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Child Day Care Performance Summary Cards

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Rule status: Adopted

Agency: DOHMH

Effective date: March 24, 2022

Proposed Rule Full Text

Adopted Rule Full Text

Adopted rule summary:

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is amending Chapter 3 of Title 24 of the Rules of the City of New York to modify the contents of the performance summary card. The revised performance summary card will more effectively communicate important information summarizing the child care program’s performance. Numerous fields that were part of the initial card are being redesigned to improve clarity. The data that is displayed will be available on the Department’s website, and the revised card will provide information on how to access the website.

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Online comments: 7

  • Theresa Rucker

    The penalty for not posting said summary card isn’t fair. The agency currently doesn’t provide a summary card to agency after an initial inspection. When you request one it doesn’t come or you have to make several attempts to get one. I still have a summary card posted since 2019 and I’ve been inspected twice.
    So either this practice has to improve or not be implemented to charge the provider for the agency lack of following through.

    Comment added October 23, 2021 10:29am
  • The Little Learning Center

    The performance card is not meaningful.

    1) The performance was posted by the entrance but nobody (parents/teacchcers/visiters) is looking at it at all.
    2) The information on the card is not updated coordinately when school information (capacity, violations) is updated on DOH system
    3) No organization is responsible for managing the card and update the info on there. We asked the DOH consultant where we could request an updated one. They said we should receive an updated one every year. That is not making sense at at.

    If anyone do need to look up the school information, Child Care Connet is a better platform to go and always most updated.

    Comment added October 26, 2021 4:49pm
  • The Little Learning Center II

    Based on the experience posting the performance card, we found this card is not very useful.

    The performance was posted by the entrance all the time but no one was really reading it and took it seriously. The information on the card is not updated as well. Like the capacity and violations. When our school information was updated with the DOHMH, it was never reflected on the performance card.

    This system is not really worth maintaining or even keeping it. Thank you.

    Comment added October 26, 2021 4:54pm
  • Child Care

    We don’t receive a card every year so it doesn’t make sense to require child care centers to post something that they don’t necessarily have.

    Comment added October 28, 2021 10:54am
  • Anna Ellis Nesser

    The information included on the card and in the assessment its self should be items that allow the DOH to provide fair support that keeps children safe and supports programs and providers to offer healthy learning environments. This means that the system behind the assessment must also provide this support with resources and equitable access to information.

    Comment added November 1, 2021 1:00pm
  • Melissa Quinones

    The performance card has lost it’s meaning. It is just an item from a checklist an inspector has to check off. The penalty is not fair. The system and steps we need to follow to request a new performance card is not straight forward and feels like jumping through hoops. Although they are posted in the front, no one looks at them since all the information can be found online.
    They should be sent automatically (without us having to request them, we do a lot in a day already!) after each inspection for it to be truly accurate, or be removed completely.

    Comment added November 3, 2021 10:38am
  • Katrina Green

    The DOH does not send updated summary cards when a) information on the card changes or b) annually.

    I have a summary card from 2018 in my window that doesn’t even have the correct information on it, and no inspector since then has ever mentioned it.

    It does not make sense to penalize centers for a practice that the DOH does not keep up to date, does not inspect, and does not seem to monitor in any kind of meaningful way.

    Comment added November 8, 2021 3:18pm