las aplicaciones pague. Más la hora mínimo $25 nos roban las propinas nos mandan bien lejos nos castigan si no llevamos las ordenes nos mandan a los super mercados y nos dan cajas de agua soda alimentos como si lleváramos carro y lo digo por relay driver es la q mas nos humilla somos esenciales lluvia viento frío trabajamos nos accidentamos y no nos apoyan al contrario nos castigan de que ya no podemos trabajar por el accidente solo nos usan y nos votan queremos algo justo

    Comment added March 15, 2023 9:52pm
  • Octavio lopez

    I do agree with this payment i desagree whith the workers justice proyect representing the delibery
    Community , im happy with that payment but please don’t let this organization to keep representing us

    Comment added March 15, 2023 11:42pm
  • Serapio

    Es una buena opción ya que en los acsidentes robo de bisicletas las aplicaciones no te brindan ninguna ayuda y las aplicaciones note entregan las propinas completas los 23.78 estaba bien asta que una organización Yamada prollecto justicia laborar vino a exijir más eso creo jodió bajandola a 19 y algo el pago bien pero que sea algo justo y no queremos que está organización nos represente más

    Comment added March 16, 2023 12:56am
  • Jose Angel

    Trabajo en la ciudad de Nueva York desde hace 20 años como repartidor de comida y pienso que todas las aplicaciones deberían de pagar como mínimo un salario base y dejar al descubierto los recibos ya que muchos restaurantes se quedan con la propina de los repartidores y que el alcalde tome cartas en el asunto ya que nos tiene olvidados a los según trabajadores esenciales

    Comment added March 16, 2023 7:35am
  • Manny Ramirez

    En mi opinión personal
    Creo que ya la ciudad está caminando hacia atrás al reducir el pago
    Con la inflación y los costos de operación que son altos tuvieron la oportunidad de marcar un antecedente y hacer historia en la nación,
    Como parte de la comunidad creo que hará bien por que aún con la rebaja ya será un ganar ganar para los Deliveristas de la ciudad,
    Aprovecho el espacio para hacer un llamado a la ciudad que la organización workers Justice Project
    No sirve a los trabajadores,
    Se sirve de ellos,
    Con representacion sin beneficio para los trabajadores,
    Worker Justice Proyect
    No nos representa !!

    Comment attachment
    Comment added March 16, 2023 7:51am
  • Frank Avila

    Lo que esta pasando pues confunde a los compañeros y ami
    Prometieron 30 por hora
    Después que no que 24 y luego prometió esa organización que 29 ok
    Y luego que 29 son 17 y ahora que 19 por hora,
    Con tantos recursos y no saben hacer una simple cuenta,
    Si en lo más básico no se ponen de acuerdo menos en lo que realmente importa,
    Protección el los attopellamiento y los asaltos,
    Esa organización promete mucho y no ha hecho nada
    Ligia donde sstan el dinero de para los trabajadores ?
    Todos nos lo preguntamos?

    Comment added March 16, 2023 8:10am
  • Ernesto S

    Yo creo que esta bien lo que han dejado como parte del salario
    Por que más propinas ya la cosa cambia
    Espero y no lo muevan más
    Con esto de que primero es una cantidad y luego otra
    Nos hacen creer que Ligia también es la directora de departamento de protección al trabajador
    Puras promesas vacías!!
    Ligia no nos representas !

    Comment added March 16, 2023 8:19am
  • Gustavo

    Hola mi nombre es gustavo llevo 10 años trabajando de Delivery y 5 con las apps las apps siempre nos roban la propina nos tratan injustamente eh estado 10 horas en la apps y solo e ganado $60 dólares sería justo que nos paguen por hora ya que solo te usan cuando te nesecitan relay paga por hora $12.50 eso no alcanza para nada aparte es la que peor te trata te manda a recoger solo. A recojer ordenes de 3 millas y a dejar otras de 3.5 millas y si no la llevas te castiga debería de aver un pago justo por hora ellos se hacen ricos y no pagan un salario justo mínimo de $25 por hora gracias

    Comment added March 16, 2023 9:45am
  • Max

    Pienso que es una idea buena tener un pago mínimo no hay garantías en este momento que podamos mantener bn a nuestras familias

    Comment added March 16, 2023 10:00am
  • Christian gomez

    Para mi decisión me gustaría que paguen por hora ya que solo vivimos de las propinas

    Comment added March 16, 2023 10:35am
  • Daniel

    yo opino que dejen la aplicación así cómo está porque cuando empiezan a pagar la hora, el horario ya no será flexible para nosotros que si estamos trabajando, aparte sólo nos dejarán trabajar como 40 horas a la semana, tampoco uno ya no podrá rechazar órdenes.

    Comment added March 16, 2023 10:36am
  • Christian gomez

    Me gustaría que las aplicaciones paguen por hora para poder tener más posibilidades

    Comment added March 16, 2023 10:37am
  • Scott Wilson

    All workers in NYC need to be paid $15 for every 60 minutes of work — regardless of their employee/contractor status. Companies that don’t pay a living wage need to be banned from operating in NYC.

    Comment added March 16, 2023 10:38am
  • Jessica Olivares

    Estoy de acuerdo con el pago minimo
    Que es la propuesta de la ciudad
    Lo que no estamos de acuerdo es que la organización
    workers justice proyect
    Deje de representar a los deliveristas
    Esa organización de promesas
    No más workers justice proyect !!
    No más ligia Gualpa !!

    Comment attachment
    Comment added March 16, 2023 11:50am
  • Yecenia

    Soy una mujer de parto de comida estoy de acuerdo con un pago justo esto está desde hace un año que paso por que lo atrasaron primero somos excenciales ahora nos excluyen de un pago dignó a nosotros estoy de acuerdo con las leyes de la ciudad,en lo que no estoy de acuerdo y quiero que se me escuche es que esta organización llamada Worker’s Justice Project (WJP)Y LOS DELIVERISTAS UNIDOS diríjida por la señora Ligia Guallpa me represente ya que ella misma dijo que hay donaciones y no nos llegan a los afectado que somos nosotros los trabajadores, señores le hago un llamado así mismo como ahora le exigen a las aplicaciones que nos paguen exigalen a ella que nos de explicaciones de las donaciones ella sabe que tenemos muchos accidentado muchos muertos y no tenemos ayuda de ella .No quiero ser representada por WORKER’S JUSTICE PROJECT Y LOS DELIVIRISTAS UNIDOS dirigida por LIGIA GUALLPA

    Comment added March 16, 2023 12:48pm
  • Ricardo m

    El pago nos va a beneficiar a tod0s compañeros es momento de estar unidos hoy mas que nunca y pedirle al alcalde exigirl3 un pago que nos lo emos ganado dia con dia

    Comment added March 16, 2023 1:10pm
  • Esmailing

    Es más que claro que a las aplicaciones no les interesa que tengamos un pago justo por nuestro trabajo ya que cada vez ellos reclutan nuevos repartidores para que haya más oferta de estos que demanda y así nos obligan a tomar órdenes ridículamente bajas.

    Tomen en cuenta que trabajamos bajos las inclemencias del clima, una ciudad por demás insegura, ladrones, atracadores y aparte de esto las apps no cumplen con la ley.

    Comment added March 16, 2023 3:00pm
  • David

    It’s a slap in the face to promise delivery workers a $24 minimum wage only to change all plans at the last minute and reduce it to $19 per hour. Seriously, what a shame. I’m honestly very disappointed in the city’s decision. What they have created is a scenario in which the companies will continue to have the upper hand at our expense. Not paying us for on-call time is unacceptable, especially on days where it’s very slow with only 1–2 trip offers per hour. For example, if you only receive 1 trip offer within a given hour whose drop-off location is just 10 minutes away, you’d get paid $(0.50 × 10) + tip (if the customer leaves one) + “fixed multiplier rate” (could be interpreted as the useless surges that Uber tries to entice people with that contribute virtually nothing, as it’s nothing more than a sneaky way of getting away with paying people a base fare of <$1), which could come out to $5 + $1 tip + $0.25 in "fixed multiplier rate" = $6.25 in total payment. Paying us $0.50 per minute for the duration that we're engaged in trips won't offset the instability that the initial proposal was intent on correcting. The moronic idea of thinking that the "fixed multiplier rate" would somehow address on-call time is ludacris as it is just a way for delivery companies to once again avoid responsibility for paying us what we deserve, and is inferior to the preferred and respected practice of getting paid on an hourly basis, such as the structure implemented by the company Relay. The city made a colossal mistake in entering into a confidential agreement with the companies to conduct worker pay analysis, because the companies have nearly perfected the art of purposely manipulating data, failing to comply with the city's repeated efforts to obtain pertinent information to move forward with the proposal, and has signaled that the city is gravitating away from the worker and closer to the interest of the companies. The only way these companies will do the right thing is if they're regulated and audited regularly. If, for whatever reason any of the companies disagree or fail to comply with the regulations that will ultimately take effect, they should terminate operations in New York City, not be given "alternatives" that their scum attorneys and skeleton representation present as a way out of doing the right thing. I strongly urge the city to completely reconsider their ideas, as I see things that I'm not okay with at all and that don't represent the protections of workers, but further empower the companies. What's staggering about this is that these companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars in campaigns that sole purpose serve to effectively limit our income when that money could be honestly spent on helping their workforce. It's gotten to the point where working for these companies is just as bad as working for the railroad, where back in the day workers had dependable pay, and could say they were proud of the work they did. Nowadays it's a disaster working for them and these delivery companies. In New York City, Uber has cut quest promotions back considerably by offering them much less frequently and offering less in bonuses overall, and they have completely discontinued the dollar surges that would offer workers an extra $1–$5 on every trip. They're getting progressively worse everyday. Now they want workers to keep receipts on hand from "Shop and Pay" orders when that is clearly the customer's responsibility to take care of, not us. I know what they're doing, they're making all these sneaky changes because they are trying to cut their workforce by employing all sorts of lowlife games like penalizing people for unassigned themselves from deliveries that take too long, forcing workers to take on undue responsibility by keeping track of customer receipts, and purposely hiding trip information when we receive orders so they just get done without the worker's knowledge of how far they're actually going, and once again wage theft because some customers think it's okay to revoke a worker's tip when they're enroute, which is not only unethical, but should be considered downright illegal. Also, the city needs to implement a rule that requires the companies to receive permission from the city before they deactivate workers, because currently, as it stands, the workers have no protections at all, and with the companies now doing really shady things to reduce their workforce by a lot, the city needs to act as the eyes in the sky to monitor the companies. The city's current, "revised" proposal is not only incomplete, but it is honestly woefully insufficient. This should not, and I repeat, this should not be the city's final decision on this matter until we, the workers, are put first, and the companies put second. To the city: you have a lot of work to do. Go back, throw away the alternative proposal and step up. Being strong means making right decisions, remember that.

    Comment added March 16, 2023 3:39pm
  • Oscar

    First I want to say that the future of jobs is not in establishing a minimum hourly pay and forcing workers to comply with schedules, trips, any kind of action regardless of weather or road conditions. One should be free to choose when, how and where to work.

    That said, the apps should be forced to give bonuses when there is bad weather, when they are important days (like father’s day) and when an order exceeds the value of 100 dollars and the customer is not even giving 5% tip that is the application itself to put that minimum tip for the worker, since many times orders of that value are extremely large making it difficult to move them carefully, quickly and more in bad weather days.

    I also wanted to comment on a non-profit organization (Workers Justice Project/Deliviristas unidos) that is “supporting” us and started this whole process of minimum hourly pay, asking for signatures and promising people completely different things than what they ended up doing when they were asking for those signatures.

    It is an organization that has received a lot of money or is in the process of receiving another large amount and they have never been transparent with what they are going to do with that money or how much money they have received, or what prizes they have won, because let’s remember that all the money this organization receives is supposed to be for the help they are supposed to give to the food delivery workers.

    I like both options but I feel 2nd option.

    Comment added March 16, 2023 3:40pm
  • Juan González

    Necesitamos un pago justo que haiga pago mínimo para todos no podemos vivir de la propinas y las
    compañías tampoco son claras con las propinas también quiero aclarar que a mi ese maríguano y Manny Ramírez junto con la organización no me representan

    Comment added March 17, 2023 11:19am
  • Paulo

    Si estaría bien que pagarán por hora el problema que yo veo cuántas horas nos darán las app y que condiciones van poner tendríamos que firmar otro contrato ustedes creen que las app nos van a dar 40 horas por semana yo creo que no porque habemos muchos repartidores de comida tendríamos que agarrar horario y pienso que ganaríamos menos dinero y tendríamos que llevar entregas a lugares peligrosos como prollectos de vivienda y barrios peligrosos

    Comment added March 17, 2023 2:26pm
  • Ernesta Galvez

    Soy repartidora de comida y me parece muy bien un pago justo aclaro no hablo por todos cada cabeza es un mundo hablo por mi la decisión ya estaba desde el año pasado no entiendo por qué no se está poniendo en vigor parecemos cangrejos en vez de avanzar no estamos retrocediendo que paso ser ALCALDE ahora el pago está en sus manos tiene que decir ya por que estemos o no estemos de acuerdo esto va suceder es mejor que de una pronta respuesta de un salario justo.tambien hago un llamado respetosamente al departamento de LABOR que así como investiga a las aplicaciones también nos gustaría que investigue a Worker Justice Project(WJP) y los deliverista unidos dirigida por Ligia Guallpa ya que la señorita dijo que hay donaciones y no ha llegado a los compañeros y compañeras accidentadas y por que no apoyo a los compañeros muertos tampoco se les ha dado apoyo

    Comment added March 17, 2023 2:59pm
  • Roman paredes

    I do not agree with this payment i want to remain as an self contractor .

    Comment added March 17, 2023 3:07pm

    So estoy de acuerdo con el pago base muchas gracias por el apoyo

    Comment added March 17, 2023 6:19pm
  • Joel

    No queremos Qué nos pague por hora estamos bien como estamos ahora nosotros no ganamos por hora nosotros ganamos por propina

    Comment added March 17, 2023 7:02pm
  • Animo

    Tube un accidente resientemente y la compańia nunca abisto o pregubtado Como estoy entonces urge tener un Pago y le pido al señor alcalde que nos brinde eso ya que no queremos depender solo de las propinas

    Comment added March 18, 2023 1:50pm
  • Pedro

    Necesitamos el Pago señor alcalde urge piense en nosotros y nuestras familias que dependemos de este trabajo

    Pago minimo Pago minimo

    Comment added March 18, 2023 1:55pm
  • Anónimo

    Habeses llevamos carreras largas con ordenes muy grandes y no llevan tips seria lo justo que nos den un pago justo que tengamos y nos lo merecemos

    Comment added March 18, 2023 1:59pm
  • Pedro

    El salario nos urge un pago mínimo señor alcalde

    Comment added March 18, 2023 2:12pm
  • Oscar

    Como repartidor que soy desde ase 15 no quiero ser un repartidor que me represente worker proyect justici y quiero seguir un contratista independiente

    Comment added March 18, 2023 4:14pm
  • Max suarez

    Here I leave my note, the truth is that I do not agree with the new minimum wage paid by the hour, I want to continue being an independent contractor, and I do not want The Workers Justice Project to continue representing me

    Comment added March 19, 2023 12:54am
  • Gustavo ajche

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 19, 2023 2:25pm
  • Antonio Martinez solis

    Comentario para apoyar el Pago Minimo y postear en la pagina del DCWP
    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 19, 2023 6:22pm
  • Rocael

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 20, 2023 10:43am
  • Rolando

    Comentario para apoyar el Pago Minimo y postear en la pagina del DCWP
    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 20, 2023 10:59am
  • Anomimo

    Comentario para apoyar el Pago Minimo y postear en la pagina del DCWP
    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 20, 2023 11:00am
  • José Olivares

    Soy repartidor de Manhattan y estoy de acuerdo con un pago que nos ayude un poco más a mejorar nuestra economía
    Ya que también tenemos muchos gastos q a veces no alcanzamos a cubrir.

    Comment added March 20, 2023 11:02am
  • Anonimo

    Nos urge unnpago ya que solo dependemos de los tips y los tips no son pago señor alcalde necesitamos unnpago nos urge lo necesitamos

    Comment added March 20, 2023 12:02pm
  • Sergio

    Cabe señalar que las empresas contratan a personas para que escriban testimonios falsos aquí en los comentarios, así que tenga cuidado cuando vea personas que dicen que quieren confiar únicamente en las propinas o que ser un contratista independiente es el camino hacia el futuro cuando sea ciertamente no. Como repartidor aquí en la ciudad, ignora a las personas que quieren impedir que aseguremos nuestro dinero ganado. Necesitamos un salario mínimo y nunca dejaremos de luchar.

    Comment added March 20, 2023 1:15pm
  • Anonimo

    El pago es justo lo que necesitamos señor alcalde ya no quiero llevar deliveris de 3 0 4 dólares pago mínimo pago mínimo

    Comment added March 20, 2023 1:21pm
  • Anónimo

    Yo estoy contento con mi trabajo espero que beneficie a todos señor alcalde

    Comment added March 20, 2023 2:01pm

    Comentario para apoyar el Pago Minimo y postear en la pagina del DCWP
    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 20, 2023 3:37pm
  • Jorge velecela

    Si me gustaría. Que seria bueno que apruebe el pago mínimo porque seria bueno para todos los que trabajamos asien este trabajo y que respete y valoren nuestro trabajo gracias

    Comment added March 20, 2023 4:10pm
  • Fernando

    Hola soy un deliverista desde hace 8 años y me perece q este cambio seria un buen cambio para nosotros como repartidores

    Comment added March 20, 2023 4:27pm
  • Pablo

    Estoy de acuerdo con la propuesta ya que ahorita estamos llevando deliveries de 3 o 4 dólares no esjuesto que no tengamos un pago señor alcalde pago mínimo pago mínimo

    Comment added March 20, 2023 4:43pm
  • Anónimo

    Estoy de acuerd con el pago nos beneficiará a todos y hacer de nuestro trabajo digno que nos lo emos ganado señor alcalde

    Pago mínimo pago minimo

    Comment added March 20, 2023 5:33pm
  • yoav B

    this is great for battling unfair wages. this is because it shouldnt be legal for a person to work for an hour and only recieve 10$ in a city like NYC. our delivery workers risk their lives every minute of their job only to recieve less than the bare minimum, min wage rate. we should be giving our delivery workers at least minimum wage and free hospital care should they get struck by a car on the job.

    Comment added March 21, 2023 10:36am
  • carlos Saldana

    Acaso mio no es gusto que la orden 3 o 4 dolares llegar al restaurante demora 10 a 15 minutos
    Ya nosotros necesitamos un salario mínimo.

    Comment added March 21, 2023 11:08am
  • Florentino saldana

    Ya nosotros tenemos que hacer algo para el salario minimos
    Nomas por que lo rechazas la orden bajo ya te bajan puntuacion
    No es gusto trabajar sin propina.

    Comment added March 21, 2023 11:22am
  • Jose mejia

    Estoy de acuerdo con el incremento del salario mínimo, es justo para el trabajo que hace el Delivery

    Comment added March 21, 2023 12:08pm
  • Humberto ramirez

    Me parese bienel salario minimo

    Comment added March 21, 2023 1:22pm
  • Melecio Clemente

    A mi punto vista por el timpo q llevo trabajando Me gustaria que pago fuera por hora .

    Comment added March 21, 2023 1:59pm
  • Melecio Clemente

    Quiero el salario minimo trabajo en manhattan y el pago de propinas es muy bajo y fuera de eso la aplicacion nonte paga nada

    Comment added March 21, 2023 2:00pm
  • Samuel Alvarez

    Me gustaria recibir un Pago minimo por hora seria lo Mas justo como trabajador independiente.

    Comment added March 21, 2023 2:14pm
  • José Cando

    Estoy de acuerdo con el salario pues eso nos cambiaría mucho nuestra calidad de vida porque para poder pagar nuestros gastos tenemos que trabajar muchas horas en la semana para hacer dinero apenas para vivir

    Comment added March 21, 2023 2:55pm
  • Shannon Walsh

    Minimum wage is an absolutely a necessity for workers. It’s abhorrent that drivers are not now guaranteed basic income and it’s creating a second class of citizens. This should not be allowed to happen.

    Comment added March 21, 2023 8:18pm
  • Benz

    Necesitamos un salario dignó. No se puede vivir de solo propinas.

    Comment added March 21, 2023 9:26pm
  • Abdiel

    queremos un pago digno,no solo propinas. Las aplicaciones no ofrecen un pago justo y son muy abusivas en su trato a los repartidores. ✊🏾

    Comment added March 21, 2023 9:36pm

    Es necesario asignar un salario digno a repartidores, vivir de propinas no es justo mientras las aplicaciones se quedan la mayor parte de las ganancias sin invertir en seguridad, salarios y equipo de reparto. ✊🏼

    Comment added March 21, 2023 9:49pm
  • Aida Hm

    To whom it may concern:

    It is important to insist and let you know that delivery workers are not able to live only from the tips they receive from customers, they are hard workers like any other professional who has a higher payment. They deserve better payments, to feel protected and to be treated like what they are: hard workers.
    Please accept the request, so they can have a better quality life.

    Comment added March 21, 2023 11:45pm
  • Juan cruz

    Me parese algo justo ya que en la calle se sufre frio y lluvias sin promocion a algo extra

    Comment added March 22, 2023 1:32pm
  • Anonimo

    Sería genial el pago ya que recorremos muchas millas y hay días que no ganamos nada pago mínimo

    Pago mínimo pago mínimo

    Comment added March 22, 2023 3:09pm
  • Byron Gonzalez

    Hola es una buena iniciativa y para nosotros como deliviristas es justo obtener esa decisión de la ciudad de New York ya que por medio de nosotros hacemos posible llevarles sus alimentos ala comodidad de los clientes en sus hogares sin importar las inclemencias del clima ya sea calor lluvia o nieve para seria muy justo ser aprobado esta medida ya que nos es necesario

    Comment added March 22, 2023 3:11pm
  • Luis Basurto

    Ps ami me parece muy buena ideas 👌 que nos paguen 19.96 la hora

    Comment added March 22, 2023 3:49pm
  • Carlos

    Comentario para apoyar el Pago Minimo y postear en la pagina del DCWP
    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 22, 2023 4:49pm
  • Anonimo

    Comentario para apoyar el Pago Minimo y postear en la pagina del DCWP
    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 22, 2023 4:51pm
  • Anonimo

    Es lo Bueno Para nosotros ahabeses nos accidentamos y la app no nose da in un Pago necesitamos un Pago minimum
    Pago minimo

    Comment added March 22, 2023 5:42pm
  • Larhonda Unaipon

    Hello owner, Good work!

    Comment added March 23, 2023 1:57am
  • Anonimo

    Las aplicaciones nos deberían pagar por el tiempo de cuando uno adepta el pedido asta que lo entrega porque ay negocios que lo demoran seria bueno que nos pagaran por tiempo

    Comment added March 23, 2023 1:14pm
  • Ánimo

    M párese miuy bien el salario sería genial tenerlo nos ayudaría mucho anustras familias

    Comment added March 23, 2023 1:28pm
  • Ánimo

    Comentario para apoyar el Pago Minimo y postear en la pagina del DCWP
    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 24, 2023 3:16pm
  • Alejandro

    Comentario para apoyar el Pago Minimo y postear en la pagina del DCWP
    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 24, 2023 3:21pm
  • Anónimo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 26, 2023 6:48pm
  • Jaime

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊️

    Comment added March 26, 2023 10:56pm
  • Miguel

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 26, 2023 10:57pm
  • Pedro

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 26, 2023 10:58pm
  • Pepe

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 7:55am
  • Luis M

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 7:56am
  • Javier Lopez

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 7:59am
  • Ana

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:00am
  • Arturo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:01am
  • Jorge

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:06am
  • Laura

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:08am
  • Lina

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:09am
  • Miguel Guzmán

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:11am
  • Noemi

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:12am
  • Adolfo

    [email protected] deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:14am
  • Salomon

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:17am
  • Yesenia C

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:19am
  • Anónimo

    Nos merecemos un pago mínimo. Ya que las aplicaciones no pagan na más están aprovechando de las propinas. Las propinas saben muy bien que es boluntad. Y las aplicaciones le hacen como pago de viaje.. estoy a fovar del pago minimo

    Comment added March 27, 2023 10:21am
  • Victor

    Mi opinión es que nos hagan un pago digno de nuestro trabajo porqué la mayoría de los clientes no nos dan propina

    Comment added March 27, 2023 10:25am
  • Quic

    Necesitamos un pago digno

    Comment added March 27, 2023 10:28am
  • Anonimo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 27, 2023 12:06pm
  • Anomimo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 27, 2023 12:57pm
  • Eulogio

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 27, 2023 1:35pm
  • Cristian

    Llevo algunos años trabajando con algunas aplicaciones y cada ves el pago es menos, distancias largas ya no podemos vivir e propinas estos últimos años a sido lo peor. Ver a muchos compañeros muertos por robarle su instrumento de trabajo, queríamos confiar en la ciudad q nos haga respetar pero icn tanta prorroga parese que se están poniendo de acuerdo o pasando cheques bajo la mesa para. Nosotros no tengamos una oportunidad de tener un sueldo digno como cualquiera..necesitamos un sueldo justo competitivo y legal ahora!!

    Comment added March 27, 2023 2:05pm
  • Jorge

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 27, 2023 3:53pm
  • Miguel

    Cada vez que vengo a ver el progreso que han hecho mis compañeros de trabajo, estoy descontento con el estado del trato que experimentamos a diario en nuestros trabajos. Estoy de acuerdo con la gente que trabaja conmigo porque las propinas que nos dan los clientes no son suficientes para sobrevivir. No hay suficiente trabajo disponible cuando hace buen tiempo afuera y mis ganancias realmente sufren. Quiero un salario digno que me ayude a mantener a mi familia. Cuando nuestros compañeros de trabajo están siendo asaltados y robados en las calles a nadie le importa, las aplicaciones solo se enfocan en ganar dinero y pagarnos cada vez menos. Muchos días estoy trabajando por menos del salario mínimo en la ciudad en todo tipo de clima. Vengo aquí a pedir ayuda a la ciudad y veo tanta gente escribiendo exactamente el mismo comentario una y otra vez que me hace preguntarme, ¿es ese un compañero de trabajo? ¿O es alguien más que tiene la intención de bloquear nuestra libertad y esfuerzo? Es muy difícil para nosotros. Por favor, pedimos un pago por hora para apoyar a nuestras familias. No puedo aceptar un pago de cincuenta centavos por minuto, no es suficiente y es irrespetuoso con mi profesión y mis compañeros de trabajo, necesitamos un pago digno por nuestro arduo trabajo. Cuando la gente dice que tenemos libertad financiera para trabajar cuando queramos no es cierto, está muy lejos de la verdad. Estoy poniendo mi esperanza y fe en la ciudad para que ellos salven nuestra profesión, ya que merecemos ayuda para que podamos tener éxito. No dejaré de alentar a mis compañeros de trabajo a seguir luchando contra estas aplicaciones para asegurarme de que nunca ganen. Escúchanos, somos los que mantenemos la ciudad en movimiento y merecemos poder ganarnos la vida haciendo un trabajo duro en una ciudad muy implacable donde nadie se preocupa por ti, solo por su orden de comida.

    Comment added March 27, 2023 8:30pm
  • Elmer Diaz

    I have a lot to say and the first thing is that no one asked me how much we really need. Did the mathematics give this amount? It is true that we have a lot of expenses But such a high figure only leads customers to stop ordering food Or not so often anymore We need more IS IT TRUE but sacrificing the worker in these aspects?? It is poorly thought out, the company has to reduce its profit margin If the orders already have too much fee for the orders A luch that costs 15 dl with fee ends up at 25 without tip With the new regulations we are expecting 30 or more a luch?? What would happen to those of us who depend on tips And those of us who depend on this job Since there are no orders, it is obvious that there would be no work And therein lies the problem with that wjp organization and its director who does and says no one asks, there are 65.000 of us in the city and I’m sure they’re not watching for all of us

    Comment added March 28, 2023 8:30am
  • Oscar

    I do not agree with this new metod of payment by the hour , please leave my tips alone , lets keep the delibery fee for us and the tip alone .
    We make money with the tips and the delibery fee for us .

    Comment added March 28, 2023 9:26am
  • Juan

    Todo aumento que hagan será el cliente quien lo pague directa o indirectamente
    Eso significará menos propinas
    Por lo que es peor menos nordenes.

    Estamos de acuerdo que necesitamos un poco más pero sin lugar a dudas necesitamos que las apps solo paguen mas por las millas corridas!.

    Aclarando que la organización que propuso esto No pregunto a los 65 mil trabajadores (la organización no nos representa)…

    Comment added March 28, 2023 9:55am
  • Jorge

    Estoy de acuerdo con el pago mínimo por que la verdad la aplicación está abusando y no esta pagando la hora solo están pagando la propina y abusan de las millas espero que si paguen la hora

    Comment added March 28, 2023 10:17am
  • Jorge

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 11:50am
  • Anonimo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 11:51am
  • Cesar

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 11:51am
  • Alex

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 12:12pm
  • Nelson

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 12:27pm
  • Rojas

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 12:28pm
  • Misael

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 12:28pm
  • Luis

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 12:28pm
  • Rolando

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 12:29pm
  • Eliseo Rodríguez Méndez

    Yo estaría de acuerdo por el pago por hora

    Comment added March 28, 2023 1:04pm
  • Alfonso

    Estoy de acuerdo con un pago justo para que no solo me beneficie a mi sino también a mis compañeros que trabajamos duro en las calles todos los días.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 1:05pm
  • Alfonso Santiz

    Estoy de acuerdo me párese bien que aya pago justo para mejorar la calidad de vida mía y de mi familia

    Comment added March 28, 2023 1:06pm
  • Anonymous

    Please stop copy and pasting the same comments over and over again on this page, you’re not improving our situation with spamming a city website with that. There’s too many automated bots spamming the comments section of this proposed law. To the DCWP: Be very weary of the validity and authenticity of the majority of these comments claiming they want $0.50 per minute. It’s nothing but spam and a lie. We the workers want hourly pay. HOURLY PAY! HOURLY PAY! HOURLY PAY! HOURLY PAY! HOURLY! WE WILL HAVE IT NO OTHER WAY!

    Comment added March 28, 2023 1:07pm
  • Gilberto

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 1:07pm
  • Alberto

    El pago es lo que necesitamos es hoy día que tenemos que estar todos unidos señor alcandel necesitamos elmpago mínimo pero ya

    Comment added March 28, 2023 1:10pm
  • Fredy

    Estamos de acuerdo con ellpago mínimo señor alcalde

    Comment added March 28, 2023 3:28pm
  • Ovidio

    Estoy de acuerdo con esta iniciativa que ayudará a los trabajadores como yo a tener más ingresos y mejorar nuestra calidad de vida

    Comment added March 28, 2023 4:02pm
  • Davies

    El salario mínimo para deli veristas es una clara prueba que las organizaciones si sirven para apoyar a los trabajadores

    Comment added March 28, 2023 4:04pm
  • Jesler

    Las corporaciones se han hecho millonarias con el trabajo de nosotros ya creo que es tiempo de que nos toque una parte del salario que como trabajador regular nos merecemos

    Comment added March 28, 2023 4:06pm
  • Olivia B.

    I use these delivery services every now and again to get something nice to eat and I never knew how bad these workers had it. It makes me feel so bad. I see them here whenever I leave my house in Brooklyn whizzing by on Nostrand Avenue with their mopeds and now that it has been brought to my attention, I completely understand why they protest so much when I watch the news on TV. After doing research online, I can’t believe my eyes reading that they get paid $3 for a delivery if an ungrateful customer doesn’t want to tip them. I’m appalled. They’re not being valued by the very people who employ them is what I see. Even though I always tip, I didn’t know that they don’t get paid if they don’t perform a delivery. I thought they were paid minimum wage in addition to tips.

    These workers have always been nice and kind to me whenever I order takeout from some of the Caribbean restaurants in my neighborhood, so it’s a huge shocker to me that they are treated like dirt. I have to support them because they help me when I need them. They deserve so much better and this breaks my heart. I’m going to tell my family members about this too because not enough people know what those workers are going through. I’m really happy that I did some searching after watching all these news stories on TV and reddit feeds pop up on my phone after these workers were in protest. Their employers treat them like absolute garbage and honestly gives me a very bad opinion of the people who they work for. I am fully in support of them receiving a generous pay rate that they can depend on. If any of the workers are here, I want to say thank you so much. I appreciate you. Tell your employers to go jump off a bridge.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 4:18pm
  • Samuel

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 4:45pm
  • Mario

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 4:48pm
  • Gil

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 4:49pm
  • Gero

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 4:49pm
  • Gere

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 4:50pm
  • Jeremiah Knight

    New York City is dangerous and stressful to work in. I am with the city on this one, pay them at least $18 an hour and give them PTO. Anything less is unacceptable.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 5:03pm
  • Vitin

    Soy un deliverista que trabaja para las empresas Doordash y Grub hub. Como hombre que mantiene a mi hogar, es extremadamente importante que se apruebe esta ley para que nos paguen por hora, porque mis pagos están por todas partes de esta semana a la siguiente. Un pago por hora me ayudará con mis responsabilidades, por lo que solo es aceptable un pago por hora. Gracias.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 5:12pm
  • Anonymous

    I work for the 3 major companies doing deliveries and I’m stepping in to tell the DCWP that they should highly consider a more secure medium to hear comments that isn’t subject to blatant misrepresentation as is done here. For example, any one of the delivery companies DoorDash, GrubHub, UberEats, and Relay is responsible for falsifying comments to get their way, but I am not having anymore of this. At 4:49 PM today (March 28th) someone posted a bogus comment using the name “Gero,” then, 1 minute later at 4:50 PM they posted the EXACT same moment using another fake name “Gere,” (changing the name by 1 letter). The DCWP has to see that the companies are screwing around and messing with our well deserved pay raise. Anyone falsifying claims of being a delivery courier on here to create an opposing, fictitious argument should be banned from participating at this hearing. The companies always use the same exact comment, it’s so obvious at this point! They do nothing but copy and paste it over, and over, and over again! Doesn’t the DCWP understand that they included a second alternative because the companies got what they wanted by impersonating workers on the comment section and the DCWP actually believed those were real people?! It’s unbelievable what these companies are capable of. They have nothing better else to do than strip away the security that workers have! Please take away the alternative option! We don’t want penny change! Geez, the city is so gullible that it’s absolutely pathetic at this point. You guys aren’t on our side and it’s disgusting, it’s a shame!

    Comment added March 28, 2023 5:29pm
  • Marcelina lopez

    Somos 70 mil trabajadores que tenemos que pasar muchas necesidades en la calle con el clima los ladrones ya es justo tener un salario que nos pueda ayudar un poco más en momentos difíciles realizando este trabajo.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 5:51pm
  • Valeri

    Soy una deliverista de la ciudad de Nueva York me gustaría un pago por hora ya que siempre tenemos que aceptar ordenes que son muy bajas y no es suficiente el dinero que hacemos diariamente espero que con el salario mínimo mejoremos las condiciones más que nada de nosotras las mujeres trabajadoras porque siento que físicamente es un trabajo más desafiante.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 5:55pm
  • Max suarez

    this again pay by the hour does not work for me I prefer the doordash payment from before

    Comment added March 28, 2023 7:34pm
  • Gian franco

    I don’t agree with the hourly payment I agree with a minimum base payment of 5 dollars per order plus Tip I did much better work than hourly

    Comment added March 28, 2023 7:36pm
  • Anonymous

    Like I said before, stop spamming the comments section with this “I don’t agree with this payment” automated mumbo-jumbo nonsense response. Get out of here with that. We are workers and want stable, hourly pay. Go big, or go home. You guys hired by the companies to spam that are ridiculous.

    Comment added March 28, 2023 9:49pm
  • Anonimo

    Digamos que van a dar un salario y dicen que los tips van a cer menores cuando se refieren a menores estamos ablando de 2 oh 3 dolares 🤔para que te manden hasta 9 oh 8 millas 6 oh 7 millas y tienes que aceptar si no aceptas te descansan 😂🙄 bueno hay muchos puntos que aclarar en esto las apps van a aceder pero a sus conbeniencias tambien 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻dios mio mete tu mano que sea para bien 😭yo digo que pagaran un minimo por hora y los tips que lo dejen como estan

    Comment added March 29, 2023 1:00am
  • Agustin

    Ya es hora de que nos paguen por hora porque las aplicaciones eatan abusando de nosotros .

    Comment added March 29, 2023 9:56am
  • Andrew

    I firmly believe that these workers deserve protections. I can’t imagine what it’s like to work with no protections or benefits here, it’s nearly impossible. Paying these workers at least $15 for every hour worked will ensure that their earnings are more secure. People treat these guys horribly. It’s time that people listen to them. I always tip the people who deliver my food well, but it’s not our fault they’re not getting paid enough, it’s really who they work for, so that’s why I blame DoorDash and the others for this problem. The problem will be solved once they receive a guaranteed $15 per hour.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 11:03am
  • Vicente

    La realidad es que este trabajo no paga lo suficiente. ¿Cuánto tiempo debemos trabajar horas inhumanas para apenas pagar nuestras cuentas y no tener nada para nada más? Esa no es la forma de vivir. Necesito que me paguen un salario digno, por la hora que sea confiable y de la que pueda depender. No puedo hacer más ordenes por valor de $3.50, eso ya no sucederá. Ayaudanos por favor.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 11:18am
  • Danny

    Lo siento, pero el sistema de ingresos alternativos empoderará aún más a las empresas y limitará mi salario diario. Eso simplemente no puede suceder. Que te paguen cincuenta centavos por minuto en las entregas nunca funcionará porque hay días en los que solo recibes una entrega por hora, así que esa idea tiene que desaparecer. Sufrimos robos y lo que ganamos apenas alcanza para pagar el alquiler, y mucho menos todo lo demás. Ignore estos bots falsos que afirman que quieren vivir de propinas minúsculas que no están garantizadas. Mis trabajadores y yo estamos luchando por un salario por hora fuerte. Siento que dieciocho dólares garantizados por hora, cada hora será excelente.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 11:26am
  • Soto

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 11:26am
  • Anonymous

    I’m asking the DCWP to please flag the following comment for removal as it is spam and continues to harm the progress that us workers want to obtain: “Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone…” It’s nothing but a fake copy-and-paste template that people hired by the delivery companies are spamming this comment section with. There’s no screening process to distinguish between actual and false comments here. This is a truly unreliable way to achieve successful change. The companies are effectively destroying the work force. I’m going to say this for the last time as a delivery courier her in NYC. We NEED hourly pay. DISCONTINUE the idea of paying $0.50 per minute when engaged on deliveries, it is INSUFFICIENT.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 11:38am
  • Feenando

    Nos gusta la forma de pago si queremos elmpago mínimo nos urge señor alcalde

    Comment added March 29, 2023 12:04pm
  • Arbelio

    El trabajo lo hago con gusto siempre tractor de complacer a los clientes gracias a la compania por dar la oportunidad de trbajar y si merecemos El salario

    Comment added March 29, 2023 2:56pm
  • Alex

    Nos gustaría tener un salario justo señor alcalde pago mínimo

    Comment added March 29, 2023 2:56pm
  • Edin Barrera

    Necesitamos el pago minimum Cuanto Antes senor alcande pago minimum

    Comment added March 29, 2023 3:07pm
  • Eric Figueroa

    I’m a consumer who regularly uses apps like Grubhub to get food delivered to my home. I appreciate the hard and risky work that delivery workers do for us.

    I support the minimum pay rule proposed by New York City that will provide better pay for this essential workforce.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 7:26pm
  • Shaquille Figueroa

    We need a living wage 24 dollars is what we need we work to hard the job isn’t easy at all always gotta be safe

    Comment added March 29, 2023 7:56pm
  • Rachael Stein

    The city should support this proposal because delivery workers are key to keeping many businesses in this city running, and they deserve a living wage.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 9:15pm
  • Berenice

    Delivery workers deserve better

    Comment added March 29, 2023 9:27pm
  • Terrence Jakob Gatton

    Delivery workers are a pillar of this city and they deserve better than the treatment they get from this city, tech companies, and even some customers. Everyone wants their food on time but no one cares if deliveristas are paid laughable wages, on an app that allows tipping to be “optional”, in a city whose cycling and ebike infrastructure routinely subjects non-drivers to unbelievably dangerous conditions and horrible, inconsiderate drivers every day

    Setting a just minimum wage for this workforce is a bare minimum, it is embarrassing to this city that this is even a debate or mildly controversial

    Comment added March 29, 2023 9:34pm
  • Jean Bae

    Without delivery workers, the city will collapse tomorrow. If they can’t be treated properly as employees protected by labor law, we should at least give them fair wages.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 9:57pm
  • Holly Gunder

    It wasn’t long ago that we were calling our delivery workers front-line heroes and essential workers. Now, when it’s our administration’s turn to pay our workers reasonable wages, they forget their high praise. Eric Adams promised our workers a $24 minimum wage. Though that’s still barely a live-able wage in this city, negotiating it down to $19 is abominable. Our delivery workers deserve respect and fair payment for their labor. Stop exploiting their labor – pay our delivery workers what they deserve.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 10:11pm
  • Angela Pham

    Our delivery workers are the backbone of nyc. They deserve a living wage.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 10:56pm
  • Evan

    Minimum wage is necessary for delivery workers. The Adams administration has promised a $24 minimum wage and should stick with the proposed minimum wage for delivery workers who are essential to the NYC economy

    Comment added March 29, 2023 11:11pm
  • Kevin Li

    Delivery workers should be compensated adequately for their work. A $24 minimum wage is the least that delivery workers should expect to be paid. The Adams administration should go forward with the initial proposed amount of $24 minimum wage.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 11:13pm
  • Czarina Ramos

    A living wage at $24 would ensure that deliveristas can do their jobs in a safe manner with the assurance that they will earn their fair pay no matter what. Recent years through the pandemic have highlighted how essential deliveristas are, and their pay should reflect that.

    Comment added March 29, 2023 11:53pm
  • Kelli

    I fully support there being a minimum wage to all delivery workers. Not only a minimum wage but a living wage.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 12:15am
  • Luka Jacobowitz

    Minimum wage is highly necessary and the deliveristas put their life on the line so that people can get their things more conveniently, it’s the least we can do.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 12:18am
  • Kitana Andrews

    The deliveristas consist largely of marginalized peoples who are living at or under the poverty line. They deserve to have a living wage as they are part of what keeps this city fed through any weather. Don’t try to deny them what they are owed, and that is to be able to live a decent life

    Comment added March 30, 2023 12:58am
  • Jill

    Delivery workers deserve at least a minimum wage of $24 which is still too low. They should be compensated even more considering they are putting their lives on the line everyday facing terrible weather/road conditions.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 1:00am
  • Christina LeMoine

    The wage promised are hard working deliveristas is $24/hour. Stand by your word. Delivery workers do what no one else wants to do. They have many expenses and often get treated poorly. Let us know you see all of us! You see deliveristas and will give them the $24 promised now, this is the absolute minimum they can take for the dangerous and taxing work they do. Thank you for honoring your promise to working class, brown and immigrant New Yorkers who keep it city running at all times.


    Christina LeMoine

    Comment added March 30, 2023 8:29am
  • Sean Defaz

    The second option is the way to go

    Comment added March 30, 2023 8:37am
  • Chris

    Anything less then the $24/hour, that deliveristas fought for and promised by Mayor Eric Adams is unacceptable!

    This is a dangerous job and the burden of cost for equipment and health care is all shouldered by the underpaid immigrant workers.

    We need our deliveristas and they need acceptable pay. Tipping fatigue is up. The big companies who bypass workers rights for profit should be shouldering the cost of, at the very least, the $24/hour agreed upon.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 8:43am
  • Cat

    Support your local food delivery workers!!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 9:06am
  • Alyssa Mae Berman

    A $24 minimum living wage is required for delivery workers to provide an essential service in NYC. NOT ONE PENNY LESS! These workers care for New Yorkers from all walks of life and they must be respected and paid a fair living wage!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 9:09am
  • Dane Torcivia

    Please give the hardworking deliveristas the minimum wage they deserve!! They’ve been serving all communities for years and do a service that many rely on, especially during the height of covid! They deserve a living wage!!!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 9:19am
  • Jacqueline

    Food delivery workers feed millions of people in New York City but are not being compensated at a wage that allows people to feed their own families. These essential workers deserve at minimum a living wage that compensates them for their work and their vitality to the city, economy, and the companies that benefit from their labor.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 9:35am
  • justin mugits

    Delivery workers deserve a fair wage. This plan should go through without and deductions. Support workers not greedy tech companies

    Comment added March 30, 2023 10:10am
  • Emily Hamilton

    Minimum wage is essential for all!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 10:10am
  • Anonimo

    Es injusto que penalicen delivery’s por no aceptar órdenes. En cambio recibimos diariamente órdenes de 3 4 o 6 millas y los precios en muchas o la mayoria de las ocasiones empieza en 2-6 pedidos que toman muchas veces hasta una hora. Expuestos al tráfico y constantemente ser despreciados por muchos en la ciudad. Nuestro único objetivo es movilizarnos para generar ingresos para llevar comida a nuestros hogares

    Comment added March 30, 2023 10:13am
  • Lulu Ro

    We need the exploitation of our working class employees to end, especially when the same companies that profit off of there labor are raking in millions- more than ever before. The city would not be the same with delivery workers. Give them and their families an equitable future. Please. There are nyc children and families that rely on fair wages in order to be clothed, sheltered and fed.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 10:20am
  • Jorell Rivera

    Food Delivery workers provide an essential service to countless New Yorkers, and they deserve the basic dignity that a livable minimum wage would afford them. Stop wasting time and pass a law guaranteeing them a minimum wage! They should at least get $24/hour!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 10:26am
  • Az

    $19 is not a living wage. Food delivery is hard work and deserves fair and secure salary. $24 per hour is a bare minimum to compensate for idle time waiting for deliveries.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 10:42am
  • Lana Pochiro

    Delivery workers keep this city running! They deserve a living wage–the $24/hr that they were promised is the bare minimum and these workers cannot wait any longer to receive what they deserve. Rents and the cost of basic daily necessities like groceries are rising rapidly. We cannot leave our delivery workers behind. New York City would not be New York City without them. Treat them with dignity and respect. Pay them a living wage!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 10:58am
  • Nora Killoran

    This proposed minimum wage for delivery workers is crucial for a fair wage and ressonable standard of living.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 11:29am
  • Christina

    I remember ordering food back at the height of the pandemic that me and everyone was calling these men and women heroes and essential workers. They put their lives at risk doing work that statistically speaking is some of the most dangerous work that you could engage in here in New York City. To know that they make less than people who work minimum wage jobs absolutely shatters me. It’s time that they receive $24 per hour for their hard work and effort. I know that city will try to seize thus opportunity that they so dearly deserve, but I believe they will prevail! A $24/hr wage is an appropriate wage for their experiences on the job. From the Lower East Side, I support you essential workers!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 11:58am
  • Iker

    We cannot maintain inhumane remuneration for some of the most essential workers in the city. The pandemic show how society runs literally on them, and their conditions should reflect this importance. All support for higher minimum pay for food delivery workers! Anything else will be a cruel measure designed only for the profits of the few instead of the dignity and prosperity of the many.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 11:59am
  • Raul

    Sí, gracias, esto es lo que queremos, un salario por hora digno. Como deleverista haciendo ordenes, estoy de acuerdo con mis hermanos en esto, $24 por hora garantizados es excelente y me ayudará a cumplir con mis responsabilidades en el hogar. Me siento despreciado por todo el trabajo que hago. Estoy feliz de que la gente finalmente se dé cuenta de que no hacemos lo suficiente.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 12:07pm
  • Cheryl

    Pay people a living wage!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 12:20pm
  • Gilberto

    Me enteré de esta ley a principios de este año en enero y me preguntaba qué pasó… Estaba esperando que me pagaran más. Ahora quieren recortar nuestro salario y dar aún menos… Frustrante. Apenas gano dinero ahora que estoy en las calles todos los días, la mayoría de las veces solo gano $ 40 – $ 60 trabajando más de 8 horas, necesito un pago por hora garantizado, al menos $ 20 por hora, es simplemente desgarrador y me enoja mucho. .A veces solo quiero rendirme pero no lo hago porque mi familia necesita ayuda. No puedo esperar mucho más por esta ayuda, es demasiado tiempo… por favor, necesito esta ley para asegurarme un salario por hora, los muchachos aquí ya no podemos vivir de sobras y propinas, no es trabajando más

    Comment added March 30, 2023 12:26pm
  • Jensen

    When I found out about this after passing by a rally one of their unions had it felt so wrong knowing delivery people are so exploited and severely underpaid. I never knew they only worked on tips. That’s just not sustainable. If they don’t get paid by the hour they are basically struggling much more than everyone else. These people that they work for don’t feel bad? That’s disgusting how they get away with throwing pocket change at their faces. As a loyal customer who appreciates my delivery workers, they 1000% deserve higher pay no doubt at all. What is with you people, pay them an hourly wage, ya’ll are acting like that’s acting for a lot when people working at Mcdonald’s make more than them and they don’t got to deal with the extreme cold and heat. Incredibly sad, things just got to change!!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 12:36pm
  • Tian Xiao

    Good afternoon to the labor board committee,

    I am writing to you on behalf of all my coworkers here in New York of Asian ethnicity representing China and Taiwan. We have numerous immigrants that have came from several provinces in China to attempt to find a improved life with nice opportunities to enjoy for us. There, my coworkers support their wives with children and are outside working in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, anywhere in the land. Having some conversations with them has been both a enlightening and painful experience to me. Often, I hear “my pay is too low,” and “this is not stable” a lot in our talks. News coverage will show our fellow men being attacked when engaged in their work, then are turned a blind eye by the employer. This is fundamentally going to bring problems. The skill needed for this work is higher than $7 per hour in salary. I cannot describe the difficulty and stresses that we endure not knowing how much earnings everyday will bring. It brings me and my coworkers instability to plan for our finances. We are asking the labor board to please look into our efforts and see past the greedy nature of our employers, we are surely harmed by their ways. A salary that will provide protections, and that stabilizes hourly amounts in crucial to our success. Kindly, and sincerely, we appreciate our turn to speak.

    Tian Xiao

    Comment added March 30, 2023 12:51pm
  • Jason Colon

    These are the people risking limb and life to bring you things like food and sd cards. Why not support those doing the labor work you dont want to?

    Comment added March 30, 2023 2:02pm
  • Henriquez

    No quiero ver más ordenes de $3 y $4 que ir millas en distancia. A veces tarda una hora entera en terminar y solo ganas $3, es increíble el trato. Este problema se solucionará con una paga digna, dieciocho dólares la hora es con lo que estoy de acuerdo. Cobrar por minuto como los taxis es demasiado inestable, simplemente no es posible ni aceptable. A veces solo recibo 2 pedidos por valor de $3 en una hora completa y estoy ganando $6 por hora, es la verdad. Además, se acerca la primavera y el buen tiempo traerá más problemas a otros trabajadores con salarios horribles.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 2:04pm
  • Jacob Cañas

    Delivery workers face incredibly difficult and dangerous conditions and must be compensated fairly. A $24/hr minimum wage should be the floor.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 2:13pm
  • Nini

    Please respect living wagessss !

    Comment added March 30, 2023 2:41pm
  • Chris Thormann

    I fully support this as an active worker.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 3:02pm
  • Jamie Bryan

    Let’s invest in these indispensable contributors to the fabric of life and commerce in our city — individuals who labor under difficult and sometimes dangerous conditions.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 3:05pm
  • Melanie Kruvelis

    Delivery workers kept New Yorkers fed throughout the pandemic, facing illness and death on a daily basis to do so. Workers need a living wage, and that’s not what Adams’ proposed increase, as rents and basic costs skyrocket. Workers need a living wage!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 3:17pm
  • Emma Antenen

    Minimum wage is necessary for workers to have fair rights and fight back against discrimination.
    Adams administration promised a
    $24 minimum wage but they change it to a $19 wage. That’s not a living wage! These workers are marginalized people and often exploited due to that. They deserve protection, dignity, and a living wage. Imagine this city without delivery workers!!!!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 3:20pm
  • ruby brown

    Minimum wage is necessary for workers to have fair rights and fight back against discrimination.
    Adams administration promised a
    $24 minimum wage but they change it to a $19 wage. That’s not a living wage! These workers are marginalized people and often exploited due to that. They deserve protection, dignity, and a living wage. Imagine this city without delivery workers!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 3:20pm
  • Sebastian

    I came here just to say that I read the two options that the app companies have to choose from. It’s obvious that they’re going to choose the second option because that would enable them to pay the workforce drastically less as they’re going to continue to abuse and exploit them like they already do. Don’t let them do that. Do everything to fight for a desirable, hourly wage! Nobody can live in NYC for a measly 50 cents a minute while engaged in deliveries, that’s preposterous and downright disrespectful to them because we all know it’s not possible to survive here with such a meager income! I’m a restaurant business owner in SoHo and they help me generate income and as a result, I see them as partners that deserve competitive pay. They’re free to use my restrooms and I give them discounts on some of my menu options because they help me out. Now it’s time for the city to help them out and pay them a minimum hourly wage. I’m in full support of higher and reliable delivery worker income.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 3:22pm
  • Nicole B

    Delivery workers are some of the hardest working folks in the city, they absolutely deserve this wage increase.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 3:36pm
  • Jessica Rosa

    I’m a consumer who regularly uses apps to get restaurant food delivered to my home, and I appreciate the hard and often risky job that delivery workers do for us. I support the minimum pay rule proposed by the City of New York that will provide delivery workers with the ability to earn the minimum wage they deserve.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 3:38pm
  • Angelo Peña

    Ordering takeout and taking Uber taxis from point A to B have become progressively more expensive but the workers who provide these services are not being paid any higher, despite all the taxes and fees that the company is charging. I am very annoyed knowing that the workers are paid way lower than what is justifiable due to Uber’s predatory nature. Today I had received an email from Uber that was titled “Albany wants to nickel and dime you with new taxes on rideshare and delivery.” Instead of Uber taking responsibility for their problems, they conveniently place the blame on Albany, which has nothing to do with how poorly they pay their workforce. They’re pathetically claiming that the New York State Legislature is imposing another 50 cent per-trip fee when it comes to rideshare operations and a 25 cent delivery fee for food/convenience orders. The truth is that Uber THEMSELVES are choosing to impose these fees. The NYS Legislature has nothing to do with that. It is NOT the Legislature’s responsibility to bail them out. It’s UBER’S problem. You’re telling me that because you continually fail to properly compensate your taxi drivers and delivery messengers that now I AM stuck paying for UBER’S problem? NO. The men and women who spend 12-16 hours a day working doing taxi trips and delivery routes DESERVE the pay raise, it IS NOT the Legislature’s responsibility to pick up your slack. I will be sharing this message publicly on many problems to expose Uber and their demoralizing, gaslighting stance that I’m fed up with. Instead of doing the right thing, these companies try to find any way to escape responsibility and it’s sickening at this point. Talk about a lack of morality, you guys make it the workforce’s and customer’s problem by regularly uppercutting their effort and charging the customers more and more to the point where it’s downright prohibitive to use. You’re basically saying that because delivery messengers want better pay that it’s the customer’s problem to foot the bill and you guys do nothing but spend millions on all of this misleading propaganda to try to convince people that it’s the NYS Legislature’s fault? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ABSOLUTELY NOT, the hard working people who generate so much revenue for Uber rightfully DESERVE this pay rise. Like Uber said in their OWN email to us customers: No, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH to you Uber!!! The workforce in NYC will succeed, we stand united!!!

    Comment added March 30, 2023 4:27pm
  • Julius Ron

    I am a regular consumer of the app and I really appreciate how these workers do and deserve something for their work, but it seems that the payment would come directly from clients like me so it is good for them and we as clients would have to adjust a bit

    Comment added March 30, 2023 4:29pm
  • Chris

    Food delivery workers are a vital part of NYC; they feed the city and do difficult, dangerous work. They deserve a fair living wage, one that compensates them for their time and their essential work, and that allows them to pay their operating expenses, purchase health insurance, etc. Anything less than a $24/hr floor is absurd, but really they should earn more. I also believe that the third party services that employ them should provide them with health insurance on top of a fair living wage, because of the dangerous nature of the work.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 4:58pm
  • Alan Pissarenko

    As the city’s cost of living is sky high, I think it’s about time companies pay delivery workers a fair wage that would allow them to live comfortably, rather than struggling to make money while working for a multi billion dollar industry

    Comment added March 30, 2023 5:07pm
  • Sophie

    We need to do something this can no longer be stalled. Delivery workers risk their lives because our streets are so unsafe. We must at least make the minimum wage $17.96 per hour with adjustments for standby time. These big companies saying otherwise are cruel and should not be prioritized. Let’s prioritize people. Do what’s right and act fast. You have people’s well being waiting on you.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 5:23pm
  • Sophie k

    We need to do something this can no longer be stalled. Delivery workers risk their lives because our streets are so unsafe. We must at least make the minimum wage $17.96 per hour with adjustments for standby time. These big companies saying otherwise are cruel and should not be prioritized. Let’s prioritize people. Do what’s right and act fast. You have people’s well being waiting on you

    Comment added March 30, 2023 5:23pm
  • Henry Joseph

    It’s time to do the right thing and give our hard working delivery workers a living wage like you promised.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 6:14pm
  • Meli

    Please help get these ESSENTIAL workers a respectable pay rate. They deserve it. This city can’t function without them

    Comment added March 30, 2023 8:36pm
  • Melissa Laudenbach

    Adam’s administration promised to set a $24 minimum wage for delivery drivers but has backpedaled to $19. That is not a living wage. Many people earning the minimum wage belong to marginalized groups that are easily exploited. Delivery drivers protection, dignity and a living wage.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 9:42pm
  • Bikash Adhikari

    Hi My name is Bikash. And I have been working for just 1 and half month. The payment to the workers has already been reduced by around 4 dollars less, it is absolutely sad and regrettable how the city disappoints.Our work is already risky, as a survivor of accidents and multiple assaults, In addition, there is an organization that pronounces itself protectors of the deliverists of the city of New York, big affirmations for not having a single program to help the needs of the city workers, in short I agree with the current proposal of minimum payment and categorical rejection of the org that lies to the face of the workers.
    Even I feel 2nd option is more beneficial to my needs, I like the flexibility and so by choosing option 2nd I’ll be able to keep it.

    Comment added March 30, 2023 10:23pm
  • Anonymous

    RE: Bikash Adhikari
    You were the first person to comment on this public discussion page using another alias. Refrain from posting recycled comments. You work for one of the companies fabricating fictitious arguments and you’re impersonating a delivery worker. Nobody should tolerate your fake lies. Just stop.

    Comment added March 31, 2023 9:50am
  • Anonymous

    I support option 1. The platforms (Apps) should pay the workers decent wages and take responsibility for those employees that work for them, including, but not limited to, workers’ compensation. It is time that Apps do not misclassify workers and that pay good wages.

    Comment added March 31, 2023 12:24pm
  • Raul

    Minimum wage will affect everyones ability to work, it will mean a lot of people struggling to get hours and will hurt everyone. Many delivery workers make more then the suggested minimum wage. The only change to be considered should be abolishing the top dasher program which affectively lets doordash manipulate schedules and pay, which is illegal as we are independent contractors. Other then this the flexibility is what makes this work convenient, at times lucrative and fair. Only a select few will get hours to work under minimum wage meaning job loss for many who lack other skills, including ability to speak english.

    Comment added March 31, 2023 2:41pm
  • Edgar Tavarez

    These companies leverage against the workers, the restaurants and the customers, and pit them against each other. All these companies do is pass a note. They don’t prepare or cook any food, they don’t pickup or deliver the food and they take money from the workers, and restaurants and even price gouge the items, in comparison to the actual menus from these restaurants and only talk about the money that they don’t have, while sitting on billions, which they will continue to generate, even if the workers were to get paid $30/hr. Regulations are key. This is NYC! Every business wants to be here and if they’re not forced to play fair here, they’ll continue robbing everyone, in every other region. And I’ve worked for most of these companies since 2014. I’m extremely familiar with their business practices, especially with doordash and UberEATS. Flexibility is not the cost for paying workers an hourly wage, that is a weak talking point that worked in the state of California and ripping those workers out of anything resembling a decent wage.

    Comment added March 31, 2023 2:44pm
  • Emil Batista Hernandez

    This “multi aping” you guys talk about makes no sense, you make it sound like we’re getting paid by 2 or more apps at the same time, no… we can’t duplicate ourselves in order to work 2 deliveries from 2 different apps, the only reason we do multi app is because we get paid so little and most of the day demand is so slow that even with 2 and 3 apps open you only get a few 2$ or 3$ deliveries, this is why we’re forced to cancel deliveries over and over and pray for one of them to have a good tip to finally get to work, this is why we desperately need a minimum livable wage instead of depending of people’s gratuities and these app getting the bigger size of the pie while doing absolutely nothing compared to us risking our lives, getting robbed and sometimes losing our lives just to try and make a living, please stop delaying or lowering the initial wage, we don’t get any insurance, we don’t get any tools, everything to work with we have to pay ourselves and yet we get paid 2.5$ base per delivery and they get to charge 15-30% to the restaurant and about the same % again they charge the costumer, makes me wonder how in heavens they keep “losing money” if they get about 90+% of the pie even from Uber drivers taxis they get 60-80% of what the costumer pays and yet they do nothing other than pay 2$ to costumer service agents from India and 2.5$ to us, im sure they’re hiding something and stealing lots of money, you should seriously consider doing an audit on those thiefs.

    Comment added March 31, 2023 4:29pm
  • Estalin


    Comment added March 31, 2023 5:42pm
  • Kaitlyn

    I’m urging mayor Adams and the NYC council to make good on their deal to a fair minimum wage for workers and hold the delivery service apps accountable for their exploitation. These delays are so disrespectful to those who keep this city fed!

    Comment added March 31, 2023 5:51pm
  • Evelyn Saz

    Apoyo el pago mínimo que propone el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York. Este pago mínimo será de $29.93 por hora para los repartidores que trabajan para aplicaciones que pagan por una entrega, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde que aceptamos un pedido hasta que hacemos la entrega. Solo recibimos el pago cuando entregamos. Este pago no afecta las propinas de los trabajadores porque se pagan por separado. Este salario mínimo garantizará que los repartidores de alimentos tengan suficiente dinero para cubrir sus necesidades básicas y algunos de sus gastos. Por lo tanto, insto al alcalde Adams a que emita una decisión final y que implemente la nueva ley. ¡Gracias!

    Comment added March 31, 2023 6:59pm
  • Anonimo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 31, 2023 10:28pm
  • Anonimo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added March 31, 2023 10:32pm
  • Kevin

    I would prefer getting paid for every hour that I work a set rate, that would really help out very much with bills.

    Comment added March 31, 2023 11:49pm
  • Julio vargas

    I would not like the hourly wage because I love my flexibility to work when I want . I rather would like for the apps to raise the minimum base pay . PS we delivery workers represent ourselves there’s a group called the “deliveristas unidos” they are crooks and take advantage of us they never have done a delivery in their lives .

    Comment added April 1, 2023 7:21am
  • Jackson Dunnington

    Delivery workers take on dangerous work to make NYC run and can’t even afford to live here! $18 minimum wage is the least they deserve

    Comment added April 1, 2023 10:41am
  • Greg

    I disagree, flexibility is a myth when it comes to this job. You cannot go outside at any time of day to make money because of the lack of demand outside of dinner hours. You can log on at any time, but you absolutely do not have the ability to make good money at anytime, so that’s been debunked. Now, getting paid an hourly rate will guarantee stability when NYC is getting less lucrative every passing month with this job. Most often times you are bombarded with $3 and $4 orders. That’s not going to provide stability and financial security. Bottom line, we need to be paid hourly. Anything else is unacceptable and should not be entertained, period.

    Comment added April 1, 2023 11:40am
  • Pedro Salina

    Gracias por todo el arduo trabajo de mis compañeros y los sindicatos de entrega por representar nuestros esfuerzos. Que me paguen un salario digno en el que pueda confiar es excelente. Dieciocho dólares por hora garantizados es lo que necesitamos mis compañeros y yo.

    Comment added April 1, 2023 1:15pm
  • John Malave

    Hello, my name is John. I’ve been working with Doordash for almost 4 years now. I love the flexibility Doordash offers. I am a full-time parent, and I hardly have any time to work full-time jobs. Doordash gives me that breathing room but I can dash when ever I want and end it whenever I need to for this reason I’m against the minimum payments. This takes away the whole flexibility that Doordash now offers. The flexibility allows me to work when I want and be home for my kids when they need me and not having to lose a job because of my inconsistencies I love working for Doordash. The flexibility definitely works for me and I can always make money whenever I need it, thank you Doordash for this opportunity you have given many people. I hope it stays like this, so I could continue providing for my kids, and also remain up a figure in their lives without limitations.

    Comment added April 3, 2023 8:23am
  • Franklin

    No, I disagree with that. We want stable, hourly pay. If you’re not understanding of that it’s because we want more reliable finances. Sorry, but your views are counterproductive in improving the quality of this job. Thank you for understanding.

    Comment added April 3, 2023 10:32am
  • Melvin

    Yo soy deliverista de hace 4 años esto cada año es peor la compañía ya no piensa en los trabajadores ya solo piensan en ellos mimos mientras estamos afuera en clima extremo sin recibir un pago justo apoyo el salario es un dinero que nos ganamos y merecemos como trabajadores

    Comment added April 3, 2023 10:35am
  • Ricardo sanchez

    Estoy de acuerdo porque ganó muy poco con sólo propinas y creo que si somos trabajadores merecemos un salario como cualquiera

    Comment added April 3, 2023 12:25pm
  • Gustavo

    Estoy de acuerdo con un pago justo las compañías pagan deliveries a muy bajo costo y tenemos que recorrer entre 4 y 7 millas para llevar una orden, apoyó 19.96 y 29.93 nuestros gastos operativos también son altos así que este pago no es alto ni bajo es lo justo para todos como trabajadores

    Comment added April 3, 2023 12:53pm
  • Hermenegildo De Jesus

    No es justo correr tantas millas por baja propina las calles están muy peligrosas no tenemos un seguro médico y tenemos que correr siempre con nuestros gastos incluyendo gastos operativos

    Comment added April 3, 2023 1:16pm
  • Francisca Aguilar

    Apoyo el pago mínimo

    Comment added April 3, 2023 1:40pm
  • Guadalupe Aguilar

    Apoyo el salario mínimo

    Comment added April 3, 2023 1:42pm
  • Gilberto

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 3, 2023 3:19pm
  • Eric R. Alvord

    Please reconsider the new rules platform for DoorDash.

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 3, 2023 8:27pm
  • Bikash Adhikari

    A minimum wage is necessary for workers to survive the cost of living. Delivery workers have the right to work without discrimination. $24 is barely enough to keep essential workers paid a living wage; that’s why we can’t budge on the $24 minimum (not $19)!
    The “Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Workers” law is a basic human right.
    Minimum wage is necessary for workers to have fair rights and fight back against discrimination. Adams administration promised a $24 minimum wage but they change it to a $19 wage. That’s not a living wage! These workers are marginalized people and often exploited due to that. They deserve protection, dignity, and a living wage. Imagine this city without delivery workers!

    Comment added April 3, 2023 9:50pm
  • Jonny

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 3, 2023 11:20pm
  • Paris Giselle

    My name is Paris I live on the upper east side I been working as a dasher for 2 years I am writing in opposition to the requirement under nyc proposed pay rules that could force changes to the platform that will restrict how I can use them in a way that works for me I love dashing I also have other gigs to work I love to fit dashing into my schedule because not only I like to deliver I also love seeing new restaurants to support on my free time especially small businesses I love flexibility of it while I want strong minimum pay protections such as extreme pay rate this will definitely harm my flexibility as a freelance artist and dog walker dashing allows me to work around my gigs this is why I choose to be a dasher.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 8:54am
  • jennica

    The “Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Workers” law is a basic human right.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 11:12am
  • Efrain

    Soy Deliverista ya desde un año con Doordash en Upper West Side. Ya tengo dos semanas que no me ha pagado Doordash y estamos luchando para que me pague un salario justo. Nosotros mecermos un pago justo y que estas aplicacion ni siga abusando de nosotros.

    Yo pido al señor alcalde que pase un pago que reconoce nuestro trabajo.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 11:31am
  • Timothy

    There needs a be an hourly pay structure because all these apps do is routinely exploit people with slave wages. As other commenters said on here before, you can’t just dash whenever you want and make good money, that’s not the way it works here. This is not worth doing anymore unless you can get paid by the hour. I completely disagree with people saying that the hourly pay would jeopardize demand. It will not, because orders that people typically wouldn’t do because they pay so low will get done even faster because people are getting paid an hourly rate. It’s hilarious how people think they could log on at 4 in the afternoon and start steadily working. Lmao, you can keep that $5. I’m saving my time for the dinner rush. Anything outside of those hours is a huge waste of time. People need to face reality. These apps are nothing but pocket change to buy milk at the local bodega, lol.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 11:32am
  • Lidia

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 11:52am
  • Señor Alejandro S. Contreras

    Está poniendo muy malo y la paga no está subiendo y mi alquiler y mis facturas se están volviendo muy difíciles de pagar Algo tiene que cambiar porque no estoy ganando nada en los últimos meses. Por favor, por favor, danos un salario garantizado, nos lo merecemos por lo duro que trabajamos..

    Comment added April 4, 2023 12:23pm
  • Jen Kline

    Please move forward with the current proposal to give Delivery Workers a STARTING minimum wage of $17.98/hour. Delivery workers deserve a living wage and they deserve the $24/hour wage proposed by Mayor Adams and not the less than $18/hour wage currently in the legislation. However, they need a living minimum wage ASAP. Please do your part to move this legislation forward now.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 1:53pm
  • Justine LaViolette

    All workers deserve a livable wage. Our city needs a livable minimum wage for delivery drivers NOW!

    Comment added April 4, 2023 2:31pm
  • Melinda Moore

    They deserve it! NYC Deliveristas are out all day and night in every kind of weather for inhumane pay. They deserve $30/hr minimum. The city does not run without their incredibly hard work.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 4:57pm
  • David

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 5:24pm
  • Cristian

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 5:26pm
  • Anonimo

    Exigimos el pago mínimo que propone el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York. Primero, pedimos el pago mínimo de 17.96 dólares por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora. Este pago se incrementará en el año 2025 a 19.96 dólares por hora. Esto tendrá un impacto positivo para los deliveristas que trabajan para la plataforma como Relay que paga por hora. ¿Por qué es importante este aumento? Es importante porque en este momento la plataforma Relay está pagando por debajo del salario mínimo de la ciudad de Nueva York. También exigimos a la ciudad el pago mínimo de 29.93 dólares por hora para los repartidores que trabajan para aplicaciones que pagan por una entrega, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde que aceptamos un pedido hasta que hacemos la entrega. Este pago no afecta las propinas de los trabajadores porque estas se pagan por separado.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 5:54pm
  • Dorian

    We need hourly pay. Fifty cents when doing orders is not enough. Please revise the plan and remove that option, I don’t want to see that with my job. Hourly pay only, thanks.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 6:40pm
  • Sara Flounders

    I support the minimum payment that the New York City government is proposing.
    This minimum pay will be $29.93 per hour for deliverers who work for apps that pay for a delivery, and deliverers will receive 50 cents per minute from the time they accept an order until they make the delivery. Now they only receive payment when they deliver. This payment does not affect the workers’ tips because they are paid separately. This minimum pay will ensure that food delivery workers have enough money to cover their basic needs and some of their expenses. Therefore, I urge Mayor Adams to issue a final rule and implement this new rule. Thank you!

    Comment added April 4, 2023 9:52pm
  • Tony Murphy

    I support the minimum payment that the New York City government is proposing. This minimum pay will be $29.93 per hour for deliverers who work for apps that pay for a delivery, and we will receive 50 cents per minute from the time we accept an order until we make the delivery. We only receive payment when we deliver. This payment does not affect the workers’ tips because they are paid separately. This minimum pay will ensure that food delivery workers have enough money to cover their basic needs and some of their expenses. Therefore, I urge Mayor Adams to issue a final rule and implement this new rule. Thank you!

    Comment added April 4, 2023 9:58pm
  • Alejandro López

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 10:08pm
  • Rene Siney

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 4, 2023 10:22pm
  • John lava

    I agree to a fair payment, without considering my tip as part of the payment, I do not agree to the company taking my tip as part of my payment, if the base pays 8 dollars without tip at a certain distance assuming 1.8 miles and another order with the same distance but that includes a 5 dollar tip and the company only pays 3 dollars to even out the payment, I don’t allow it less in a first world country

    Comment added April 4, 2023 11:27pm
  • Sarao Bery

    Minimum wage is a human right and delivery workers are the hardest working, least protected laborers in NYC.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:09am
  • Anonymous

    I support option #1 the minimum payment proposed by New York City. This minimum pay will be $29.93 per hour for delivery workers who work for apps companies that pay for a delivery, and we will receive 50 cents per minute from the time a delivery worker accept an order until make the delivery. This payment does not affect worker tips because they are paid separately. At the moment people can’t survive with the payment they get now. It’s for the well being of many families that we need the approval of the option number 1. This minimum wage will ensure that delivery workers have enough money to cover their basic needs and some of their expenses. Therefore, I urge the city to issue a final decision and implement the new law. Thank you!

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:19am
  • Sue Harris

    I support the minimum payment that the New York City government is proposing. This minimum pay will be $29.93 per hour for deliverers who work for apps that pay for a delivery, and the workers will receive 50 cents per minute from the time they accept an order until they make the delivery. They only receive payment when they deliver. This payment does not affect the workers’ tips because they are paid separately. This minimum pay will ensure that food delivery workers have enough money to cover their basic needs and some of their expenses. Therefore, I urge Mayor Adams to issue a final rule and implement this new rule. Thank you!

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:26am
  • Dalia

    Good delivery workers are some of the hardest working people in our city and deserve protection through minimum wages

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:42am
  • ginger

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:52am
  • Cheyenne Stewart

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 9:23am
  • Elizabeth Denys

    Delivery workers perform a difficult and dangerous job for less than living wages. The city needs to do everything it can to ensure these essential workers have a safe working environment and are paid a living wage. I urge you to support their ask for a true living wage.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 9:28am
  • Rachel Isreeli

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 9:39am
  • Olivia McGill

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 10:20am
  • Dmitry Kharitonov

    Please I deserve equal pay and equal freedom do not limit our freedom but increase our pay. I am a college student. Also I did some mistakes in the past I am defaulted on debt so right now I am trying to pay off $40k in debt. I remember in 2019/2020 when couriers used to make close to $30 an hour also being flexible to work whenever how ever. I have to make money per order. We as couriers deserve atleast $0.65 a minute per waiting and delivery time. Please help us. We as couriers feed the city we should be respected as anybody would wanted to be. Mayor Adams I ask you to provide us with the help we need. Inflation is hitting us hard, we need $0.65 a minute, $0.50 a minute is not enough if their would only be one order per hour during the summer it is very slow. Also force the apps to close down their applications so that we can have more freedom and space between our work force that way its not over saturated. Please bring back the gig apps back to how they used to be in the good old days and up the pay inflation is taking a heavy toll on us. Thank you.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:08am
  • Bianca Pasternack

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers are still not guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:33am
  • Fredy

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:41am
  • Armando

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:42am
  • Osavaldo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:43am
  • Roberto Carlos

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:43am
  • Perez

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:44am
  • Macario

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:45am
  • Osvaldo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:50am
  • Edward Koral

    If we are discussing delivery workers buying workers’ compensation for themselves, then we have already conceded a major issue for the delivery people, by allowing the food delivery app companies to characterize the delivery workers as independent contractors, and not employees. This is a huge mistake. By agreeing that the delivery workers are “contractors,” we are buying into the disingenuous claptrap spread by the app companies – that the delivery workers are not employees. The facts surrounding their employment show that these workers owe their livelihood to these apps, and they should legally be considered employees of the app companies.

    What are the implications of considering them employees?

    1) The delivery app companies would need to purchase workers’ compensation for their employees, at the app company’s expense.

    2) The delivery app companies would be held liable for the bodily injury and property damage caused when the delivery workers hit pedestrians with their e-bikes.

    Instead of dealing with these two practical realities, we get this:

    • A strange and irrelevant discussion about “tax deductibility” — as if delivery workers are making enough money to itemize deductions on their income taxes? As if they’re depreciating their e-bikes and other equipment? This is a smokescreen meant to conceal the real issue – that delivery workers should not even be buying their own workers’ compensation insurance. Left to their own devices, does anybody really expect delivery workers on e-bikes to be purchasing workers compensation insurance for themselves? Who’s selling it? And what is the mechanism that will require the workers to prove that they are carrying in-force coverage? Can we be real here?

    • If we do compel delivery workers to buy their own workers’ compensation insurance, it is highly likely that they will end up needing to buy it from the New York State Insurance Fund, thus putting the burden of workplace injuries on the people of the State of New York, rather than employers and private insurers.

    • When we characterize delivery workers as independent contractors, we relieve DoorDash, UberEats, Relay, GrubHub, etc. of responsibility for activities of employees delivering on their behalf. The app companies avoid liability for the numerous situations where delivery workers hit pedestrians with their e-bikes. Are the delivery workers carrying liability insurance documenting their financial responsibility for the damage potentially caused by their motor vehicles? Highly unlikely. Delivery workers, knowing that they are potentially fully responsible (because they’re not employed by anybody who carries a liability policy) have an extra incentive to leave the scene of accidents. This proposed rule is completely silent about that issue — it doesn’t deal at all with creating a responsible mechanism for dealing with bodily injury and property damage caused by the delivery workers, and by extension, the people who hire them. Employers in profit-making ventures need to be responsible for the bodily injury and property damage that their businesses inflict on the public. By shifting this responsibility to economically disadvantaged individuals, these employers evade responsibility, pocket the profits, and leave their victims uncompensated.

    To provide some historical perspective, it’s worth noting that social security benefits excluded farm workers and domestic employees for many years. Both of these are professions in which a high percentage of employees were (and are) people of color. In the 1930s our government created this employee benefit that systematically excludes people of color.

    By insisting that delivery workers are independent contractors, we are for all practical purposes denying a workforce comprised mostly of people of color access to basic protections afforded workers in other industries. Does NYC want to repeat this grievous error?

    For DoorDash, UberEats, Relay, GrubHub, et al., the “Holy Grail” lies in preserving the “independent contractor” status of essential delivery workers who make their business run. That’s everything. By buying into that “independent contractor” status, the City makes itself, and all of the people of NYC, chumps for the restaurant lobby.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:51am
  • Casimiro

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:52am
  • Luis A

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:53am
  • Sergio

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:55am
  • Charlene Obernauer

    NYCOSH has supported the efforts of deliveristas to improve their working conditions for many years, advocating for the legalization of e-bikes alongside many worker organizations, and supporting Worker Justice Project and Los Deliveristas Unidos.

    This population faces hazards on the job every day as they struggle to complete their work, including:

    • Deliveristas are forced to deliver as quickly as possible, racing to speed up their work to meet delivery times. This can have tragic impacts on delivery workers and is the result of companies putting pressure on workers instead of supporting them. Further, their bike equipment can be in varied state of disrepair (and should likely be provided by the employer), which can make cycling more dangerous.
    • Deliveristas have high incidents of being struck by cars or other vehicles, which only increases due to their employers placing unreasonable expectations on delivery times. The stress factor of riding in NYC’s streets is dire.
    • Heat and cold hazards as they deliver food in high heat and low cold throughout the year.
    • Deliveristas have been exposed to workplace violence, with some high-profile cases of workers being killed on the job.
    • The stress of earning subpar wages on workers is severe, leading to many stress-induced illnesses.

    Deliveristas deserve living wages so that they can sustain themselves and their families. Living wages should not be reliant upon the tips of generous customers, but should fall on the companies who profit off of the hard work of these essential workers.

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:56am
  • Ernesto San Antonio

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:58am
  • Daniel

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:00pm
  • Anonimo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:03pm
  • Trejo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:04pm
  • Anonimo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:04pm
  • Eduardo

    Con la gente que no entiende lo poco que ganamos, esto era un desastre inevitable, hay gente que no da propina y las aplicaciones esperan que nos arriesguemos a hacer órdenes a esa gente, que a menudo te trata mal y tiene actitudes desagradables. Este trabajo necesita una revisión completa. El problema era que esto no debería haber sido creado a expensas del trabajador para depender de las propinas, simplemente no es suficiente. Queremos que el pago por hora sea el resultado final. Rechaza la idea de que te paguen cincuenta centavos durante las entregas. Eso es muy bajo y no proporciona estabilidad. Para nosotros es importante un salario digno. Insto a la ciudad a que regrese y piense mucho porque este plan revisado ciertamente no lo es. Gracias.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:13pm
  • Yair

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:21pm
  • Ernesto

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:27pm
  • Monica Moorehead

    I support the minimum payment that the New York City government is proposing. This minimum pay will be $29.93 per hour for deliverers who work for apps that pay for a delivery, and they will receive 50 cents per minute from the time they accept an order until the delivery. They only receive payment when they deliver. This payment does not affect the workers’ tips because they are paid separately. This minimum pay will ensure that food delivery workers have enough money to cover their basic needs and some of their expenses. These workers help to make the city run with this work that is vital and difficult. Therefore, I urge Mayor Adams to issue a final rule and implement this new rule. Thank you!

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:30pm
  • Fernando

    Estoy de acuerdo con los compañeros y yo soy uno de los que apoyan cuando se necesita espero pronto se resuelva para nuestro bien

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:30pm
  • José Téllez

    Yo opino igual que los compañeros estaría bien que se subiera el sueldo andar en la calle es un riesgo muy grande como repartidor de comida

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:37pm
  • Gerardo López templos

    Yo opino que nos ayuden con un seguro en caso de acsidentes y el salario que sea justo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:43pm
  • Ricardo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:47pm
  • Santos

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:51pm
  • Anónimo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:51pm
  • Coah

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:54pm
  • Yhair Cuamatzi

    Yo estoy a favor de la nueva regla que se quiere proponer

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:56pm
  • Francisco Pazaran

    Hola buenos días soy de los deliverista me gustaría que ubiera un buen salario para todos nosotros los que somos deliverista por que ahí deliberes de 3 por solo 7 dólares o muy baratos, y respecto a la policía me gustaría que nos apoyen más por luego se dedican a ponernos tikes y apoyan a los ratas y eso no es justo nosotros solo queremos trabajar bn tarde

    Comment added April 5, 2023 12:58pm
  • Rogelio

    Esperemos que hayga un salario justo que nos tomen en cuenta que cada día estamos arriesgando nuestras vidas en las calles

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:04pm
  • Kathy Park Price

    I wholeheartedly support Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Workers

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:05pm
  • Zack Youngren

    I fully support this rule. Our delivery workers deserve a living wage, and the power differential between large corporations and individual workers means that we the people need to come to the aid of and stand with our workers.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:07pm
  • Ricardo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:07pm
  • Alison Wade

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:08pm
  • Villegas

    Estoy de acuérdo por un salario justo para llevar buenas ganancias para cuidar mejor de nuestras familias

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:09pm
  • Rivero

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:10pm
  • Emmanuel Gómez

    Estoy de acuerdo con el pago por hora creo que nos veríamos más beneficiados

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:14pm
  • Alejandro

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:15pm
  • Macario

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:18pm
  • Santos

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:19pm
  • Joe Zhu


    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.


    Joe Zhu

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:44pm
  • Dale Corvino

    I support this rule. Delivery workers should not be subject to a work environment that incentivizes them to rush and take risky actions on NYC’s streets/sidewalks. A better-paid delivery workforce will result in safer streets/sidewalks.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:44pm
  • Sergio

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:47pm
  • Colau

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:47pm
  • Ramon

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 1:52pm
  • Erik velazquez

    Estoy de acuerdo con un pago justo soy un trabajador del área de queens y me siento agredido ganar solamente por propinas me gustaría tener un salario mínimo.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:13pm
  • Jorge Téllez

    Las aplicaciones no nos pagan un salario y la verdad como trabajador considero que la ciudad debe presionar a estas compañías para un pago justo a nosotros que nos arriesgamos en este trabajo.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:16pm
  • Antonio

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:21pm
  • Yovani

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:24pm
  • Antonio

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:25pm
  • Javier

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:26pm
  • Rubicel

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:30pm
  • Adrian

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:31pm
  • Anonymous

    Okay, let’s please be professional and civil by not returning to old ways by copy and pasting comments again. You’re not supporting the fight for fair pay by spamming that. Please refrain from doing that, or else I will contact the DCWP to begin auditing and flagging fictitious comments.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:33pm
  • Oldair

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:37pm
  • Samuel

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:40pm
  • Samuel

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:43pm

    I would like to offer testimony for the hearing on April 7, 2023.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 2:46pm
  • Carlos

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 3:19pm
  • Carlota

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 3:21pm
  • Carlos

    Apoyo el a aumento al salario mínimo para los trabajadores Deliveristas de la ciudad de NU.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 3:25pm
  • Ignacio

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 3:37pm
  • Animomo

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 3:38pm
  • Yony

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 4:17pm
  • Isidro

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 4:18pm
  • Joni

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 4:19pm
  • Dmitry

    I would like flexibility over controlled wages. The second option is great to get paid per minute on delivery. I would like to deliver my opinion on flexibility and proper pay please increase the pay to $0.65 a minute. The pay of $0.50 per minute is not bearable with inflation and the amount of requests going on right now we need to make at-least $20 per hour with the flexibility option. Please Mayor Adams asking you for help we need this done. I want to carry my self through college and pay for my debt without having to need to pan handle and get food on the streets. I am a citizen born and raised in Brooklyn. We deserve fair pay Mayor Adams. Please respect our work thank you!

    Comment added April 5, 2023 5:09pm
  • Olive Siu


    Delivery workers kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 5:09pm
  • Gurpreet Singh

    Hello, I wanted to leave my message for consideration to help us in our jobs in this delivery business. In Queens we have to travel such long distance for lousy fare. Before everything was OK, I was seeing extra money on the map, but since last year it has all stopped with no question. I cannot make even 50% what I use to work for. Yesterday I was working all day since the morning and I had only $44 in my pocket after the Sun went down. That’s like $4 for 1 hour work. Not good. Why don’t organization pay us for hours? People now don’t put a value into the person who helps with these deliveries. I feel pain in my body from the constant movement, and with almost 0 in my pocket I feel not useful to the world. The wage minimum here is at 16 dollar. Why cannot we achieve same results?

    Comment added April 5, 2023 5:35pm
  • Kellie B

    Hi, my name is Kellie B. and I’m from Canisteo, NY. I’ve been delivering for door dash for almost 6 months. I’m writing because I am in opposition of NYC pay requirement. I started doing Door Dash because of the flexibility with scheduling. I am a mom of 5 and my husband has a lot of health issues so it makes it difficult to work on a schedule which is why Door Dash was the perfect option for me.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 5:41pm
  • Anonimo

    Apoyo el incremento salarial para los trabajadores repartidores de comidas en la ciudad de Nueva York. Es necesario que los trabajadores tengan un salario que les ayude a vivir en esta ciudad. Por eso apoyo el salario de 20.96 para aquellos trabajadores que le pagan por delivery, y también el aumento de salario para aquellos trabajadores que trabajan por horas. Las aplicaciones están haciendo una cantidad inmensa de dinero a costa de los trabajadores.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 5:52pm
  • Sylvia Morse

    As a lifelong New York City resident, consumer-user of delivery apps, and urban policy analyst who worked closely with independent immigrant service workers in New York City fighting for fair wage standards in the digital gig economy, I strongly urge the City of New York to adopt the proposed rule to establish methods for determining the minimum payments that must be made to a food delivery worker by a third-party food delivery service or third-party courier service. The establishment of new minimum wage standards is already past the legal deadline of January 1, 2023, and must be addressed urgently to ensure fair wages for affected workers. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay.

    However, I do not support the adoption of a new “alternative method” under the Second Proposed Rule that would “reducing the minimum pay rate to account for the time workers spend connected to multiple apps (‘multiapping’).”

    The methods should produce minimum wages that provide a living wage in New York City. A living wage in the NYC metropolitan area is estimated at $22.51/hour for an individual with no children, and $44.20/hour for an adult with one child (MIT Living Wage Calculator, DCWP’s own research finds that app-based restaurant delivery workers “earn $14.18 per hour with tips and $7.09 per hour without tips,” which are below minimum wage and in some cases below poverty wages ($8.80/hour for an adult with 1 child, according to the MIT Living Wage Calculator) The initial proposed minimum wage standard of $23.82 by 2025 was much closer to (but still not reaching) a living wage.

    Large companies that run delivery apps and dominate the majority of the sector should not be able to offer a lower standard wage simply because the average utilization rate among worker-users is at least 53%. Utilization rates vary tremendously for workers depending on how long they have been on the app (as they learn to use the platform) and childcare and other obligations, among other factors. Workers who still rely on multiapping to cobble together full-time or otherwise sufficient work will continue to rely on the largest delivery apps that control the market, and should not be forced to work for lower wages simply because the app’s average utilization rates are higher.

    It’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 6:17pm
  • Miriam Edwin

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 6:38pm
  • Philip Winchester

    Delivery workers have become an essential part of how NYC operates. As the city of New York we have a responsibility that they are compensated fairly for helping everyone.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 6:45pm
  • Juan Miguel

    De acuerdo al salario mínimo para todos nos merecemos este pago

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:12pm
  • Jaime

    El pago nos ayudaría para mejor nuestra nivel de vida

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:12pm
  • Pedro

    Vamos a apoyar el salario porque nunca nos pagan y se quedan con la propinas la aplicación

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:14pm
  • Alex

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:15pm
  • Alfredo

    Apoyamos el salario porque somos trabajadores como cualquiera de la ciudad de ny

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:16pm
  • Fernando

    Estoy de acuerdo con el salario

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:18pm
  • Luis

    Estoy deacuerdo con ellpago lo necessitamos Pago Minimo ahora

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:20pm
  • Allison

    “I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.”

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:25pm
  • Brian Roberto Islas Cruz

    Estoy de acuerdo con el salario ya que nos benfisira a todos señor alcalde lo necesitamos pago minimo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:25pm
  • 9296338227

    Si estoy deacuercon el pago

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:25pm
  • 9295604375

    Si está bien en el pago

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:29pm
  • Chavez

    Estoy de acuerdo CV on el salario ya konquiero llevar del
    Loveris de 3 o 4 dólares pago mínimo pago mínimo señor alcalde

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:30pm
  • Rodolfo

    Quiero el pago noso emos ganado por todp el esfuerzo que emos echo pago minimo señor alcalde

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:32pm
  • Rubén

    Estoy de acuerdo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:34pm
  • Luis Calle

    Cuando nos accidentamos tenemos q poner de nuestra bolsa y la app no nos da nada necesitamos un pago mínimo ahora

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:35pm
  • José Luis

    Estoy de acuerdo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:36pm
  • Flores

    El pago lo necesitamos elmpago ya que no os alcanza y son muchos gastos y el pago es lo que nescitomos señor alcalde

    Pago mínimo pago mínimo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:37pm
  • Miles Shelton

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat
    during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly
    use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that
    New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all
    workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the
    Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation
    of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five
    months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We
    must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:39pm
  • Gregory Suter

    In a city that considers itself great, it is unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:39pm
  • Alexis

    Si estoy de acuerdo con que paguen por hora

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:41pm
  • Vivian Wright

    I’m basing my master’s thesis on delivery work here in NYC and my research centers around the independent contractors who work for the companies Relay, Uber, Doordash, Grub Hub, and Chowbus. I conducted several interviews throughout the 5 boroughs at all times of day, throughout the 7 days of the week, and these are the top 5 concerns that the IC’s who I interviewed have:

    1.) Unstable earnings that dramatically fluctuate from day to day, causing the workers persistent financial strain.

    2.) Wages that are subject to theft, with many customers revoking tips while the worker is enroute, effectively gaming the worker for their labor without the compensation that they had agreed upon.

    3.) No paid time off available in any form. If a worker were to sustain an injury or experience a burglary on the job, there is no structure in place to reverse their lost productivity.

    4.) A vast reduction in monetary incentives compared to previous years that has significantly lowered the overall earnings of IC’s.

    5.) An overall feeling that their complaints aren’t being addressed despite years of ongoing development surrounding their work.

    From what I have gathered interviewing a total of 122 independent contractors associated with the companies mentioned earlier from the period December 21st, 2022 – March 31st, 2023, 109 out of 122 (~89.3%) of them indicated insufficient earnings within the first 30 seconds of the interview. This appears to be the most prominent complication involving app-based delivery work: insufficient earnings.

    Not noted above, but worth discussing is that in Upper Manhattan and The Bronx, IC’s reported stolen equipment/theft at a level that I would consider statistically significant, with 30 out of 41 (~73%) interviewees that represent The Bronx alone citing that they were burglarized by antisocial individuals and groups in areas at least once in the past 12 months. They mentioned not generating sufficient income to purchase new equipment, and would resort to borrowing second-hand equipment such as mopeds from family members to resume their employment. A whopping 71 out of 77 (~92.2%) of the interviewees that represent both Upper Manhattan and The Bronx had complaints that centered around the lack of dependable tips in these neighborhoods, and that they faced frequent negative ratings, (disproportionately to the rest of the city) especially in Uber’s customer-centric rating system that also penalizes workers for unassigning themselves from orders, even if they feel unsafe to perform them.

    In conclusion, I highly support a wage standard for app-based delivery workers that is dependable. A revision in the second draft of the proposed law to compensate workers a mere 50 cents per minute when engaged in deliveries would further enable the delivery companies to mistreat the workforce and sustain ongoing, undue pressure on them, all while ensuring that they’ll never be able to rise economically under current conditions. I sincerely hope that these workers receive the guaranteed wages that they so desperately deserve. Having interviewed them has been an enlightening experience and one that will never make me look at delivery companies the same again.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:41pm
  • Alejandro

    Estamos de acuerdo con el salario ya que lo necesitamos y ya nos alcanza lo que nos da la app es importante salario mínimo pago mínimo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:43pm
  • Javier santos

    Si estoy de acuerdo con que paguen por hora

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:44pm
  • Chris Trujillo

    Exigimos un pago Justo. No vale la pena arriesgar nuestra vida por esos viajes sin propina y pago de base tan bajos soy delivery boy casi 15 años. Los últimos 2 años está pésimo. Dedicarse a hacer este trabajo muy riesgoso se exige algo Justo. Y fuera ligia gualpa 😞

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:45pm
  • Cristian Villegas

    Estoy de acuerdo con el salario y espero que mejoren nuestras condiciones laborales

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:47pm
  • Valentin

    Apoyo total al pago mínimo ya que nos beneficiará a todos los que hacemos este trabajo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:50pm
  • Ismael

    Si estoy de acuerdo con el salario mínimo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:52pm
  • Josécarlos

    Si estoy de acuerdo con el salario

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:55pm
  • adan

    estoy de acuerdo con el salario xq muchas veces van deliverys muy baratos y muy lejos y pues nos arriesgamos a muchas cosas como el frío el agua haberes sin comer y pues creo q estaría super bien q agregen el pago minimo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 7:55pm
  • Juan

    Estamos de acuerdo con Los salarioya que nose combines tops

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:03pm
  • Isidro

    Estoy de acuerdo CV con el salario ya que nos beneficia salario mínimo salario mínimo

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:06pm
  • Maralin Springer

    I am writing in opposition to the NYC earnings standard’s aggregate pay requirement.

    Currently, I work a full-time position with NYS, but I still need extra income to cover unexpected bills and expenses. Because of my irregular and unpredictable schedule, most part time jobs don’t provide a feasible option for me.

    I started my gig work with Grubhub around 2018, and have been delivering for DoorDash and Uber for about the last 2-3 years. Since there’s no requirement for when or how long you work, I figured there was no harm in giving it a try. It’s turned out to be one of the best career decisions I’ve made.

    I have found that having the flexibility to work in whatever time I have available is an absolute necessity for me, and has made a definite positive impact on my financial health.

    If I’m in a pinch I can hit the road to earn some quick cash and cover last minute things like gas, parking, tolls, overdrafts, Escrow shortages, etc.

    This helps me not only to make ends meet, but work to maintain/ improve my credit score. Unlike my full time job, I can say that the harder I work, the more it pays off…. and if it didn’t work for ME, I wouldn’t keep doing it.

    I definitely appreciate that I am the one in control of which jobs I accept, complete or decline. I do NOT want to start seeing things like “once accepted you must complete the order, ” or “you must accept all offered jobs.” Those are the type of requirements that make it more difficult for someone like me to earn additional income.

    Because I can turn down job offers, I’m able to choose only safe places and times to work, as well as finding the best paying job offers available.

    Employers like DoorDash and Uber are already offering very helpful incentives to their delivery partners, many of which are comparable to or even better than the incentives offered by my full time employer (cash back on gas, tuition, and discounts on food orders are just a few). I worry that the proposed changes will limit these companies’ ability to provide us with these incentives and to allow the scheduling flexibility that enables so many of us to do this work in the first place

    In 2021, I underwent foot surgery and needed flexibility in my work conditions as I couldn’t sit or stand for very long periods. My employer refused my request to work from home even for part of my schedule, which forced me to take leave instead.

    Being able to “Dash” for DoorDash during those few months not only became a way to keep on top of my mounting medical expenses, but it also helped with my physical recovery, as I could give my foot daily exercise and stop as soon as I felt it was too much – something considered unreasonable by my full time employer.

    The idea of setting a minimum wage for these positions sounds like a great idea until you consider all of the control that the worker would lose in the process.

    The recent laws that have been put in place in NY have already solved many of the issues that used to be a problem for delivery workers. Now that I am able to set distance limits, see full trip information, time estimates, customer tips and more, I’ve enjoyed doing this work even more than before.

    It’s also been great to see these companies working with, and not against, their delivery partners, not only seeking input but actually implementing the ideas that work. Not to mention that it has helped to create new bonds in our communities, as restaurants (old and new), drivers and customers engage and “discover” each other.

    Aside from losing these perks of flexibility, I worry that turning gig work into minimum wage work will only feed into that cycle of eliminating jobs/hours in order to reduce payroll costs, or raising requirements for applicants to get into basic entry-level positions (ie. requiring a Bachelors degree to do simply clerical work). That would affect not only gig workers, but other industries as well.

    Please don’t ruin a good thing by taking away what has become a helpful, productive and entrepreneurial experience for so many hard working people.

    These jobs work BECAUSE of the fact the gig worker is in control, not in spite of it. Mandating a minimum wage will have negative effects on this industry and those who depend on it to maintain their livelihood.

    I appreciate the chance to weigh in on this issue, and hope our leaders will do what is best for us as citizens and workers.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:10pm
  • Mathew

    I am in support of the increase of the minimum wage for delivery workers in the City of New York. It is time that delivery workers get paid living wages. In support of the increase per hour and per delivery to 29.96. By passing this rule, the Adam’s administration will do what is right.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:38pm
  • Ramona

    Apoyo mejores salarios para los trabajadores de delivery en la ciudad de Nueva York. Es justo que las plataformas empiecen a pagar un buen salario para los trabajadores por hora y también aquellos trabajadores que son pagados por delivery. Ese salario debe de ser 29.96 dólares y las compañías deben respetar las propinas de los trabajadores.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:42pm
  • Raina Wong

    I’m extremely grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now!

    Comment added April 5, 2023 8:46pm
  • Eloy

    Estly de acuerdo con elmpago ppr hora ya que lo necessitates

    Comment added April 5, 2023 9:02pm
  • Emilio Flores

    Apoyo el pago mínimo que propone el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York. Este pago mínimo será de $29.93 por hora para los repartidores que trabajan para aplicaciones que pagan por una entrega, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde que aceptamos un pedido hasta que hacemos la entrega. Solo recibimos el pago cuando entregamos. Este pago no afecta las propinas de los trabajadores porque se pagan por separado. Este salario mínimo garantizará que los repartidores de alimentos tengan suficiente dinero para cubrir sus necesidades básicas y algunos de sus gastos. Por lo tanto, insto al alcalde Adams a que emita una regla final e implemente esta nueva regla. ¡Gracias!

    Comment added April 5, 2023 9:31pm
  • Elsa Ponce De Maria

    Legislation should set minimum pay for delivery workers. We must not allow large corporations and capitalism to continue impacting the rights of these workers. They deserve fair earnings for the essential services they provide to New Yorkers. They are at a far greater risks performing their job on the streets and deserve greater protection and hazard pay. Deliveristas have brought great convenience to our daily lives and the demand for delivery services will not decrease, fair payment should be addressed ASAP. I am and architect and urbanist working closely with gig workers. Since 2021 I have been involved in the design of a work center for the Workers Justice Project and Los Deliveristas Unidos in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I have interviewed the workers and I know first hand about the challenges they face. I fully support this rule and hope they receive the wages and protections they deserve.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 9:32pm
  • Rafael

    Apoyo el pago mínimo que propone el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York. Este pago mínimo será de $29.93 por hora para los repartidores que trabajan para aplicaciones que pagan por una entrega, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde que aceptamos un pedido hasta que hacemos la entrega. Solo recibimos el pago cuando entregamos. Este pago no afecta las propinas de los trabajadores porque se pagan por separado. Este salario mínimo garantizará que los repartidores de alimentos tengan suficiente dinero para cubrir sus necesidades básicas y algunos de sus gastos. Por lo tanto, insto al alcalde Adams a que emita una regla final e implemente esta nueva regla. ¡Gracias!

    Comment added April 5, 2023 10:09pm
  • Ricardo

    Queremos pago por hora, ninguna promesa de flexibilidad, es solo una mentira…y por favor quita la opción alternativa, eso es bajando mi pago solo paga por hora, paga por hora, paga por hora!

    Comment added April 5, 2023 10:28pm
  • Miguel

    Apoyo lo que el gobierno de Nueva York, en apoyo a nuestros hermanos que reciban su pago por hora de $29.93. Independiente de sus propinas.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 10:30pm
  • Fairdelivery

    As inflation has raised prices strangely enough these delivery companies are paying us LESS! While charging the customers a slew of new fees none of which are passed through to us. I think this is a step in the right direction. Am i nervous about how the companies will retaliate surely they cant afford to pay all their current drivers this new amount. Just how will they decide who gets to stay and who gets let go.

    Comment added April 5, 2023 10:44pm
  • oneline

    Um… Tips should be bonuses not wages!!! But right now the delivery companies are using their customers(tips) to pay for their workers essentially, they charge the customers fees to even cover the base payouts. They are literally getting free workers. This had to stop

    Comment added April 5, 2023 11:45pm
  • Gabriel Lee

    As a fellow cyclist who appreciates the delivery workers who bring me food, working under often harsh and unsafe conditions and constant pressure while underpaid, I support minimum pay for the workers! It’s literally the minimum we can do. Thank you!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 12:18am
  • pepi

    thank u to all the delivery drivers who deliver warm food on a cold/ snowy/ rainy day. You guys provide such an essential service and i really appreciate the work u guys do. you should be compensated for all of your labour.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 12:32am
  • Monica

    Deliveristas have been keeping our economy afloat for over 3 years. They are the reason nonessential workers could get groceries delivered during March and April 2020. They helped keep restaurants, mom and pop shops, bodegas, and even big businesses afloat during the pandemic, bringing us our favorite meals when we couldn’t safely dine out or delivering a working laptop charger from Best Buy when ours was broken and we had class in the evening. They make sure people don’t endanger themselves trying to get food after a night bar hopping or in a heavy rainstorm. Many people call this kind of work “unskilled” but I disagree. Time management, road knowledge, tact, language skills, troubleshooting tech—all of these and more are required to do this job. They easily spend over 8 hours—which in any other industry is considered outrageous or reason for overtime pay—on the job. They are getting paid a fraction of what NYC has determined is a livable wage simply because the companies have exploited a loophole in our labor laws. It is inhumane for these companies to take so much of the profit when their entire business is run by their drivers—without their labor, there is no business at all! It’s time for these essential workers to get paid a living wage and for Ubers/Grubhub/Doordash/etc to recognize the value of their deliveristas.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 2:05am
  • Coco Brown

    This is common sense. Give delivery workers fair compensation. Pay delivery laborers a fair minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 6:58am
  • Sara’o Bery

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:22am
  • Toni Arenstein

    I am a retired nurse and I am outraged about the inability of the city to make it possible for delivery workers to make a living when they work such a hard unsafe job that helps many New Yorkers. These workers deliver food to people in every weather condition from torrential rains, blizzards, and 90 degree high humidity. Do people think about this when they order food through these apps. And people sometimes refuse the order and in this case the worker does not get paid by the companies that employ them. I remember reading that some delivery workers worked on days like this and traveled miles with a minimal tip and not paid for those hours that they worked. Every worker should receive adequate compensation for their hard work so I support the minimum payment that the New York City government is proposing. This minimum pay should be $29.93 per hour for delivery workers who work for apps that pay for a delivery, and should receive 50 cents per minute from the time we accept an order until they make the delivery. Currently they only receive payment when they deliver. This payment does not affect the workers’ tips because they are paid separately. This minimum pay will ensure that food delivery workers have enough money to cover their basic needs and some of their expenses. Therefore, I urge Mayor Adams to issue a final decision and implement this new rule. Thank you!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:48am
  • Kerry Goleski

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:07am
  • Gabriel Feldman-Schwartz

    I am in full support of a minimum pay rule for delivery workers. They work dangerously and tirelessly to deliver food in NYC, and deserve to be compensated fairly!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:11am
  • Carolina

    Let delivery workers keep their money!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:22am
  • Jacob Udell

    Delivery workers deserve all they are asking for and more!

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:35am
  • Megan Friedlander

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:36am
  • Anna Melendez

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who keep many New Yorkers fed and who also kept the city and many small businesses afloat during the height of the pandemic. I use food delivery apps – such as GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that these companies are profiting from a growing business model, while delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. All workers deserve living wages to support themselves and their families, and every single worker should be entitled to a minimum wage. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021 which has resulted the withholding of wages. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:51am
  • Nadia Qurashi

    New York City relied heavily on delivery workers to keep our residents fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak. They risked their lives to enable people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as GrubHub – and it’s utterly shameful that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no time for delay. We must do everything we can to ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:12am
  • Tara Duvivier

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now. This city is already unaffordable for so many. These delivery workers have a hard job which requires them to deal with NYC traffic, NYC weather, and it is unconscionable that we aren’t ensuring a decent wage.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:23am
  • Elisabeth Dyssegaard

    All of us who lived through COVID are forever grateful to the delivery workers who risked their lives to keep New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat. And every day we see these same workers in the streets under extremely tough conditions. It’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. You must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:26am
  • Tal Frieden

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:36am
  • Toya Lillard

    “I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.”

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:38am
  • Angelique De Castro

    As a resident of NYC who loves the diversity of food options and small business owners who have started to rely on deliver food options to keep afloat, we need to pay delivery workers fairly. They often endure harsh conditions just to deliver those who have the privilege of working from home and ordering delivery– sometimes for just a meager $1 tip. This is unfair and unjust. Delivery workers, regardless of immigration status, are New Yorkers too, and they deserve fair pay for the work they do.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:45am
  • Morgan Geraghty

    I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:47am
  • Miguel Medrano Azpiroz

    I’m very grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. During the COVID-19 outbreak, my wife was pregnant, so I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – to eat each day for many months. New York City’s food delivery workers helped me to feed my family during one of the most challenging times of our lives.
    I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage.
    Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021.
    This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. New York City must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:51am
  • Caroline Louise David

    As a lifetime NYC resident, I believe it’s absolutely unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021 – this revised proposal is not enough for worker’s survival.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:54am
  • Áine Hanners

    Workers should be getting a fair wage. Letting apps and platform capitalists take advantage of workers without giving them proper protections, unemployment, health insurance, maintenance costs, is untenable. Pay the delivery workers and stop subsidizing poverty profiteering from these corporate vultures. No job as deadly, difficult, and underappreciated as delivery worker should be paid so little money.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:58am
  • Jackson

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:04am
  • Jade Verette

    “I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.”


    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:04am
  • Mary

    Food delivery workers deserve more than minimum wage. They brave dangerous conditions daily and so many New Yorkers are rely on their services. Pay them more.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:05am
  • Lauren Goshinski

    I support this change to pay food delivery workers $19 min wage

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:13am
  • Tracy Fortson

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now. PLEASE support NYC’s food delivery workers, as they helped us to survive while we were quarantined during the pandemic. Thank you for your consideration.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:15am
  • santana benitez

    “I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.”

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:18am
  • Dan Cretella

    No one should be getting paid below minimum wage. Food delivery workers kept many restaurants from permanently closing their doors during lockdowns and play an essential role in the city’s economy. Give them the respect they deserve and mandate their employers compensate them fairly.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:20am
  • Jade

    Gig workers, especially those who deliver food throughout our city, deserve minimum pay. These workers risk their own lives in NYC traffic, pushing their bodies to the limit for hours upon hours in all kinds of weather each day to deliver food to New Yorkers. Without a minimum wage, the very people who deliver food to homes and businesses across the city struggle to feed themselves. These workers are a big part of our city’s economic system and they help restaurants expand their reach beyond the vicinity of their establishments. More importantly, these workers are members of our community. We need to ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:33am
  • Anthony Capote

    April 7, 2023

    To: Department of Consumer and Worker Protections

    Re: Protecting Pay Standard Study for App-Based Food Delivery Workers

    In 2022, the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection recommended a groundbreaking wage standard for app-based delivery service workers in New York City. The proposed pay scale represented a major victory for the more than 123,000 deliveristas operating within the five boroughs and provided a model for suitable wage standards for independent contractors doing similar work around the country.

    The 2022 proposed rule of $23.82/hour established an hourly pay scale that compensated workers for time they spent on call, and it included components to help offset the expenses delivery workers incur on the job and their lack of health benefits. The proposed rule was a major advance over the status quo of no standard, but it was rightly criticized by many as not having gone far enough. In particular, workers deemed the expense component of the pay scale to be inadequate.

    Rather than respond to these arguments for an increase in the wage standard, however, Mayor Eric Adams now seeks to roll back the proposed hourly wage for delivery workers, effectively undoing both major successes from the first proposed rule.

    First, the mayor proposed a lower hourly rate of $19.96. This is just not adequate to ensure a decent wage for workers who have to pay for their own equipment, health care coverage, and often work through inclement weather conditions.

    In addition, the mayor allows app companies to pick between this normal way of paying an hourly wage, and an “alternative method” that would would only cover the time from pick-up to delivery. That leaves out the time workers spend waiting or traveling to the pick-up. This alternative method effectively allows delivery service companies to opt-out of the hourly wage standard workers fought so hard to achieve. The mayor’s proposal makes a modest effort to include a higher wage standard for companies that choose the alternative method, which aims to ensure pay equity for workers across the two methods. This method would force delivery companies to pay a premium of $33.27 per hour that workers have orders in hand.

    While at first glance, this model may sound preferable to the standard, it is a misleading figure. The key point is that it is a rate for the time workers have orders in hand. Paying $33.27 per hour for the time in hand is actually lower than paying $23.82 per hour for the full time people are working. It is intended to be the equivalent to paying just $19.96 per hour for the full work time, but it is in fact likely even less than that.

    Because workers are not guaranteed a certain number of deliveries per hour or shift, paying only for time-in-hand ensures that workers will not receive a consistent pay rate from one week to the next, increasing the precarity of their economic situation.

    The reduction in the overall rate for payment—from $23.82 to $19.96—primarily comes down to the mayor arbitrarily reducing the wage rate by $3.60 per hour by imposing a penalty for “multi-apping,” an industry myth that the mayor has employed to justify slashing the original wage standard.

    “Multi-apping” occurs when deliveristas must log into work for several delivery platforms at once to make ends meet. It is worth pointing out that multi-apping is relatively rare. According to DCWP’s own report, app-based delivery workers in New York spent less than one-fifth (17.7 percent) of their time logged in to more than one application in the fourth quarter of 2021.

    Multi-apping is not only uncommon among deliveristas, but also undesirable for workers. Most app-based delivery workers would prefer to work for only one app at a time, but low wages make doing so unfeasible in many cases. The primary driver behind muti-apping is that companies refuse to pay workers for on-call time spent on the app waiting for orders. One of the many virtues of the first proposed rule, in fact, is that it would require delivery service companies to pay for on-call time. A strong hourly wage standard of $23.82 would largely eliminate the need for multi-apping in the first place.

    The mayor’s proposed rule uses the myth of multi-apping to justify cutting back a significant wage hike for thousands of New Yorkers by penalizing all delivery service workers regardless of whether they have ever engaged in multi-apping. The $3.60 reduction is little more than an arbitrary way to appease delivery platforms like Seamless, GrubHub, and UberEATS. Instead of going towards supporting workers’ families, that money will instead wind up in the pockets of app owners and venture capitalists who are content to make billions off the backs of New York’s underpaid workers.

    The undersigned organizations and individuals join a myriad of voices from within city government including Comptroller Brad Lander, Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso, and 11 City Council members in urging the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to institute the first proposed rule that would pay workers $23.82/hour. App-based delivery workers deserve fair compensation for their work serving millions of New Yorkers.


    Immigration Research Initiative
    Economic Policy Institute
    Community Service Society of New York

    Deborah Glasserman
    Cathy Rowan
    Sarah Zimmerman
    Janet Bauer
    Samantha Sanders
    Debipriya Chatterjee
    Valerie Lucznikowska

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:36am
  • Clara Flores

    This city would grind to a halt without deliveriestas. They need to be compensated accordingly to the effort, time and resources they put into their work. They provide a service that allows for people to sit at home and order food during some of the worst conditions and risk their lives in NYC traffic. They should be guaranteed a minimum wage and be guaranteed their rights and have their demand met.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:42am
  • Jaclyn Biskup

    Pay these people a living minimum wage!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 12:06pm
  • Evelyn Perez

    This bill is so important and it needs to pass. The amount that delivery app workers get after services is abysmal and unsustainable especially in New York City.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 12:10pm
  • Nevin Cohen

    Comments on the NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Second Proposed Rule Establishing Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Workers
    Nevin Cohen, Mustafa Hussein, Emilia Vignola – CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute
    Sherry Baron – The Barry Commoner Center for Health and the Environment
    April 7, 2023
    The CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute’s research and education aims to advance just, healthy, and resilient urban food systems, which includes the health and wellbeing of food workers. The Barry Commoner Center’s mission is to identify and help solve environmental and occupational threats to human health. Together, we have been examining the occupational safety and health issues facing food delivery workers, from the stresses caused by the algorithms that govern platform-based work to the specific risks of low-wage, precarious delivery work in a dense city like New York.

    In our previous testimony, we commended the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) for its efforts to set a floor for the hourly compensation of food delivery workers that is fair, adequate, and consistent. We also recognized the critical efforts of worker organizations like Los Deliveristas Unidos and their members in bringing to light the inequities of app-based delivery work, documenting the experiences faced by delivery workers, and demanding policies to ensure that these essential workers receive adequate compensation.

    Based on our assessment of the revised rules and considering continued concerns raised by organizations like Los Deliveristas, who represent many of the city’s food delivery workers, and the NYC Comptroller and numerous City Council Members, we urge DCWP to make three important changes:

    (1) Eliminate the proposed $3.60 adjustment for multi-apping. Apart from the limitations of estimating multi-app behavior from survey data collected in just one quarter in 2021, the method the DCWP used to calculate the multi-app adjustment is premised on faulty assumptions. Considering the limited evidence of how multi-apping affects current compensation and how it is likely that practices will change in the first year of the new rule, we feel it is prudent not to recommend any downward adjustment in the base pay. Doing so would likely perpetuate the practice of paying delivery workers a sub-minimum wage.

    (2) Eliminate the proposed phase in rate. Requiring companies to pay 100% of the full rate ($23.82) as of the effective date of the rule would ensure that workers gain the anticipated benefits of the higher compensation level immediately.

    (3) As the new rule is implemented, it is critical for DCWP to collect and provide access to data to enable workers, labor organizations, and researchers, as well as DCWP staff, to monitor implementation and evaluate the rule’s effectiveness at ensuring that delivery workers receive fair compensation and that the new minimum compensation level results in financial and wellbeing gains. We recommend requiring third-party food delivery or courier services to collect and report to DCWP data on worker equipment theft and breakage and on-the-job accidents and injury. Such data would enable DCWP to assess the need to re-evaluate the hourly expense component of the minimum compensation rate and whether additional regulations are required to improve the safety of food delivery work.

    Thank you for the opportunity to present our comments today. We are happy to clarify or elaborate on our remarks and look forward to working with DCWP and the city’s food delivery workforce as the rules are implemented.

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 6, 2023 12:14pm
  • Bria McNeal

    Don’t be greedy. Pay people a fare wage!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 12:33pm
  • Victoria Hernandez

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.✊🏽

    Comment added April 6, 2023 12:39pm
  • Brendan O'Connor

    At the height of the Covid-19 outbreak, it was delivery workers who kept New York City fed and its restaurants in business. That these workers still are not guaranteed a minimum wage is unacceptable; likewise, the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021 is unacceptable. As a result of this decision, these workers, who rely on tips to make ends meet, have had at least five months of pay withheld. They must be granted a minimum wage immediately.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 12:52pm
  • James Jones

    As a remote tech worker living in Manhattan I fully support minimum pay for food delivery workers. It would be barbarism to do anything else.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:00pm
  • Jaime Caro

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:00pm
  • Chia Kwa

    I think delivery workers should absolutely be guaranteed a living wage. If that is not possible, then the business model of these delivery apps is not viable, and we should not allow them to exploit desperate people until they are the only option for consumers left.

    I think the onus should mainly fall to the well-capitalized delivery apps to provide funding for the business model they disrupted, rather than on restaurants who have been forced to go along in order to survive.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:09pm
  • Dana

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:11pm
  • Karen

    Minimum pay is the minimum!!! They deserve gold!!! Delivery workers keep this city alive!!!!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:11pm
  • Jon Golbe

    Pls do what you can to see that these workers are paid a fair, living wage! No reason they shouldnt make enough to live.

    As taxpayers we essentislly subsidize businesses when their workers couldnt survive without public assistance. The businesses should pay

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:11pm
  • Ben

    Food delivery workers are essential workers. More powerful than simply thanking essential workers is supporting them and making sure their work is adequately compensated. Ensuring a minimum wage is the least the city can do to contribute to the wellbeing of all New Yorkers.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:15pm
  • Alex Dinndorf

    Huge tech companies like Uber should have to pay their delivery workers. They are effectively employees of these corporations.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:19pm
  • Adam Simms

    It’s absolutely vital that we determine a minimum wage for food delivery workers. These folks have become a vital and important part of nyc lifestyle, especially since the pandemic and should be compensated as such. The people who came made this a common and expected resource should share in the cost of it as much as they benefit from its success.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:25pm
  • Hailey Graf

    I stand with Deliveristas and their fight for minimum pay!

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    It’s not fair – they’re very much so essential to NYC’s economy – food delivery apps are here to stay and we MUST pay them a living wage!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:32pm
  • Ciara Ruddock

    Delivery workers should be paid a living wage – it is a human rights issue to pay these individuals less than minimum wage

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:42pm
  • Sebastian

    I support the Deliveristas in their fight for better pay and working conditions. They work so hard in all weather and all times of day, and they deserve to make a living wage and have a good quality of life. Solidarity with the Deliveristas!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:45pm
  • Matt Fisher

    These workers keep our city running. Instead of continuing on with the status quo of corporations raking in huge profits, the workers deserve a living wage.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:50pm
  • Maria Aramendi

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I urge the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to issue a final rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021 immediately. There’s no more time for delay.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 1:57pm
  • Raul Maldonado

    I’m grateful for the cyclist delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home.

    I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families.

    I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips.

    Let’s get delivery workers minimum wage now!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 2:04pm
  • Jimmy R.

    All that we ask for is a stable, minimum wage that would allow us to financially sustain ourselves for the huge amount of hours that we put in for very low earnings. Why is that so much to ask for when this is one of the most expensive cities in the world? It’s not right how some of us work over 60 hours a week to make less than a part-time waiter working at a restaurant. When, if ever, is this change going to begin? I remember hearing about this in the fall of 2021 and it’s already nearly 2 years later and still nothing yet. If we’re supposed to be getting paid $19.96 per hour, why do we have to wait several years after this law is passed to finally get paid fully for our dedication and labor? Also, there’s no retroactive pay that we’ll receive for the time that this law should’ve been put into effect on January 1st, 2023. It’s already April 2023! Also, I’m not in agreement with being paid fifty cents a minute, that’s not what the original law called for and was not part of the plan. I don’t like that. How are you just going to backstab the workforce like that? Why is the city now backpedaling on the progress that was supposed to come? That’s like taking 10 steps forward and then 10 steps back. Please pay us a guaranteed, hourly rate. I seriously can’t emphasize enough how important that it is. It would finally mean stability. This is a disgrace what delivery workers have to continue experiencing. The delivery apps make a living on the backs of hardworking men and women at their expense using their own equipment. I hope that the city listens to us.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 2:05pm
  • Nolan C

    A minimum wage is necessary for workers to survive the cost of living. Delivery workers have the right to work without discrimination. In this economy, our hardest working should be rewarded and even though $24 is not enough, it is better than $19!

    The “Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Workers” law is a basic human right.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 2:35pm
  • Kayla

    It is horrific to see that delivery workers are underpaid in a society that has become so dependent on them. Delivery workers are the real heroes of NYC and should be treated as such. Tips are not a livable wage especially when most people do not tip. $24 is barely enough of a livable wage for these workers who are exploited by their employers and usually forced to work in harsh weather conditions. The city would literally crumble without delivery workers! Pay them what they deserve!! They work much harder than the administration who employs them.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 2:36pm
  • Alvin A.

    My name is Alvin.

    I enjoy Dashing & I reside in the borough of Queens.

    I am sending this statement In opposition to the NYC proposed pay regulations that encourage platforms to restrict delivery worker schedule flexibility.

    What I like about being a Dasher:

    I began Doordash food delivery in July 2022 as a means to earn income on an exceptionally flexible schedule to pursue my profession as a musician/composer/producer.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 2:41pm
  • Clara B

    I fully support a minimum wage of at least $25 per hour for food delivery workers. They are absolutely essential to NYC residents. They endure peril every day and ought to be protected and properly compensated.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 2:43pm
  • Alex Falk

    Deliveristas hold the city together. They deserve not only fair and liveable compensation but also robust protections for the receipt of that compensation, including tips and compensation for long or difficult orders. I stand in support.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 2:50pm
  • Daniela J. Cardona

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 3:06pm
  • Alberta Maldona

    I support the increase of the minimum wage. We, delivery workers, should get paid 29.96 dollars per hour. Also, the city shall pay attention to the wage theft committed by the platforms.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 3:10pm
  • Alan Hernandez

    Soy deliverista en Nueva York, haciendo deliveries para las apps.
    Apoyo el pago minimo que el gobierno de la ciudad de Nueva York propone.
    Este pago minimo sera de $29.93 por hora para los deliveristas que trabajan para las apps que pagan por delivery, y recibiremos 50 centavos por minuto desde el momento que aceptamos una orden hasta que hagamos la entrega. Solo recibimos pago cuando hacemos deliveries.
    Tambien apoyo el pago de $17.96 por hora para los deliveristas que reciben pago por hora.
    Este pago minimo me va a permitir cubrir mis gastos de operacion y cubrir el costo de vida en esta ciudad.
    Soy un trabajador esencial y merezco el derecho basico de un pago minimo.
    Gracias al Mayor y al Departamento de Proteccion al Consumidor y Trabajador por esta nueva ley que nos da derecho a un pago minimo, y que nos beneficia a todos los deliveristas y tambien a los consumidores, porque nos va a permitir trabajar con seguridad economica y mantener la buena calidad de nuestros servicios.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 3:11pm
  • Ryan Cowles

    As a supporter of gig workers across the country, I am deeply disappointed by the recent decision of the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to delay the implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips to make ends meet.

    It is unacceptable that these workers, who have already faced significant challenges during the pandemic, are being further burdened by the lack of action taken by the government. We cannot afford to wait any longer to ensure that gig workers are paid fairly for their labor.

    It is time for us to come together and demand that gig workers receive the compensation they deserve, including a guaranteed minimum wage. We must show our support for these essential workers and hold companies and governments accountable for their treatment.

    Let us stand in solidarity with gig workers across the country and demand that they be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. Together, we can create a fair and just economy that works for all.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 3:23pm

    This city would not run without our delivery drivers and riders. During the pandemic they risked their health and safety daily to cater to the city. They deserve better

    Comment added April 6, 2023 3:28pm
  • Olivia Ramirez Rodríguez

    I strongly support the increase in salary for delivery workers. I worked as delivery workers to earn an extra income, and my husband has been a delivery worker for many years. The platforms have used us, the delivery workers, and pay us very little for our work. Many of us have accidents during hour work hours, and many times the companies [platforms] retained our wages illegally. Recently, the platform Relay told us that we must vote against the increase of salary or we would lose our job. I do believe that it is a threat. Due to that threat, I strongly support the increase in salary. Thank you!!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 3:28pm
  • Barrie Cline

    I’m still grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and kept many small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home while working. Work has changed since the pandemic and my family still uses food delivery apps and I think it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers deserve living wages to support themselves and their families just as we do. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 3:31pm
  • Marcela Pinilla

    I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 3:42pm
  • Andrea Gordillo

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me, and thousands of my neighbors here on the Lower East Side to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:06pm
  • Dario k Harris

    The minimum wage should apply to EVERYONE in New York City. The various entities that claim not to be employers can say all they want that following the law would put them out of business. Even if true, who cares? We wouldn’t let someone say they can’t profitably build new apartments if they’re forced to follow fire code, either.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:09pm
  • Wren Mack

    Please support these workers and do whatever they ask. They supported us through the pandemic and risked their lives so we could be fed and sometimes even receive stuff that made us more comfortable while we battled Covid at home. They deserve the world. Don’t let the apps win.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:15pm
  • Ben Cooper

    Not having a minimum wage is inhumane and illegal. The dangerous working conditions for delivery people given the city’s failure to enforce safe driving laws makes this especially true.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:17pm
  • Andrew Triola

    Pay the deliveristas!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:24pm
  • Courtney Williams

    There is barely a person in the City whose ability to be nourished or experience convenience that hasn’t by aided our citys app based delivery workers. Surely, even from the office chair from which you read this, food delivery workers have hauled multiple order to you so that can dine and keep your important work on track. If, but especially as their work contributes to the value of every single New Yorker’s lives, the value of their time, effort, and the families is NO LESS.

    Just like you delivery workers, like all workers, deserve CERTAINTY in their lives regard the wages they earn to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021.


    There’s no time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage today. Companies are not people, and time and again they will show you that they do not have loyalty to any location, any government, or the favors or breaks that you grant them. They are unlike and undeserving of the protection that should be focused on these workers – who did not and do not turn their back on serving fellow New Yorkers.

    Ensure the release of the funds and guarantee a living wage for the deliveristas now!

    Courtney Williams
    The Brown Bike Girl
    NYC Bike Mayor

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:24pm
  • Nora Jefferies

    This is draft of message 👇

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:30pm
  • Megan DiMotta

    Delivery workers continue to be pushed to their limits since the beginning of the pandemic. NYC should not just repay these workers for getting us through the toughest times but more than that delivery workers deserve respect. The DCWP has the opportunity to help provide delivery workers with dignified wages and they shouldn’t delay it any longer. Delivery workers and their families should not have to struggle in our communities, they deserve livable wages.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:31pm
  • William D. Freeman

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:37pm
  • Joshe Ordonez

    As the Founder and CEO of a venture-capital-backed tech and logistics startup, I witness firsthand the difficulties faced by delivery drivers and bikers on a daily basis. Their job not only involves the timely delivery of food but also ensuring that they drive safely to prevent any accidents, thus protecting themselves and other individuals on the road. This is an incredibly stressful and risky profession that requires adequate compensation.

    As a CEO, I also understand the need to keep costs low to offer competitive pricing to consumers. However, companies must not create false expectations of service while disregarding the human cost. Consumers must be aware of the implications, efforts, and impact of their choices as convenience comes with a price.

    Large software companies can adopt alternative measures such as retaining only essential staff for operations and software development and reducing corporate expenses instead of burdening labor.

    Delivery workers should receive a wage that is significantly higher than the minimum wage. It is the responsibility of New York City to ensure that its citizens are taken care of. The disparity created by companies in the workers’ economy is a public issue that requires the city to provide other services and assistance.

    New York City must also take action to improve infrastructure and create policies that ease the burden on delivery workers, such as restricting parking, reducing excessive parking tickets, and more.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:41pm
  • Luis Feliz Leon

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 4:54pm
  • Carlos Villavicencio

    Yo apoyo para que los trabajadores de entrega a domicilio de la ciudad de NY se les incremente el salario mínimo.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:00pm
  • Patrick Breen

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:07pm
  • Casey

    Delivery workers work through the conditions where the rest of us want to stay home. They deserve a minimum wage and the tips customers give intending for it to go to the workers.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:10pm
  • Aquiles Saz

    Food delivery workers provide great service for many disabled people in our communities. They deserve a better and higher base salary

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:13pm
  • Lynne Elizabeth

    Food delivery and courier services are essential to a city, especially one as dense as New York City, and each and every one of these workers deserves to be paid at least minimum wage. Please establish rules to assure that these workers are paid fairly and regularly. Please protect them from abuse by the agencies that hire them. They work in stressful conditions and in every weather. I speak as a grateful senior citizen who depends often on deliveries of food and prescriptions.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:15pm
  • E. Ives

    Pay these delivery workers fair wages. They keep the city running when the weather’s bad, when people are sick, disabled, etc. Stop putting the responsibility of fair wages on customer tips, make companies pay their workers fairly.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:26pm
  • Deborah H.

    Minimum wage is necessary for workers to have fair rights and fight back against discrimination. Mayor Adams’s administration promised a $24 minimum wage and then they reduced it to a $19 wage. That’s not a living wage! These workers are marginalized people and often exploited yet they have not turned their back on us! They deserve protection, dignity, and a living wage. This law has been delayed since 2021! I can’t imagine this City without delivery workers!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:26pm
  • Jocelyn

    I am writing to express my support of this initiative.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:27pm
  • Tasia

    Delivery workers deserve their tips and should get a minimum wage. They were vital during the quarantine. Why deny them a living wage?

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:29pm
  • Lily Puckett

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:31pm
  • Bryan


    No one should be making less than $30 an hour in this city!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:34pm
  • Michael Azerrad

    Like everyone else, food delivery workers deserve a living wage. How about $15/hour, minimum.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:34pm
  • Osman

    pay all workers more. this excludes cops because cops are not workers (they are barely even human)

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:34pm
  • Althea L

    April 6, 2023

    Vilda Vera Mayuga, Commissioner
    Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
    42 Broadway
    New York, N.Y. 10004

    Re: Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Service Workers

    Dear Commissioner Mayuga,

    We write to you both as students of the City University of New York School of Law who are deeply concerned about the rights and working conditions of delivery workers in our city, and as customers of app-based delivery platforms. We agree wholeheartedly with the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (“DCWP”) that minimum pay standards must be set for app-based delivery workers, and we applaud the agency for taking steps to do so. However, DCWP must adopt a minimum pay scheme that ensures a fair, living wage for delivery workers, and it must do so quickly.

    While we appreciate the convenience of ordering delivery through apps, we are troubled by the way app companies treat the delivery workers who are vital to their operations. Their insistence on cutting corners and classifying delivery workers as independent contractors leaves these essential workers without benefits and bearing the high costs of work equipment and any injuries sustained on the job. Because of their status as independent contractors rather than employees, delivery workers are personally responsible for purchasing and maintaining their own bikes, which is a substantial financial burden that would ordinarily be borne by the employer. The burden of these expenses is not reflected in delivery workers’ wages, which average around $12.21 per hour including tips or $7.87 per hour without tips, both of which are well below the citywide minimum wage of $15 per hour. Furthermore, these apps’ algorithms strongly incentivize delivery workers to make as many deliveries as quickly as possible. These onerous quotas can only be met by biking unsafely, lest delivery workers be deactivated from the apps and lose their livelihoods.

    It is imperative that DCWP adopt a minimum pay rate that will require delivery apps to pay a fair wage to the workers who perform the dangerous, necessary labor that allows these companies to thrive. A fair wage is crucial to offsetting the hazards of the job and the high costs of maintaining equipment that delivery workers are forced to bear. At minimum, delivery workers must be paid the $23.82 hourly rate proposed in the original rule, if not more. It is a slap in the face to the 65,000 delivery workers who endure volatile weather, dangerous traffic conditions, and provide hot meals to other New Yorkers for DWCP to devalue their service by reducing the proposed minimum wage to $19.96 per hour. This is a sub-living wage in New York City, especially considering the business costs that delivery workers are required to pay out of their own pockets.

    It is cruel to workers for DCWP set a lesser wage based on the industry’s overblown fear of delivery workers using multiple apps simultaneously, or “multi-apping”. Other comparable workers, such as Uber and Lyft drivers, are not held to this standard in their minimum pay rules. The delivery app’s concern is one of their own creation, as this phenomenon occurs as a direct result of the substandard wages delivery workers are making right now. The low wages, coupled with rising equipment costs, force workers to overwork themselves and “multi-app” when necessity demands. With an adequate minimum wage in place, delivery workers would have less of a need to work for multiple apps at once. If app companies are so concerned about controlling whether delivery workers are “multi-apping,” they should pay them appropriately. Underpaying delivery workers only serves to ensure that these workers will feel pressured to “multi-app” in order to support their families in the face of inflation and an ever-increasing cost of living.

    Perhaps most importantly, DWCP must adopt a fair minimum pay scheme quickly and abandon the proposed phase-in model. The agency has already delayed enacting minimum pay for delivery workers, which was required to go into effect on January 1, 2023. Every day without the full minimum pay protections in place is another day that the delivery apps are given the green light to exploit and grossly underpay workers for their essential labor. Delivery workers deserved fair pay long ago, and continued delay is unacceptable.

    In the past decade, we have seen apps like DoorDash, Grubhub, and UberEats take over in the restaurant industry, displacing the delivery workers that restaurants used to employ. This leaves few options for New Yorkers to order delivery without participating in the app economy. Knowing that such companies are infamous for exploiting workers forces consumers to participate in this exploitation. As consumers and as law students who care deeply about labor issues, we demand that your agency act without further delay to ensure delivery workers are fairly compensated for their essential work. Delivery workers have already been exploited for years and will continue to be until your agency implements Local Law 115 of 2021 and protects them from exploitation at the hands of the app industry.

    In solidarity,

    Chloe Carter-Daves, 2L FT
    Althea Lamel, 2L FT
    Pablo Aguilar, 2L FT
    Kate Macrae, 2L FT
    Liz Pudel, 3L FT
    Xhoana Ahmeti, 3L FT
    Jake Heller, 2L FT
    Brenna Wolfe, 3L FT
    Jennifer Rubinshteyn, 1L FT
    Amelia Mullaney, 2L FT
    Jaclyn Spencer, 2L FT
    Maggie Israel, 1L FT
    Gabriel Slaughter, 1L FT
    Anna Kim, 3L FT
    Cameron Cory, 2L FT
    Nina McKenna, 1L FT
    Eric Horowitz, 2L FT
    Jen Neuman, 2L FT
    Nadeem Yamak, 2L FT
    Anand Bradley, 2L FT
    Samanta Honigman, 3L FT
    Annie Abreu, 2L FT
    Ashley Gomez, 2L FT
    Priscilia Martinez, 2L FT
    Jaylene Gomez, 2L FT
    Dana Klasky, 2L FT
    Nic Shugar, 3L FT
    Serena Malkani, 2L FT
    Benita von Lilienfeld-Berry, 2L FT
    Samiha Jamal, 2L FT
    Katherine Corwin, 2L FT
    Nia Wilson, 2L FT
    Verleatha Hill

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:37pm
  • Angela Azzolino

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:39pm
  • Jaya Saxena

    I wholeheartedly support minimum, fair wages for delivery workers

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:54pm
  • Sonia

    Claro que deberían ganar el salario mínimo es un trabajo digno, como cualquier otro trabajo que pagan el mínimo salario

    Comment added April 6, 2023 5:54pm
  • Josue

    Si que se le aumenten a estas personas

    Comment added April 6, 2023 6:08pm
  • Glenn Robinson

    I believe food delivery workers deserve a min pay of $24/hour. NYC is expensive, rents are high, bikes and maintenance can be pricey, and food delivery is in high demand. It’s time to set the standard.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 6:24pm
  • Juan

    Que se aplique la ley por que merecemos ganar un pago justo

    Comment added April 6, 2023 6:41pm
  • Irak Cehonski

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families.

    There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 6:55pm
  • Caleb Duncan

    These workers kept us safe during a once in a lifetime pandemic. Pay them a living wage in the most expensive city in the world.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 6:56pm
  • Yogui

    I frequently use food delivery apps, and have friends who work in the industry as app based delivery workers. For many of these men and women this is a job like any other and not a side gig. Therefore, they should be paid accordingly and on time for the services they provide. During the COVID19 health crisis, many city residents used these apps to have their orders safely delivered to their house without having to risk exposure to the virus themselves. The service these workers paid the city in her time of need was priceless.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 7:03pm
  • Larissa E

    This city needs to ensure a LIVABLE minimum wage for our delivery workers, a vital part of this city. Reissuing the Local Law 115 of 2021 decision is causing unnecessary delay. Delivery workers are essential to me, my roommates, small businesses, my coworkers,etc. This city depends on delivery workers and they NEED this minimum wage guaranteed.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 7:20pm
  • Nancy

    These workers have kept us fed during unprecedented times and keep doing it rain or shine. They deserve a living wage and protection from corporate exploitation. They should also have their hubs to rest, charge their bikes and whatever they need on long days of work.
    All my support for them!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 7:21pm
  • Huich In

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 7:29pm
  • Cindy Onika Charles

    My name is Cindy. I live in Brooklyn, NYC, and have been working as
    Dasher with DoorDash for the past 2 years. I am writing in opposition to the requirement under NYC’s proposed pay rule… As a full-time student, I need to be able to have an income that allows me to work around my schedule. This is why I’ve chosen this kind of work. I need to be able to decide when I work and how much I work each week.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 7:39pm
  • Council Member Lincoln Restler, District 33

    Local Law 115 of 2021 was clear: implement a fair minimum wage for delivery workers by January 1, 2023. I am deeply disappointed that the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) has caved to the demands of delivery app companies and failed to protect Deliveristas in a timely fashion. The newly proposed rule is not only months behind schedule, but would allow the app companies to continue to pay delivery workers far below the minimum wage rate.

    Deliveristas are essential to New York City. These 65,000 New Yorkers work arduous hours ensuring that people are fed and helping our small businesses survive. We would not have made it through the pandemic without them and continue to rely on them daily. They deserve to make a living wage and be protected from corporate wage theft. Each additional day of delay is unacceptable.

    The proposal to reduce workers’ pay by $3.60 per hour because they may keep several apps open while waiting for their next job, so-called “multi-apping,” is premised on faulty assumptions and there is no evidence that this practice would impact pay. Delivery workers do not get paid during their on-call or waiting time, and therefore, like FHV drivers, they should not be penalized for waiting for jobs from several potential sources. Further, DCWP’s proposed deduction is overinflated and based on outdated data about delivery driver activity.

    Despite already being months behind the legal deadline to increase wages, the new proposed rule also continues to include a “phase in” to allow corporations to further delay paying fair wages for an additional two years. New York’s $15 minimum wage went into effect four years ago without a phase in, and TLC driver pay rules similarly went into effect immediately. There is no conceivable justification for allowing corporations to continue to profit on the backs of essential workers.

    Additionally, corporations are already attempting to undermine proposed pay rates through practices such as “order bundling,” which allow app companies to reduce workers’ pay by sending multiple orders in one trip. Ignoring this and other potentially harmful business practices will undermine the intent of the law.

    On top of these continued delays and carve outs, rising inflation costs are decreasing net pay to delivery workers who are already struggling to get by. We cannot continue to let large corporations undermine this process. I urge DCWP to promptly strengthen these rules and ensure Deliveristas finally start getting paid the wages they deserve.

    Lincoln Restler, New York City Council Member, District 33

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 6, 2023 7:40pm
  • Vladimir Vince

    Food delivery workers deserve fair pay from the third party services they work for. The delivery workers were on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, risking their lives to feed the rest of us New Yorkers.

    I regularly use food delivery apps such as Seamless and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support their families.

    I’m deeply disappointed by the Dept of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from these workers who rely on tips.

    There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 7:42pm
  • Philipp Rassmann

    Please support a living wage for delivery workers! Thank you!

    Comment added April 6, 2023 7:42pm
  • Christopher Metellus

    My name is Christopher metellus and I live in Brooklyn, NY. I have been apart of door dash platform since May 2020. I worked as a dasher for 2 year and approximately 7 months. I am not in favor of NYC’s proposed pay rule for numerous reasons. Given the cost of living in New York, I rely on the door dash as supplemental income to meet the rising cost and make ends meet. I am able to pay majority of my bills with the assistance of doing door dash for a few hours a day during peak hours and on the weekend. It provides flexibility and stability as I also have a full time job. I am able to maintain a work life balance. Such proposed NYC required law would be detrimental to not only my income but for me to provide for my family across the board. I have chosen this line of work as I enjoy and get fulfillment on ensuring great customer service, receiving tip incentives from customers for ensuring timeliness of deliveries. I want to be in control and be able to work freely at any given time during the week. Please do not allow such proposed law to go in effect.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:03pm
  • Cindy Charles

    My name is Cindy. I live in Brooklyn, NYC, and have been working as
    Dasher with DoorDash for the past 2 years. I deliver with DoorDash part-time, and use my earnings from delivery work to support my non-profit organization that aims to improve children’s literacy in my home country of Guyana. I am writing in opposition to the requirement under NYC’s proposed pay rule. I need to be able to have an income that allows me to work around my schedule. This is why I’ve chosen this kind of work.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:14pm
  • Lindsey

    Yes this is a good idea. We need to take care of our food delivery workers. They work hard.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:20pm
  • Brendan Hogan

    Protect and recognize these laborers who are the lifeblood of our beautiful city.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:36pm
  • Adam Casey

    Food delivery workers deserve fair pay from the third-party services they work for. The delivery workers were on the front lines of the CoVid-19 pandemic and risked their lives to feed fellow New Yorkers.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:43pm
  • Ricardo Zamarripa

    It’s time the city fulfill their promise they made to los Deliveristas and require the apps to pay them a fair wage. 3 months has been too long.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:45pm
  • Darriel

    Please pay the workers their fair wage now. They deserve it

    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:51pm
  • Kevin Costa

    I am so grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and I am confused about the withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips–what?! That seems unacceptable and there’s no more time for delay! We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.


    Comment added April 6, 2023 8:57pm
  • Bright D Limm

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub, and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:03pm
  • Daniel DiPietro

    deliveritas deserve the same protections that typical wage workers have. The app companies have exploited the rules to avoid minimum wage laws. NYC should not allow there resident workers to lose out to the big app companies. deliveristas should be paid at least minimum hourly wage.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:13pm
  • Ethan

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:19pm
  • Abigail Swenstein

    How can this city not support the workers that make it run? This is inhumane. It’s time to support the folks who do so much for everyone else.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:51pm
  • Wilson

    Disregard those on here that say they’re opposed to us getting paid $18 per hour. Those are people hired by the companies, it’s obvious. We want hourly pay, it’ll help us out financially as we deserve it.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 9:55pm
  • George Hagstrom

    I’m writing to express strong support for improved compensation and working standards for delivery workers in NYC. They are one of the most important forces keeping our city running, but their job is difficult and often dangerous, yet we consistently under-appreciate them. They have organized and their requests are very reasonable.

    George Hagstrom

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:03pm
  • Lucia D

    Delivery workers truly fuel our whole city, and are working through the worst conditions all while making app/tech companies rich. I strongly encourage DCWP to reconsider its latest proposal and offer deliveristas the highest minimum wage possible. There has already been too much delay in this process, and they’ll never make back what they’ve already lost, so it’s imperative that DCWP comes out with the strongest possible policy for giving deliveristas the highest possible minimum wage.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:05pm
  • Jessie Gavin

    My name is Jessie , I live in NYC , Manhattan . I have been dashing for about 3-4 years on and off .
    I am against the NYC proposal pay rule that would stop me from using DoorDash the way that works best in my life .
    Since it is so flexible I am able to use it as a second source of income aside from my full time job . If this changes . I can lose the income I depend on to support myself .

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:07pm
  • Jesse Pringle

    It’s reasonable and fair for delivery drivers to make enough to live on.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 10:44pm
  • William Meehan

    Delivery workers deserve a minimum wage so that they can depend on a baseline income. Apps today incentivize speed and heavily punish those who aren’t as fast as possible; this encourages risky behavior like riding their bikes against traffic. By providing delivery workers with a minimum wage, we will also be keeping them safer.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:03pm
  • Shane M Holmes

    I use food apps all the time. I am so grateful for the workers who risk their lives to make my life a little bit easier. I often order food when the weather is bad, and I know it can not be easy to deliver food in bad weather. All those people deserve everything.

    Comment added April 6, 2023 11:22pm
  • Katherine Huyett

    Delivery workers are critical to New York City life – especially for giving us the ability to order food when sick or injured. I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:47am
  • Veronica Avila

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept NYC fed and countless small businesses afloat during the pandemic. I regularly use food delivery apps like DoorDash, UberEats, and Gruhub, and I believe it’s UNACCEPTABLE that NYC’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families.

    I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementing Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay; delivery workers deserve a fair wage NOW.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 7:07am
  • Bill Bruno

    Delivery workers kept New York City kept countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people o stay safe at home while still patronizing those businesses. Food delivery apps such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub are regularly used in this city and the fact that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage is deplorable. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This is an unnecessary delay that is withholding at months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. The time for delivery workers to have a minimum wage is now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 7:12am
  • David Goldstein

    Good morning:

    I do support the increase in the minimum wage for delivery workers. Being a delivery worker in NYC or any other part of the United States is a difficult job, and delivery workers deserve dignity and respect. I was a delivery worker and am currently a teacher; thus, being a deliverista is part of my story. Also, I want to emphasize the intimidation campaign against those workers that support the city rule to improve the lives of delivery workers. I have interviewed many workers harassed by platforms such as Relay, DoorDash, and others platforms. The intimidation campaign of the companies goes from sending texts to the workers to vote against this proposal or using other workers hired by the platforms to harass the workers in favor.
    While the former might be legal, it is clear that the latter violates not just the National Labor Relations Act but also the different Department of Labor ruling. I have followed for the last month a page called Anti-Deliveristas Unidos, a page that fits the traditional profile of an anti-union busting campaign launched by companies to derail any effort of the workers to improve their lives. I urge the Adam’s Administration and the City Council of New York City to investigate this Facebook page because of the amount of harassment and threat against the organization Workplace Justice Project, the leadership, and also some journalists who violate city, state, and federal laws. Those practices resemble the 1930s and 1940s, when companies hired mobsters to intimidate the workers. It is paramount that the administration stops this type of intimidation immediately. Those practices undermine the basic foundations of our democracy. Thank you

    Please investigate this page NOW:

    Comment added April 7, 2023 8:13am
  • Katie McCarthy

    Delivery workers have a right to a stable wage. They are working year round in all weather, riding in traffic breathing in fumes from cars to help New Yorkers get what they need quickly and easily. They have a right to a guaranteed minimum plus being paid for time they are waiting. Being a delivery worker is dangerous and they deserve hazard pay when the weather is bad or late at night.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 8:21am
  • sk

    everyone deserves to be paid for their time working. i worked as a courier for one of the app-based delivery companies in 2016/2017 and remember doing the math on some slow days where i would have to wait around outside for a delivery to come in and i definitely was under minimum wage (at those year’s rates), on average, by the end of the day because the only time i was paid for was when i was making a delivery. this didn’t include the time to travel to the business to pick up whatever product which sometimes took not an insignificant proportion of an hour’s time to travel to. because i was delivering some items that were not necessarily food, many customers did not feel the need to tip and without that additional pay, some of the shorter trips would be far below minimum wage at the company’s per trip base pay. this necessitated taking multiple deliveries per hour which were not necessarily even on a logical pickup/delivery route and required unsafe rushing during travel. and because the pickup/drop off locations were often times not near one another the result was slower delivery to the customer down route which reduced tip amounts. there is something wrong with the system if i earned less than minimum wage (for the time spent logged into the delivery app waiting for and between deliveries) despite completing over 1000 deliveries in a year with a near perfect rating. the time to fix this is now, not years from now. the companies have had plenty of time to sort this issue out and they are deliberately dragging their feet to continue to exploit their labor. no more. these workers already don’t receive many benefits typically offered to employees because of their classification, they at least deserve to be paid a fair wage

    Comment added April 7, 2023 8:25am
  • Mel Peterson

    Pay them a fair and living wage!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 8:52am
  • Sean

    A minimum wage for delivery workers is essential.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 8:53am
  • Sophia Tareen

    The delivery workers of New York City were deemed essential workers at the height of the pandemic and yet are subject to extremely low pay and poor working conditions. These workers deserve a livable wage and the city must support them!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 8:55am
  • Kevin Fagan

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:03am
  • Nicole S

    Deliveristas deserve a minimum wage to ensure they can live in this city with health and dignity

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:09am
  • Ana

    Pago mínimo es lo MÍNIMO que podemos dar a los deliveristas, que nos salvaron la vida cuando estábamos en la cuarentena.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:11am
  • Sam Anderson

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum pay now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:19am
  • Barak Friedman

    Deliveristas deserve a fair wage!!!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:21am
  • Rachel

    Please give delivery workers fair pay! They have extremely dangerous jobs and kept the city going through the pandemic.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:21am
  • Rani

    I urge the city to support minimum pay for food delivery in nyc. Our delivery workers are an essential part of the city and work so hard to make new york the way that it is. In an expensive city like nyc we need to support our essential workers’ ability to live and survive in the city.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:25am
  • Crystal E

    Delivery workers deserve a better and fair pay for the work that they do. Food delivery is a convenience that all of us NYers use. Those workers deserve to have a liveable wage and much more.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:25am
  • C Coco

    The delivery workers of NYC collectively deserve a livable wage to support themselves and family, whether it’s their side gig or primary hustle. Delivery workers are essential to New York City, and demonstrated throughout the pandemic. There’s no reason for their life to be put at risk for little to nothing to show for it. A higher income will prove to show self value

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:26am
  • Diana Moreno

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:33am
  • Samanta

    DCWP should reconsider their proposed pay rates for delivery drivers. For whatever reason it was lowered to $19, 4 dollars lower than the previous $23 an hour. Delivery drivers risk both their own investments and their lives when they go out there to deliver food to people all across NYC. Because they are independent contractors their employers do not provide them with equipment or the means to deliver. This means drivers must invest in expensive bikes themselves and take care of the maintenance all at their own cost. Without a $23 /hour minimum, these drivers will continue to lose or not break even. That’s not even considering the dangers of their job which is also not covered under their employment contracts. Usually when someone is hurt on the job, they receive workers compensation, however due to the nature of the contractor position and the big app companies’ desire to lower their own liability, many drivers are left to pay for their own accidents (even when not at fault). Since we as an entire city relied so heavily on these essential workers during COVID and today, they should be compensated fairly. REVISE and upgrade their pay to $23/hour.

    Thank you

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:35am
  • Mateo Porciuncula

    I know this sounds obvious but food delivery workers are workers too and it’s high time they are acknowledged and treated with dignity. Fair pay is part of it.

    Looking forward for rules and effective enforcement for minimum pay that are according to what a person needs to live in New York city. Companies working here can afford it and it’s the responsibility and duty of our city to protect its residents from exploitation.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:39am
  • Aaditya Vishwanath

    I live in Hells Kitchen and I am in favor of this proposed rule.
    I am disappointed at the reissuance and the rules.

    Deliveristas deserve a living wage.


    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:40am
  • Michael W Corsillo

    I’m beyond grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. Nobody should be working full time and unable to meet their basic needs. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now. New York City cannot pretend to care about workers unless it takes steps to protect all workers, including these folks with whom the city would collapse.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:45am
  • Sergio solano

    Me dirijo a ustedes soy un repartidor de comida en nyc desde el 2006 he trabajado en diferentes restaurantes y desde la pandemia estoy trabajando con la aplicación de Doordash y siempre nos han pagado muy bajo y solamente las propinas nos han ayudado…no estoy en contra del salario mínimo. Ni a favor..solamente nos gustaría que nos pagaran algo mejor como un mejor pago Base de $6 Dólares por viaje a 2 millas de Distancia ya que ni eso respetan las aplicaciones…menos millas menos deliverys esa seria mi propuesta como un Repartidor independiente muchas Gracias y un mensaje claro workers justice proyect No me representa…

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:45am
  • Estrella Martinez

    Delivery workers are an essential part to how this city runs and if it would have not been for them during the pandemic this city would have fallen apart more then it already had. People would not have been able to get their essential goods without them. They deserve a fair living wage. Give it to them!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:46am
  • Cormac

    App delivery workers perform a dangerous and essential job in NYC. They deserve a fair minimum wage, even if it means customers paying more for deliveries. The fact that the city has delayed this process is unconscionable, and the final rules should also include retroactive raises for workers, as was just agreed to for the NYPD.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:47am
  • Olivia

    No service worker should be expected to rely on tips. I support a fair minimum wage for delivery workers.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:47am
  • Robin Graven-Milne

    It is beyond time for food delivery workers to be paid a living wage. They work in dangerous conditions, in all weather, to bring us the food that we need to keep going. They face bike theft, angry drivers, and work environments that often have no place for them to wait on standby or even use the bathroom. They deserve a living wage. We must help them keep going too! I support instating these rules!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:49am
  • Max Temescu

    There need to be wage protections like this in place for such a significant workforce. Please get this rule established as soon as is reasonable; apps have already snaked their way around too many requirements that other employers have to meet. Thank you!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 9:57am
  • Senator Jessica Ramos

    See the attached letter.

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:03am
  • Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez

    On behalf of the Street Vendor Project at the Urban Justice Center and our 2,900 street vendor members, we are writing in support of the minimum wage proposal desperately needed to support our city’s deliveristas.

    As an organization, we are deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families.

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:14am
  • Shirley Lalehzar

    I support food delivery workers getting paid.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:18am
  • Raj Gopal

    I support delivery workers receiving a fair minimum wage

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:25am
  • Erik Martinez

    Minimum wage is the least delivery workers need to continue the tough job of bringing food and items to New Yorkers year long, through all weather conditions. As essential workers, this is the minimum they deserve.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:25am
  • Cara Mitchell

    Throughout living in NYC, delivery work has always been something that we assume is just a given. People doing delivery through all weather, throughout the day and into the night seem like one of the few constants that never changes. The pandemic made this even more clear as we all locked down but assumed that somehow there’d always be someone available to do this work.

    These apps we use have been less than fair. They lack so much transparency that it’s hard for an average NYer to understand who is getting paid what and where all the fees go. This has left the door open for abuse of this workforce. We need to do better as city and demand more from these companies which would rather extract money and take it away from our workers and local business. A minimum wage and other important benefits and guarantees are a step that will have a large positive impact on workers and our ability to stand up and keep NYers money in NYers hands, especially during a time when cost of living has gone up so much.

    I am disappointed and, to be honest, angry that this city has done nothing to protect these workers. Each time there seems to be an opportunity to make change, things are set aside or delayed. It’s time to set things in the right direction and take action now!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:25am
  • Alannah G

    I support delivery workers’ rights to a guaranteed minimum wage! How many of us employ their services each week? Every time you order food because the weather outside is bad, someone else is facing those conditions for not nearly enough pay so you can stay comfortable.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:26am
  • Chrystal Nwogu

    I have been Dashing for over 2 yrs. DoorDash makes it possible for me to make extra income at my convenience. Because I work full time being able to Dash after work and sometimes on the weekends gives me flexibility of my own schedule. As a delivery worker we risk their lives doing these deliveries. Bad weather, unsafe neighborhoods, unkept properties, trying to stay within the delivery time. It’s a lot. I worry that if things change we will not have the flexibility to choose our schedule or how many hrs we choose to work. I prefer option 2.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:29am
  • e mclaughlin

    To Whom It May Concern;

    It is beyond time that food delivery drivers be paid a living wage! Their work is grueling, exhausting, and far
    too often – thankless. A living wage is necessary for the people to care for themselves, their vehicles and repairs, and families. Show them some respect and make it happen now!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:30am
  • Daniel Montrose


    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:32am
  • Mirielle Clifford

    Delivery workers deserve a fair minimum pay!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:34am
  • Push_Kush1985

    I find it really messed up that the food delivery workers dont make an honest pay thru the food apps. They take the ultimate everyday just to provide for themselves. I too work the delivery apps on my longboard in nyc. I wish the minimum pay would make an uprise and soon.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:36am
  • Joshua Khrister Magpantay

    I support a minimum wage for app-based delivery workers, as someone who depends on them greatly! These applications make too much money to not be paying people a minimum wage. I will be incredibly disappointed in my electeds if the DCWP cannot pass these rules.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:42am
  • Jacob

    Delivery workers deserve a living wage!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:47am
  • Emily Watson

    Our delivery workers deserve to earn a living wage. They worked hard to bring us food throughout the pandemic, on dangerous roads, at great personal risk, often without health insurance — all while third party apps made record profits. Delivery workers deserve a piece of the pie. It’s up to us to make sure we stop these delivery apps from exploiting the hard work of New Yorkers.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:47am
  • Les Sugai

    Delivery workers have to deal with the worst of conditions whether it be weather, traffic, and dealing with the public.
    They deliver food and other necessary goods to our citys residents and workers.
    They kept us going for the 3 years of the Pandemic and deserve a better wage
    I am writing to support your proposed bill(s) to improve their livelihoods

    Thank You

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:53am
  • John Morales

    I work in delivery area 3 years and it’s fair for us to get paid $20 per hour, we risks our life’s every day during our shifts and don’t matter the weather conditions we still working, this step its necessary to improve our life conditions and also because right now everything is high prices.. Please help us

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:57am
  • Jordan Warsoff

    All people deserve a livable wage, especially those that are supporting so many people in NYC. We should be supporting them back with fairness and equity.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:57am
  • Rony B Patel

    Please pay our essential workers. Thank you

    Comment added April 7, 2023 10:58am
  • YS

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps and I it’s unacceptable that NYC’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families.

    I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:08am
  • John Lit

    Hola a todos y gracias por el apoyo.
    Es necesario el ajuste a nuestro pago, porque actualmente las ganancias solo dan para vivir al día, algunos hasta están endeudados, hoy necesitamos el apoyo, el cambio, todos los líderes y el alcalde de Nueva York pueden aceptar y aumentar nuestro salario, vivir con $400 dólares a la semana en Nueva York no es vida. Ganar 10 dólares en dos horas sin importar qué este frío o lloviendo. Y sin aver comido en todo el día para hacer que el dinero alcance para la Renta y comida sin contar con más necesidades que las personas tengan, no es justo! Delen valor a nuestro trabajo porfavor!!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:13am
  • Katharine Hyatt

    Delivery cyclists work around the clock in all weather conditions and kept the city going during COVID. They deserve a guaranteed minimum wage of at least $24 an hour, NOT $19. They deserve fair pay for the hazardous work they do and for the time they have to spend waiting for orders. I support a minimum hourly wage of $24/hour for these workers!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:16am
  • Henry Greenfield

    Delivery workers are the hardest working New Yorkers. They deserve a living wage

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:19am
  • Clayton Dorsey

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:22am
  • Tobias Schraink

    I support minimum pay for the deliveristas!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:25am
  • Jaqi Cohen

    New York City’s delivery workers are some of the hardest working people in our City and work in truly harrowing conditions- on dangerous streets, in inclement weather, year round. Our city’s delivery workers kept us fed and safe during the height of the pandemic. These workers deserve a living wage, and the fact that they still don’t earn a guaranteed minimum wage is deeply disturbing. I’m disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. Delivery workers deserve a living wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:26am
  • Renfield Peale

    Bike Delivery People work in grueling and dangerous conditions to provide a necessity for some and a luxury for most. Many die or are injured on the job. It’s insulting and exploitative they have been under paid for so long.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:28am
  • Glitter K

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:30am
  • Stacey Eliuk

    This is an important change to enact for the betterment of equity in our city.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:32am
  • Walter Goodman

    I support the minimum wage for delivery workers! The current system is cruel and fosters and encourages unsafe practices by all concerned.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:35am
  • Anna Feldmann

    I support the deliveristas and this rule with the strongest possible voice. They deserve to be able to make it here as much as anyone with a salary.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:40am
  • Mila Rothschild

    Please support better wages for these people who deliver essential goods day and night, in rain and snow, all for the financial benefit of technology company CEOs in California. It is obscene that they are not getting paid a living wage, especially when we have become so utterly dependent on their services.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:48am
  • Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso

    See attachment for full testimony, thank you!

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:49am
  • Jacqueline Trudeau

    Deliveristas deserve to be paid a minimum wage, which should reflect a livable wage in New York City. Deliveristas are critical to the infrastructure of New York, especially since COVID, and their wage should reflect the hazards of their jobs and the costs and expenses of being a deliverista – especially since they use a form of transport that reduces congestion on city streets.

    When considering the rule, the commission should consider that rideshare drivers were deemed to be employees and not independent contractors, and there are many similarities between the roles of deliveristas and rideshare drivers. Delivery companies should be required to pay a living wage to the employees who have made ordering apps successful – often at the cost of the previously existing ecosystem between deliveristas and restaurants. These rules should also be implemented as soon as possible in 2023 – companies are continuing to make profits at the cost of delivery workers. While it is important to make rules that accurately reflect the current environment, the rulemaking should not be delayed further.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:53am
  • Anthony Brueske

    Please make these corporations pay and take care of these employees they refuse acknowledge. They make their business possible. 24 dollars is barely enough. 19 is far from enough, they’re risking their lives for these companies and the city by doing this work, make the companies play fair. Protect the workers from the smoke and mirrors of these larger corporations like hiding tips or delaying payments. Thank you and again, please help these hard workers get proper pay.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:53am
  • Kierra Sewell

    I support fair wages for all workers

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:54am
  • Daniel Guzman

    Deliverisats deserve a livable wage.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 11:55am
  • Zoë Beery

    Delivery workers are now so essential to NYC that their labor is almost infrastructural, and yet it is the apps that rely on their work who reap the profits, all while deliveristas face hostile streets and tough climate conditions. They deserve everything they are demanding. Don’t cave to Silicon Valley—stand up for New Yorkers!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 12:06pm
  • Kate Rosenstengel

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 12:22pm
  • Lexa Koenig

    The food delivery workers who work for companies such as UberEats, DoorDash, etc MUST have a minimum wage in our city. These companies must be required to pay the legal minimum wage for these workers. They are taken advantage of, oftentimes riding in poor weather to deliver orders. These billion dollar companies are exploiting them for their labor. As a so-called progressive city, it’s shameful that NYC has not led the charge in ensuring a fair wage. Please act on this ruling TODAY and stand up to fight these corporations.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 12:26pm

    I’m advocating for the Dept of Consumer and Worker Protection to accept their prior proposed standard wage of $23.82, which took into consideration the personal expenses of equipment incurred by Deliveristas as well as their lack of access to insurance, sick days, and medical benefits. The reduction to $19.96 does not adequately compensate them due to their standing as independent contractors.

    Deliveristas are independent contractors (not employees) they are not entitled to the protections that other NY employees receive. This means that they are responsible for their medicals bills from work related accidents and that there is no insurance to cover their lost wages when they are unable to work. A trip in an ambulance to the hospital is currently $900.00 and may soon increase to $1,500.

    Furthermore, the reduction in a standard wage from $23.82 to $19.96 because of multi-aping is an unfair and unnecessary punishment. The delivery apps will punish the Deliverista if they reject an order through their algorithms and rankings. They shouldn’t also be punished financially, especially when they have the right to do so as an independent contractor.

    Thank You:
    Eric Malinowski, Esq.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 12:30pm
  • Addi

    The gig economy sustains NYC 24/7 365 days a year. The bare minimum is give them a minimum wage and protect them from corporate malpractice like union busting.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 12:37pm
  • Sofia Negri

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 12:39pm
  • Karin

    The least we can do is offer a minimum wage for these hard workers who typically lose out on benefits and other workplace protections.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 12:55pm
  • Almerindo P

    Hello, I’m writing on behalf of the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe that New York City’s food delivery workers should be guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. Please ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now. Thank you.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:16pm
  • Michael Rosenberg

    We have known for a long time that “private contractors” such as the ones used by Uber, Door dash, Grubhub, etc. are often workers who spend most of their time on these apps. The lack of legal protections for these laborers allows the companies to enjoy extremely low labor cost, no severance requirement, no insurance requirement, and much more. By not protecting our laborers we are subsidizing these companies’ inhumane treatment of over 90% of their labor force. These workers need protections just like the rest of us.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:25pm
  • Patric Campbell

    Food workers are a vital part of New York City and are not getting the fruits of their hard work currently, this rule needs to pass.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:28pm
  • Jim Burke

    We need a minimum pay standard for our delivery workers. Many live here in my neighborhood in Jackson Heights & they often get ZERO tips after a hard job. That is unacceptable – the restaurant & delivery app get their cut, the customer gets their delivery – the only one that often gets the short end of the stick or NOTHING is the deliverista & they did the hardest work in the transaction.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:33pm
  • Conor Hodges

    The city has the leverage to compel third party delivery services to pay a living wage. You must wield it.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:39pm
  • Tracey Hinder

    Deliveristas have one of the hardest jobs in the city and deserve work protections like a living wage, bathrooms and rest areas, charging stations, and benefits

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:39pm
  • Martha Guerrero

    Delivery app workers are an essential workforce in NYC and minimum payments are imperative. Not only will they enable this workforce, largely made up of migrants and people of color, to earn a living wage, but will help produce a more responsible relationship between tech firms and consumers. People who are out in the street biking every day making sure consumers get their orders safely and on time deserve minimum payments per order, instead of whatever discretionary payment calculation made by apps.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:40pm
  • Lucy Block

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:44pm
  • William

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:47pm
  • Norah Steele

    It is outrageous that food delivery workers are not afforded the basic protection of a decent minimum wage. It is foolish to believe that a typical delivery worker has the negotiating power to ensure fair compensation, and relying on tips is far too variable and does not ensure the dignity of work that these individuals deserve. We must pass legislation guaranteeing a minimum wage for food delivery workers without delay.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:51pm
  • Lexi Quintero

    I support this advocacy for New Yorkers in delivery service. Fair pay is only the first step- they deserve so much more.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:52pm
  • Peter Finnen

    I support a minimum pay for all workers and a dignified one at that.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:58pm
  • Charles Chy

    At the height of the pandemic, delivery workers kept their communities afloat by providing essential services despite low pay and stolen wages – NOW is the time to support these delivery workers with minimum pay.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 1:59pm
  • Paul Alexander Marte

    No more abuse

    Comment added April 7, 2023 2:07pm

    I’m very concerned about this issue door dash is my sole means of income and this will drastically effect my income.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 2:15pm
  • Lizz Thabet

    Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. They provide essential services, from delivering food to medicine, throughout the entire city that many people and businesses rely on. New York City could not function without our delivery workers, and they should be paid fairly and sustainably for their labor, time, and vehicles.

    I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. Please do not continue to delay. Delivery platforms have a vested interest in paying workers as little as possible to maximize their own profits. This is not acceptable and cannot be allowed to continue. We must ensure that delivery workers are guaranteed a minimum wage.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 2:23pm
  • Walter

    I don’t agree with getting paid fifty cents, I want to be paid hourly. The pay lately has been so low. I’m on board for getting paid $17.96 per hour. I have too many expenses to accept such low orders. Those orders that pay pennies are just not cutting it anymore. This law is long past due. When are the changes in hourly pay going to be implemented? It’s dragging at this point.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 2:23pm
  • Regina

    It’s crucial that delivery workers get a minimum wage. They’re an important backbone of the restaurant industry but suffer some of the most egregious harms – facing thefts and violence, lacking full employee protections, and encouraged to risk their own and others’ safety in order to make enough money to survive. Delivery workers should be able to work with dignity, which includes setting a minimum wage paid by the apps that profit off of them.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 3:08pm
  • Pushpa Bhat

    Delivery workers are essential to this city and deserve minimum wage protection. It really isn’t much more complicated than that.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 3:13pm
  • Jesse Litvin

    Delivering things is a job and should be compensated fairly!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 3:16pm
  • Alexander Schaefer

    I fully support the demand that delivery workers be protected by pay minimums as other workers are.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 3:41pm
  • Shireen

    I strongly support a minimum wage for food delivery workers! They have done essential work throughout the pandemic and face numerous pressures without adequate pay and protections.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 3:51pm
  • J.

    I stand with Los Deliveristas. Pass these rules. Delivery apps will survive. Fair pay now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 3:58pm
  • Derrick Holman

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who keep New York City fed, keep countless small businesses afloat, and who enable businesses (including the major food delivery apps and others) to function throughout the five boroughs and beyond. I have worked as a delivery worker and regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve fair and equitable living wages to support themselves and their families. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a reasonable minimum pay.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 4:21pm
  • Amy Cohen

    See enclosed testimony.

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 7, 2023 4:27pm
  • Edwin Houghton

    I’m a native New Yorker and current Brooklyn resident who is extremely grateful for the delivery workers who allowed us to stay safe and feed our families during the pandemic. Even post-COVID, I don’t know how I would be able to maintain without food delivery services like Seamless and Door Dash and personally I can’t believe that New York food delivery workers aren’t guaranteed a live-able minimum wage in 2023. The Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021 is deeply disappointing and I urge the City to stop needless delays and guarantee these essential workers a living wage ASAP.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 4:46pm
  • Cédric Gottfrried

    Delivery workers should of course been paid a minimum wage, it’s absurd that it isn’t the case yet! Their work is dangerous and difficult and lives are at risks because of the pressure they receive from the delivery companies who have no consideration for them. A decent minimum wage would be not only a social justice policy, but also public safety one.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 5:04pm
  • Eric McClure

    My name is Eric McClure, and I am submitting this comment on behalf of StreetsPAC, a political action committee and advocacy organization that promotes safe-streets policies in New York City, and for which I serve as Executive Director.

    New York City’s 65,000 delivery workers are essential workers who keep the local economy humming while performing one of the most difficult and dangerous jobs in the city.

    Deliveristas work long hours in all weather conditions, have to supply their own equipment (an e-bike can cost several thousand dollars, and unscrupulous vendors don’t hesitate to sell unsuspecting delivery workers devices that are not legal to operate in New York City), face constant dangers from drivers of cars and trucks on streets that frequently do not offer any type of physical protection, and have regularly been the victims of targeted robberies that too often turn violent or even deadly, all while earning, on average, pay that is substantially below the local minimum wage.

    Delivery workers kept their fellow New Yorkers fed and the city’s restaurants in business during the long pandemic lockdown, and continue to perform a vital and irreplaceable role in the city’s restaurant economy.

    At the same time, they work by and large at the whim of app companies that reap the vast majority of delivery-based profits while subjecting delivery workers to challenging and often impossible conditions in a clearly exploitative labor dynamic.

    We implore the DCWP to adopt a $28 minimum wage, and to do so without any further, unlawful delay, or phase-in period, and without any “multi-apping” reduction, to ensure that the city’s delivery workers are fairly compensated for the vital role they play in New York City’s economy.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 5:08pm
  • Chris

    Workers must be compensated, and I support expanding these minimum wage rules. However, creating separate minimum wages for different work is a bit unfair. Expenses should be covered, and tipped income counted. I think wanting the higher wage could work if it came alongside a rule that mandated license plates and insurance for ebike drivers, who frequently ride on the sidewalk, endangering pedestrians, and going the wrong way up a street in order to make these food deliveries. An increase should come with increased public safety standards.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 5:24pm
  • Jeremiah Blatz

    I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 5:38pm
  • Juan Lema

    We deserve $24 per hour we have to deal with many inconveniences all days , crazy drivers, the weather, also pay bills, gas, insurance etc. And now specially because everything cost more!!!!!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 5:44pm
  • Gabriel

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. I regularly use food delivery apps – such as Doordash, Uber Eats and GrubHub – and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support themselves and their families. I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay., We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 5:45pm
  • James Porter

    I urge the DCWP to enact this rule and protect some of the most vital and under appreciated workers in the city. The right to a minimum wage was decided decades ago, let’s make it happen for delivery workers today.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 5:55pm
  • Pedro Rodriguez

    I am writing in support of fair wages for deliveristas. I use delivery services quite often and I want to ensure that the workers are not just safe but well paid. They provide a great service to the city and should be compensated for it.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:06pm
  • Javier Silva

    Deliveristas deserve a just pay of at least minimum wage plus tips.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:13pm
  • Alexander P. Mozeak

    $19 is not a livable wage. The essential delivery workers who make our work and home lives easier deserve to be able to put food on their own tables and house their own families. The original floor rate already approved by the Council is the bare minimum of what they should be paid. If a company can’t afford to pay that, the market dictates that they shouldn’t offer delivery.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:17pm
  • Walter Floyd

    Fair wages for all!

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:18pm
  • Gustavo Rivera, NYS Senator

    I’m grateful for the delivery workers who kept New York City fed and countless small businesses afloat during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak by enabling people like me to stay safe at home. So many of the Bronx constituents I represent in the 33rd Senate District were essential workers who showed up during the height of the pandemic, particularly delivery workers that traversed the City day in and day out despite extreme conditions, demanding work, and in too many cases, exploitative practices by employers and contractors. As a State Senator and as a New Yorker, it is unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage to support themselves, their families, and our communities.

    I’m deeply disappointed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from essential delivery workers who rely on tips. There’s no more time for delay. I stand with delivery workers in urging you to ensure that they are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment attachment
    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:20pm
  • Michael Beltzer

    Back pay is owed to workers from 1/1/23.
    The wage should be the original proposed rate or higher.
    Pay must be offered for waiting time.
    There must be rules against gating and lockouts.
    Choice must still be allowed as a matter of safety and fairness. A driver mustn’t be forced to take a far trip at the end of their shift or head to an area or address that makes them feel unsafe.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:21pm
  • Andre Vincent

    App companies might try to pit customers against workers against small businesses, but we see through their broken logic. If they have the ability to gate access, curtail active time, or direct deliveristas out of hot zones – even through a mechanized management layer like an app “platform” – then those workers aren’t independent contractors, they’re EMPLOYEES. In any case, they make these companies billions, and the companies can afford to pay the higher minimum wage (NOT the new, lower proposal). If they want access to NYC’s consumer market, they need to adapt to survive here.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:28pm
  • Darren Goldner

    Eric Adams,

    Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve a fair wage. Don’t cut the minimum wage they rightfully won and deserve. $24 per hour is the floor.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:40pm
  • Annemarie Van Doren

    Delivery workers deserve fair wages for their labor. The current wages they receive are wildly low, especially considering the uncertain weather, uncertain job descriptions, uncertain tips and unforgiving conditions (no or low access to bathrooms, rest, unconducive laws for e-bikes, disproportionate ticketing, etc). I stand with workers for the proposed wage increases.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:41pm
  • Stevie Borrello

    It is outrageous that deliveristas still do not have a fair minimum wage. I am sure most everyone in the mayor’s office has ordered food delivery and taken advantage what these workers hustle day in and day out to provide the simple convenience to all of us New Yorkers. They deserve at least $20 minimum wage for all they do and risking their lives every day they get on those bikes. They shouldn’t be relying on tips that they so rarely get on orders as well (or even get stolen from them by restaurants at times). Please do right by these workers that are part of the backbone of NYC and pay them a fair and livable wage.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 6:48pm
  • Carrie Cella

    Delivery workers deserve a living wage. Stop letting them be exploited.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 7:17pm
  • Rory Santaloci

    Food delivery workers deserve fair pay from the third party services they work for. The delivery workers were on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, risking their lives to feed the rest of us New Yorkers.

    I regularly use food delivery apps such as Seamless and I believe it’s unacceptable that New York City’s food delivery workers still aren’t guaranteed a minimum wage. Delivery workers, like all workers, deserve living wages to support their families.

    I’m deeply disappointed by the Dept of Consumer and Worker Protection’s decision to reissue the draft rule for implementation of Local Law 115 of 2021. This decision is causing unnecessary delays and withholding at least five months of pay from these workers who rely on tips.

    There’s no more time for delay. We must ensure that delivery workers are given a minimum wage now.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 7:28pm
  • Tim Thomas

    A minimum wage is necessary for workers to survive the cost of living crisis. Delivery workers are a vital life line in this city, and deserve full worker protections and pay. I stand with them in fight for the Minimum Pay for Food Delivery Workers law.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 7:59pm
  • Kinsey Cantrell

    Pay the deliveristas a living wage! They are a vital part of the economic ecosystem of our city and deserve full support and receipt of the wages they are owed.

    Comment added April 7, 2023 8:05pm