Community Hiring Rules
Rule status: Adopted
Agency: OCH
Effective date: January 23, 2025
Proposed Rule Full Text
Adopted Rule Full Text
Hearing transcript
Adopted rule summary:
Pursuant to the authority vested in accordance with Section 3502 of the New York City Charter, the Director of the Office of Community Hiring and Workforce Development (OCH) adopts the new title 74 of the Rules of the City of New York for the implementation of community hiring. These rules set forth the requirements and procedures for Community Hiring that would leverage the City’s purchasing power to require contractors and subcontractors to make best efforts to employ low-income individuals and residents of economically disadvantaged communities.
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Online comments: 4
How can non profits be added to the directory of approved “referral sources”.
Lourdes Nanong
This great initiative, if managed well l, could definitely help close economic gaps and boos employment in communities that need it the most.
REGINALD H. BOWMAN Chairman Brooklyn East District Council, NYCHA
Tuesday November 12, 2024
To Whom It May Concern:
We, the Public Housing Residents of the Brownsville Community, respectfully submit this Letter of Support and Comment regarding the proposed rules for the operation of the Office of Community Hiring and Workforce Development.
First, it is a matter of public record that the original framework for the Workforce Development Project was conceived and proposed for legislation by local minority-owned businesses and community-based organizations rooted in Brownsville. This history underscores the importance of maintaining the project’s focus on empowering and benefiting the communities that contributed to its inception.
Second, we emphasize the need for a collaborative partnership between the Office of Community Hiring and Workforce Development and local organizations. Specifically, we call for a formal partnership with the Central Brooklyn Economic Development Corporation (CBEDC) to ensure that the program effectively serves the residents of public housing developments and the broader local community. CBEDC’s established track record of community engagement and workforce development uniquely positions it to play a vital role in achieving the program’s goals.
Finally, we respectfully request that our comments and suggestions be incorporated into the creation of the new rules governing the Office of Community Hiring and Workforce Development. Ensuring that community input is reflected in the final framework is critical to building a program that genuinely addresses the needs of the people it is intended to serve.
Thank you for considering our input and for your ongoing efforts to create opportunities for economically disadvantaged communities.
Reginald H. Bowman
On behalf of the Public Housing Residents of the Brownsville Community -
Felice Farber
Comment added November 13, 2024 10:07am